1、1,中国环境宏观战略研究与中国环保新道路Macro Strategic Study on Chinas Environment and a New Path to Environmental Protection,2,主要内容 Content,一、项目概况 Project Overview 二、环境形势评价 Assessment of Environmental Situation 三、环保新道路 A New Path to Environmental Protection,3,一、项目概况 Project Overview,2007.2 国务院批准 Approved by the State
2、 Council in Feb. 2007 中国工程院和环境保护部牵头 Led by Chinese Academy of Engineering and MEP 2007.5 正式启动 Launched in May 2007 约50位院士、700余位专家参加了项目研究工 50 academicians and 700 experts participated in the research 2009.7 国务院领导听取汇报 State Council leaders listened to the report in July 2009,4,项目领导小组 Leading Group,组 长
3、:徐匡迪,全国政协原副主席、 中国工程院院 长,院士Chair: Xu Kuangdi, former Vice Chair of CPPCC, President and Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering 副组长:周生贤,环境保护部部长 潘云鹤,中国工程院常务副院长、院士 祝光耀,原环保总局副局长 丁仲礼,中国科学院副院长、院士Vice Chairs: Zhou Shengxian, Minister of MEP Pan Yunhe, Executive Vice President and Academician of Chine
4、se Academy of Engineering Zhu Guangyao, Vice Minister of former State Administration of Environmental Protection Ding Zhongli, Vice President and Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences 专家领导小组组长:沈国舫 中国工程院Chair of Expert Group: Shen Guofang, Chinese Academy of Engineering,5,项目领导小组成员单位Member of the
5、 Leading Group,共19个部门和单位 :19 ministries and institutions :中国工程院、环境保护部Chinese Academy of Engineering, Ministry of Environmental Protection 全国人大环资委、全国政协人资环委Environmental Protection and Resources Conservation Committee, NPC, the Committee of Population, Resources and Environment, CPPCC 外交部、发展改革委、科技部、财政
6、部、国土资源部、建设部、水利部、农业部、商务部、卫生部、税务总局、海洋局、法制办、中科院、社科院Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Development and Reform Committee, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of A
7、griculture, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Health, State Administration of Taxation, State Oceanic Administration, Office of Legislative Affairs, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,6,2007年5月11日,曾培炎副总理出席启动会讲话Former Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan attended the launching cer
8、emony on May 11, 2007,7,2009年3月16日,项目召开领导小组第二次会议The 2nd meeting of the leading group was held on Mar. 16, 2009,8,2008.8.28,“两委”论证Review by the two Boards on Aug. 28, 2008,9,2009.7.21 李克强同志听取宏观战略汇报并讲话Vice Premier Li Keqiang listened to the report on macro strategic study and made remarks on July 21,
9、2009,10,取得丰硕成果Fruitful Results,综合报告Summary report 汇报要点Outlines of report 四个课题报告4 Task Force Reports 29个专题报告29 special reports 七个地方报告7 local reports,11,二、中国环境形势评价Assessment of Environmental Situation,12,环保工作取得积极进展Positive progress of environmental protection,污染防治由被动应对转向主动防控Pollution control turned fr
10、om passive response to proactive management 2007、2008、2009年,全国化学需氧量与二氧化硫排放量连续“双下降” Both COD discharges and SO2 emissions reduced in 2007, 2008 and 2009 生态保护和建设成效显著 Remarkable achievement in ecological conservation and development 核与辐射环境安全基本处于受控状态Nuclear and radiation environmental safety is basicall
11、y kept under control 环境国际合作取得进展Progress has been made in environmental international cooperation,13,2009.3.政府工作报告:Report on the Work of Government in Mar. 2009,2008年比2005年:Figures of 2008 as compared with that of 2005: 二氧化硫排放量下降8.95% SO2 emissions down 8.95%化学需氧量排放量下降6.61%COD discharges down 6.61% 单
12、位生产总值能耗下降10.08%energy consumption per unit of GDP down 10.08%,14,燃煤电厂烟气脱硫机组装机容量大幅增加Sharp increase of installed desulphurization units in coal-fired power plants,15,污水处理能力快速提高Rapid improvement in sewage treatment capacity,生态保护和建设得到加强Improvement in ecological conservation and development,森林覆盖率上升到20% f
13、orestry coverage rate increased to 20% 荒漠化扩展趋势得到初步遏制 trend of expanding desertification preliminarily curbed 治理水土流失面积近百万平方公里about 1 million sq. km. land suffering from soil erosion kept under control 建立国家级生态功能保护区14个14 national eco function protection zones established,17,自然保护区占国土面积15.2%nature reserv
14、es accounting for 15.2% total land territory,number,area,18,环境形势可概括为Overall environmental situation,局部有所改善 improvement in some areas 总体尚未遏制 overall degradation failed to be controlled 形势依然严峻 the situation remains grave 压力继续加大 pressure continues to increase,19,(一)局部地区和行业的部分1. Improvement in some area
15、s and industries 环境指标有所改善 improvement in environmental indicators,全国SO2排放强度的年际变化Year-to-year changes of national SO2 emission intensity,全国COD排放量和排放强度的年际变化Year-to-year changes of national COD discharges and intensity,20,重点行业排放强度明显下降dramatic drop of discharge intensity in key industries,造纸及纸制品业Paper m
16、aking and paper products,黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业Ferrous metal smelting of & pressing,89%,70%,十年间 In 10 years,21,重点流域主要污染物污染程度有所减轻pollution caused by major pollutants reduced in key river basins,1996年地表水国控断面水质类别比例Surface water quality of sections under national monitoring in 1996,2007年地表水国控断面水质类别比例Surface water
17、 quality of sections under national monitoring in 2007,22,城市常规监测污染指标有所下降Regular urban monitoring indicators decreased,1990年2005年我国城市大气污染物浓度变化Changes of urban air pollutant levels from 1990 to 2005,23,(二)环境恶化状况尚未得到根本遏制 Environmental worsening not fundamentally contained,19902003年珠江三角洲地区能见度低于8km的时间百分比
18、Proportion of foggy days with visibility less than 8 km in the Pearl River Delta from 1990-2003,城市空气环境质量退化 Urban air quality worsened,24,近50年来区域霾问题日趋严重Haze in regional scale has become more serious in the past 50 years 区域臭氧浓度和细颗粒超标现象明显Regional concentrations of ozone and fine particles far exceed st
19、andard,25,酸雨污染问题依然突出Acid rain pollution still stands out 复合污染呈现恶化和蔓延趋势Compound pollution is deteriorating and spreading,26,水环境呈现复杂的流域性污染态势 Water environment is exhibiting a complicated trend of pollution in river basin scale,大中型湖泊出现扩大expansion in middle and large lakes,135,600,5000,8700,70年代1970s,80
20、年代后期late 1980s,2000年初early 2000,2007年初early 2007,以城市小湖为主部分中型/大型 mainly small lakes in cities Some are middle/large lakes,以城市小湖泊为主small lakes in cities,大中型湖泊大量出现booming in middle and large lakes,(平方公里)(Sq. km.) 湖泊富营养化面积Area of lake eutrophication,占5%accounting for 5%,占 35%accounting for 35%,湖泊富营养化呈增长
21、趋势increasing trend of eutrophication,27,土壤环境质量退化soil environment is degrading,土壤污染表现出源多、量大、面广、持久、毒害性强等特征 Soil pollution is characterized by multiple pollution sources, large amount of pollutants, widespread coverage, persistent and strong toxicity 因污染退化的耕地数量不断增加,受污染的耕地面积达 1.5亿亩 The area of degraded
22、farmland caused by pollution continued to increase and reached 150 million mu,28,生态系统更加脆弱Increasingly fragile ecosystems,我国生物承载能力人均0.79全球公顷,生态足迹已达1.65全球公顷人均超出可承载能力1倍以上 Chinas per capita biological carrying capacity is 0.79 global hectare and that of eco footprint is 1.65 global hectare, more than on
23、e time over the carrying capacity,29,环境事故频发Frequent occurrence of environmental accidents,30,31,环境群体性事件增多Mass environmental accidents on the rise,32,33,34,环境容量相对不足、经济快速发展、资源能源消耗持续增长,我国环境资源将面临更大的压力 Inadequate environmental capacity, rapid economic development and sustained growth of energy and resour
24、ce consumption contribute to growing pressure on environment and resources,35,三、中国环境保护新道路A New Path to Environmental Protection,36,探索环境保护新道路Exploration of a new path to environmental protection,当前我国正处在工业化、城市化和农业现代化的快速发展阶段,环境保护任重道远。The tasks of environmental protection are arduous as China is experie
25、ncing rapid development of industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization. 在新形势下我们必须继续深入探索符合科学发展观要求的中国环境保护新道路Under the new circumstances we must constantly explore a new path to environmental protection in line with Scientific Outlook on Development. 这是中国特色的国情和发展阶段所决定的This is determi
26、ned by Chinas national conditions and development stage.,37,环境保护新道路的内涵 Connotation of the new path to environmental protection,环境问题是民生的根本问题Environmental issues are fundamental to peoples well being 环境问题也是发展方式问题Environmental issues also concern the mode of development 环保推进历史性转变Promoting historic tran
27、sformation of environmental protection 环境保护贯穿生产、流通、分配和消费的全过程Environmental protection is maintained through the whole process of production, circulation, distribution and consumption 重要生态系统实行休养生息 Rehabilitation of important ecosystems 建设生态文明,实现人与自然和谐Building ecological civilization and achieving harm
28、ony between man and nature,38,环境保护新道路A new path to environmental protection 框架体系Framework,制定适合国情的环境战略体系Develop an environmental strategic system fitting into Chinas conditions 建立全防全控的防范体系Set up a overall defense system for pollution prevention and control 健全高效的环境治理体系 Set up a effective environmental
29、 governance system 完善环境政策法规标准制度体系Improve environmental policies, regulations and standards 构建完备的环境管理体系Build a full-fledged environmental management system 形成全民参与环境保护的社会行动体系Create a system for public participation in environmental protection,39,战略思想 Strategic thought,全面贯彻落实党的十七大精神,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,深入贯彻
30、落实科学发展观,以保护生态和改善环境质量为目标,以维护人民群众健康和环境权益为宗旨,以历史性转变为指导,以转变经济发展方式、走可持续发展道路为基本途径,积极探索环保道路,将环境保护的理念渗透到经济社会发展之中,,40,建立全防全控的防范体系;提高环境保护效率与效益,健全高效的环境治理体系;优化和促进经济增长,完善与经济发展相协调的政策法规标准制度体系;调动社会各方面力量参与环保,构建完备的环境管理体系,努力建设人与自然和谐、经济与环境相协调的生态文明社会。概括起来就是:“以人为本,优化发展,环境安全,生态文明”。,41,战略方针 Strategic guidelines,预防为主,防治结合基本
31、原则Taking prevention as primary method and combining prevention and control- basic principle 系统管理,综合整治基本方法Systematic management and integrated improvement basic methodology 民生为先,分级负责基本要求Regarding Peoples well being as the paramount and taking up responsibility at all levels basic requirement 政府主导,公众参
32、与基本途径Guided by the government and encouraging public participation basic means,42,阶段目标:Objectives,2020 年(两个有效):主要污染物排放得到有效控制,环境安全得到有效保障 By 2020 (two effectiveness): discharges of major pollutants effectively controlled and environmental security effectively guaranteed 2030 (两个全面):污染物排放总量得到全面控制,环境质量全
33、面改善 By 2030 (two complete): complete control of total discharges of pollutants and complete improvement of environmental quality 2050(两个适应):环境质量与人民群众日益提高的物质生活水平相适应,与现代化社会主义强国相适应 By 2050 (two compatible): environmental quality compatible to peoples increasing living standard and to the status of a st
34、rong socialist modern society,43,1、水环境安全 Water environment safety 2、能源与大气环境 Energy and atmospheric environment 3、控制固体废物污染 Control of solid waste pollution 4、工业污染防治与减排 Prevention and control of industrial pollution & pollution reduction 5、城市环境保护 Urban environmental protection 6、农村环境保护 Rural environme
35、ntal protection 7、生态保护与生态安全 Ecological conservation and eco-security 8、核与辐射安全 Nuclear and radiation safety 9、应对全球环境挑战 Address global environmental challenges,战略任务 Strategic tasks,44,1、强化法制建设 Strengthen legal system building 2、改革管理体制 Reform management system 3、增加环保投入 Increase environmental investment 4、创新经济政策 Make innovation in economic policies 5、实行分区管理 Separate management of zones 6、科技与能力建设 Science & Technology and capacity building 7、开展环境教育 Promote environmental education,八、对策与措施 Countermeasures,45,谢 谢!Thank you!,