1、精品范文模板 可修改删除撰写人:_日 期:_三年级给同学的道歉信 三年级给同学的道歉信篇一 各位尊敬的老师、家长,亲爱的同学: 首先非常感谢大家长期以来对本平台的关注和支持!昨天本人发布了一篇名为没有教不好的学生,只有教不好学生的教学方式的文章,因为视角过于片面,容易造成误导,使人误以为学生的问题都是老师造成的。我本人是一线数学老师,教学班级横跨小学六年级到高中三年级,深知一线老师在工作中的无奈和困境。也意识到这次的文章对广大辛勤工作在一线的老师造成了严重伤害,在此本人诚挚地向各位老师道歉: 尊敬的老师,对不起! 同时也为自己对各位家长、同学的误导道歉: 尊敬的家长,亲爱的同学,对不起! 作为
2、老师,我不回避自己的错误,犯了错误就该承认,并且承担起自己应当承担的责任,也请各位老师、家长和同学能够原谅我的错误! 如果不是大家长期的关注和监督,我不可能及时发现这个错误。我将认真反省自己的错误,再写文章时,力求从多个角度客观仔细地分析问题,写出对大家有帮助同时又不伤害任何人的文章。 接下来几天,我将结合自己教学的实际案例,分享我对学生出现的一些问题的思考和解决方法。 也请大家继续监督,随时批评指正! xxx xx年x月x日三年级给同学的道歉信篇二 张天宇: 还记得吗,两个月前。我们一起来到了初一十一班。这里我们尝尽喜怒哀乐,这里我们见证者友谊。从来没有感觉到这样强烈的力量-我们的友谊。 忘
3、不了,在我难过时你那一声声的安慰;忘不了,在我快乐时你送来的祝福;忘不了,我们一起乘风破浪时的背影。不知不觉之中,我发现了你是我最好的朋友。有什么快乐我第一个想与他分享的人-总是你. 我总是说:你的女朋友多,每说到这,你都生气。其实这是对你的嫉妒-为啥你有那么多的朋友,我没有. 而今天,你对我说话,少了一份热情,多了一分冷漠;你的快乐不再向我分享;QQ聊天你不搭理我. 或许一切因我而起,我从来不重视你的友情!放学,你好心等我,我只有冷冷的一句:你等不等我无所谓还有. 我错了,对不起。今天我才发现我最好的朋友是你。你在道歉信作文道歉信作文好友之中把我删除,我才发现我要失去这份友情. 愿时光载着我
4、们回到开学那天,重新找到这份友情. xxx xx年x月x日三年级给同学的道歉信篇三 医学院各位同学: 昨日(8月10日)XX推送的XX医学院新生社团组织机构攻略一文,在复制过程中没能将医学院团委、广播站及宣传站的简介复制进去,加之审稿不严格,在推送出去之后才发现出了疏漏。虽然及时删除了推送,但仍引起了一些同学的误会,给嘉医团委、广播站及宣传站相关工作人员以及同学们带来不必要的困扰,十分抱歉。 且该推文的大部分信息都由嘉医社联以及医学院团委的同学提供,发生如此疏漏着实不应该。在此,我们作出深刻的检讨,并向医学院的同学们、医学院团委、广播站及宣传站,表示诚挚的歉意。 XX将为同学们提供更多及时的,
5、有用的信息。也请各位老师同学继续监督。特此,再次向医学院同学们表示歉意。 xxx xx年x月x日 【以下为精品推荐,可删改!】 【推荐一:三年级同学道歉信】 三年级同学道歉信篇一 萧同学: 首先,我诚挚的向你道歉,对不起,临走那天不该对你那样说话,我的心情久久不能平静,请求你的原谅,那天我心情不太好,看成绩时我基本能力没考好,我说我根本没想考,事实就是这样的,那天英语考完后,我的头一直在疼,我确实不在状态,可他却说不管你怎么说,反正我心里好受。 我当时就怒了,我不明白,为何我考不好他却好受些,我很无语,也很伤心,每次当我想和他好好相处时他总是这样伤害我,我不知道为什么。 其实我一直都很欣赏你,
6、你人很好,对待同学也很热情,你和我不一样,你各个方面都很优秀,可能有时你不表现出来,但你内心是想做一个好学生的,我却不一样,我背负太大的压力去学习,却没有收到好的效果,我也是在一点点进步,我的起点远,没有你的思维能力,高中的学习使我很吃力,我不得不承认自己的渺小,我开使接受失败,我感到了自己的无助,我开始学会低调,不会去嘲笑任何一个不如我的人,当然我也不希望别人这样对我,我很怕别人在我最脆弱时候伤害我。 希望你能理解,我知道你是在给我开玩笑,但我还是没能控制住自己,真的很抱歉,马上就上高三了,也许我们不再是同班同学,但我希望你能永远记住我这个有点颓的人,以后的日子还需要你多多帮助。 xxx x
7、x年x月x日三年级同学道歉信篇二 老蒋: 我真的不是故意要看你日记。一切只因为你是那么地沉默,谁叫你学陶渊明一样与世隔绝呢,以致于我对你的身世充满了好奇。看你的日记纯粹出于我很无聊,想找点儿事做,所以,你就别怪我了。只是没想到同桌的我居然会给你造成这么大的困扰。 原本我们也只是想打开你的心房,让阳光照亮你的生活。如果你实在不肯的话,我们打算塞都要塞进去。 还有,你回去那一破镜子照照你后面的头发,都白了,你想乌黑发亮的秀发就这么白了,多难看啊。 噢,不白了还是好看。再有案可查就是你每天皱眉头,这多像是小老头?没有,你是帅气的小老头也许全世界就我一笨蛋这么认为-可这不是要紧的。我们最初是代着班里其
8、余64名同胞的希望看你日记的(因为我一不小心进行了大众传播)可现在只有我跟你道歉,由此观之我是有良心的。 我真的知错了。我从小就明白“知错就改“的真理,我是个好孩子。我保证,再也不在无聊的时候看你日记了。 事实上,我对你的日记还是颇有意见的,为什么你会知道我在日记里损你?你的形迹可疑,我一定会将此事追查下去。 这封信我不会让你看的,但我依旧期待你的原谅。 xxx xx年x月x日三年级同学道歉信篇三 亲爱的孩子们、尊敬的家长: 对不起,请原谅! 原定于今天下午在学校举行的关爱XX小学留守儿童的慰问活动,因某企业突然改变,不能如期举行。虽然经过我们的努力争取,依然无法有最好的应急方案提供大家,敬请
9、各位家长和40位孩子谅解,也请校长和老师们谅解。 作为民间公益的志愿者,我们会以此事为教训, 总结经验,查找不足,全力做到,一是无论如何今后与任何一家所谓的品牌企业合作,必须严格走“承诺制、协议制”的工作流程,不因为“信任”而被伤害;二是建立公益合作不诚信企业名录,联合社会监督,坚决抵制“做公益,唯功利”的不良企业,三是加强自我管理,提高志愿服务实力,提升应对能力,进一步增强我们民间公益团队的综合实力,努力把真正关爱我们农村留守儿童的大爱传递到学校,传递到孩子们的身边。 昨天晚上,XX 计划得知此事后,表示,孙寨小学作为扬帆 计划的支援学校,今后一定会努力持续关注,争取给孩子们更多、更好的阅读
10、图书和其它力所能及的帮助。 特此致歉! xxx xx年x月x日 【推荐二:关于借书英语道歉信】 关于借书英语道歉信篇一 Dear Frank: I am terribly sorry to tell you that I have lost the valuable book you were so kind to lend me last week. I read it everyday and intended to finish it next month. Last night when I came to my room, it was nowhere to be found. I
11、will try to recover it as soon as possible. If I fail to find it, I will get a new book for you. But I am afraid it can never take the place of the old one. Old books are like old friends. Once lost, they can never be replaced. They are connected with cherished associations which the new ones can ne
12、ver have. And for this irrecoverable loss, I am to blame. I was so careless with my things. This is a warning to me to be more careful in the future. Yours truly, Tom关于借书英语道歉信篇二 Dear Kate: Excuse me for my long delaying in returning to you your “Robinson Crusoe” which I read through with great inter
13、est. I had finished reading the book and was about to return it when my cousin came to see me. Never having seen the book, She was so interested in it that I had to retain it longer. However, I hope that in view of the additional delight thus afforded by your book, you will overlook my negligence in
14、 not returning it sooner. Thanking you again for the loan. Sincerely yours, Tom关于借书英语道歉信篇三 Dear Mr. Hunnicutt, I am writing to apologize for the incorrect invoice you received from us. Owing to a breakdown in communications, we did not credit you with a 10% discount, as agreed. We shall send you the
15、 correct invoice as soon as possible and make sure that such a mistake will not occur again. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience we have caused. Your sincerely, 【推荐三:给同学的英语道歉信】 给同学的英语道歉信篇一 Dear my friend, Today, this article is to write to someone, she because of a trifle angry with me,
16、 I write this article here am I apologies. This misunderstanding is this: I wrote a story, there are the students of our class, also have her, today in the past when the students say they dont like the name, so I let them changed something nice, but she didnt come today make up a missed lesson, so I
17、 didnt change, and now she think we hate her, think she is very ugly, very bad. Here I want to say to her: in fact we didnt think she is very ugly, she is very bad, also didnt hate her, on the contrary, we are very fond of her. Like she sometimes serious, sometimes crazy; Sometimes to make us mad, a
18、nd sometimes to make us happy. Such a she, I think is perfect. Shes really nice, save a lot of problems for us, although we sometimes small conflict, but it is only our friends a stumbling block on the road, we might have a fall, but fell after, can have a sincerely willing to pick you up, that is g
19、ood.给同学的英语道歉信篇二 Dear my friend, Im sorry. The last time I shouldnt put your things on the lawn just into the office. But I really didnt mean it, you know I have a bad memory, careless. You give something to my preservation is to believe me, but I was careless. If it werent for you to find fast may h
20、ave been lost. After you scold me, I should not because at that time the anger and walk away. After I calm down and wanted to think just detection oneself wrong indeed. First should put your things casually and forget to take, the second is you blame me, I should apologize to you, to comfort you, ra
21、ther than walk away I should not make you angry, anyway, thousand wrong all wrong is all my fault. We have known each other for 6 years, you know me, I have been few friends. We met the first day of school, get along well with each other. But in the third grade, I, it is not your good friend. To be
22、honest I have is all alone, over the years until sixth grade turns to a girl in our class, with her, I am not lonely. Soon graduated, I hope to bring good memories to my primary school life. I even dont get along the classmates at ordinary times to chat, talk, exchanges. Especially you, are you angr
23、y, be wronged, I comfort you, make you laugh. Play with you, hope and you can become good friends again. Still remember the rainy weather were having our lessons in the classroom when you are not happy I give you preach note? The sky is sugar, even if fall under what?. what the rain again big, just
24、pour a happily smile. its not a big deal happy smile. I remember these notes! Hope I can with a note from you smile again. I am very cherish our friendship, but at that time, Im just a fool. Mimi, forgive me? We also will be good friends!给同学的英语道歉信篇三 Dear my friend, I think for a long time and guilt
25、for a long time. After that thing happened, I very guilty, I can understand your feelings at the moment, I dont know is my right. Whatever you are willing to forgive me, I have to say to you some words still. You are the person I love, there is still a long way to go for our future, hard to avoid ca
26、n meet with something we dispute, but as long as we forgive each other, everything is settled, this also is such. I am a sincere, love you. This time things to cause you hurt, I feel sorry to you. Sorry whether you accept or not accept this sentence sorry is sincerely say to you! Forgive me good yao ? I know no matter how to say it wont be out of the mindset of I want to give you an apology, too much sorry and also dont know whether you can accept, can only hope you know that I love your heart will not change第 13 页 共 13 页免责声明:图文来源于网络搜集,版权归原作者所以若侵犯了您的合法权益,请作者与本上传人联系,我们将及时更正删除。