1、English Thesis Writing (7): Citing and Listing Sources,English Thesis Writing (7),Citing and listing sourcesRequirements for printing thesis,Purpose of documentation,To acknowledge the contributions of the previous researchTo offer the accurate and detailed sources of information for future research
2、,Ways of using sources,Summarizing A summary is a condensed version of the original. Its a brief restatement of the main points of the source in your own words.Paraphrasing To paraphrase is to express the ideas of the source in your own words and in about the same number of wordsQuoting To quote is
3、to express the sources ideas in exactly the sources own words.,Major styles of documentation,Citing sources,如果引文作者只有一位,需在引文后的括号内注明其姓,出版年份和书的页码,如(Lewis, 1960:30)。如果引文作者有两名或两名以上,引文后的括号内则应标明每一位作者的姓,出版时间和书籍的页码,如(Leech & Short, 1981:12)如果引文作者有3位以上,引文后的括号内则要注明第一位作者的姓,后跟“et al.”和书籍页码,如(Hicks et al. 2000:78
4、)。,4. 无名氏的引文,只要在引文后的括号内注明书名和书的页码即可,如(Beowulf 30)。 5. 如果该引文在引用材料中本身就是引用材料(第二 手材料),那就应该在引文后的括号内先注明qtd. from/in, 即quoted from/in, 然后再注明该作者的姓 和书的页码,如(qtd. in/from Wang,2011: 30)。,6. 引用文学作品,如散文、诗歌和戏剧时,引文的行数往往比书籍的页码更有用。引用诗歌原文时,三行以内的诗句,不必另起一行,引文用引号表述,诗句之间用斜线分开,斜线与前后字母及标点之间均需空出一格,引文的诗行行数用圆括号表示,置于引号和句号之间。如:
5、when Beowulf dives upwards through the water and reaches the surface, “ The surging wave / great tracts of water / were all cleansed (1620-1621).” 如果引述的诗句超过四行,引用时则应单列,另起一行,不需要加引号;引文用冒号引导,每行诗的开头向右缩进,如:,Elizabeth Bishops In the Waiting Room is rich in evocation detail: It was winter. It was dark early
6、. The waiting room was full of grown-up people, arctics and overcoats, lamps and magazines. (6-10) 对于比较长的原文引述也是如此。,7. 如果论文当中提到作者的姓名,只需在引文结束后,列出引文的出版年份和页码。如: Stuart Hall says, “Identity is formed at the unstable point ” (1991:135) 如果论文里没有提到引文的作者,就要将引 文作者的姓和引文页码列在引文后的圆括号里。如: Some scholars believe that
7、 “ identity is formed at the unstable point” (Hall, 1991:135),Listing sourcesbibliographyCiting sources from books,1. Always list the authors last name first, followed by a comma, and then give the authors first name and a period. 2. Underline or italicize the title of the book, and capitalize all c
8、ontent words. If there is subtitle, use a colon in between. Place any additional information, such as the number of volumes, and editions, after the title,Citing sources from books,3. Provide the city of publication followed by a colon, the name of the publisheroften a brief namewith a comma after i
9、t, and the latest date of publication shown on the copyright page.,Exercise,List the bibliography according to the following information.Author:John SwalesName of the book: Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings Place of Publication: CambridgeName of the publisher:Cambridge Univer
10、sity Press Year of publication: 1990,Citing sources from articles,Author: do the same as that for books.Article title: put the complete title in quotation marks, and end with a period inside the closing quotation marks.,Citing sources from articles,3. Publication data: the treatment of publication i
11、nformation differs according to the type of publication. If it is a journal, give the title of the journal and the volume or issue number. List the year in parentheses, followed by a colon and the inclusive pages. For periodicals, just add day (for weekly or biweekly) and month to the year and drop
12、the parentheses. Always underline (or italicize) the title of the journal, the periodical or the newspaper.,Citing sources from articles,Authors last name, first name. “article title.” Journal volume/issue (year): inclusive pages.Authors last name, first name. “ Article title.” Periodical day / mont
13、h / year: inclusive pages,Exercise,作者:James H. Maguire期刊文章:The Canon and the Diminished Thing.期刊名称:American Literature 卷号: 60 出版时间:1998引用页码:645-52.,Citing sources from on-line books and articles,An on-line book Authors last name, first name. Title. Additional information. Publication information. Da
14、te of access .e.g. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Essays: First Series. 1841. 12 Feb. 1997 ftp:/ftp. books. com/ ebook/ Nonfiction/ Philosophy/ Emerson/ History. Txt.,Citing sources from on-line books and articles,An on-line article Authors last name, first name. “Title.” Name of the Journal or Periodical Vo
15、lume or Issue Number (Date of Publication). Date of access .e.g. Rogers, Michael. “The Practical Futurist: The Secret of Online Romance.” Newsweek Web Exclusive (October, 2002). 28 Dec., 2002 .,中文参考文献格式,文献类型字母中M表示专著,J表示学术期刊,D表示学位论文,R表示研究报告,N表示报纸文章, C表示论文集,A 表示论文集中的一篇论文, Z表示其他未说明的文献类型。专著 申丹. 文学文体学与小说
16、翻译M. 北京:北京大学出版 社,1995.合著 顾易生,蒋凡. 中国文学批评通史先秦两汉卷M. 上 海:上海古籍出版社,1996,中文参考文献格式,编著 柳御林主编. 世界名人论中国文化Z. 武汉:湖北人民 出版社,1991.译著 索绪尔. 普通语言学教程M. 高名凯译. 北京:商 务印书馆,1996.论文集文章 冯庆华. 论译者的风格A. 谢天振. 翻译的理论建构和 文化透视C. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000. 329-338,中文参考文献格式,期刊文章 程爱民. 原型批评的整体性文化批评倾向J. 外国文学,2000(5):67-74报纸文章 冯宪光. 借鉴与重构:西方马克思主义文学批 评在中国N. 文艺报,1999/11/23(3)注:中文书名如果加书名号“”表示,书名之后就无 须使用表示文献类型的字母。,Exercise,作者:王伟期刊文章: 大学英语教师专业发展视角下的跨学科课程发展探究期刊名:江苏外语教学研究 出版时间和期号:2009年第2期文章页码:12-14,