1、Reference numberISO 10133:2000(E)ISO 2000INTERNATIONALSTANDARDISO10133Second edition2000-12-01Small craft Electrical systems Extra-low-voltage d.c. installationsPetits navires Systmes lectriques Installations trs basse tension courant continuISO 10133:2000(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain e
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4、e optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely eventthat a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. ISO 2000All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified
5、, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronicor mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member bodyin the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCase posta
6、le 56 Gb7 CH-1211 Geneva 20Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax + 41 22 749 09 47E-mail copyrightiso.chWeb www.iso.chPrinted in Switzerlandii ISO 2000 All rights reservedISO 10133:2000(E) ISO 2000 All rights reserved iiiContents PageForeword.ivIntroduction.v1 Scope 12 Normative references 13 Terms and definiti
7、ons .24 General requirements35 Batteries46 Battery-disconnect switch47 Conductors.58 Overcurrent protection69 Panel-boards (switchboards) .710 Wiring connections and terminals.711 Receptacles/sockets .812 Ignition protection .8Annex A (normative) Conductor requirements9Annex B (normative) Informatio
8、n and instructions to be included with owners manual (ISO 10240) 11Annex C (informative) Recommended system tests .12Annex D (informative) Related standards and brief description of their contents.13ISO 10133:2000(E)iv ISO 2000 All rights reservedForewordISO (the International Organization for Stand
9、ardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISOmember bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technicalcommittees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established hasthe right to
10、be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, inliaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International ElectrotechnicalCommission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.International Standard
11、s are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
12、 a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject ofpatent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.International Standard ISO 10133 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 188,
13、Small craft.This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 10133:1994), of which it constitutes a technicalrevision.Annexes A and B form a normative part of this International Standard. Annexes C and D are for information only.ISO 10133:2000(E) ISO 2000 All rights reserved vIntroduc
14、tionAnnex A specifies conductor requirements. Annex B specifies information and instructions to be included with theowners manual (ISO 10240). Annex C provides information on recommended system tests to be performed uponcompletion of the d.c. installation.This International Standard is intended to p
15、rovide protection against explosion and fires. It is important to realizethat this standard is not intended to achieve this purpose by itself. The manufacturer also needs to comply withadditional standards related to protection against the same possible hazards. These additional standards are listed
16、,in annex D, with a brief description of their contents. For complete understanding of the requirements, themanufacturer needs to refer to the actual standard. Compliance with all these International Standards will ensure ahigh level of safety in all craft, particularly in those using petrol or liqu
17、efied petroleum gas (LPG).INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 10133:2000(E) ISO 2000 All rights reserved 1Small craft Electrical systems Extra-low-voltage d.c.installations1 ScopeThis International Standard specifies the requirements for the design, construction and installation of extra-low-voltage direct c
18、urrent (d.c.) electrical systems which operate at nominal potentials of 50 V d.c. or less on small craftof hull length up to 24 m. Engine wiring as supplied by the engine manufacturer is not covered by this InternationalStandard.2 Normative referencesThe following normative documents contain provisi
19、ons which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions ofthis International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of thesepublications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged toinvestigate the
20、 possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. Forundated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IECmaintain registers of currently valid International Standards.ISO 6722-3: 1993, Road vehicles U
21、nscreened low-tension cables Part 3: Conductor sizes and dimensions forthick-wall insulated cables.ISO 6722-4: 1993, Road vehicles Unscreened low-tension cables Part 4: Conductor sizes and dimensions forthin-wall insulated cables.ISO 8846:1990, Small craft Electrical devices Protection against ignit
22、ion of surrounding flammable gases.ISO 10239:1G29, Small craft Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) systems.ISO 10240:1995, Small craft Owners manual.ISO 13297:2000, Small craft Electrical systems Alternating current installations.IEC 60529:1989, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code).IEC 6
23、0947-7-1:1989, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 7: Ancillary equipment Section One:Terminal blocks for copper conductors.1G29To be published.ISO 10133:2000(E)2 ISO 2000 All rights reserved3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and defin
24、itions apply.3.1equipotential bonding conductornormally non-current-carrying conductor used to put various exposed conductive parts of direct current electricaldevices and extraneous conductive parts at a substantially equal potential3.2engine negative terminalterminal on the engine to which the neg
25、ative battery cable is connected3.3crafts groundcrafts earthground (earth) which is established by a conducting connection (intended or accidental) with the common ground(potential of the earths surface), including any conductive part of the wetted surface of the hull3.4ignition-protected equipmente
26、quipment designed and constructed in accordance with ISO 88463.5overcurrent protection devicedevice, such as a fuse or circuit-breaker, designed to interrupt the circuit when the current flow exceeds apredetermined value for a predetermined time3.6panel-boardswitchboardsupporting panel on which are
27、fixed devices for the purpose of controlling and/or distributing power on a craftNOTE Examples of devices are circuit-breakers, fuses, switches, instruments and indicators.3.7sheathuniform and continuous tubular protective covering of metallic or non-metallic material, generally extruded aroundone o
28、r more insulated conductorsEXAMPLES Moulded rubber, moulded plastics, woven sleeving or flexible tubing.3.8trip-free circuit-breakermechanical switching device capable of making, carrying and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions andalso making, carrying for a specified time and breaking
29、 currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions, suchas those of short circuit, and which is designed so that the resetting means cannot be manually held in place tooverride the current-interrupting mechanism3.9accessiblecapable of being reached for inspection, removal or maintenance without r
30、emoval of the permanent structure of thecraft3.10readily accessiblecapable of being reached quickly and safely for effective use without the use of toolsISO 10133:2000(E) ISO 2000 All rights reserved 33.11conduitpart of a closed wiring system of circular or non-circular cross-section for insulated c
31、onductors and/or cables inelectrical installations, allowing them to be drawn in and/or replaced3.12cable trunkingsystem of closed enclosures comprising a base with a removable cover intended for the complete surrounding ofinsulated conductors, cables or cords and for the accommodation of other elec
32、trical equipment3.13system voltagenominal voltage supplied to the d.c. distribution panel-board (switchboard) from the power source3.14exposed conductive partconductive part of electrical equipment, which can be touched and which is not normally live, but which maybecome live under fault conditions3
33、.15fusedevice that, by fusing of one or more of its specifically designed and proportioned components, opens the circuit inwhich it is inserted by breaking the current when this exceeds a given value for a sufficient time.NOTE The fuse comprises all the parts that form the complete device.3.16fully
34、insulated two-wire d.c. systemsystem in which the d.c. negative is isolated from the ground (earth), i. e. not connected to the water through ametallic hull or the propulsion system, nor earthed through the a.c. protective conductor3.17two-wire d.c. system with negative groundtwo-wire d.c. system wi
35、th negative earthsystem in which the d.c. negative is connected to the ground (earth) through a metallic hull, the propulsion systemor other means4 General requirements4.1 The system type shall be either a fully insulated two-wire d.c. system or a two-wire d.c. system with anegative ground. The hull
36、 shall not be used as a current-carrying conductor. Engine-mounted wiring systems mayuse the engine block as the grounded conductor.4.2 An equipotential bonding conductor, if fitted, shall be connected to the crafts ground (earth) to minimize straycurrent corrosion.4.3 Switches and controls shall be
37、 marked to indicate their use, unless the purpose of the switch is obvious andits mistaken operation will not cause a hazardous condition.4.4 Protective devices such as circuit-breakers or fuses shall be provided at the source of power, e. g. the panel-board (switchboard), to interrupt any overload
38、current in the circuit conductors before heat can damage theconductor insulation, connections or wiring-system terminals.The selection, arrangement and performance characteristics should be such that the following is achieved:a) maximum continuity of service to healthy circuits under fault condition
39、s through selective operation of thevarious protective devices;ISO 10133:2000(E)4 ISO 2000 All rights reservedb) protection of electrical equipment and circuits from damage due to overcurrents, by coordination of theelectrical characteristics of the circuit or apparatus and the tripping characterist
40、ics of the protective devices.4.5 All d.c. equipment shall function over a voltage range at the battery terminals as follows:Gbe for a 12 volt system: 10,5 V to 15,5 V;Gbe for a 24 volt system: 21 V to 31 V.Exception: Where the circuit includes equipment requiring a higher minimum voltage, the speci
41、fied minimumvoltage shall be used in the calculation of the conductor size. See clause A.2.4.6 The length and cross-sectional area of conductors in each circuit shall be such that the calculated voltagedrop shall not exceed 10 % of the nominal battery voltage for any appliance, when every appliance
42、in the circuit isswitched on at full load.5 Batteries5.1 Batteries shall be permanently installed in a dry, ventilated location above the anticipated bilge-water level.5.2 Batteries shall be installed in a manner to restrict their movement horizontally and vertically considering theintended use of t
43、he craft, including trailering if applicable. A battery, as installed, shall not move more than 10 mmin any direction when exposed to a force corresponding to twice the battery weight.5.3 The batteries installed in the craft shall be capable of inclinations of up to 30 without leakage of electrolyte
44、.In monohull sailing craft, means shall be provided for containment of any spilled electrolyte up to inclinations of 45.5.4 Batteries shall be installed, designed or protected so that metallic objects cannot come into unintentionalcontact with any battery terminal.5.5 Batteries, as installed, shall
45、be protected against mechanical damage at their location or within theirenclosure.5.6 Batteries shall not be installed directly above or below a fuel tank or fuel filter.5.7 Any metallic component of the fuel system within 300 mm above the battery top, as installed, shall beelectrically insulated.5.
46、8 Battery cable terminals shall not depend on spring tension for mechanical connection to them.6 Battery-disconnect switch6.1 A battery-disconnect switch shall be installed in the positive conductor from the battery, or group of batteries,connected to the supply system voltage in a readily accessibl
47、e location, as close as practical to the battery or groupof batteries.The following constitute exceptions:a) outboard-powered craft with circuits for engine starting and navigation lighting only;b) electronic devices with protected memory and protective devices such as bilge-pumps and alarms, ifindi
48、vidually protected by a circuit-breaker or fuse as close as practical to the battery terminal;c) ventilation exhaust blower of engine/fuel-tank compartment if separately protected by a fuse or circuit-breakeras close as practical to the battery terminal;ISO 10133:2000(E) ISO 2000 All rights reserved
49、 5d) charging devices which are intended to be used when the craft is unattended (e.g. solar panels, windgenerators) if individually protected by a fuse or circuit-breaker as close as practical to the battery terminal.6.2 The minimum continuous rating of the battery switch shall be at least equal to the maximum current for whichthe main circuit-breaker is rated and also the intermittent load of the starter motor circuit, or the current rating of thefeeder conductor, whichever is less. A separate battery-dis