1、 中国海洋大学博士学位论文以高技术为支撑的农工一体化循环经济发展模式研究-以山东龙力生物科技有限公司为例姓名:程少博申请学位级别:博士专业:农业经济管理指导教师:权锡鉴2011-05成一个闭环的绿色供应链。农工一体化循环经济组织可分为紧密型、半紧密型和松散型三种。紧密型农工一体化循环经济组织主要指由核心企业投资组成的在生态产业链条上的一组企业,它们之间是靠产权连接的,这一组企业可以是某企业独立投资形成的,也可以是核心企业控股,或者是核心企业参股的,这组企业也可以看成是核心企业的纵向一体化。半紧密型农工一体化循环经济组织指的是企业间通过合同连接,即农产品生产者与农产品加工者、农产品销售者三者之间
6、来”为核心理念,以“有限循环一体化、业务单元专业化”为发展原则,形成了科学的战略定位。同时,灵活高效的产学研合作提供的技术支撑,企业文化建设和人力资源管理的密切配合,共同促成了龙力公司有效的总体运营模式,并为公司赢得了竞争优势。以高技术为支撑的农工一体化循环经济发展模式,带动了农业产业链和农业发展方式的转变,促进了农业集约化生产和规模化经营,推动了现代城镇经济发展模式的建立,这一发展模式为“三农”问题的解决、为推动农村城镇化建设与发展提供了有益的启示。关键词:农工一体化;循环经济;发展模式;高技术;龙力公司IIIAbstractThe developing direction of our c
7、ountrys rural society is to realize thecommercialization of agricultural products, the industrialization of agriculture and theurbanization of rural areas. During these developing processes, in order to lead thecircular economy development into rural and urban areas economic development, oneimportan
8、t aspect is how to link agricultural economy and industrial economy andbuild the agribusiness integration developing mode of circular economy, and thisdeveloping mode should based on high technology, only in this way can realize thesustainable development of rural and urban areas economy. LongLi bio
9、technologylimited company of Shandong province makes good use of local maize and corncob,by introducing and developing high and new biotechnology to productoligosaccharide, xylitol, polyxylose, and a variety of derivative products, and theyrecycle the waste residue as fuel to generate electricity or
10、 use them for cultivation, thewaste residue could also be used as fertilizer, by this way, so this company developeda particular circular agribusiness economy developing mode which is based on hightechnology. Taking Longli biotechnology limited company of Shandong province asan example and to study
11、the circular agribusiness economy developing mode, it hasimportant practical value to solve the issues of agriculture farmer and rural areas, tobuild new villages and urban economys developing mode and to accelerate the ruraleconomys sustainable development. At the same time, it will be useful to de
12、velop thetheory of our countrys agricultural circular economy and develop new research field.In structure, this paper is made of ten chapters, and it could be divided into foursections. The first three chapters are theory analysis, firstly this paper introduces thereasons of selecting this research
13、and the historical research backgrounds, and it alsointroduces the basic situation and standpoints, as well as the research contents,methods, the technical route and the innovations and the problems still to be studied.On this basis, this paper elaborated the related theories about agricultural circ
14、ulareconomy, analyzed the form of the theory of circular economy, and this theorysoperation mechanism, technical support and management structure, and this paperIValso discusses the necessities and feasibilities to develop the circular agribusinesseconomy, according to the characteristics of agricul
15、ture, this paper introduces therequirements, general mode and supporting systems. The fourth and fifth chapters aresystem analysis. This section researched the circular agribusiness economy as a wholething, and it analyzed the high technology supporting system, and according to theform paradigm “fac
16、tors-structure-function” of system theory, this section analyzed theelement chain(resources, technology), structure chain(process) and functionchain(value), which supporting the circular agribusiness economy, and this sectionalso explore its management mode. The sixth, seventh and eighth chapters ar
17、edemonstration. Taking Longli biotechnology limited company as an example, this partresearched its developing process to realize circular agribusiness economy from theview of the industrial chain of circular economy, high technology systems andoperation models. The ninth and tenth chapters are norma
18、tive analysis, based on theformer analysis; this part evaluated the value and effect of circular agribusiness andsummarized the main research conclusion. Through this paper, we get these followingconclusions:From the meaning of circular agribusiness economy, it is started from agricultureand combine
19、 agriculture industrialization and industrial ecology, and it is a closingmaterials cycle and resources circulate which is moving according the regular patternof natural ecology system and energy flow mode. Its characteristics are:it is closedin agriculture and industry, and its staring point is the
20、 green plants to transform solarpower into chemical energy, and it realized the use of power by the supporting of hightechnology. The circular agribusiness economy combines agricultureindustrialization and industrial ecology, and its goal is to use resources effectively andcircularly, its principles
21、 are “3R (reduce, reusing, recycling)”, so it extendsagricultures postpartum chain and combined with industrial ecology.Circularagribusiness economy links different parts of agriculture and combines agricultureand industry, and formed a closed green supply chain.From the view of organization, the ci
22、rcular agribusiness can be divided into close,half close and loose mode. Close circular agribusiness organization means severalVenterprises which is made up of core enterprises and in the ecology chain, they arelinked by property right, the core enterprises could be formed by a companysindependent i
23、nvestment and it also could be controlled by a core enterprise, or it isshared by a core company, or we may regard it as the core enterprises verticalintegration. Half close circular agribusiness organization refers to the companieswhich united by contract, specifically, it means that the agricultur
24、al producers,agricultural producers and produce sellers coordinate their relations by contract, sothat increase and share profit. Loose circular agribusiness organization means thatcompany deal their business independently, their cooperation and coordination aretotally made by market mechanism.From
25、the view of operation safeguard mechanism, the form of operationmechanism of circular agribusiness is to guarantee the circulation of materials insystem, the order of energy circulation, realize the share of information. From theview of operation procedure in systems industry process, it should cont
26、ain partnersevaluation-choice mechanism, performance and supervision mechanism, incentiveand restraint mechanisms, conflict coordination mechanism and information sharingmechanism. Partners evaluation and choice mechanism is a kind of preventionsystem, performance and supervision mechanism, incentiv
27、e and restraint mechanismsand information sharing mechanism are a kind of matter execution mechanism, andconflict coordination mechanism belongs to a kind of afterward remedy mechanism.From the view of circular synergy, the core of circular agribusiness is “circular”,it emphasizes the resources shou
28、ld be circular used in various links in socialreproduction system , so it is important to make good use of resources; and the key is“resource”, the link companies in circular agribusiness should be integrated accordingthe contract, so that to enhance the holding of resources; Technology is security,
29、 itsadvantages are it could promote the transformation between science and achievements,so that to improve the efficiency of agricultural production and promote the progressof agricultural science and technology. Performance is the “effect”, it includecrosswise integration of the economies of scale
30、effect, vertical integration ofeconomies of scope and regional integration of industry cluster effect.VIFrom the view of technology, the circular agribusiness economy which is basedon high technology give us a new developing mode, therefore, to some extent,technology is the key point for the develop
31、ment of circular economy. However, it isnot only a technical problem to develop circular agribusiness economy, and it cant berealized only by a microcosmic economic body, it need a system of conditions toguarantee. For example, the maturity and adaptability of using circular technology, theconstrain
32、t degree of resource supply, the scale of production, the concentration degreeof industry and the governments regulation to protect environment.The development of circular agribusiness economy of Longli biotechnologylimited companyof Shandong province underwent the form of germination,preliminary fo
33、rmation and perfection. The fore-end of this companys circularagribusiness economy is corn planting, the industrial production of functional sugarand the recycle of corncob, with the project of fertilizer back to field, and they formedthe closed circular economy chain. This companys developing mode
34、linkedagriculture and industry perfectly, it realized resources comprehensive use by theexploration of corn and corncob, extend of agricultural chain and biotechnology.In the development of Longli biotechnology limited companys circularagribusiness economy, biotechnology is playing an important role
35、. Some hightechnology in the process of production promoted Longli Companys circulareconomy industrial chain. The specific analysis about ethanols production byindustrial fiber waste with biotechnology proved that Longli Company realized thefull use of resources and the environments coordinated deve
36、lopment.The operation management of Longli biotechnology limited company ofShandong province totally agreed with the circular agribusiness economy which isbased on high technology, directed by forming corn industrial chain, oriented by“green and circular ”, centered by the theory of “circular develo
37、pment, healthy future”,principled by “limited circulated circulation, specialized business unit ”, in this way,this company realized the integration of production, education and research, the closecooperation between company culture development and human resourcesmanagement, they formed Longli compa
38、nys operation mode together and they gainVIIthe competitive advantages for the company.Longli companys developing mode accelerate the transform of agricultureindustrial chain and agricultural development mode, promote the Agriculturalintensification production and scale management, as well as the es
39、tablishment ofmodern agriculture industrial system, and this mode is useful to solve the issues ofagriculture, farm and rural areas, it provide the beneficial revelation for the ruralareas urbanization and development, its developing experiences is worth learning andextending.Kyewords: agribusiness,
40、 circular economy, developing mode, hightechnology, Longli CompanyVIII独 创 声 明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下 进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中 特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中 不 包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不 包含未获得 (注:如没有其他需要特别声明的,本栏可空)或其他教育机构的学位或证书使用过的材料。与 我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中 作了明确的说明并表示谢意。学位论文作者签名: 签字日期: 年 月 日-学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学
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48、从根本上解决“三农”问题、建立新的农村和城镇经济发展模式、推动农村经济可持续发展,2以高技术为支撑的农工一体化循环经济发展模式研究以山东龙力生物科技有限公司为例具有重要的实践价值。同时,研究以高技术为支撑的农工一体化循环经济发展模式,也有助于进一步丰富发展循环经济理论,因为,对于“高技术循环经济”问题目前理论界尚缺乏必要的研究。1.2 国内外研究现状与动态 1.2.1 农业循环经济思想的历史演进循环经济思想肇始于人们对生态环境,尤其是对农业生态环境的关切。1962年美国生物学家蕾切尔卡逊(Rachel Carson)出版了寂寞的春天一书,指出了农业生产中不合理的农药使用引起的严重生态环境危害,
49、提出解决危机的可行办法是选择发展循环经济。1965年和1966年美国学者博尔丁(KennethEwertBoulding)接连发表两篇影响深远的论文(EarthasaSpaceship;TheEconomicsof the Coming Spaceship Earth),认为地球就像太空中飞行的宇宙飞船,其生存是以不断消耗有限的资源为基础的,如果不合理地开发资源,环境将遭到破坏,地球就会不可避免地走向毁灭。鉴于此他提出了“物质闭环流动型经济”,即循环经济的理念。上世纪80年代,循环经济理论日益成熟,逐渐为人们所接受并迅速在国外付诸实践。90年代循环经济思想传入我国,目前循环经济的定义众多,影响较大的是由马凯提出的定义:循环经济是一种以资源的高效利用和循环利用为核心,以“简量化、再利