1、马云欢迎湖畔大学新生入学 Headmaster Jack Ma Greets New Students at Hupan College近日, 由阿里巴巴创始人马云等八位重量级人物共同创办的、专为企业家打造、坐落在浙江杭州的湖畔大学, 迎来了第三期学员。在新学期开学典礼上, 作为这所学校的校长, 马云在全校董事以及第一、第二期老学员面前为新学员授予校徽, 传承湖畔大学的开学传统。据悉, 湖畔大学的入学门槛非常高, 所有应聘者须满足下列条件:学员必须是创业 3年以上的企业决策者;公司规模超过 30人;年度营业额在三千万以上。除此之外, 学员还必须有 3位推荐人, 其中至少1位为湖畔大学指定推荐人
2、。The Hupan College, a school for entrepreneurs established by Alibaba founder Jack Ma among eight heavy weight names, began its third term in Hangzhou, East Chinas Zhejiang province recently.Jack Ma, president of the college, awarded all of the new students with school badges at the opening ceremony
3、 in front of the school board and students of the first and second terms.This is regarded as a tradition of the college.The college holds very high expectations for its applicants.It only accepts candidates who have at least three yearsexperience running their own businesses, a team of more than 30 employees and an annual revenue exceeding30 million yuan.In addition, they must get three recommendations, at least one of which must be appointed by the college.