1、of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Implement the scientific concept of development and first
2、 implementation of people-oriented requirements. Office of the Party Committee of this years work, we have to firmly establish the idea of people-oriented philosophy, richness of understanding the people-oriented, seriously implement people-oriented requirements correctly grasping the practice of pe
3、ople-oriented, through people-oriented “three services“ working process, pushing the city Party Committee Office work to a new level. Investee (b) investee by people-oriented, in the final analysis is centred, human premise, a human-powered, human purpose. People-oriented thinking long. As early as
4、the spring and Autumn period of more than 2000 years ago, Qi Guan Zhong: “overlord of the beginning, and people-oriented. Principle of the solid. “For thousands of years, traditional Chinese political culture there is a wide variety of people-oriented thought. Pan Gengs “people“ to the Duke of Zhous
5、 “protect“ and then to Confucius “man“, from his “your KingLight “to the idea of“ Grand boat water “and then to advocate since the Han and Tang dynasties“ nation “, these useful idea is, is the country of the people, political sources. The rulers of “people“, the “San Zhi bei yan“; the rulers of “th
6、in people“, then “died suddenly“. The West ever since the Renaissance, it is because of the rise of humanism, really started to self awareness, self discovery and self-reflection. Predecessors in criticism of Marx and Engels thought on the basis of the outcome of, according to the great discovery of
7、 historical materialism, reveals the true nature of human existence, the ideology was essential and strongly suggests, as provided. In 1894, the Engels from Marxs writings, singled out his favorite passage for the new century weekly solemn inscriptions: “there, the free development of each is the fr
8、ee development of all people“. In modern society, people-oriented thinking more and more attention. People generally regard it as a kind of economic and social development, a principle, a requirement, as a need to maintain the interest of the people of, a pursuit, a purpose. This idea was praised, w
9、ith the profound connotation and practical significance. Investee 1. people answering epistemological questions and answered the questions of methodology. People contains a profound philosophical, epistemological and methodological significance of science. Known as epistemology, refers to the theori
10、es on the relationship between knowledge and practice. In the view of Marx and Engels, “man is mans world, is the State, society, and history writers and characters. “In other words, the world is one world, society is human society. We know the society, starting from the people to observe; we know t
11、he practice, from the people to study; we knew Office work, from the people who set out to explore. Ignoring this, will she seekend to form a proper understanding. Methodology refers to methods of knowing the world, transforming the worlds theory. Historical materialism tells us that social developm
12、ent, leave is impossible; all social progress, leaving people unable to achieve. We do anything, must first of all take into account the human factor, to find ways to give full play to the initiative and human creativity, mobilizing peoples enthusiasm. This is the result of numerous historical pract
13、ice of most of the scientific method. Emperor Taizong“The world of excellence into my opponent“ and “Zhenguan rule“, Qing Zeng Guofan to “more aides for the first prerequisite“ Zhong XING Ming Chen, are insisting on methodology of successful models. Promoting the reform and development, construction
14、 of well-off, more demands that we as a people-oriented scientific method. We do work in the countryside, it is necessary to put farmers first we engage in State-owned enterprise reform, we must regard expanding employment as an important goal we created urban, optimization-Habitat environment must
15、be pursued. Promotion Office, too, only mans subject status, to achieve rapid development. Investee 2. people who responded to the question, and replied to questions depending on who. Who issues, is concerned with the problem of the ruling party; depending on who issues are questions relating to the
16、 source of power of the ruling party. Look at the trend of the world, throughout the ages, no partys fate was not to be dominated by people, no Albert is not driven by the people of a nation. Our party has always attached importance to people, caring for people, his people as the coldest winter, par
17、ents of people as their own, but there were also some in adhere to people-oriented bias, war “sufan expansion“ peacetime “cultural revolution“, has caused a great loss to the revolution and construction. Through history, our party proved that when people, caring for people, and along the way there i
18、s a powerful force; when to ignore peoples thinking, to ignore the interests and needs of the people, the partys cause will suffer setbacks. People-oriented, power for the people, this is the most fundamental rules governing laws, large and small, every aspect is also ruling is the most essential re
19、quirements. Set up the people-oriented concept of governance, requires us to establish the main position, everything for the masses, rely on the masses, and consciously do right for the people, show concern for the benefit of people and bring benefit to the people, real people as masters of the coun
20、try, construction of the main body and the cause of main. From this perspective, adhere to the people-oriented and that is power for the people is to uphold the mass viewpoint and the mass line of the party. Office work is serving the overall work of the party. Only around the service objects, servi
21、ce, relying on the service principal to the service in order to Shun Water push the boat, a long-term perspective, creating impressive performance. Investee 3. people responded to a question of values, again answering Outlook on questions. Values and Outlook are an organic unity, and Outlook影响中国经济增长
22、因素分析综述组长:王芷萱、张雪莲 组员:颜亚慧、陈璐、徐琪、王珺瑶、陆杨、陈思苑、潘小丽、赵颖南通大学商学院摘要:改革开放 30 年来,中国的 GDP 每年以 9%左右的速度递增,中国经济已成为世界经济发展的亮点。2009 年,中国在抵御百年不遇的金融危机中,经受住严峻的考验,经济走出谷底,呈现出典型的“V 字型”回升。中国经济在总体向好的同时,2011 年面临着更加复杂的形势,中国经济面临诸多的不确定性,宏观经济形势异常复杂。本文拟对中国经济高速增长的诸多原因做一简要综述,并对影响中国经济继续增长的因素提出管窥之见。关键词:中国经济 增长因素 综述众所周知,30 年来中国的 GDP 每年以
23、9%左右的速度递增,这种经济的高速增长举世瞩目。理论界不少学者对中国经济持续快速增长的原因做了各不相同的分析。现对中国经济高速增长的诸多原因做一简要综述,因学识所限,归纳难免疏漏,请专家斧正。(一)高投资率和较高的资本积累率是实现经济增长的基本保证。1、高投资率与经济增长很多专家认为,投资驱动型增长是中国经济增长的显著特征。投资包含了外商直接投资、政府财政投资和私人投资。很多文献用实证分析了外商直接投资不仅使中国人均资本积累率大幅度增加,而且也使中国技术的管理水平有了长足的进步,从而有力地推动了中国经济的增长 【18】 。近年来中国一直奉行积极的财政政策,政府在基础设施上的投资不断增加,带动了
24、相关产业的产出增加。随着我国西部大开发战略的开始实施,一系列经济优惠政策开始倾斜。如果说东部地区是中国改革开放前 20 年经济持续增长的龙头,那么今后若干年经济高速增长的“领骑衫”应归属于中西部地区。中国从此将实现地区经济全面持续高增长。有数据表明,到 2002 年,私人投资对经济增长的贡献率已达到 20%左右 【1】 。长达 20 多年的高储蓄率和高投资率是支撑中国经济高增长的主要原因,中国经济的高增长主要依赖于投资的超高增长。有资料显示,19782002 年,我国全社会固定资产投资实际年均增长 11%,比经济增长速度高 1.7 个百分点,投资率平均为 36%左右,尤其在经济扩张期投资率往往
25、超过 40%。可见资本的快速积累即固定资产投资规模的扩大是中国经济增长的主要原因 【2】 。改革开放以来,资本投入对总产出的推动作用超过其他要素的总和,达到 56.3。在未来 10 年20 年中,资本贡献度将超过 60,成为我国经济持续增长的重要原因 【3】 。2、劳动力、人力资本积累与经济增长在生产过程中,人力资本同物质资本及其他生产要素一样,缺一不可。技术知识的创新与运用,最终是在人力资本的掌控之下完成的。人力资本是经济发展的真正源泉,而高素质人才则是经济发展的主动力 【4】 。of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-
26、round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Implement the scientific concept of development and first implementation of people-oriented requirements. Office
27、of the Party Committee of this years work, we have to firmly establish the idea of people-oriented philosophy, richness of understanding the people-oriented, seriously implement people-oriented requirements correctly grasping the practice of people-oriented, through people-oriented “three services“
28、working process, pushing the city Party Committee Office work to a new level. Investee (b) investee by people-oriented, in the final analysis is centred, human premise, a human-powered, human purpose. People-oriented thinking long. As early as the spring and Autumn period of more than 2000 years ago
29、, Qi Guan Zhong: “overlord of the beginning, and people-oriented. Principle of the solid. “For thousands of years, traditional Chinese political culture there is a wide variety of people-oriented thought. Pan Gengs “people“ to the Duke of Zhous “protect“ and then to Confucius “man“, from his “your K
30、ingLight “to the idea of“ Grand boat water “and then to advocate since the Han and Tang dynasties“ nation “, these useful idea is, is the country of the people, political sources. The rulers of “people“, the “San Zhi bei yan“; the rulers of “thin people“, then “died suddenly“. The West ever since th
31、e Renaissance, it is because of the rise of humanism, really started to self awareness, self discovery and self-reflection. Predecessors in criticism of Marx and Engels thought on the basis of the outcome of, according to the great discovery of historical materialism, reveals the true nature of huma
32、n existence, the ideology was essential and strongly suggests, as provided. In 1894, the Engels from Marxs writings, singled out his favorite passage for the new century weekly solemn inscriptions: “there, the free development of each is the free development of all people“. In modern society, people
33、-oriented thinking more and more attention. People generally regard it as a kind of economic and social development, a principle, a requirement, as a need to maintain the interest of the people of, a pursuit, a purpose. This idea was praised, with the profound connotation and practical significance.
34、 Investee 1. people answering epistemological questions and answered the questions of methodology. People contains a profound philosophical, epistemological and methodological significance of science. Known as epistemology, refers to the theories on the relationship between knowledge and practice. I
35、n the view of Marx and Engels, “man is mans world, is the State, society, and history writers and characters. “In other words, the world is one world, society is human society. We know the society, starting from the people to observe; we know the practice, from the people to study; we knew Office wo
36、rk, from the people who set out to explore. Ignoring this, will she seekend to form a proper understanding. Methodology refers to methods of knowing the world, transforming the worlds theory. Historical materialism tells us that social development, leave is impossible; all social progress, leaving p
37、eople unable to achieve. We do anything, must first of all take into account the human factor, to find ways to give full play to the initiative and human creativity, mobilizing peoples enthusiasm. This is the result of numerous historical practice of most of the scientific method. Emperor Taizong“Th
38、e world of excellence into my opponent“ and “Zhenguan rule“, Qing Zeng Guofan to “more aides for the first prerequisite“ Zhong XING Ming Chen, are insisting on methodology of successful models. Promoting the reform and development, construction of well-off, more demands that we as a people-oriented
39、scientific method. We do work in the countryside, it is necessary to put farmers first we engage in State-owned enterprise reform, we must regard expanding employment as an important goal we created urban, optimization-Habitat environment must be pursued. Promotion Office, too, only mans subject sta
40、tus, to achieve rapid development. Investee 2. people who responded to the question, and replied to questions depending on who. Who issues, is concerned with the problem of the ruling party; depending on who issues are questions relating to the source of power of the ruling party. Look at the trend
41、of the world, throughout the ages, no partys fate was not to be dominated by people, no Albert is not driven by the people of a nation. Our party has always attached importance to people, caring for people, his people as the coldest winter, parents of people as their own, but there were also some in
42、 adhere to people-oriented bias, war “sufan expansion“ peacetime “cultural revolution“, has caused a great loss to the revolution and construction. Through history, our party proved that when people, caring for people, and along the way there is a powerful force; when to ignore peoples thinking, to
43、ignore the interests and needs of the people, the partys cause will suffer setbacks. People-oriented, power for the people, this is the most fundamental rules governing laws, large and small, every aspect is also ruling is the most essential requirements. Set up the people-oriented concept of govern
44、ance, requires us to establish the main position, everything for the masses, rely on the masses, and consciously do right for the people, show concern for the benefit of people and bring benefit to the people, real people as masters of the country, construction of the main body and the cause of main
45、. From this perspective, adhere to the people-oriented and that is power for the people is to uphold the mass viewpoint and the mass line of the party. Office work is serving the overall work of the party. Only around the service objects, service, relying on the service principal to the service in o
46、rder to Shun Water push the boat, a long-term perspective, creating impressive performance. Investee 3. people responded to a question of values, again answering Outlook on questions. Values and Outlook are an organic unity, and Outlook中国通过实行大力提高人力资本积累率的政策吸引国际资本;在国际贸易方面,集中有限的资源生产和出口具有人力资本优势的产品;同时,扩大
47、经济的开放度,引进外国的高新技术产品,掌握先进技术,从而提高我国劳动力素质并使其转化为人力资本进而实现经济增长。2009 年,15 岁以上人口的平均受教育期限超过了 8.5 年,新增劳动力的平均受教育年限超过了 11 年。这就意味着我国新增劳动力的知识结构已经由 20 世纪 90 年代以初中毕业为主转移到目前以高中毕业为主 【5】 。在经济增长中,劳动力的质量比劳动力的数量更重要。(二)加快技术转移与创新以及持续不断的学习是影响经济增长的关键。科学技术进步通常有两种实现方式:一是自己投资进行研究和开发;二是向其它国家学习和模拟,或花钱购买先进技术以实现本国的技术进步。自行投资搞开发成功率很低,
48、一般 90%以上的科研投资不会取得成果,而在取得成果的技术中仅有一部分具有商业价值。而模仿和购买高新技术所需成本就要低得多。中国作为发展中国家,同发达国家比较在科学技术上存在很大差距,具有后进优势,可以采用模仿、购买等手段实现技术进步。研究证明,这种方式其成本只有原来开发成本的 1/3 左右,更有利的是购买的技术 【1】 。有学者研究,我们国家在近 30 年的经济高速增长中,技术进步对经济增长的贡献率只有 10.13%。可见,技术进步对我国经济增长的贡献率还比较低,这一个数据不仅大大低于发达国家的 80%左右,而且低于亚洲新兴市场经济国家 【6】 。因此,较好利用技术转移与创新所形成的后发优势
49、是影响我国经济高速增长的关键 【13】 。(三)政府、宏观制度的变迁对国家经济的增长经济增长推动巨大。1、政府在我国经济增长中扮演着十分重要的角色。中国经济长期增长的主要动力来自于以改革开放为主要内容的总政策,它集中体现了政府发展经济的能力,同时也是政府权力的主要表现形式,即在总政策约束下的政府权力及其运用是推动并保证中国经济长期增长的一个主要动力 【7】 【8】 。在我国经济增长的过程中,政府的职能由浅层、次浅层、最深层到外延层分别应是制定游戏规则和保护产权、弥补市场失灵和强化宏观调控、消除经济改革的阻碍与对抗以及协调国际经济活动、维护国家经济利益,为我国经济增长创造良好的国际国内环境 【10】 。有学者研究,中国制度变迁导致了中国的经济增长。中国制度变迁历经 30 年,它是制度演化而不是制度变革,演化过程的竞争和自然选择成就了企业的效率,激活了微观经济并使财富持续增加,推动了中国经济的增长 【9】 。(四)人口因素、老龄化、收入分配、消费率对国家经济的增长具有很大影响。1、 传统观点认为人口增长对人均资本收入是负相关的。但大多数关于人口和经济增长的实证分析并没有证实这种负相关关系。实际上,在短期和中期人口增长对经济增长率的影响极小或没有影响,而从长期看,人口增长可能对经济的快速发展有贡献 【1】 。of 16 ses