1、 中国最先进的大学生互动求职平台 1 / 7 9.24 更新 联合利华: Please at least use 80 English words in each topic 1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer? 2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program? How
2、 would you expect to start your “ Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee pro gram? 网申攻略:http:/company.da 麦肯锡:无OQ 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/44/0/6227 飞亚达:无OQ 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/103/0/6300 9.23 更新 网易:无oq 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/69/0/6174 陶氏化学:无 oq 网申攻略:http:/fs1.dajie
3、.co m/2009/09/23/018/12536922187583577.pdf 9.22 更新 壳牌: 不是必须填,如果选择没有,就可以不写。 1)Please discribe the scholarship or rewards and how you earned it in this recongnition, less than 100 words. 2) Please tell us your contributing role in the community or in an orgnization in the last 4 years. 3) Please discr
4、ibe which professional association and your level of activity. 讨论区:http:/shell 9.21 更新 华为:无 oq 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/152/0/6066 9.19 更新 微软: 有个很简单的要求填写:研究兴趣、方向或者目标,五百字以内 中国最先进的大学生互动求职平台 2 / 7 网申攻略 http:/company. 高盛:没有OQ 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/250/0/6060 9.18 更新 强生 1.第一,请举一个你经历过的任务,其中有一个和
5、你性格迥异的人。请具体说明你是如何和他/她打交道的并和我们分享一下为什么你认为你是成功的或者是失败的,而原因又分别是什么? 2.第二,请举一个你经历过的近似不可能完成的任务并说明你是怎么去完成它的,最后要阐述成功的主要因素是哪些;如果失败了,那么失败的主要因素又是哪些。 3.第三,请用一个具体的例子解释一下 I + We = Fully I CLUB 站点:http:/ 百威英博 思维测试:http:/ /discuss/theme/30/0/6069 重庆移动 1、请介绍您最认同的自己 1-3 项能力,并说明为什么对自己的这些能力有信心? 2、就职业发展而言,您认为一个应届毕业生该如何规划自
6、己的职业发展?为什么?你怎么看待自己的职业发展? 3、请描述您曾经遇到过的最大的困难,您是否克服了这一困难?如果是,您是怎样克服的?(200字以内) 4、关于能力与专业,在实际工作中你认为哪个更重要?为什么?如果有可以发展综合能力的岗位,但与你的专业不对口,你会怎么办?(200 字以内) 5、请用不超过 200 字描述你的特点 (500 字以内) 9.17 更新 英国石油(BP) 1. Please tell us why you want to join BP IST Eastern Hemisphere, why you have chosen to apply for the Trade
7、 Development Program and what you believe you have to offer us.(maximum 300 words) 2. What have you done to develop your experience/konwledge/skills outside the academic environment? How will what you learnec be beneficial to BP? Describe what you did/learned. How has it helped you now or in the fut
8、ure.(max 3 specific examples/300 words) 3. What do you consider to be your most significant non-academic achievement? This should be something which you personally decided to do and worked hard to achieve. Describe why you see it as significant and any obstacles you had to overcome.(max 300 words)
9、中国最先进的大学生互动求职平台 3 / 7 4. Which of your achievements or experiences best demonstrates strong business acumen e.g. by making/saving money, buying or selling goods/services or finding ways to improve performance. What was the situation and outcome? What did you do ?(max 300 words) 5. List any extra-cu
10、rricular activities you have been active in (clubs/sports/business ventures/societies/pro.associations). Describe your involvement-level of responsibility, length of involvement, notable achievements.(max 300 words, no abbreviations) 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/111/0/6142 腾讯(QQ):无 OQ 网申攻略:http:/ /dis
11、cuss/theme/55/0/6061 法国道达尔 说道 OQ 的话么,也就一小道意思意思 问的是“Give your ma in motivations”大家随便说一下吧这应该是很常见的题目了 9.15 更新 宝洁 测试里有一些题就涵盖了 OQ 的一些问题虽然是选择题,但是回答还是让人好费解 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/54/0/6167 德勤:无OQ 网申攻略 http:/company. 摩根士丹利:无OQ 网申攻略 http:/company. 9.11 更新 EMC: 无OQ 网申地址:http:/job.dajie.co m/position_403
12、80.html 美的 只有一个问题可以发挥:对本公司的期望是什么 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/40/0/6148 中广核 1. 你怎样看待“善意的谎言”? 2. 如果你要上缴一份重要的作业,但是今晚电视播放你最喜欢的节目。你如何安排时间?为什么这么安排? 3. 对于领导交待的非本职工作,你如何处理? 4. 如果你是班长,你将如何帮助同学们认识到合作的重要性? 中国最先进的大学生互动求职平台 4 / 7 5. 你经常会阅读那些报纸和杂志?你是怎样将所获得的信息运用在学习当中或者其他方面的? 6. 你选择中广核最看重的是什么? 7. 你课余时间都喜欢做什么? 8. 如
13、果事情不按你所计划的发展,你如何处理? 强力推荐官方答疑讨论区,里面的工作人员非常活跃: http:/ 英格索兰 oq 有两道 1. Whats your more interested product in Ingersoll Rand? Why? 2. How do you choose your first career? And whats your 3-year career plan down the road? 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/81/0/6150 9.10 更新 汇丰银行 没发现很正式的开发性问题,就发现这个需要自己去填写的 Other th
14、an academic success, what has been your greatest achievement to date? What do you see as your personal strength, and why? please state: why the position you have applied for is appropriate for you, why you have selected HSBC, and what your career objectives are. 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/64/0/6143
15、麦格理银行:无OQ 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/147/0/6145 中金 在“其他个人信息”里有开放问题需要回答,大街网先在这里透露下问题: 1. 您为什么对投资银行感兴趣?还对其他什么行业感兴趣? 2. 为什么您认为自己可以成为一个合格的投资银行专业人士?您将如何为公司做出贡献?请从以下几方面中选择一条进行阐述。 不同职位有可能 OQ 不是一样 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/63/0/6137 欧莱雅 About yourself: When choosing your first job/employer, what will you c
16、onsider and why? ( 3500 characters maximum ) When have you been specifically innovative? ( 3500 characters maximum ) Of all the cosmetics brands and recently emerged fashion trends, which is your favorite or most striking to you? Why? ( 3500 characters maximum ) 中国最先进的大学生互动求职平台 5 / 7 You & LOreal:
17、 Have you ever applied to LOral? 选项:Internship / Job / Management Trainee Program / None If yes, please specify in which country, division, field and when :( 250 characters maximum ) 中国最先进的大学生互动求职平台 Have you ever worked within LOral? 选项: Internship / Job / Management Trainee Program / None If yes,
18、please specify in which country, division, field, position and when : ( 250 characters maximum ) When would you be available? _ (mm/yyyy) if you have any comments on this availability, please specify ( 3500 characters maximum ) 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/52/0/6126 德意志银行 有两个地方有 OQ,一个是在 Work Experienc
19、e (见 S tep 7), 一个是在Ot her Information (见 Step 9 ) Work Experience What were your main duties? (Please limit your answer to 100 words and consider only your most recent two positions.) What was your greatest contribution? (Please limit your answer to 50 words.) What key skills have you developed thro
20、ugh your work experience? (Please limit your answer to 50 words.) Other Information Why do you want to work for Deutsche Bank?(Max 100 words) Please indicate: (1) Why you have select this division (2) Why you feel you are suited to this division? (Max 100 words) 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/75/0/2987
21、巴黎银行(BNP) Pride & Passion Why have you applied for this role with BNP Paribas? You should outline your rationale for applying to the particular bussiness area and what qualities you believe make you particularly suited to this role. (250 words max) Dare & Share Outline a time when you have had to pu
22、t in additional effort or “go the extra mile“ in order to achieve results. What motivated you to put in additional effort and how did you insure that you produced a good result? (250 words max) Push & Pull 中国最先进的大学生互动求职平台 6 / 7 Outline when you have had to work with others to achieve a goal. What
23、did you do to help the team work well together? What were the challenges or obstacles you had to overcome? (250 words max) 最后一个 Additional Info rmation 就是“Hav e you or are you currently working at BNP Paribas?” 有很多选项的,大家根据自己的实际情况选一个就 OK 啦 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/24/0/58 瑞银集团(UBS) Please describe
24、why you have chosen to apply to UBS Why did you choose the specific business area to which you have applied? Why do you think you will succeed in this area? Describe the achievement of which you are most proud. Please provide details relating to your hobbies, activities and interests. Also include a
25、ny additional information you think is relevant to your application, including positions of responsibility, membership of any student or other organizations, travel experience or scholarships. You may exclude any hobbies or activities that indirectly or directly disclose race, color, religion, gende
26、r, national origin or any other protected classification. 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/25/0/6170 巴克莱(Barclays Capital) 上机测试地址:http:/compa 穆迪(moody):无OQ 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/161/0/6164 摩立特:无OQ 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/46/0/6151 埃克森美孚 1 Have you ever been employed/interned by PricewaterhouseCoo
27、pers (ExxonMobils independent auditor) or any PwC affiliated company?你有没 有在普华永道或者其关联公司工作或者实习的经历? If yes,please describe the detail 2 Are you currently a member of the Board of Directors of any for-profit organization?你目前有没有在任何盈利机构担任董事职务? If yes,please describe the detail 3 In what countries do you h
28、ave Citizenship? 4 In what countries do you have Permanent Legal Residence Status? 5 Have you ever been dismissed from the services of any previous employer? If yes, please explain 中国最先进的大学生互动求职平台 7 / 7 6 Have you ever been convicted in a court of law?: If yes, please explain 7 Have you ever been
29、treated for drug and/or alcohol abuse?: If yes, please explain 8 Has a bankruptcy action ever been taken against you? If yes, please explain 9 Please describe the learning from the most unforgettable experience you have had in the last 5 years. 10 Please give an example on how your personal attribut
30、es have helped you in the past. 11 Please provide any other information which will be relevant to us in assessing your suitability for employment with us. 讨论区:http:/exxonmob IMI 集团 1. How can IMI benefit from China Stimulation Plan(4 万亿经济刺激计划)?Y our suggestion please 2. Whats your career plan? What
31、 are your advantagese and disadvantages relates to this career goal?why and how could you deliver the results in the coming future? 3. Tell me about a time you had comflict with your friend. How did you address it and whats the result? 4. 您觉得你的极限在哪里?什么最能影响你的极限? 5. 您在学校是否获得过奖学金?什么时候获取的,什么类型的奖学金? 6. 您是在什么渠道获悉此次活动的?请详细列明。 网申攻略:http:/ /discuss/theme/136/0/6166 更多海量资料下载,敬请访问