1、PRAGMATIC ANALYSIS OF CONVERSATIONALIMPLICATURE IN EMMAByYang MinghuiUnder the supervision ofProf. Zhu YueA thesisSubmitted in partial fulfillmentof the requirements for the degree ofMaster of Arts to the School of Foreign StudiesAnhui UniversityApril, 2009AcknowledgementsI would like to express my
2、sincere gratitude to those who have offered meassistance and help during my thesis writing.My special thanks go to my respected supervisor, Prof. Zhu Yue, who haspainstakingly reviewed the manuscript and given me valuable instructions. Hisinsightful comments and suggestions have been extremely helpf
3、ul in the writing andrevision of the thesis. Without his patient and strict academic guidance, the thesiswould not have achieved its present shape.My heartfelt thanks also go to all my respectable teachers in the School ofForeign Studies, whose profound knowledge and patient teaching have inspired m
4、ein the study of linguistics. They are Prof. Zhou Fangzhu, Prof. Zhang Ming, Prof.Zhu Xiaomei, Dr. Hujian, Dr. Zhang Hongxia, and Dr. Yang Ling. Without theirinvaluable lectures in the past three years, the thesis would not have been finishedsmoothly.Last but not least, my thanks also extend to my w
5、ife who is always supportingme in the process of thesis writing.iAbstractEmma is another great ironic work of Austen. Its distinctive language and charactershave impressed the readers all over the world. The thoughts and artistic value of thenovel have been researched widely. However, the pragmatic
6、research on the utterancesof the characters in the novel which reveals the growth of their personality and reflectsAustens intention of novel-writing and theme of the novel is seldom seen. Emma, thelively heroine in the novel, is arrogant and prejudiced, romantic and pursuing forperfection and she i
7、s regarded as one of the most successful characters by Austen. Thegreat amounts of tactful and indirect language material not only mirror the characterssocial status and their age, but indicate the social inequality. Emmas language isindirect and full of conversational implicature which is worth res
8、earching.Though literary pragmatics was introduced in the 1970s, there are few scholarsinvolving themselves in the study. The thesis is going to analyze the Emmas utterancesfrom the perspective of primary principles in pragmatics, which is the originality of thethesis. The pragmatic theories adopted
9、 in the thesis have been known to the scholarsand Emma is also one of the masterpieces in the literary filed. There have been manyrelated researches on Emma and CP and PP respectively. But the research of the literarywork from the perspective of pragmatics is seldom seen. The thesis is going to stud
10、yEmmas utterances based on CP, PP and off-record strategies to reveal the maturingprocess of the heroine and reflect Emmas feminism. Through the analysis of theconversational implicature of Emmas utterances, the thesis is trying to explore newways in the study of literary text and make some new atte
11、mpts in the research ofliterary pragmatics. The significance of the study lies in the pragmatic study of literarytext. Based on the case analysis of Emmas utterances, the theme of the novel and itslanguage feature can be carefully analyzed and exposed to the readers. With the study,it is easy to fin
12、d that the implicature of Emmas utterances has highlighted the theme ofthe novel, supported the development of the plot of the novel and indicated Austensviews on feminine consciousness and marriage. Through the study in the thesis, theiiimplied information could be revealed. Meanwhile, the pragmati
13、c research of theliterary work has widened the horizon of literary research and provided a new way forthe related literary study.Key Words: Conversational Implicature; Emma; Pragmatic Analysisiii摘要爱玛是艺术大师简奥斯丁的又一讽刺力作,其鲜明的语言特色和人物性格给人们留下了深刻的印象。其思想性和文学表达方式也被人们广泛研究,但从语用学的角度去分析人物的会话,揭示人物的成长历程,从而映射作者的写作意图和
14、主题意义等方面的研究却很少有人涉及。奥斯丁笔下的爱玛生性活泼,语言犀利,傲慢而偏见,浪漫而追求完美,被公认为奥斯丁最成功的人物之一。其中大量委婉、间接的语言素材不仅反映了其所处的社会年代与阶层,更凸显了动态等级社会的不平等。爱玛的语言极具浓缩性和间接性,具有丰富的会话含义,有极高的研究价值。虽然文学语用学早在上世纪 70 年代就已问世,然而这一领域仍然较少有研究者触及。本文将语用学和文学语篇结合起来,以爱玛文本为对象,进行跨学科研究,这也是本文新意之所在。本文的基本理论为语言学者所熟知,文本爱玛也是文学经典著作之一,在语言学界和文学界,对这两者早已进行了大量的、深刻的研究,但从语用学的角度来分
15、析爱玛文本,探讨该作品的主题意义和语言特色的研究却较为少见。本文从 Grice 的会话含意理论出发,结合 Leech 的礼貌原则和 Brown & Levinson 的礼貌补救策略,对爱玛中的女主人公爱玛的言语进行语料分析,从会话分析的角度体现人物的成长历程以及其语言中折射出的女性意识和女权主义,同时也试图探索文本研究的新路,在文学语用学领域做一点新的尝试。本文着重对爱玛中的人物会话进行分析,以会话含义作为切入口,研究作品所反映的主题意义、语言特色以及思想认识。通过对爱玛会话的细致解读和剖析,作者认为爱玛的会话语料凸显了小说的主线,衬托了作品主题的发展与深化,折射了奥斯丁本人的女权意识与婚姻观
16、。此外,通过对作品中人物对话的语用分析,揭示其中丰富的隐含意义,拓宽了文本研究的视角,同时深化了对作品的主题认识。关键词:会话含意;爱玛; 语用分析ivContentsAcknowledgements . iAbstract (English Version) . iiAbstract (Chinese Version). ivContents .vChapter One Introduction. 11.1 General Introduction . 11.2. Purpose and Significance of the Study . 21.3 Organization of the
17、 Paper . 2Chapter Two Literature Review . 42.1 Relevant Researches on Emma Both at home and Abroad . 42.2 Relevant Researches on CI Both at home and Abroad . 62.3 Summary . 7Chapter Three Theoretical Framework. 83.1 Grices Conversational Implicature . 83.1.1 Cooperative Principle and Four Maxims . 8
18、3.1.2 Violating Maxims and Conversational Implicature . 93.2 Politeness Principle .113.2.1 Leechs Politeness Principle . 123.2.2 Brown and Levinsons Face theory and Off-record Strategy . 133.2.3 Irony Principle . 153.3 Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle . 153.4 Summary . 16Chapter Four C
19、ase Study: Conversational Implicature Interpreted in EmmasUtterances . 174.1 Synopsis of Emma. 174.2 Harriets Love and Marriage . 184.2.1 Conversational Implicature Generated by Flouting Maxim ofQuantity. Implicature Generated by Flouting Maxim ofQuality. 22Conversational Implicature Generated by Flouting Maxim ofManner . 244.2.4 Conversational Implicature Generated by Flouting Maxim ofRelevance . 264.3 Emmas Love and Marriage . 284.3.1 Conversational Implicature Generated by Flouting Maxim ofQuantity. 28v