1、毕 业 论 文(2014 届本科)论文题目: 埃德娜觉醒历程分析 评觉醒 学 院: 外国语学院 专 业: 英 语 班 级: 2012 级 作者姓名: 指导教师: 职称: 副教授 完成日期: 2014 年 5 月 10 日Ednas awakening- A brief analysis of the AwakeningbyClass 2, Grade 2009(No. 2009091222)Supervisor: (Associate Professor)April 20, 2013School of Foreign Languages and LiteratureUniversity毕业论文
2、(设计)诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业论文(设计) ,是本人在指导老师 的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。作者签名:二 O 一四年五月十日iStatement of AuthorshipExcept where reference is made in the text of the thesis, this thesis contains no material pub
3、lished elsewhere or extracted in whole or part from a thesis presented by me for another degree or diploma.No other persons work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of the thesis.This thesis has not been submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma in my tertiary ins
4、titution.Signed:Dated: May 10,2014AcknowledgementFirst and foremost, I would like to avail myself of the opportunity to iiexpress my gratitude to associate professor He Genwang , my tutor, who has taken her precious time off from her tight schedule, reading my thesis carefully and offering me consta
5、nt encouragement, valuable suggestions and enlightening instructions, which contribute to the completion of my thesis.I would also like to acknowledge my indebtedness to my roommate Wang Xiaoxu and many others who have contributed their time, thoughts, skills and encouragement to this thesis.I am al
6、so grateful to Ma Fang, Liu Ying and all my friends who have given me generous support and helpful advice in the past few yearsFinally, I wish to devote this paper to my beloved family, who have given me life and love, and have been supporting me since 24 years ago.摘 要iii小说觉醒是美国女作家凯特肖邦的代表作,出版于 1899
8、愿意以任何代价去换取心中的梦想,投入大海的怀抱不是对社会的妥协,也不是争取女性权利的失败。相反,这是一种解脱与重生。关键词:女性主义; 重生; 觉醒; 精神; 独立; 性AbstractivThe Awakening, published in 1899, is the masterpiece of the American female writer Kate Chopin. In the second half of the nineteenth century, society made great economic and scientific process in many aspe
9、cts, but women were still considered to be the possession of men. Kate Chopin focuses on this motif in her works and portrays females social status, matrimonial life, and autonomy in a profound manner.By analyzing Kate Chopins The Awakening, the paper intends to study the protagonists campaign again
10、st the fetters of conventional patriarchal society and her journey of pursuing self-hood and independence by adopting the theory of feminism, which is based on the belief that women suffer injustice because of their sex. Under this broad umbrella various feminisms offer deferring analyses of the cau
11、ses or agents, of female oppression. A change in society is needed in order to make a positive reform for women. But how is this change to be brought about? The obvious answer is to convince individual women to change their situation. Edna, the protagonist in The Awakening, makes such a struggle thr
12、ough a gradual awakening process of taking actions to gain spiritual independence.This paper carries on a detailed analysis of the process of Ednas awakening in three aspects. She thus becomes definitely a frontier feminist. Her death cannot simply be regarded as a compromise with the conventional r
13、ules; rather, it is a beginning and rebirth of a new life.Key words: feminism; rebirth; awakening; spirit; independent; sexContents诚信声明.i Statement of AuthorshipiiAcknowledgementiii摘要.ivAbstractv1. Introduction12. Ednas Awakening journey.12.1 Awakening of Feminism Consciousness12.2 Awakening of Love
14、.32.3 Awakening of Sexual Consciousness.53. Conclusion .74. References80Ednas Awakening-A Brief Analysis of the AwakeningMao JinlanSchool of Foreign Languages and Literature, Longdong University1. IntroductionKate Chopin (1805-1904), American female writer, was regarded as a talented local color wri
15、ter for her two favorable collections of short stories: Folk (1894) and A Night in Acadie (1897). However, her second novel, The Awakening, provoked a flood of controversy after its first publication in 1899. Because the book, concerned with touchy subjects such as extramarital affairs, deserting ho
16、me, leaving children, and the like, called into questioning the values and attitudes towards women in the entire society. Before 1945, the only special research on Chopins works is Daniel Rankins Chopin and her Creole story (1932). In 1962, Edmund Wilson, in his analysis of American Civil War litera
17、ture, called the Awakening beautiful written with a theme that “anticipates D. H. Lawrence” (Wilson, 1962: 590). The Awakening was also mentioned in popular magazines during that period of time. During 1980s and 1990s, scholars began to use contemporary approaches to interpret the novel. For example
18、, Showalter analyzes American womens writings including Chopins via a feminist perspective. In 2005, Patricia L. Bradley (2005) explores an intersexual connection between The Birth of Tragedy written by Nietzsche and The Awakening, adding post-structuralism to the various interpretive approaches to
19、the novel. In China, there are also some studies on Kate Chopin and her works since 1990s. For example, Jin Li and Qin Yaqing, in their articles in American Literature (1999), introduce the life of Kate Chopin as a female writer and analyze the female images under her pen as repressed, awakened, reb
20、ellious ones. This paper explores the protagonist-Ednas awakening from feminism consciousness, love and sexual consciousness. 2. Ednas Awakening Journey2.1 Awakening of Feminism Consciousness1Feminism incorporates both a doctrine of equal rights for women and an ideology of social transformation aim
21、ing to create a world for women beyond simple social equality. (Gong Yubo, kong Qinghua, 2010: 40) “I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is,” British author and critic Rebecca West remarks, “I only know that other people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments t
22、hat differentiate me from a doormat or prostitute” (West, 1982: 219). Indeed, feminism is often defined as a matter of what is absent rather than what is present. In its diversity feminism is concerned with the marginalization of all women: that is, with their being relegated to a secondary position
23、. It is theory that men and women should be equal politically, economically and socially.In The Awakening Chopin depicts her protagonist, Edna, a twenty-eight year-old married woman with two children in the middle-class Creole family, in a situation where she finds herself trapped and stifled in the
24、 life of a wife and mother. The process of Ednas gradual awakening to her identity and her own position as a woman in the world is the chief cause of all her suffering. The difficulties that Edna encounters in terms of family are primarily rooted in her marriage: that is, her interaction with her hu
25、sband and her relationship with her children. Edna gradually realizes that her marriage is a mistake; she has married a man she does not love. When Edna has children, she fails to be a good mother. Thus, Edna suffers from being in an unwanted marriage and from being a distant mother: she desires fre
26、edom from family obligations to search for self-autonomy. Refusing to be an object existing to benefit Pontellier, Edna chooses to leave her husbands mansion. Edna exclaims, “The house, the money that provides for it, are not mine” (Chopin, 1988: 107). Edna is tired, frustrated by being treated as a
27、 lesser being, unable to do anything out of her own autonomy. She is thus determined to move into an apartment for lease, which she calls a pigeon-house. Moving into the pigeon house, a space belonging to Edna alone, is not only an action breaking the social rule of a married woman at the time, but
28、also a crucial step that Edna takes courageously, following her instincts in an individualistic way. It is within the little pigeon house that Edna, for the first time, feels the “intimate character of a home”. Only in the pigeon house can she release all her social responsibility temporarily. For Edna, “there was with her a feeling of having descended in social scale, with a corresponding sense of having risen in the spiritual” (Chopin, 1988: 127). Moving into her