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1、exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued strict enforcement of labor protection articles, he

2、alth standards, and do a good job post workers labor protection wear, guaranteed post workers safety and health; 10, develop emergency plans and drills are regularly organized. Assistant Superintendent of security responsibilities 1, Director of the workshop on the safety of the unit responsible, De

3、puty Director in charge of business-wide security work; 2, seriously carry out the party and the countrys work safety laws, regulations, standards, and research on safety technology, exemplary in the implementation of operational procedures and Safety Manager. 10, develop emergency plans and drills

4、are regularly organized. Group leaders safety duties 1 and carry out business and workshop on safety instructions and requirements, the teams overall responsibility for the safety and personal safety and health of workers; 2 organize and participate in security activities, adhere to safety, before c

5、lass to check security, after summing up the security system; 3, responsible for new workers (including internships, accompanying staff) job safety, education and the right to stop without the third-level education and safety assessment of qualified workers operate independently; 4, found accidents

6、signs and accidents take effective measures to prevent the situation from expanding and reporting; shall immediately report the accident and organized rescue, protect the scene, make detailed records, participate in accident investigations, organize workers to analyze the cause of the accident, the

7、implementation of preventive measures; 5, engaging in obvious danger or serious violations of the employee shall be entitled to stop the operation of the procedures and arrangements post operator, report to the leadership; 6 so as to improve safety and fire fighting facilities, equipment inspections

8、 and maintenance work, remain flexible to use, check the worker reasonable use of personal protective equipment, and proper use of fire fighting equipment. 7, focus on team-building, improve management level of teams. Keep the work site tidy, clean, realization of civilization, and do ideological an

9、d political work team; 8 so as to improve track safety contest, commend the advanced experiences. Craft safety responsibilities 1, responsible for their own safety in the context of work, ensure the safety and reliability of the technical work. 2, is responsible for the preparation of technical spec

10、ifications for the units security and safety management system. In the preparation of start up, shut down, or when equipment maintenance, technical feasibility, to have reliable health and safety measures and inspection of the implementation. 3, in the area of staff security technique and safety tra

11、ining, organization of technical training activities, regular assessment. 4, often goes into the field to checkproduction safety situation, potential accident is discovered in time to propose measures to eliminate them, to stop illegal operations. Do not scatter in an emergency, to stop their work,

12、and to immediately report to the management. 5 participate in workshop equipment, changes in technology programme and review of roasting temperature curve is modified, to comply with safety requirements and product requirements. 6 participate in any accident investigation, analysis, and find out the

13、 reason, responsibility and come up with preventive measures, and shall promptly report to the leadership or authority. 7, making maintenance, shutdown, work programme, in particular when process changes, mapping work well before start. Level 1 employee safety responsibilities, conscientiously study

14、 the relevant safety instructions, rules and safety procedures, mastering the post operating rules; 2, must wear PPE as required operation, proper use and proper storage of protective equipment and fire-fighting equipment; 3, work will focus on safety, stable operation and strictly observe labour di

15、scipline and process discipline and conscientiously records, gang, leave, is strictly prohibited in the post, not sleeping, slapstick and other disciplinary matters, to discourage the illegal actions of others and . 2, responsible for fire analysis and enter the Tower, tanks of gas metering and anal

16、ysis data reported to the authorities. 3, responsible for accident investigation, statistics and reporting work. 1 electrical safety responsibilities, conscientiously study and abide by the safety rules and regulations, in strict compliance with the prohibitions and provisions of safety, perform gua

17、rd duties. 2, before the operation, wear appropriate PPE, implement security measures, issuing safety permits, inspection tools, instruments are in good condition. 3, any electrical appliance without inspection, shall be deemed to have access to electricity, is forbidden to touch. 4, electrical main

18、tenance, you must stop, cut off power, and hang up the “no close“ warning signs before they can work. 5, good job in electricity, maintenance records, easily lead to key parts of ongoing supervision and inspection of the accident.1、我的理想每个人心中都有自己五彩缤纷的梦,都有自己的理想。我,也不例外。我的理想是当一名老师。或许,你会说这个太普通了吧?但是,我不这样认



21、己花钱买的,可谓来源之广。这些书中,有教人如何维护自尊的简爱 ,有描述项羽夺权争霸的西楚霸王 ,有展现一代女皇风采的武则天世界名著固然精彩,包罗万象的杂志也令人爱不释手,我们看属于自己的女友 ,看描写我们的金色年华 。还看已经与我们擦肩而过的少男少女 ;心情不佳时去寻觅知音 。与人交往受挫时找做人与处世 ,在大众电影中目睹心中偶像的风采,在科幻世界中创造未来。一本好书在手,一切烦恼都抛于脑后,因为有书,午休看,晚睡也看,曾无数次打手电筒躲在被窝里看,甚至不惜冒险点起蜡烛也要看,经常因此而遭到宿舍检查人员三番五次的敲门警告。读了一本好书,总是希望有人与你分享。每天晚上的“卧谈”时间我们谈得最多的

22、也是书。我们评中国四大名著的文学价值,论柯林斯的成名之作白衣女人 ,辩黄埔将帅 ,析红与黑在文学上的地位 连作品中的主人公也要评头论足一番;我们谈吴三桂、评林黛玉、薜宝钗、赞武则天,骂慈禧太后,我们各抒已见,侃侃而谈,神采飞扬。古语说:书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。但我们读书既不求黄金屋,也不为颜如玉,我们求的是知识,一种在课堂上学不到的知识,用它来开拓我们的视野,武装我们的头脑,充实我们的精神世界。3、我尊敬的人每个人都有那么一个或几个尊敬的人,我也是。但在所有我尊敬的人当中,我要将我的母亲排在第一位。这未免显得有点小家子气,但这确实是我心中的真实想法。我的母亲是个地地道道的农村人,没有太

23、高的文化水平,也没有什么家庭资产,他所具有的就是农村妇女那种特有的品格和性格。我的父亲是家乡的一名乡村教师,我的家就住在我们夏庙小学的家属院。因此母亲出了正常的操持家务外,就在小学校里做起了一些小本生意,卖一些文具呀、小吃呀之类的东西。每天上课前和下课后总有一群孩子围在他的小店门口,有四顾张望的,也有大声吆喝的,所以母亲有时难免有些手忙脚乱。到了晚上,母亲就会拿出她盛钱的塑料罐,倒出一堆子的一角、两角、五角耐心地数起来。每当到了周末,她就踩着单车到十几里地外的镇上去进货。每次我给家里打电话的时候都会告诉母亲不要太劳累,她的回答总是:“你放心,我和你爸的身体都好,你在那里安心学习就是了。 ”但有

24、时母亲又表现的很自私,很小气。每当他因一元五角与小商小贩喋喋不休时、每当她议论着exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued strict enfo

25、rcement of labor protection articles, health standards, and do a good job post workers labor protection wear, guaranteed post workers safety and health; 10, develop emergency plans and drills are regularly organized. Assistant Superintendent of security responsibilities 1, Director of the workshop o

26、n the safety of the unit responsible, Deputy Director in charge of business-wide security work; 2, seriously carry out the party and the countrys work safety laws, regulations, standards, and research on safety technology, exemplary in the implementation of operational procedures and Safety Manager.

27、 10, develop emergency plans and drills are regularly organized. Group leaders safety duties 1 and carry out business and workshop on safety instructions and requirements, the teams overall responsibility for the safety and personal safety and health of workers; 2 organize and participate in securit

28、y activities, adhere to safety, before class to check security, after summing up the security system; 3, responsible for new workers (including internships, accompanying staff) job safety, education and the right to stop without the third-level education and safety assessment of qualified workers op

29、erate independently; 4, found accidents signs and accidents take effective measures to prevent the situation from expanding and reporting; shall immediately report the accident and organized rescue, protect the scene, make detailed records, participate in accident investigations, organize workers to

30、 analyze the cause of the accident, the implementation of preventive measures; 5, engaging in obvious danger or serious violations of the employee shall be entitled to stop the operation of the procedures and arrangements post operator, report to the leadership; 6 so as to improve safety and fire fi

31、ghting facilities, equipment inspections and maintenance work, remain flexible to use, check the worker reasonable use of personal protective equipment, and proper use of fire fighting equipment. 7, focus on team-building, improve management level of teams. Keep the work site tidy, clean, realizatio

32、n of civilization, and do ideological and political work team; 8 so as to improve track safety contest, commend the advanced experiences. Craft safety responsibilities 1, responsible for their own safety in the context of work, ensure the safety and reliability of the technical work. 2, is responsib

33、le for the preparation of technical specifications for the units security and safety management system. In the preparation of start up, shut down, or when equipment maintenance, technical feasibility, to have reliable health and safety measures and inspection of the implementation. 3, in the area of

34、 staff security technique and safety training, organization of technical training activities, regular assessment. 4, often goes into the field to checkproduction safety situation, potential accident is discovered in time to propose measures to eliminate them, to stop illegal operations. Do not scatt

35、er in an emergency, to stop their work, and to immediately report to the management. 5 participate in workshop equipment, changes in technology programme and review of roasting temperature curve is modified, to comply with safety requirements and product requirements. 6 participate in any accident i

36、nvestigation, analysis, and find out the reason, responsibility and come up with preventive measures, and shall promptly report to the leadership or authority. 7, making maintenance, shutdown, work programme, in particular when process changes, mapping work well before start. Level 1 employee safety

37、 responsibilities, conscientiously study the relevant safety instructions, rules and safety procedures, mastering the post operating rules; 2, must wear PPE as required operation, proper use and proper storage of protective equipment and fire-fighting equipment; 3, work will focus on safety, stable

38、operation and strictly observe labour discipline and process discipline and conscientiously records, gang, leave, is strictly prohibited in the post, not sleeping, slapstick and other disciplinary matters, to discourage the illegal actions of others and . 2, responsible for fire analysis and enter t

39、he Tower, tanks of gas metering and analysis data reported to the authorities. 3, responsible for accident investigation, statistics and reporting work. 1 electrical safety responsibilities, conscientiously study and abide by the safety rules and regulations, in strict compliance with the prohibitio

40、ns and provisions of safety, perform guard duties. 2, before the operation, wear appropriate PPE, implement security measures, issuing safety permits, inspection tools, instruments are in good condition. 3, any electrical appliance without inspection, shall be deemed to have access to electricity, i

41、s forbidden to touch. 4, electrical maintenance, you must stop, cut off power, and hang up the “no close“ warning signs before they can work. 5, good job in electricity, maintenance records, easily lead to key parts of ongoing supervision and inspection of the accident.2东家长西家短时、每当她向我和弟弟讲述着她的“做人道理”时,

42、我总是感到很不屑(当然,我并没有表现出来) 。但现在静静一想,她的斤斤计较与啰哩啰唆又是为了谁呢?或许是命运的特意安排将我放到了这个南国孤岛,从此与家乡相隔千里,举目无亲。每当周末一个人走在大街上时,脑海里总会出现那个画面:我的母亲踩着单车行驶在马路旁,车后的箱箱袋袋里装满了杂七杂八的小吃和文具,四十多岁的她显然有些吃力;而在她的身边,是一辆辆疾驰而过的汽车4、我喜爱的动物我喜欢狗。狗的嗅觉非常的灵敏。人们利用它的这个优点帮助人们工作。比如辑毒犬,每年海关利用辑毒犬破获的贩毒案有 500 起左右。狗成了破案率很高的辑毒能手。人们还用警犬帮忙巡逻追捕逃犯。狗还是忠诚的家庭卫士。老狗托瑞就是一个忠

43、诚的家庭护卫者。2002 年夏天,一只黑熊闯入了主人家的花园,托瑞勇敢地与黑熊搏斗,被黑熊咬伤了。主人持伤吓走黑熊,但托瑞害怕黑熊会重返主人家园,带着受伤的腿引开了黑熊。幸运的是受伤的托瑞后来得到了救治,和主人一家又幸福地生活到了一起。可爱的小狗还会给人们带来无穷的欢乐。人们为了表达对宠物狗们的喜爱,特意为它们举行了一场别开生面的宠物狗时装秀。无论是沙滩装还是晚装,每一件作品都是设计师为小狗模特量身定做的。设计师认为,不同品种的狗有自己独特的个性,所以在为它们设计时装时应当突出它们各自的风格。谁说时装是人的专利,小狗也有爱美的权利。穿上精美时装的狗模特们,在台上的表现似乎也能让人看到那么一点模

44、特的风范。狗在广东人眼里还是强腰建肾的美食。可怜的小狗在取悦完人们的精神后,又成为慰藉人们胃口的大餐。狗也有缺点。比如狂犬病,就是一种令人谈犬色变的传染病。人们为了遏制狂犬病的传染,曾经大肆捕杀狗。云南在一个星期内就捕杀掉 5 万只狗。其实每一个养狗的人都应该为自己为小狗做好预防措施,打好预防针,不要让可怜的狗儿们无辜遭殃。不管狗有多少缺点,并不妨碍我喜欢它。5、童年的记忆人的一生中,总有一些记忆永不淡去,这些记忆是美好、快乐、温馨的。儿时的童趣,就属此类。每当看着活泼可爱、天真无邪的小孩从我身边蹦蹦跳跳经过时,我总会想起童年那段美好的回忆。我的童年是快乐而又幸福。那时候的我和许多土生土长的乡

45、下孩子一样,是那么的贪玩、调皮和捣蛋。捉迷藏、做家家、下河摸鱼虾。这些的可都是我们小孩最喜欢玩的事。我最喜欢下河捉鱼了,一有空,几个伙伴就向村边的那条小河奔去。大伙跑到河边时,连小裤管也顾不上挽起来,就争先恐后地纷纷跳进河里去了。水不深,我们下水后,就在水里跑来跑去,两个小脚丫拍打着水面, “扑通扑通”的,水花乱溅,我们乐得哈哈大笑,不久,原来清澈的水就被我们搞得浑浊不清了,甚至连水底的淤泥也翻上来了。这样一来,那些原本还在逍遥自在游玩的小鱼就被迫把头浮出水面呼吸,而我们呢?一看到那些小鱼就飞快地伸出小手把它们迅速地从水中捧起来,放进事先就准备好的盛有水的小塑料桶里。这些可怜却又可爱的鱼儿只能

46、乖乖地待在桶里了!那条小河,简直是我童年的乐园。现在,虽然,属于我的童年已离我远去,但童年那段无忧无虑,快乐无比的日子在我记忆中将永不褪色。童年的往事,依旧散发着迷人的芬芳。6、我喜爱的职业一直觉得,作为女孩子,从事教师这一行业是最适合不过的了,稳定之余,可以天天和孩子在一起,心态都会年轻一些!是的,教师是我最喜爱的职业!在我看来,教师是太阳底下最崇高的职业。之所以说是“最崇高的职业” ,是因为,教师是“人类灵魂的工程师” 。建造一座房子或桥梁,我们称他为建筑工程师;设计工厂的合理流程,我们称他为工业工程师;研究更好地养花种花、美化环境,我们称他为园艺工程师。然而教师却是灵魂的工程师,那就意味

47、着是塑造人类的思想、建设人们的精神世界,是精神文明的设计者和创造者,是精神花园里的一个园丁。无论在中国还是外国,久远以来,教师这一行业就已经作为独立的一exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role i

48、nto full play; 9, issued strict enforcement of labor protection articles, health standards, and do a good job post workers labor protection wear, guaranteed post workers safety and health; 10, develop emergency plans and drills are regularly organized. Assistant Superintendent of security responsibi

49、lities 1, Director of the workshop on the safety of the unit responsible, Deputy Director in charge of business-wide security work; 2, seriously carry out the party and the countrys work safety laws, regulations, standards, and research on safety technology, exemplary in the implementation of operational procedures and Safety Manager. 10, develop emergency plans and drills are regularly organized. Group leaders safety duties 1 and carry out business and workshop on safety instructions and requirements, the teams overall responsibil


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