1、營建用環氧樹脂奈米混成複合材料受溫後工程性質探討The Engineering Properties of Nano Hybrid Epoxy Resin after Heating研究生:黃政文 Huang, Cheng-Wen指導教授:盧俊愷 Lu, Jun-Kai郭詩毅 Kuo, Shih-Yi 【摘要】環氧樹脂廣泛地運用於營建工程中,主要用於結構物修復補強中充當黏結劑與填充物。近年來奈米材料技術興起,營建工程開始考慮環氧樹脂與奈米材料結合為環氧樹脂有機無機奈米混成複合材料,以提升傳統環氧樹脂的性質與功能。考慮結構物外在環境與溫度條件之變化,環氧樹脂奈米複合混成材料運用於結構物補強中之黏
2、結能力與性質,必須充分了解,本文探討環氧樹脂奈米複合混成材料受溫度及延時不同狀況條件之前後性質變化,並與以水泥砂漿試驗結果作比較。試驗結果顯示,以溫度觀點,水泥砂漿強度依受溫升高而遞減。延時時間 60 分鐘時,受溫於攝氏 200 度(含)以內,延時影響強度不彰;溫度高於攝氏 200 度時,延時效益於強度發展明顯表現。受溫達攝氏溫度 300 度時,水泥砂漿強度驟減。水泥砂漿於受溫攝氏 500 度後殘餘強度所剩無幾。環氧樹脂奈米混成複合材料強度依受溫升高而遞減。延時時間 60 分鐘下,受溫攝氏 200 度(含)以內,延時未對於環氧樹脂奈米混成複合材料強度產生明顯減少;受溫高於攝氏 200 度時,環
3、氧樹脂奈米混成複合材料強度驟減。受溫達攝氏溫度 275 度時,環氧樹脂奈米混成複合材料強度驟減。環氧樹脂奈米混成複合材料達到溫度攝氏 300 度時,強度消失殆盡。奈米材料之添加量對環氧樹脂奈米混成複合材料強度發展有明顯影響。試驗結果顯示,環氧樹脂與添加 0.25%奈米劑量之環氧樹脂奈米混成複合材料受溫前後能維持較佳強度。剪力試驗結果顯示,以環氧樹脂奈米混成複合材料為黏結劑時,水泥砂漿相互間及水泥砂漿與鋼板相互間之破壞方式大部分為水泥砂漿與黏結層界面破壞為主。關鍵字:環氧樹脂,奈米黏土,環氧樹脂奈米混成複合材料,溫度,延時【Abstract 】The epoxy resin is widely
4、used in construction engineering. It is mainly used as binder and stuff at strengthening and rehabilitation techniques for damaged concrete structures. Recently, nano material is considered to combine with epoxy resin organic and inorganic nano hybrid to improve the traditional epoxy resin. Consider
5、ing the changes of the external environment and temperature condition, the engineering properties of the epoxy resin nano hybrid material have to fully understand. This paper discusses the engineering properties of the epoxy resin nano hybrid material nature employed to different temperature and hol
6、ding time.It is shown that the strength of mortar decreases progressively as temperature rises. Under 200, the holding time factor influences the strength unobvious. When temperature is higher than 200, holding time will obviously behave to strength development. When it is reached 300 , the strength
7、 of mortar is sharply reduced. Holding time does not obviously change the strength of epoxy resin nano hybrid material for temperature under 200.When temperature is higher than 200 , the strength of epoxy resin nano hybrid material is reduced rapidly. On 300 , the epoxy resin nano hybrid material lost its strength. From the shear experimental results, when the epoxy resin nano hybrid material used as binder, most of the destruction ways of are the interface between mortar and binder layer destroyed. Keywords:epoxy resin, clay, epoxy resin nano hybrid, temperature, holding time.