1、伊斯蘭的和平觀 鄭慧慈 國立政治大學阿拉伯語文學系教授兼系主任 摘要 由於伊斯蘭興起前的阿拉伯部落社會戰爭不斷,而伊斯蘭)( al-Islam)一詞便溯源於和平( al-salaam)一詞的詞根,因此追求和平實乃伊斯蘭立教的基本精神。古蘭經、聖訓及其他宗教書籍中皆顯示和平是穆斯林在現世生活中最高的目標與理想,因為它是真主給予虔誠信徒在後世的報酬。伊斯蘭歷史事件也一再顯示穆斯林始終務實的趨吉避凶,以求取生存,並寬待異己,以求取和平,其目標便在建立安全祥和的社會。伊斯蘭教義除了具有務實、彈性的特質外,並且具有激進的平等觀。虔誠的穆斯林經常在追求族群、社會及政治各方面的平等。這種平等觀衍生出聖戰的精
2、神,為真理、自由而戰,以追求永久的和平。今日世界雖恐怖事件層出不窮,然和平卻是人人所嚮往的目標。世人是否應該如同當初穆斯林對待異族一樣,帶著務實、容忍的精神,徹底解開穆斯林心中受冤屈之結,以求達到真正的和平? 關鍵字:伊斯蘭教、伊斯蘭文化、阿拉伯文化、阿拉伯歷史 The Concept of Peace in Islam Jeng, Huey Tsyr Professor and Chair, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, National Chengchi University Abstract There were wars a
3、mong different Arab tribes before Islam and “Islam” is stemmed from the root of “al-salaam”, therefore the fundamental spirit of Islam is to pursue peace. It is obviously clear to learn through the Koran, al-Hadiith and related religious references that peace is the utmost goal and idea in Muslims d
4、aily life and the reward that God grants to them in their eternal life. Islam doctrines can be found from Muslims daily life through the Islamic history. Muslims tend to look for auspicious things and try to keep distance from the bad, so as to survive, and render better treatment to people who have
5、 different opinion, so as to seek peace and build a safe and peaceful society. There are numbers of specific characteristics in Islam, such as pragmatism, flexibility and positive equality. Pious Muslims are always looking for equal treatment among different tribes, society and even politics. The sp
6、irit of al-Jihaad originating from the idea of equality is performed with the goal of truth, freedom and eternal peace. Although there are many terrorism going on in the world now, but to keep peace is what people are seeking for. People should try to unknot the puzzle in the deep part of Muslims heart with love and tolerance, as the way that Muslim had ever rendered to those unbelievers and heathens, therefore the true peace may be reached accordingly. Keywords: Islam, Islamic Culture, Arabic Culture, The History of Arab