1、PET题型和考点分析Sectio nsQuestion typesKey wordsMark s1. Single-choicequestionpublic signs, advertisements, postcards, messages, notices, instructions, e-mails, the record of the meeting, labels of products, etc.N+wanted/needed, to,from, prescription,5Reading2. MatchingChoosing the most suitable books, fi
2、lms, sports, tourist destinations, ways to keep fit, etc.crime/detective stories, autobiography, comedy, action-packed stories, water sports, rock-climbing, challenges, etc.53. True or falseExtracting/Picking outdetailed or concreteinformation fromscience articles or stories from magazines,10lengthy
3、 text.advertisements orinternet, etc.4. Traditionalreadingdetails, main ideaquestions, inferencequestions, etc.story, science articles, history, etc.55. Cloze testgrammar: set phrases, noun, modal verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, etc.contextdepend on, journey, ought to, so, over, until, etc.10Writ
4、ing1. SentencepatterntransformationGrammar: tense (8), active and passive voice, direct speech and indirect speech, comparative and superlative degree, there.be. , until, set phrases, etc.enough, speed (in) doing sth/ittakes/took sb sometimes to do sth, be able/allowed to do, far away/ not near, because, as.as., etc.52. Short messagePostcards, notes, letters, e-mails, etc.35-45 words53. LongcompositionA letter/A storyabout 100 words15 可编辑