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2、t.A. which B.where C. what D.who答案B0002 Heavy lifts are usually tallied by _.A. unit methods B.package methods C. block methods ) D. straight methods.答案A0003 Estimated time of arrival at destination of vessel can be broadcast by_.A.GPS B.AIS C.ECDIS D.VDR答案B0004 The information received by AIS will
3、be displayed on _.A.DCU B.UTC C.ENC D.MENU 答案A0005 What is the female section of a joint called? _,A.Stem B.Pin C.Box D.St答案C0006 The southeast trade winds actually blow toward the _.A.southeast B.south C.east D.northwest答案D0007 When the ship causes oil pollution to the port ,she will be_.A.fined B.
4、levied C.paid D.deducted 答案A0008 Turnbuckles are considered as _.A.running rigging B.standing rigging C.shackles D.chains答案B0009 Please tell your Captain that your anchor is _.A.moving B.dragging C.dredging D.slipping 答案B0010 _ fear of the damages and losses, I hereby note my protest.A.To B.Against
5、C.For D.With答案C 0011 It is dangerous to _ in present position.A.remain B.remaining C.be remaining D.be remained答案A0012 _ is where delicious food is cooked.A.The funnel B.The messroom C.The galley D. The satellite antenna答案C0013 A wave entering _ is likely to produce bores. A.shallow water B.deep wat
6、er C.river D.tide答案A0014 Which of the following is not a frontal term?_A.Ridge B.Col C.trough D.Bora答案D0015 The lashings are not functional,since they are _.A.crisscrossed B.tightened C.secured D.fastened答案A0016 Which is NOT a part of an anchor?_A.Bill B.Devile claw C.Palm D.Crown答案B0017 I hereby re
7、quest permission to _ the ship hull for routine maintenance.A.operate B.repair C.oil D.paint答案D0018 The Chief Officer insisted on putting remarks regardless _ my objection.A.at B.in C.of D.with答案C19Notice of Readiness to Load must be served _ the Charterer or his agent.A. To B. For C. at D. on答案D002
8、0 A boundary between two air masses is a(n) _.http:/pse rate B.isobar C.front D.continent答案C0021 Chinese is used in _ stores.A.IMPA B.ISSA C.Both IMPA and ISSA D.Neither IMPA nor ISSA答案A0022 If you do not wear goggles and helmet,your chances of being _ will be greater.A.beaten B.damaged C.hurt D.str
9、icken答案C0023 The said accident was caused by your ship.A.Sailing B.Damaged C.Sounded D.Above mentioned答案D0024 By convention,the north seeking ends of a compass magnets ar第1页 下一页Word文档免费下载: 航海英语3300 自带答案纯手工打造 (共480页,当前第1页)你可能喜欢 航海英语题库 英语教材 船舶管理题库 英语答案 航海气象题库 英语翻译 船舶操纵题库 航海气象与海洋学 航海英语新光盘题库选题(2012.3月)2
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