1、前言: 旁白 (待定 )第一幕:(音乐 )木兰入场,独舞一段剑术(音乐:马蹄声响起)木兰父母从另一边入场,传旨人也入场,随从入场,木兰在一旁听,停止舞剑传旨人:“According to gods order, Because of the invasion of the Xiongnu Our emperor made ahard determination that we should take the weapons to protect our homeland. So we need warriors. Its time to show your loyalty. Stand up,
2、 every one! 奉天承运,皇帝诏曰,匈奴入侵,我们做出了个艰难的决定:打他个屁滚尿流!所以,我们需要士兵!没了,你们懂我的意思的。” (稍微娘娘腔)木兰父:“ We get it. ”木兰父领旨,回到桌子旁,拿起宝剑与圣旨,长叹一声木兰上前木兰: “ Dad, let me go instead of you to join the army. Your health is not good though 爸, 让我去代替你从军吧! ”木兰父:“ Thats not of your bussiness 不关你的事。 ”木兰:But但是”木兰父: “ Go back! 回去! ”木兰落寞
3、地离去,木兰父放下宝剑与圣旨,也退场木兰从新上场,走到桌子前,拿起宝剑,拔剑出销,又放下,把头发(散)束起,再次拿起宝剑与圣旨(旁白解释)木兰: “ I will be back! ” (深情地) (音效)熄灯侑一黄士第一幕完英语对白:第二幕:将军与军师入场, 军师手拿名单和毛笔勾名, 一群 ( 5 个) 前来报到的兵一个跟一个入场,列队将军:“ What s your name?”Tom: “ Tom”将军: “ How about you ?”Jerry : “ Jerry”将军: “Tom an Jerry? Both of brothers join the army , and yo
4、u?”MR.Bean : “MR.Bean”将军;eryou?”Banana: “ banana ”将军: “ What ?“Banana: ”banana - apple”将军: “ I prefer watermelon. Short guy , what about you ?”木兰: “ Mulan , general”将军:“Finally a normal name But ,you look like a women!?总算有个正常的名字了但你好像女人?”木兰: “ I am a man!Watch out my muscles! ” (清一清嗓音,做几个类似的动作)将军: “
5、Just kidding, guy! ”将军带领训练(舞棍、转左转右)将军上前,拿出竹竿,举起来“ follow me! ”将军将竹竿向前捅,全队照做,木兰把前面的士兵捅倒将军: “ what are you doing! watch out ! ”将军将棍向右横扫,木兰照做,全排士兵倒下将军上前“attention! Turn right( 全队向右,木兰向左),你搞什么飞机啊! (叫木兰来到第一队) Turn left! (全队向左,木兰向右,木兰手中竹竿打中右边的士兵)将军: “ My god! You d better go back home! ”(放烟 )木兰发现敌人木兰:“gen
6、eral, that way seems like-eneies!”(用手指着)将军: “ Ah?! God bless us! All the soldiers , array! ” (音效)老兵列队上场将军: “ Xiongnu is coming. It s a good opportunity for your careers and futures! Get perfect prepared, guys! 匈奴将至,是各位升官发财的好机会啊,士兵们,准备吧! ! ! ! ! ! ”全体退场,熄灯第二幕完(雪山上,上炮)第三幕(音乐)单于、匈奴上场(凶残的)一个老兵上场张望,返回号召其
7、他老兵上,五个老兵上场交战,打下打下死两个,其他三个后退退到一定后将军带新兵上场开打打着打着死一个,打着打着死一个,全体节节败退,花木兰在后方战战兢兢没有上前将军: “ Why you froze there? Come and help! !快来帮忙”木兰望着雪山,得到启发旁白: “(待定) ”木兰开始用火炮炸山(先炸一座) (音效)木兰军全体后退,木兰马上再炸,雪山被炸,匈奴死了大半,只剩两三个 (音效)木兰军乘势杀上,敌方落荒而逃大胜,全体举手庆功 (音效:胜利)熄灯旁白: “(待定) ”第三幕完 第四幕(场景为宫殿)皇帝入场,后有四个随从随从 1: “ Mulan come to li
8、sten to letters ”木兰上前,单膝跪下皇帝: “ Because you brave performance, we won the war. What do you want to get?Status?Wealthy?Or beauty?你的英勇,让我军赢得最后的胜利,想要什么,地位?财富?美女?”木兰: “ Dear emperor, Mulan just want to return home to accompany my old parents. 回皇上,木兰只想回乡陪伴我的老父母”皇帝: “ Great! What a nice son! Now I decide
9、to praise you a good rapid horseFerrari to helpyour homecoming! 好! !好一个孝顺之人,朕赐你一匹宝马: “法拉利”衣锦还乡”木兰: “ Grateful for my dear emperor. 谢皇上! ”木兰退场,皇帝及随从随后退场木兰父母从舞台另一侧入场木兰母: “ The war eventually ended, are you still angry with Mulan? 战争终于结束了,你还在生木兰气吗?”木兰父: “No, of cause I m not. My heart has long been full of thoughts of her. For now, Imjust looking forward to her safely return. 我不气了,我的心早就被思念充满了,现在我只盼望木兰能早点平安回来啊”木兰母:She must be back!她一定会回来的“(音乐:马蹄声)木兰从另一边出场,拿着宝剑走向父母面前,跪下,呈上宝剑木兰:Dad and mom,I uback 我回来了 ”(音效)第四幕完全剧终