1、Lesson 10 The U.K.,What country is this?,It is the U.K.,Thats right.,Thats easy. They speak English.,What do they speak in the U.K.?,Do you the capital city of the U.k.?,Yes, I do. What is the capatial city of the U.K.? London is the capital city of London.,This the flag of the U.K.,Whats this?,What
2、 colour is it?,It is red, white and blue.,Famous places in the U.K.,This is Big Ben. It has a very big clock. It is very famous.,Famous places in the U.K.,This is Buckingham Palace in London.,Who lives in Buckingham Palace?,Kings and queens.,This is a king.,This is a queen.,The U.K. has a king or a queen.Kings and queens live in palaces.,Lets do it.hhhhhhh,In the U.K., they speak . London is the capital city of . The flag of the U.K. is red, and .,Lets talk about the pictures.,