1、相当造句大全相当造句大全篇一:语文造句五个词造句1、渐渐地:雨渐渐地停了。 ( 我渐渐地长大了。 )2、静静地:小鹿静静地躺在床上养病。 (我静静地坐在沙发上听音乐。 )3、惋惜地:妈妈惋惜地对我说: “这次考试,你要是在认真点就好了。 ”小明惋惜地对我说:“这次拔河比赛,我们班又输了。 ”4、?像 ?,像?:弯弯的月牙儿像小船,像镰刀,又像眉毛。(结合园地一复习)(1 )燕子的尾巴像一把剪刀。 (2)银杏树的叶子像一把小扇子。(3 )蘑菇像一把小伞。 (4)蜻蜓像一架小飞机。(5 )荷叶像碧绿的大圆盘。 (6)小猫的眼睛像两颗绿宝石。5、犹如湖面犹如一面明亮的大镜子。 (天上的白云犹如一群可
2、爱的小山羊。)6、就像茂密的枝叶向四面展开,就像搭起了一个个绿色的凉棚。荷叶圆圆的,就像一个绿色的大圆盘。7、有的?有的?还有的:(1 )下课了,同学们有的跳绳,有的打球,还有的捉迷藏,他们玩得可高兴了!(2 )动物园里,有的小猴在荡秋千,有的在捉虱子,还有的在吃香蕉,它们可真悠闲!8、一手?一手:小明一手拿着笔记本,一手拿着钢笔,快速地写着什么。我一手拿着调色盘,一手拿着画笔,认真地画着眼前的美景。9、一边?一边:我一边唱歌一边跳舞。我一边跳绳一边数数。我一边读书一边思考。10、五光十色每当夜幕降临,五光十色的霓虹灯就亮了起来。雷雨过后,天上出现了一道彩虹,五光十色,美丽极了!显得一场大雨过
3、后,树叶显得更绿了。一场大雪过后,大地显得更美了。11、 “把”字句、 “被”字句:(1 )邮票被人们称为“微型百科全书 ”。(2 )邮票很容易地被那个人撕开了。12、?也? 雷声小了,雨声也小了。 池塘里的水满了,青蛙也叫起来了。13、川流不息:马路上的汽车来来往往,川流不息。14、越?越? ,越?越?:闪电越来越亮,雷声越来越响。风越刮越大,雨也越下越大了。 我懂的道理越来越多,也就越来越懂事了。15、一会儿?一会儿:他一会儿浓墨涂抹,一会儿轻笔细描,很快就画成了一幅画。 天上的白云一会儿像小羊,一会儿像小鱼,真有趣!16、只有?才:只有刻苦学习 ,才能取得好成绩 。 只有讲卫生 ,才能不
4、生病 。只有勤动脑 ,才能有创造 。17、一?就? :他的画一挂出来,就有许多人观赏。天一黑,街上的路灯就亮了。上课铃一响,我们就马上回到教室里。18、既?又? :小红既美丽又善良,大家都喜欢和她一起玩。丑小鸭望着洁白的天鹅从空中飞过,既惊奇又羡慕。语文二年级下册归类复习(一)一、第四册“我会写 ”词语复习第一单元 脱掉、寻找、躲着、仔细、探出、野花、棉花、解冻、解脱、小溪、琴声、未来、追赶、花骨朵、柳枝、荡秋千、摇晃、摇动、杜鹃、桃花、干枯、徐徐、烧火、光荣、住宿、芽菜、笋芽、春笋、竹笋、乐曲、呼唤、轰走、粗重、世界、温暖、叫喊、山冈、呼唤、浇水、抽出、抽水、弟弟、哥哥、安静、躺在、养病、终
5、于、终点、拐骗、拐杖、拐弯、微风、微笑、谢谢、微小、微弱 、第二单元一股、清泉、瓦片、天然、自然、水塔、山坡、果园、喝水、口渴、结果、歌唱、清脆、干脆、足迹、事迹、雷雨、锋利、叔叔、迷路、冒着、泥泞、年迈、洒下、洒脱、汗滴、需要、扑去、托起、利用、门铃、弱小、强弱、夏天、盛夏、周末、期末、清新、芬芳扑鼻、应该、保护、摸鱼、第三单元省会、环绕、树木茂盛、名胜古迹、小岛、点点灯光、隐隐约约、太阳高照、建立、展示、发展、轻纱、风光秀丽、中外游客、杏子、蜜桃、茂密、搭起、秋季、五光十色、热情好客、维吾尔族、摘下、足够、能够、留心、留意、水分、山沟、钉钉子、甜蜜、凤凰、一年一度、特别、敬爱、恩情、泼水、
6、泼洒、活泼、龙船、欢呼、脚印、柏树、长寿、幸福、难忘、鲜美、花束、约束、华灯高照、川流不息、闪烁、光彩夺目、夺取、勾画、雄伟、王府、单元、单位、故宫、少年宫、打扮、辉煌、一束束灯光、 夜幕降临、金碧辉煌、银光闪闪、绚丽多彩、焕然一新、从天而降、反义词:加窄 里短 明闲 好假 早生 美丑 借还 快慢 难过高兴 饿饱 喜欢讨厌 温暖寒冷 敌人朋 软硬 古今 反正 活死 高矮 出入 熟 对错 远近 弯直 多少 细粗 胖瘦 真 升降 头尾 先后 轻重 南北 出进 忙 新旧 笑哭 高低 问答 苦甜 进退 长 冷热 老少 买卖 有无 爱恨 来去 宽难看漂亮 友 高兴生气 虎 安全 危险 2、近义词 高兴快
7、乐 急 美丽漂亮 景 壮美壮丽 劳粗心细心成功失败进步落后认真马复杂简单勤劳懒惰浪费节约朋友伙伴小心仔细好玩有趣着急焦中心中央著名有名特别非常景色风勤劳勤快好像仿佛尤其特别疲倦疲关心关怀 除热爱喜爱突然忽然安静宁静消除去闻名中外举世闻名 3、 的叠词: aa 大大的 香的 abb 的叠词:圆溜溜 白花花 红艳艳 黑乎乎 美滋滋 笑哈哈 冷冰冰 静悄悄 香喷喷 气冲冲 金灿灿 银闪闪 眼睁睁 慢腾腾 沉甸甸 甜丝丝 刷 满盈盈 空荡荡 一片片 毛绒绒 aabb 的词语:严严实实 心 红红火火 许许多多 净 说说笑笑 乐滋滋奇形怪状千奇百怪 胖胖的 美美的 黑黑的 热热的 甜甜的 香笑眯眯笑嘻嘻静
8、悄悄绿油油黄澄澄亮晶晶水灵灵篇二:语文七年级下册词语解释及造句语文七年级下册词语解释及造句 第一课 少年闰土 1.匾:一种边较浅的圆形竹器。 造句:张家大院的大门上挂着一个匾,上面写着“与人为善”四个大字。2.缚:捆绑。拘束。 造句:你略施小计便能将他缚住。3.窜:乱跑,逃走。 造句: 老鼠在厨房里到处乱窜,谁也不敢靠近它。4.祭祀:置备供品对神佛或祖先行礼,表示崇敬并祈求保佑。 造句:每逢清明的时候,我都会祭祀怀念我最亲爱的母亲。5.讲究:重视,讲求 。 造句:我们要从小培养讲究卫生的好习惯6.毡帽:毡制的帽子。 造句:少年有一顶的小毡帽,显得又旧又破。7.熟识:认识某人较久;认识事物较深刻
9、。 造句:我一个熟识的人打算把自己所有的钱都投入到一个小公司的股票上。8.刺猬:哺乳动物,头小,四肢短,身上有硬刺。 造句:受惊的刺猬会把身体缩成一个球。9.伶俐:聪明;灵活。 造句:他一头灰发,谈吐乖巧伶俐,举止小心翼翼。10.潮汛: 一年中定期的大潮。 造句:预计在农历八月初三大潮汛前,全市水毁堤坝的绝大部分可望用土筑方式应急性修复。11.明晃晃: 光亮闪耀。 造句:窗户上的玻璃明晃晃的,刺得人眼睛都睁不开。12.无端:没来由、没道理。 造句:他们最好基于真正的使用经验来精炼设计,而不是作一些无端的假设。13.希奇:稀罕指罕见稀有的意思。 造句:在外界难得一见的珍奇植物在这座原始森林中并不
10、希奇。第二课 普通人1. 兜:口袋:网兜。 造句:我明明看到他衣兜儿里藏了什么东西,可他偏说没有。2. 揣:手或物品藏在穿着的衣服的口袋、袖管、衣襟等处。 造句:冬天来了,手被冻得特别冷,于是就把手揣进口袋里。3. 掀:揭起,打开。 造句:潮水在涨,没准儿隔多大工夫,就会掀起一阵波浪拍岸,澎湃有声。4. 栖居:栖息、寄居。 造句:公鸡飞上了一颗树,栖息在树枝中间。5.胜任:足以担任。 造句:以他的做事风格,我觉得他完全可以胜任班长这个职务。6.吩咐:嘱咐。 造句:老师吩咐我们做的事,就算熬夜也要完成。7.绅士:旧称地方上有势力有地位的人。一般是地主或退职官僚。 造句:他本来要算是一位绅士,喜欢
11、过问国家大事。8.乞丐:专靠要饭要钱过活的人。 造句:据估计在那座城市里至少有一百名流浪乞丐。9.长袍:男子穿的中式长衣。 造句:他身着浅紫色长袍,肩披淡粉色薄纱,内衬紫色薄衣。10.唯恐:唯独害怕。 造句:冷风凄雨时,有这么一个人唯恐你淋雨受寒。11.沮丧:灰心失望。 造句:自从儿子走了以后,她脸色阴沉,显得越来越沮丧。12.对劲儿:称心合意。 造句:这件事我越想越觉得不对劲儿。13.违心:违背了本来的心意。 造句:我父亲是个原则性极强的人,绝不违心接受黑白颠倒的事。14.思忖:考虑。 造句:他一面暗自思忖,一面踏上了无路的荒野。第三课 我们家的男子汉1. 馋:贪吃,专爱吃好的。 造句:汤姆
12、看见那只苹果就嘴馋,可是他还是坚持工作。2. 翘:一头向上仰起。 造句:他们两个现在翘起了鼻子,又意味深长地翻翻眼。3. 搀:在旁边扶助。 造句:一个女孩搀着一位白发苍苍的老太太走了进来。4. 蹬:同“登” 、踩,踏。 造句:他按照手表秒针跳动的节奏,计算着蹬车的频率。5.滋味:味道。比喻某种感受。 造句:他享了一辈子的福,从来不知道穷人生活的滋味。6.倔强:性情刚强不屈。 造句:我的祖父是个相当倔强的人,不喜欢改变主意。7.爽气:爽快、干脆。 造句:这里和费城的气氛有些不同比较活泼,比较爽气。8.胆怯:胆小、缺少勇气。 造句:我不想赶时髦,既不是出于冷漠,也不是出于胆怯。9.嘱咐:吩咐;叮嘱
13、。 造句:我的医生嘱咐我放缓工作节奏,我决定听从医嘱。造句:我收到她一封信,但我看不懂那潦草的字体。11.打量:观察。 造句:那人眯起眼睛,仔细地打量着我们。12.嘹亮:声音清晰响亮。 造句:她试了一下,没想到最后到底发出了一个真正嘹亮的声音来。13.伤感: 造句:每次听到这伤感的音乐,我都会想到我死去的那位朋友。14.坦然: 造句:我已经学会坦然的面对一切,战胜一切。15.无效: 造句:对一个人生效的治疗方法也许对另一个人会无效。相当造句大全篇二:如何造句造句一、正确的句子论文写作另一最基本的要素就是句子的正确性,这是因为它将直接影响论文 表达的清晰性和正确性。要做到正确书写句子,就需要对英
14、语句子结构有非常清 辇的了解,下面将从英语基本句型和基本句型扩展两方面来阐述如何运用正确的 英语句式来表达思想。1.英语基本句型英语句子有长有短,有简有繁,可以说是千姿百态,令人眼花缭乱,以致于许多 学生在英文写作时常常感到无从下手。但无论句型看上去多么纷繁复杂,其实质 上都源于五个基本句型,sp:主+ 动十补( svcs);主+ 动(sv);i +动+宾 (SVO);主+ 动+宾+宾(SVOiOd);主+动+宾+补(SVOCo) 。掌握好这五种基 本句型,领会其真谛与神韵,是掌握各种句子结构的基础。例如:【例 l】Themost important aspect of O. Hey?s wr
15、iting was not in the general idea of his story, but in the vivid description of details of characters and events. (SVCs)例 2】The aim of translation is to reproduce as accurately as possible all grammatical and lexical features of theusource language” by finding equivalents in theutarget lan?guage .(S
16、VCs)【例 3】Obviously, no culture can exist without the structure of natural language. (SV)im 4Oliver Twist opens with a bitter invective directed at the nineteenth-century93English Poor Laws. (SV)【例 5】In Qing Dynasty, Yan Fu established a three-character standard in translation, i.e. “Faithfulness”, “
17、Exprevssiveness” and “Elegance” as the criteria of translation.(SVO)【例 6】England in the 1830s was rapidly undergoing a transformation from an agricul?tural ,rural economy to an urban, industrial nation. (SVO)【例 7】The newspaper shows the readers the March sisters? talent and interest in art. (SVOiOd)
18、【例 8】At other points, the ill-mannered, ridiculous behavior of Mrs. Bennet gives her a bad reputation with the more refined Darcys and Bingleys. (SVOiOd)【 例 9】Dickens makes Oliver Twist a child hero of this melodramatic novel of social protest. (SVOCo)【例 10Through both law and prescribed gender role
19、s, Austen?s society leaves women few options for the advancement or betterment of their situations. (SVOCo)2.基本句型的扩展在把握了上述的这五种基本句型基础之上,就可以对句子进行扩展,从而丰富 传达的信息、充实作者的思想。一般说来,句型的扩展主要是通过使用修饰词、短 语、从句以及并列句这四种途径来实现。使用修饰词因为这种方法主要是通过增加单个的形容词或副词来扩展句子,所以属于最 初级的扩展。例如:【例 l】At the most basic level, Jo?s speech serv
20、es as a significant marker of her un?conventionality.【例 2】In a word, many idioms bear strong national cultural flavors.【 例 3】The translation of idioms is alxvays complicated and difficult.【 例 4】0 Hey! s stories are all ingeniously conceived, with the ending always con?trary to readers? expectations.
21、使用短语这种方法是通过使用形容词短语、副词短语、名词短语、介词短语以及非谓语 动词短语等来扩展丰富句子。这些短语在句子中充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状 语、补语、同位语等成分。例如:【例 Admission to Columbia?s graduate programs is highly selective pretty much across the board.(名词短语作主语) 【例 2】Recognizing where cultural differences are at work is the first step toward understanding and respec
22、ting each other.(动名词短语作主语)94【例 3】 “To sing a different turn ” is an English idiom which means to say or do something that signals a change in opinion because it contradicts what one has said or done before.(动词不定式短语作主语) 【例 4】0. Hey named his second collection“ The Four Million ”,which was about the l
23、ife of ordinary people in New York City.(名词短语作宾语) 【例 5】When Jane Austen was only about nineteen, she started working on “ Hy Susan”,an epistolary novel which was Janes first attempt at a serious theme.(动名 词短语作宾语) 【例 6】Dickens?s family suffered financially as a result of living beyond their means, so
24、 his father was imprisoned in the Marshalsea prison for debtors.(动名词短语作介 词宾语) 【例 7】For a woman who wants to improve her status and get financial security, Mrs. Bennet has to marry a wealthy man.(动词不定式短语作宾语) 【例 8】Della?s hair was her most cherished possession and her proudest treasure.(名词 短语作表语) 【例 9
25、】Her regret is having done so much for him and being abandoned by him .(动 名词短语作表语) 【例 10】The most important reason for educators to understand cross-cultural commu?nication is to improve their relations with the diverse groups of students and parents they -will encounter.(动词不定式短语作表语)【 例 ll】One of th
26、e simplest ways is through an analysis of the language of the ad- vertising claim .(介词短语作表语) 【例 12】Dickens gradually grew disappointed with the attempts of Lawmakers to im- prove those conditions,( 过去分词短语作表语)【例 13 A person unmvare of advertising?s influence on him is precisely the one most vulnerabl
27、e to the adman?s attack .(形容词性短语作后置定语) 【例 14】With her central characters, Austen suggests that true love is a force separat?ing from society and one that can conquer even the most difficult of circumstances. (现在分词短语作后置定语) 【例 15】Though young women of Jane Austen?s day had more freedom to choose their
28、 husbands than in the early eighteenth century, practical considerations continued to limit their options.(动词不定式短语作后置定语) 【例 16 In Chinese high school, the pursuit of the best way to teach English has been always stressed.(介词短语作后置定语) 【例 17】With the population of only two billion,the U. S. has a surpr
29、isingly large95number of books being published each year.(介词短语作伴随状语) 【例 18】 William Makepeace Thackeray,a representative of critical realism in the 19th century England,was born in 1811 in Calcutta,India , in the family of an English official.(介词短语作地点状语、时间状语) 【例 19】In order to achieve this purpose,t
30、hey try every means to deceive and even to fight each other.(介词短语作目的状语) 【例 20】Scarcely a single story among his three hundred stories fails to end in such away that the readers are not preparing for.(介词短语作方式状语) 【例 21 Because of the limitation of time, we can?t go deep into the American fami?lies to
31、see how many books they keep.(介词短语作原因状语) 【例 22】Hearing that Joseph has not proposed Becky, Amelia soothes her friend by pressing her hand and telling her that Joseph will ask her to marry him at Vauxhall. (现在分词短语作时间状语) 【例 23】Soapy was a tramp, having no shelter and food to keep him from cold and hun
32、ger.(现在分词短语作伴随状语)【 例 24】When the young people remain at home, George accompanies Amelia to listen to some music, thus leaving Becky and Joseph at the drawing-room table.(现在分 词短语作结果状语) ,【例 25Needing a break,Louisa and her youngest sister May headed off to Europe in 1870,(现在分词短语作原因状语)【 例 26Overcome wi
33、th surprise,he was unable to utter a word.(过去分词短语作原 因状语) 【 例 27】 Imbued with an inquiring imagination,an intensely meditative mind, and, unceasing interest in the “ interior of the heart” of man 5 being,Hawthorne?s life story was totally without the exciting of at least unusual events that character
34、ized the lives of so many American writers.(过去分词短语作伴随状语)例 28 Based on students independent andexploratory study,research learning re- quires that students choose and determine a subject matter from their daily and school life.(过去分词短语作伴随状语) 【例 29】Louisa saw that her loving heart was needed by more th
35、an just her family, and she headed for Washington, D. C. in 1862 to serve as a Civil War Nurse.(动词 不定式短语作目的状语) 【例 30】Intelligent and forthright, Darcy also has a tendency to judge too hastily and harshly, and his high birth and wealth make him overly proud and overly conscious of his social status.(
36、形容词短语作宾语补足语)96【例 31】Leaving Amelia s house, Becky comes into Sir Pitt?s family and finds herself in an atmosphere of avarice, hypocrisy and im morality.(介词短语作宾语补足语) 【例 32Astatesman can make his influence felt through his speech and action .(过去 分词短语作宾语补足语) 【例 33】The company advertised for a doctor of
37、 philosophy to be the editor-in-chief. (动词不定式短语作宾语补足语) 【例 34】01iver Twist is the novel?s protagonist, a sort of male Cinderella or princess disguised as a goose girl.(名词短语作同位语) 【例 35Pride and Prejudice contains one of the most cherished love stories in English literature: the courtship between Darcy
38、 and Elizabeth ?(名词短语作同位语)(3)使用从句这种方法主要是通过使用名词性从句、形容词性从句和副词性从句来扩展 句子。所谓名词性从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句,相当于名 词,在句子中充当主语、宾语、表语和同位语。引导名词性从句的关联词包括:连接 词 that,whether,if;关系代词 who,whom,whose ,what,which,wh-ever; 关系副词 when, where,how,why 等。例如:【例 l】It is well known that both Chitme and English are abundant in id
39、ioms and are becoming heavily idiomatic.(主语从句)【例 2】 What men are putting on their bodies, however, is We consider it absolutely necessary that we should open our door to the outside world.(宾语从句) 【例 5】Nowadays,educated people have become much more flexible and tolerant about what is considered to be
40、correct or acceptable.(宾语从句)【 例 6】The question remains whether we can win the majority of the people.(表语从句) 【例 7】The philosophy was that the miserable conditions would prevent able-bodied paupers from being lazy and idle bums.(表语从句) 【 例 8】In the whole novel, Dickens uses Olivera poor orphan to chall
41、enge the Victo- rian idea that paupers and criminals are already evil at birth,he insist that the cor- rupt environment should be the source of vice.(同位语从句)97【例 9】Victorian society interpreted economic success as a sign that God favored the honest,moral virtue of t(来自:www.hnnSCY.cOm 博文学习 网:相当造句大全)he
42、 successful individual?s efforts.(同位语从句 )【例 10】On February 2nd, 1972,when Primer Zhou toasted to American President Nixon,he said: “Due to the reason that is known to all, it has been more than 20 years before our two countries begin to communicate again., , (同位语从句) 【例 ll】Through describing Bennet,s
43、 five unmarried daughters,different ways to treat marriage, Jane Austen intends to show her attitude towards marriage: it is wrong for people to marry for possessions and status,or without careful consideration .(同位语从句)形容词性从句相当于形容词,在句子中充当定语,其修饰限定作用可分为限定 和非限定两种。形容词性从句的引导词主要包括:关系代词 who,whom, which, th
44、at,whose;关系副词 when,where,why, as 等。例如:【例 12】The assumptions upon which the workhouses -were established was that moral virtue lay in work, that work led necessarily to success, and that economic failure was the consequence of laziness.(限定性定语从句) 【例 13】Continuum refers to those concepts whose extensio
45、n meaning is vague be- txveen right and wrong.(限定性定语从句) 【例 14 In a society inhere there was no clear distinction between right and wrong, hopeless people like Soapy had to give up the more decent life and tumbled into the horrible pit.(限定性定语从句) 【例 15】Looking up at the delight moon in the sky, listen
46、ing to the solemn tune, he remembered the days when he had mothers,roses, ambitions ,friends and clean thought.(限定性定语从句) 【例 16】If a boy enjoys sewing, I see no reason vuhy he should be barred from needles and thread ?(限定性定语从句) 【例 17】Exploring the ways in which various groups within our society have
47、related to each other is key to opening channels forcross-cultural communication.(限定 ft 定 语从句) 【例 18】In the city, he saw so grand a National Day celebration as he never dreamt o/.(限定性定语从句)【 例 19】Translation is considered to be a cross-cultural communication event, which concerns not only the transfe
48、r between languages,but also the transfer between cut-tures.(非限定性定语从句) 【例 20】Research learning isessentially carried out in the form of an individual or a group, through which students gain experience through hands-on involvement,de-98velop a right attitude towards scientific study and improve their
49、 ability to solve some daily matters.(非限定性定语从句) 【例 21】Last December a man named Robert Lee Willie, who had been convicted of raping and murdering an 18-year-old woman , was executed in the Louisiana state prison.(非限定性定语从句) 【例 22】We walked, hand in hand, to his favorite place in the front yard, where a huge red rosebush sat conspicuously alone ?(非限定性定语从句) 【例 23】AIDS was first conclusively identifie