2、,關心四川災情,為受災民眾盡一分心力,幫助苦難人早日離苦得樂。二八年三月慈濟獲中國政府核准於當地成立慈善基金會,透過當地政府單位、慈善組織及台商志工協助成立救災指揮中心,除了蒐集災情外,並且啟動勘災、賑濟機制。由大陸慈濟志工組成的勘災團也已啟程,四萬二千條毛毯、米糧、藥品等賑濟物資運抵災區。即日起接受支票、信用卡捐款,同時,國泰銀行(Cathay Bank)設有慈濟四川賑災專戶,支票抬頭請註明Tzu Chi。五月十七日起,全美慈濟志工走入人群募心募款。證嚴法師呼籲人人要虔誠祈禱,匯聚虔誠的心聲共振,祈求消弭災難。,救人救命,分秒必爭;發揮愛心,馳援四川 全美慈濟人走入人群募心募款: 總統府:5
3、20交接典禮後 扁赴慈濟當志工,I dont know how deep you know this disaster.,But I know you will be deeply shocked.,I dont know how many towns were destroyed.,But I know many people lost their home.,I dont know how does the house looks like before.But I know the old is not able to rebuild by himself.,I dont know ho
4、w many schools collapsed.,But I know at that time many classrooms were full of students.,I dont know why here is a schoolbage.,But I know it must belong to one child.,I dont know whether this mother saw her child still alive finally.,But I know the child is the treasure of every family.,But I know t
5、his mother has already been crying here for a long time.,I dont know when was this child found already dead.,I dont know how many people are still under the ruins.,But I know most of them will not survive.,I dont know under the ruin the hands belong to a girl or boy.,But I know the hands are eager t
6、o touch her or his parents again.,I dont know what is time now.,But I know it is a horrible time.,I dont know the exact reason why they embraced tightly.,But I know there must be some reason.,I dont know what is the man looking for.,But I know the possibility is quite low.,I dont know why they are c
7、rying,But I know the tear is from their heart.,I dont know this child can survive or not.,But I know in her little heart theres already a deep slot.,I dont know how long did this man already speed under the ruin.,But I know he is already very lucky in the earth quake.,I dont know what did the finger
8、 language means by this nurse.,But I know it doesnt mean “victory”.,I dont know the drive already escaped or not.,But I know the road was already completely blocked.,I dont know where they are marching to.,But I know where they are coming fromhome.,I dont know whether they can have a good sleep here
9、 or not.,But I know they dont have other choices right now.,I dont know how many people are here.,But I know big trouble will happen if no water and food supply.,I dont know how did this man escaped from the collapse.,But I know it is not an easy way now and future.,I dont know whats the destination
10、 for them.,But I know at this time only they can help themselves.,I dont know where here is.,But I know it is not their home.,I dont know whether these babies can realize the tough situation.,But I know when they grow up their parents will tell them the story.,I dont know what are they thinking abou
11、t.,But I know in their mind there is still hopes.,Give your help hand, warm the heart of the people who are in the big trouble, support them to gain the courage of life,and rebuild the bright future,信用卡捐款(9am 6pm) 專線電話:1.888.989.8244 1.888.9TZUCHI支票捐款 抬頭:Tzu Chi 寄至:1100 S. Valley Center Ave., San Dimas, CA 91773 銀行匯款 請匯至:Cathay Bank 國泰銀行 777 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012 銀行代號(ABA):122203950 收款人:Taiwan Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, U.S.A. 1100 S. Valley Center Ave., San Dimas, CA 91773 帳號:01-130005新聞聯繫 慈濟美國總會 Tzu Chi Foundtion, U.S.A.電話:909.447.7799 網站:www.us.tzuchi.org,