1、2015 年下半年 11 月 CATTI 二级笔译实务中译英第二篇:中国和欧洲关系高斋翻译 TransElegant 整理的 CATTI 和 MTI 备考资料官方双语对照中国和欧洲是两大战略力量,肩负推动全球经济发展、促进人类文明进步、维护世界和平的崇高使命,双方正在形成不断放大的战略交集。中国是最大的新兴市场国家,欧盟是最大的发达经济体,“最大”与“最大”交融、一切都有可能,“新兴”与“发达”携手、优势就会倍增,中欧在新兴和发达经济体合作中可以成为典范。China and Europe are two major strategic forces. We both undertake the
2、 lofty mission of promoting global economy, advancing human civilization and progress and safeguarding world peace. The two sides are expanding their converging strategic interests. China is the largest emerging market and the EU the largest developed economy. Nothing is impossible when the two “lar
3、gests” converge. And strength will be multiplied if the“emerging” meets the “developed”. China-EU cooperation may serve as a fine example of that between the emerging and developed economies.中国和欧洲分处欧亚大陆的两端,这块大陆是世界上面积最大的大陆,也是人口最多的大陆,市场空间广阔,发展机遇巨大。中欧都主张国际关系民主化,在许多国际重大事务上有共同利益,双方关系具有越来越重要的全球影响。中欧都有伟大的文
4、明,中国推崇“和而不同”,欧盟倡导“多元一体”。13 亿多中国人与 7 亿多欧洲人命运相连、前途相关,中欧在不同文明包容互鉴中可以成为引领。China and Europe are located at the two ends of the Eurasian continent, the biggest landmass on earth and the most populous continent in the world with huge market and great development opportunities. Both sides call for greater d
5、emocracy in international relations and we share common interests on many major international issues. Our relationship is acquiring more and more important global significance. Both China and Europe enjoy splendid culture. While China advocates “harmony without uniformity”, the EU stands for “unity in diversity”. The 1.3 billion Chinese people and the 700 million European people have a common destiny and a common future. China and Europe may well take the lead in promoting mutual learning and inclusiveness between different civilizations.