1、Football!,Football is a ball game played between two teams of eleven players, each attempting to win by scoring more goals than their opponent. Football is played predominantly with the feet, but players may use any part of their body except their hands and arms to propel the ball; the exceptions to
2、 this are the two goalkeepers, who are the only players allowed to handle the ball in the field of play, albeit with restrictions.,The origin of modern football,(1) 11th century ,Denmark invaded England. (2) At the beginning of 12th century,the football game appeared. On Oct 26, 1863, the English fo
3、otball association was founded in London, it is the first football sports organization in the world. And rules are unified, Modern football was formally established. (3) In 1900 the second session of the Olympic Games began, football is listed as one of official competition projects, but it does not
4、 allow professional athletes to participate.(4) On May 21, 1904, FIFA was founded in Paris. (5) Since 1930, the world football championships (also called the World Cup football match) has been held once every four years. the limitation of professional athletes was cancelled. From then on, the modern
5、 soccer movement develops. 。,后卫: Back 前卫: Midfielder 前锋: Forward 中锋: Striker 自由人: libero 中后卫 Center Back 守门员: Goalkeeper, Goalie 左(右)后卫: Left (Right) Back 清道夫, 拖后中卫: Sweeper 左(右)前卫: Left (Right) Midfielder 攻击型前卫, 前腰: Attacking Midfielder 防守型前卫, 后腰: Defending Midfielder,Manchester United 曼彻斯特联队 Arsen
6、al 阿森纳队 Liverpool 利物浦队 Chelsea 切尔西队 Newcastle United 纽卡斯尔联队 Manchester City 曼彻斯特城队 Aston Villa 阿斯顿维拉队 Everton 埃弗顿队 Tottenham Hotspur 托特纳姆热刺队 Blackburn Rovers 布莱克本流浪者队 Bolton Wanderers 博尔顿流浪者队 Charlton Athletic 查尔顿队 Fulham 富勒姆队 Middlesbrough 米德尔斯堡队 Sheffield United 谢菲尔德联队 West Ham United 西汉姆联队队 Portsmouth 朴茨茅斯队Wigan Athletic 维根队,