1、 The Quality Improvement Agency 2007 Page 1 of 7 Course Rep Learning Sustainable Support for Course Reps in the Further Education System Tutor Survival Guide The Quality Improvement Agency 2007 Page 2 of 7 Contents: Introduction.2 1. Delivering a trainig session3 Preparation.3 Delivery General Point
2、s.3 Posture and body language.4 Using your voice.5 Eye contact.5 Answering Questions5 The right atitude.5 2. Rom guidance6 3. Policy drivers.7 Further Education & Trainig Act 2077 Foster Report: Review of the future role of FE Coleges7 Framework for Excelence7 Every Child Maters.7 Introduction This
3、Tutor Survival Guide aims to help you make efective use of this Further Education Class Representatives learning and development course. The guide aims to cover three key areas: 1) Delivering a Training Sesion 2) Rom Guidance 3) Policy Drivers The Quality Improvement Agency 2007 Page 3 of 7 1. Deliv
4、ering a training session Peoples anxieties about public speaking often arise from a combination of interrelated factors. For instance, starting a spech knowing that you havent prepared adequately might lead you to show signs of nervousnes either verbaly or nonverbaly. Research shows that only about
5、30% of what an audience takes in from a speaker is to do with the content or subject of the presentation. Seventy per cent is based on how you present yourself your nonverbal communication (body language) and verbal communication (voice tone, sped and pace of delivery). For any presentation you ned
6、to be thoroughly prepared and aware of the signals you are giving of. These wil either inspire interest, enthusiasm and confidence in your subject and you as a speaker, or they wil have the oposite efect! Preparation This is posibly the most important thing you can do. Thorough preparation wil alow
7、you to be more relaxed about speaking in public and help you to avoid showing signs of nervousness and lack of confidence. You should be aware of the type and size of audience you wil be speaking to, their current knowledge and awareness of the subject of the presentation and their atitude to the su
8、bject. This wil enable you to pitch the content and sesion towards that particular audience. Also, make sure you know hat the venue is like it is always a god idea to visit the room the day before the meting if posible to pick up any potential snags. Examples of isues to consider: Is the room a sens
9、ible size for the likely audience? What wil the layout of the room be like? How formal/informal wil the presentation be (i.e. a lecture or an informal discussion)? Wil you be using computers or digital projectors and are they compatible with your system? Delivery General Points Aim to be bold and co
10、nvincing, not selfapologetic in aproaching the audience. Start slowly, this wil establish your vocal clarity with the audience (try to remain calm, as nervousness often speds up delivery and makes your voice unclear). Dont read what you want to say wordforword. It is much beter to learn the first fe
11、w lines and have key words to prompt your memory for the rest. This alows you to sound more natural and relaxed. Position yourself to involve the audience stand upright, face the audience, smile and establish eye contact. Use apropriate visuals where possible. Avoid overfamiliar clipart images which
12、 can make a presentation lok cheap. Use Gogle to search for images or lok in any of the online photolibraries. Many of these alow the use of images for personal work like presentations without a fe but do abide by copyright restrictions where they are stated. The Quality Improvement Agency 2007 Page
13、 4 of 7 This chart shows the relative impact of the diferent presentation methods. Maintain interest with variety and surprise. This can be particularly important if your session is after lunch or late in the afternon in a warm room! Posture and body language If you are standing up, stand in a relax
14、ed position, legs straight and slightly apart, shoulders back and head up. Face the audience. This makes you apear relaxed and confident. Dont hunch your shoulders, hide behind a flip chart, stand on one leg and wind the other leg around the first. Dont move around to much. This wil make you sem ner
15、vous and distract the audience from what you are saying. If you are siting, again sit up straight, relax, shoulders back and head up. Face the audience. Crossing your arms or legs can sugest defensivenes. Siting to casualy or turning away from the audience sugests a lack of interest on your part. If
16、 you are working with a very smal group, dont lean forward to much as you wil make the group fel intimidated and uncomfortable. Always be aware of other peoples space and dont intrude into it. Use efective hand movements that help to stres the valuable and important ideas. Dont use your hands as com
17、forters, either by fidling with a pen or paper clip, or by stroking your head or hair. These actions are distracting and a sign of nervousness. Smile at apropriate moments, particularly before you begin to speak. The Quality Improvement Agency 2007 Page 5 of 7 Using your voice The way you use your v
18、oice, as oposed to what you say, also gives out mesages. When you are nervous you become tense, which constricts the diaphragm, which in turn constricts your breathing and your voice becoes high pitched, squeaky, fast and breathles. Relax your body. Stand or sit comfortably. Breathe deply. Speak slo
19、wly and clearly. Dont mumble. Dont cover your mouth with your hand. Try to vary the tone of your voice. Dont drone. Alter the tone, sped, volume, pitch and use pauses to emphasise points, encourage enthusiasm or gain atention. Eye contact Idealy, if you are speaking to a large audience, you should k
20、eep your head up, lok towards the midle of the audience and from side the side. With a smal group, make eye contact with individuals for a couple of seconds at a time. Dont stare this can be intimidating and make people fel embarrased and uncomfortable. Dont spend to much time loking at your notes o
21、r at a flip chart/OHP screen. Have your notes in front of you, dont turn away from the audience to lok at them. Dont be distracted by people walking in and out or by something hapening outside the window, the audience wil folow your gaze. Dont glance around quickly, it sugests nerves and suspicion.
22、Answering Questions Prepare answers to anticipated questions. If you have a large audience, repeat questions and aim your reply to the whole audience. If you dont know the answer, dont worry. In this situation you can either ofer a partial answer to the audience, ofer the question to them and ask th
23、em for an answer (both these methods may encourage a discusion), or simply state that you dont know. When answering, and presenting generaly, be in control. Dont alow interruptions to distract you. The right attitude Be positive! Before you speak, lok at the group and tel yourself everything wil run
24、 smothly. Dont alow any negative thoughts or phrases to enter your head. Think positively. This wil help dispel nerves and help to make the experience a positive one: Use these statements to maintain a positive atitude: I am hapy to be here. I am hapy to se the people in the group. I am interested i
25、n the opinions and thoughts of the group. I am in ful control of the situation. The Quality Improvement Agency 2007 Page 6 of 7 2. Room guidance In order tomaximise the efectivenes of this course, we advise the folowing when it comes to selecting and seting up your trainig room, Lots of open space f
26、or activities Rom for a semi circle of chairs Break out areas for group work Facilities for computer presentation (laptop, projector) Air conditioning Tables arent a necesity Provide water for the delegates to aid concentration Sound proofed wals Signs to guide delgates to the room and a Meeting in
27、progress sign to keep others out while you are working. The Quality Improvement Agency 2007 Page 7 of 7 3. Policy drivers Further Education & Training Act 207 The Further Education and Trainig Act 207 outlines the ned for coleges to consult over major changes to the learning environment with its lea
28、rners. This means coleges should include learners in the planing stage for anything that would impact on learners in the colege environment including new builds, department closures, catering contracts etc Foster Report: Review of the future role of FE Coleges Sir Andrew Foster was invited by the Se
29、cretary of State for Education and Skils, and Chair of the Learning and Skils Council (LSC) to carry out an independent review of the future role of FE coleges in November 204. Sir Andrew published his report, Realising the potential, in November 205. In it he highlighted the learner imperative outl
30、inig the ned for coleges to systematicaly listen to learners. The review proposed that coleges should be required to colect learners views as a key way of improving the colege provision. Foster also recommended that the funder should also listen to students systematicaly, through the seting up of Le
31、arner Panels at a local and national level. The National Learner Panel was subsequently set up in January 207, with a selection of learners from across the regions and diferent trainig providers. Framework for Excelence The Framework for Excelence is a new alinclusive and radical aproach to managing
32、 performance across the learning and skils sector. One of the key indicators wil be learner responsiveness, which wil detail how an institution interacts with its students through its Learner Involvement Strategy. A Learner Involvement Strategy may include structures like a students union, a student
33、 forum and, inded, this trainig session. Every Child Matters Every Child Maters: Change for Children is a new aproach to the welbeing of children and young people from birth to age 19. Children and young people wil have far more say about isues that afect them as individuals and colectively. Every C
34、hild Maters require organisations dealing with young people to set up mechanisms to engage them in the operation of their own environment. This has led to the seting up of youth councils. These are linked to local authority provision acros the country and provide a forum for youth to expres views on their local community. Links betwen learners inside coleges and these forums give students the ability to raise isues other than the purely academic, for example travel to colege, library provision and Conexions.