1、1建築長河區之建築文本簡介The Evolution of Architecture以下先就:遠雄建築長河-版面-展牆-文本-編年 2013-08-12.doc檔案中77 個粉紅字體之展出文本做簡介A001吉賽金字塔,埃及吉賽,西元前 2631 年-2498 年Great Pyramids of Giza, Giza, Cairo, Egypt, 2631-2498 BC 指位於埃及開羅近郊吉賽的胡夫金字塔(又稱大金字塔 、 奇歐普斯金字塔)、卡夫拉金字塔(第二大) 及孟卡拉金字塔,以及附近的獅身人面像與一些規模較小的附屬金字塔。中古世界七大奇蹟之一,2007 年世界新七大奇蹟之榮譽奇蹟。Th
2、e Great Pyramids of Giza are located on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. They include the Gisele Khufu Pyramid (also known as the “Great Pyramid“, “Carpaccio Phillips pyramid“), the Khafre pyramid (the second largest) and Menkaure pyramids, the nearby Sphinx, and some smaller subsidiary pyramids. Toge
3、ther, they are one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and one of the new Seven Wonders of the World in 2007.A003烏爾塔廟,伊拉克濟加爾省,西元前 2113 年-2096 年The Ziggurat of Ur, Dhi Qar Province, Iraq, 2113-2096 BC位於伊拉克首都巴格達東南約 300 公里的濟加爾。The Ziggurat of Ur is located in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, about 300
4、 kilometers southeast of Dhi Qar.A002哈特謝普蘇特神殿,埃及底比斯,西元前 1490 年-1460 年Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Thebes, Egypt, 1490-1460BC亦稱德爾巴哈里廟Also known as Deir Al-Bahari Temple。A008巴特農神殿,希臘雅典衛城,西元前 447 年-438 年Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, 447-438BC設計建築師為伊克提諾斯(Iktinos)與卡利克瑞特(Callicrates),雕塑家為費
5、迪亞斯(Phidias)。The design architects were Iktinos and Callicrates, and the sculptor was Phidias.2A005萬里長城,中國,約自西元前 206 年(約春秋時期)起Great Wall, China, 206BC-中古世界七大奇蹟之一,2007 年世界新七大奇蹟之一。中國萬里長城始建於春秋戰國時代(約西元前 3 世紀),至今已有兩千多年歷史。現存的長城遺蹟主要為始建於明代(約 14 世紀)的長城。The Great Wall of China was built during the Warring Sta
6、tes period (c. 3rd century BC), and has existed for more than two thousand years. The Great Wall was finished during the Ming Dynasty (c. 14th century). It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the new Seven Wonders of the World in 2007.A006競技場,義大利羅馬,西元 72 年-80 年Colosseum, Rome, Ital
7、y, AD72-80又譯作鬥獸場 ,中古世界七大奇蹟之一,2007 年世界新七大奇蹟之一。It is also spelled “Coliseum.“ It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and one of the new Seven Wonders of the World in 2007.A007萬神殿,義大利羅馬,西元 118 年-128 年Pantheon, Rome, Italy, 118-128又譯萬神廟 。It is also known as the Polytheistic Temple.A010聖索菲亞
8、大教堂,土耳其伊斯坦堡,西元 532 年-537 年Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey, 532-537中古世界七大奇蹟之一。設計建築師為伊西多爾& 安提莫斯(Isidoros & Anthemios)。The Hagia Sophia was designed by Isidoros and Anthemios. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.A015法隆寺,日本奈良縣,西元 607 年-700 年Temple of the Flourishing Law, Nara, Japan, 607-
9、7003法隆寺分東西兩院,東路有夢殿等建築;西院伽藍有金堂、五重塔、山門、迴廊等木造結構建築。五重塔乃世界上最古的木結構建築。Horyuji has a west and east chamber. There is a dream temple and other buildings in the east chamber. There is a Jintang, a five-story pagoda, an entrance, corridors and other wooden constructions in the west chamber, named “Garan.” The
10、temples pagoda is widely acknowledged to be one of the oldest wooden buildings existing in the world.A019帕倫克古城,墨西哥恰帕斯州,西元 431 年-900 年Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico, 431-900帕倫克古城是瑪雅文明古典時期最重要的城邦之一。Palenque was one of the most important cities in the classical period of Mayan civilization.A022哥多華清真寺,西班牙哥多華,
11、西元 784 年-987 年Cordoba Mosque, Cordoba, Spain, 784-987位於西班牙安達魯西亞區,雖然被稱為哥多華清真寺,或大清真寺(Great Mosque) ,但實際上它卻是一座天主教堂。The Cordoba Mosque is located in the Andalusia region in Spain. Although known as the Cordoba Mosque, or Great Mosque, it is in fact a Catholic church.A013五台山佛光寺,中國山西省五台縣,建於西元 857 年Foguang
12、 Temple, Wutaishan, Shanxi Province, China, 857-佛光寺大殿為願誠和尚所修建,建於唐大中十一年(西元 857 年),為中國現存排名第二早的木結構建築。DaizhongThe main temple was built by the monk Yuan-Cheng. It was built in the Tang Dazhong eleven years (857 AD), and ranked as the second earliest extant Chinese wooden architecture.A018吳哥窟,柬埔寨暹粒市,西元 1
13、2 世紀初期Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia, Early 12th Century又稱吳哥寺,始建於 12 世紀初期,是高棉古典建築藝術的代表。It is also known as Angkor Wat. It was built in the early 12th century, a masterpiece of classical Cambodian architecture.A0204比薩斜塔,義大利比薩,西元 1173 年-1372 年Pisa Campanile, Pisa, Italy, 1173-1372比薩斜塔為中古世界七大奇蹟之一,位於義大
14、利托斯卡納省比薩城北面,是奇蹟廣場三大建築(即:大教堂、洗禮堂及鐘樓)之一,比薩斜塔即鐘樓。Leaning Tower of Pisa is located in Tuscany, a northern city in Pisa Province, Italy. It is one of the buildings of the Square of Miracles which also includes the cathedral, baptistery, and bell tower. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is the bell tower.A024巴黎聖母
15、院,法國巴黎,西元 1163 年-1250 年Notre-Dame, Paris, France, 1163-1250座落於巴黎市中心塞納河中的西堤島上,是法國文學家維克多雨果(Victor Hugo)所著小說鐘樓怪人主要的故事場景,在多次被改編的電影、電視劇及音樂劇中都曾出現巴黎聖母院的身影。Notre-Dame is located at le de la Cit of Seine in central Paris. It is the main scene of Victor Hugos novel of “Hunchback of Notre Dame“ and appeared on
16、 many adapted movies, television and musicals dramas.A023西敏寺,英國倫敦,西元 1245 年-1517 年Westminster Abbey, London, England, 1245-1517西敏寺最早為本篤會教士於 1045 年-1065 年間所建,1245 年-1517 年間再次重建,大部分的工作由建築師亨利耶維爾(Henry Yevele)所完成。Westminster Abbey was built in 1045-1065 by Benedictine priest. It was rebuilt from 1245 to
17、 1517. Most of the works was completed by architect Henry Yevele.A017姬路城,日本兵庫縣姬路市,西元 1333 年-1346 年Himeji Castle, Japan, 1333-1346日本第一名城,與熊本城、松本城合稱日本三大名城。Japans most famous city. Himeji Castle, Kumamoto Castle, and Matsumoto Castle collectively referred to as Japans three major famous cities.A029道奇宮(
18、總督府) ,義大利威尼斯,西元 1309 年-1424 年Doges Palace (Palazzo Ducale), Venice, Italy, 1309-14245道奇宮(Doges Palace),又稱總督府(Palazzo Ducale),一座位於義大利威尼斯哥德式建築的傑作,曾經是政府機關與法院,亦是威尼斯總督的府邸。Doges Palace, also known as the Governors Mansion (Palazzo Ducale), is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture in Venice, Italy. It once
19、housed government agencies and the courts, as well as the official residence of the governor of Venice.A026米蘭大教堂,義大利米蘭,西元 1386 年-1965 年Milan Cathedral, Milan, Italy, beginning from 1386米蘭大教堂是世界第五大教堂, 也是義大利最大的教堂。始建於西元 1386 年,至1965 年歷經五個多世紀才正式完工。Milan Cathedral is the worlds fifth largest cathedral an
20、d is the largest in Italy. Built from AD 1386 to 1965, completed after five centuries.A027北京故宮-紫禁城,中國北京,西元 1406 年-1420 年Imperial Palaces, Forbidden City, Beijing, China, 1406-1420北京故宮,昔稱紫禁城,是中國明、清兩朝代的皇宮,始建於明成祖永樂四年(西元1406 年),完工於永樂十八年(西元 1420 年)。The Imperial Palaces of the Ming and Ching Dynasties, fo
21、rmerly known as the Forbidden City, was built in the fourth year of Yongle (AD 1406) for the Ming emperor, and completed in the eighteenth year of Yongle (AD 1420).A030佛羅倫斯大教堂,義大利佛羅倫斯,西元 1296 年-1436 年Florence Cathedral, Florence, Italy, 1296-1436一般稱為聖母百花聖殿 ,始建於西元 1296 年,至 1436 年完工。設計建築師為坎比歐(Arnolfo
22、di Cambio),著名的圓頂則由布魯內奈斯基(Filippo Brunelleschi)設計建造。Florence Cathedral, generally known as “Santa Maria del Fiore Temple“, began construction in AD 1296, and completed in 1436. The design architect was Arnolfo di Cambio, and the famous dome was designed and built by Filippo Brunelleschi.A032聖彼得大教堂,梵蒂
23、岡,西元 1506 年-1626 年St. Peters Basilica, Vatican City, Vatican, 1506-1626一座位於梵蒂岡的天主教聖殿,建於西元 1506 年-1626 年,係世界最大的教堂。文藝復興時期的多位建築師與藝術家:伯拉孟特(Donato Bramante)、馬德諾(Carlo Maderno)、6桑加羅(Antonio da Sangallo the Younger)和米開朗基羅(Michelangelo)等都曾參與教堂主體的設計。至於教堂前面的巴洛克式廣場則由貝尼尼(Gian Lorenzo Bernini)設計。A Catholic sanct
24、uary, the Vatican was built from 1506 to 1626. It is the worlds largest church. Many Renaissance architects and artists such as Donato Bramante, Carlo Maderno, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, and Michelangelo were involved in the main frame design of the church. The Baroque square in front of the c
25、hurch was designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini.A028蘇州拙政園,中國蘇州市,西元 1509 年-1513 年Humble Administrators Garden, Suzhou, China, 1509-1513建於明朝正德年間(西元 1509 年-1513 年),為蘇州四大名園及中國四大名園之首。The Humble Administrators Garden was built in the Zhengde years (1509 -1513 AD) of the Ming Dynasty. It is considered the best
26、garden among the four most famous gardens in Suzhou Province, China.A031楓丹白露宮,法國塞納-馬恩省,西元 1528 年-1556 年Palace of Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne, France, 1528-1556位於法國北部塞納-馬恩省的楓丹白露鎮,西元 1137 年,法王路易六世下令在此修建城堡用作國王狩獵的行宮。16 世紀時(西元 1528 年-1556 年),法王弗朗索瓦一世把此宮加以擴大改建,成為楓丹白露宮。The Palace of Fontainebleau is loca
27、ted in the Fontainebleau town of Marne, in the Northern part of Seine, France. In AD 1137, King Louis VI ordered a castle be built for him as a temporary dwelling place. During 16th century (AD 1528 -1556 years), King Francois I expanded and renovated it, renaming it the Palace of Fontainebleau.A036
28、原住民住屋,台灣Indigenous Peoples House, TaiwanA034泰姬瑪哈陵,印度阿格拉,西元 1632 年-1654 年Taj Mahal, Agra, India, 1632-1654為印度最知名的古蹟之一,2007 年入選世界新七大奇蹟之一。The Taj Mahal is one of Indias most famous monuments, and one of the new Seven Wonders of the World in 2007.A0357淡水紅毛城,台灣新北市淡水區,西元 1644-1646 年Fort Santo Domingo, Tam
29、sui, New Taipei City, Taiwan, 1644-1646古稱安東尼堡 ,西元 1628 年當時佔領台灣北部的西班牙人在滬尾(今淡水)建造了聖多明哥城(Santo Domingo),後來聖多明哥城遭到摧毀,荷蘭人於西元1644-1646 年在聖多明哥城原址附近予以重建,即為今日之淡水紅毛城。Fort Santo Domingo was named Anthony Fort in ancient times. In AD 1628, the northern part of Taiwan was occupied by the Spanish, who built the S
30、anto Domingo in Huwei (now Tamsui). The Santo Domingo was later destroyed. The Dutch reconstructed the Santo Domingo near the original site between AD 1644 and 646.A039沃勒維孔城堡,法國塞納-馬恩省曼西,西元 1657 年-1661 年Chateau of Vaux-le-Vicomte, Maincy, France, 1657-1661也叫子爵城堡,由法國建築師勒沃(Louis Le Vau)、勒諾特(Andr Le Not
31、re)和畫家勒布倫(Le Brun) 合作完成。The Chateau of Vaux-le-Vicomte is also known as Viscount Castle. It was designed by French architects Louis Le Vau, Andr Le Notre, and painter Le Brun.A040凡爾賽宮,法國凡爾賽,西元 1667 年-1688 年Palace of Versailles, Versailles, France, 1667-1688西元 1660 年間法國國王路易十四命令子爵城堡的建築師勒沃(Louis Le Vau
32、)、勒諾特(Andr Le Notre)為其設計新的行宮, 1667 年勒諾特設計了凡爾賽宮花園和噴泉,勒沃則增建了新宮殿;1674 年建築師芒薩爾(Jules Hardouin Mansart)接替了勒沃的凡爾賽宮工程,增建宮殿的南北兩翼、教堂、馬廄等建築,至 1688 年完工。Around AD 1660, the French King Louis XIV commanded Viscount Castle architect Louis Le Vau and Andr Le Notre to design a new palace. In 1667 Andr Le Notre desi
33、gned the gardens and fountains of Versailles, and Louis Le Vau built an additional palace. Then in 1674, architect Jules Hardouin Mansart succeeded Louis Le Vau and built additional north and south wings, a church, and a stable for the palace. The construction was completed in 1688.A038卡爾教堂,奧地利維也納,西
34、元 1716 年-1737 年Karlskirche, Vienna, Austria, 1716-1737即查理教堂(St. Charless Church),位於奧地利首都維也納卡爾廣場的南側,故亦稱卡爾教堂 。設計建築師為馮埃拉赫(Johann Fischer von Erlach) 。屬巴洛克及洛可可風格的教堂建築。8The Karlskirche, also known as St. Charless Church, was located in the south side of Karlsplatz, Vienna, Austria. It is also known as “K
35、arlskirche.“ It was designed by Johann Fischer von Erlach in the Baroque and Rococo styles.A044林安泰古厝,台灣台北市,西元 1783 年-1785 年Lin An Tai Historical House, Taipei, Taiwan, 1783-1785林安泰古厝主體建於 清 乾 隆 48 年 至 50 年 (西 元 1783-1785 年 ), 左 右 護 龍 則 於 清道 光 至 年 (西 元 1822-1823 年 )完 工 。The main frame of Lin An Tai Hi
36、storical House was built in Qianlong year 48 to 50 (AD 1783-1785). The left and right dragon guards were completed in the Qing Daoguang years 2-3 (AD 1822-1823).A041美景宮,奧地利維也納,西元 1717 年-1723 年Upper Belvedere, Vienna, Austria, 1717-1723美景宮又 譯 作 貝爾維德宮,屬巴洛克建築風格的宮殿,現 為 奧 地 利 國 家 美 術 館 。The Upper Belvede
37、re, also known as Belweder Palace, is Baroque in style. It is now the Austrian National Gallery.A042鹿港龍山寺,台灣鹿港,西元 1786 年-1798 年Lukan Lung-shan Temple, Lukan, Taiwan, 1786-1798鹿港龍山寺始建於明末清初,於清乾隆五十一年(西元 1786 年)開始遷建現址,至嘉慶年間(西元 1798 年) 始完備初步規模。Lugang Longshan Temple was built in the late Ming and early Q
38、ing Dynasty. It was relocated to the present site during Qianlong year 51 (AD 1786). During the Jiaqing years (AD 1798) the temple was in preliminary scale.A048美國國會大廈,西元 1793 年-1850 年代The U.S. Capitol Building, Washington, D.C., MA, USA, 1793-1850s別稱國會山莊,位於華盛頓特區東端。現在的國會大廈始建於西元 1793 年,實為美國的第四個國會大廈,18
39、00 年完成第一部分(北翼),至 1850 年代才增建至現在的規模。The U.S. Capitol Buildings nickname is Capitol Hill. It is located at the eastern end of Washington, DC. The Capitol was built in AD 1793. In fact, its the Americas fourth Capitol. The first part(North Wing) was completed in 1800 and the rest was not finished until
40、the 1850s.9A047英國國會大樓,英國倫敦,西元 1836 年-1860 年代Houses of Parliament, London, England, 1836-1860s又稱西敏宮(Palace of Westminster ),舊的西敏宮毀於 1834 年的大火,現在的國會大樓始建於 1836 年,至 1860 年代完成,設計建築師為查爾斯巴利爵士(Sir Charles Barry)和他的助手普金(Augustus Pugin)。The Houses of Parliament, also known as the Palace of Westminster, was de
41、stroyed by a fire in 1834. The present building was built in 1836 and completed in1860. It was designed by Sir Charles Barry and his assistant Augustus Pugin.A052億載金城,台灣台南市,西元 1874 年-1876 年Eternal Golden Castle, Tainan, Taiwan, 1874-1876又叫二鯤鯓砲臺,位於台灣台南市安平區,是一座清朝時期建立的砲臺,始建於同治十三年(西元 1874 年) ,至光緒二年(1876
42、 年) 完工。The Eternal Golden Castle, also known as Two Kunshen fort, located in the Anping District of Tainan, Taiwan. It is a fort that was built in Tongzhi year thirteen (AD 1874), and completed in Guangxu year two (1876) during the Qing Dynasty.A050新天鵝堡,德國巴伐利亞,西元 1869 年-1892 年Neuschwanstein Castle,
43、Bavaria, Germany, 1869-1892新天鵝堡是 19 世紀晚期的建築,巴伐利亞國王路德維希二世的行宮,德國最熱門的觀光景點之一。設計建築師為里德爾(Eduard Riedel)。The Neuschwanstein Castle is a late 19th century building, and served as the Bavarian King Ludwig IIs palace. Moreover, its one of Germanys most popular tourist attractions. The castle was designed by E
44、duard Riedel.A051艾菲爾鐵塔,法國巴黎,西元 1887 年-1889 年Eiffel Tower, Paris, France, 1887-1889又叫巴黎鐵塔,為世界著名建築,法國象徵之一,及巴黎重要地標。位於巴黎戰神廣場,係工程師艾菲爾(Gustave Eiffel )為 1889 年巴黎萬國博覽會而設計的構造物,始建於西元 1887 年,至 1889 年完工。建造之初,飽受各界批評,誹譽參半,但時至現今,已被視為世界著名建築,法國的重要地標。The Eiffel Tower is one of the worlds most famous buildings. Its o
45、ne of the symbols of France and one of Pariss important landmarks. Its located at Champ de Mars in Paris. It was designed for the 1889 Paris World Exposition by engineer Gustave Eiffel. It was built in 1887 and completed in 1889. Widely criticized at first, it is now regarded as one of the most famo
46、us architectural designs on the planet, and an important tourist attraction in France now.10A0561巴黎博覽會:商業航運大樓,法國巴黎,西元 1900 年Paris Exposition: Commercial Navigation Building, Paris, France, 1900商業航運大樓係為 1900 年巴黎博覽會而設計興建的大樓,是世界上啟用第 1 部階梯式電扶梯的建築,現已拆除。The Commercial Navigation Building was designed and
47、constructed for the Paris Exposition of 1900. It is the worlds first ladder -style escalator. It has since been demolished.A056台北賓館(總督官邸) ,台灣台北市,西元 1899 年-1901 年Taipei Guest House, Taipei, Taiwan, 1899-1901位於台灣台北市博愛特區,由日本建築師宮尾麟、野村一郎設計。起造於西元 1899 年,至 1901 年完工。1911 年改建工程經森山松之助設計,成為現今的樣貌。1998 年由內政部指定為國
48、定古蹟。The Taipei Guest House is located in Bo Ai District, Taipei. The Taipei Guest House was designed by the Japanese architects Miyao Lin and Ichiro Nomura. It was built in AD 1899 and completed in 1901. In 1911 the Taipei Guest House was reconstructed by Moriyama Matsunosuke and thus took on its cu
49、rrent modern appearance. In 1998 it was designated a national historic site by the Ministry of Interior.A059監察院(台北州廳) ,台灣台北市,西元 1913 年-1915 年The Control Yuan, Taipei, Taiwan, 1913-1915臺北州廳是台灣日治時期台北州之行政中心,位於現今之台北市忠孝東路與中山南路口,設計建築師為森山松之助。1958 年該建築正式轉交監察院使用至今。1998 年由內政部指定為國定古蹟。The Control Yuan(Taipei Prefectural Hall) was the administrative center during the Japanese colonial period. It was designed by Moriyama Matsunosuke and located at the Zhongxiao East Road and Zhongshan South Road. In 1958 the building transferred to