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1、神经元细胞 (四道题)lecture神经胶质细胞研究。教授说早期对人类大脑的研究集中在神经细胞neuron,让一男生起来回答上节课的主要内容,男生说生物电生物电bioelectricity 通过神经细胞传导,通过两个神经细胞的接触点传到下一个细胞,有趣的是。说到这里被教授打断,说他答得已经很完整了(有题,问教授打断他的用意)。神经胶质细胞glial cells的作用在早期被忽视了,人们认为胶质细胞只有支持神经细胞的作用。后来人们发现胶质细胞也有传导信息的作用,不是通过生物电,而是化学物质传导。于是总共有三种传导方式,神经细胞间,胶质细胞间,神经和胶质细胞互相传导。而且发现胶质细胞的数量及其巨大

2、,远多于神经细胞。同时还可能有修复神经细胞,决定哪些神经长的大记得可能不准。教授又说,胶质细胞可能与智力有关,越多智商越高,但这不确定。教授说对胶质细胞的研究是一个很open up的领域,建议学生们可以考虑毕业后作深入研究(有题)。 重要:biology 讲glial cell。以往人们对神经传导的研究仅限于neuron(神经元),也叫nerve cell。神经传导通过electrical communication从一个结点传到另一个结点,神经元被认为起主要作用,glial cell研究的很少,一直被忽略,被看作help the growth of neurons (出题),起辅助作用。后来

3、偶然发现大脑中glial cell比neuron的数目多很多,glial cell引起了科学家的重视,开始研究它究竟起什么作用(此处出题,问glial cell怎么引起科学家注意的)。后来有一重大突破, 发现glial cell传导信号不是用的electrical signal,而是用chemical conductor(一说chemical communication)(此处出题)。传统观点一直误以为glial cell也像nerve cell一样用电信号。后来谈到glial cell可能的作用:使人更intelligent。对glial cell的认识目前十分有限,但相关研究已经开始流行,

4、是大家毕业之后可选的研究课题(此处出题) Glial cell is thought to help the growth of neurons. However, scientists accidentally discover that glials amount is much more than the neuron. So glial attract peoples attention. They use chemical conductor to communicate with others. So glial to neuron, g to n, g to g, n to n

5、are all available. In the past glial was thought to support nerve cell. Glial cells (神经胶质细胞)and Neurons (神经细胞)Glial cells, commonly called neuroglia or simply glia, are non-neuronal cells that provide support and nutrition, maintain homeostasis, form myelin, and participate in signal transmission in

6、 the nervous system. In the human brain, glia are estimated to outnumber neurons by about 10 to 1.1Glial cells provide support and protection for neurons, the other main type of cell in the central nervous system. They are thus known as the glue胶水 of the nervous system. The four main functions of gl

7、ial cells are to surround neurons and hold them in place固定, to supply nutrients and oxygen to neurons供养, to insulate one neuron from another隔开, and to destroy pathogens and remove dead neurons破坏病菌,转移死N.Glia was discovered in 1856 by the pathologist Rudolf Virchow in his search for a connective tissu

8、e in the brain大脑的连接组织.The human brain contains about ten times more glial cells than neurons. 1 Following its discovery in the late 19th century, this fact underwent significant media distortion, emerging as the famous myth claiming that we are using only 10% of our brain. The role of glial cells as

9、 managers of communications in the synapse突触 gap, thus modifying learning pace, has been discovered only very recently In addition to neurons, the nervous system is populated with another category of cells, glial cells. Glial cells are approximately 10 times more plentiful than neurons, but since th

10、ey are approximately one-tenth the size, they take up equal size, glia is a Greek term meaning glue, researches originally believed that glial cells served as the putty that held the neurons together, recent research indicates that these cells provide very important contributions.a neuron is the fun

11、ctioning unit of the nervous system, specialized to receive, integrate, and transmit information, the flow of information moves in the following direction. 大王花腐尸花大王花腐尸花的介绍 俗名:腐尸花(Corpse flower),莱佛士亚花(Rafflesia)学名:Rafflesia 中文科名:大花草科 英文科名:Rafflesiaceac 简介: 大王花一般的直径为108公分,最大纪录可达126公分,大王花为雌、雄异花。一朵花有五个瓣


13、,经过几个月的缓慢生长,花蕾有乒乓球般的体积,变成了甘蓝菜般的大小,接着5片肉质的花瓣缓缓张开,等花儿完全绽放已经过了两天两夜了。令人难以相信的是,大王花好不容易开出来的巨大花朵,居然只能维持45天,而且在这45天中,花朵会不断地释放出一种奇特的臭味,好让大型的动物自然迴避,而让一些逐臭的昆虫来为它传粉做媒。当花瓣凋谢时,会化成一堆腐败的黑色物质,不久,果实也成熟了,里头隐藏着许许多多细小的种子,随时准备掉入地中,找寻适当的发芽地点。大王花的名字是取自英殖民地时的Sir Stamford Raffles。1818年时,Sir Stamford Raffles和他的朋友Dr. James Arn

14、old在Manna这个地方发现了最大的大王花品种(直径40公分,重7公斤),并取名Rafflesia arnoldii。目前被确定的品种共有16种,而16种大王花的品种皆生长在东南亚一带,印尼的苏门打腊(Sumatra) 和 加哇岛 (Java);马来西亚(拥有15个品种)。遗憾的是,由于鲜少人知道此花的繁殖的方法,所以只能依赖自然传播,加上此花拥有药用价值(用于妇女分娩),故被采割,此外,长出大王花的地方被视为土地肥沃,而使用於其他用途;没有良好的保护导致大王花逐渐减少。无论如何,1997年沙巴野生保护法令制定,大王花为保护植物。在2002年,有关当局发现44/83的大王花在保护环境以外,故

15、此,他们派员寻找、监督,并希望将来大王花与其生长的环境可以不再受破坏。 教授一开始就介绍植物分类,提到分类中的species种,genus属,order目。说植物的classification 很难,一些特性比较特殊的植物特别是这个样子。提出植物的分类不能完全依靠它flower的形态和特性。提到Rafflesia(大王花),开花石会散发腐臭的味道,以吸引蝇类传播花粉。她举了Indonesia的一种植物M,它的flower很特别,超级大(图片显示它的直径有一个手臂这么长,颜色为绛红,也许会牛人知道它是何种植物),有难闻的味道,象什么肉,但是最后发现他们不是一个order 的。生长在很恶劣的环境中

16、,其它的植物都不能生长(题目一:它生长在什么样的环境当中?) 这种植物有事物的来源,但是它还是会抓insect吃,因为它不能从土壤中得到足够的营养,所以要通过这种方式来获取所需的营养(题目二:为什么吃虫?)然后教授说了它怎么抓虫的? 经过很长时间的研究,专家发现它和violet(紫罗兰)、willow(柳树) 等是属于一个order的,后提到幼时的violet,也会散发那种smell的。提到共存(考题,)有提到另一种南美洲的植物和它是同一目的,但是花很小,味道也不难闻,与蓝莓共生coherent。学生提问不能测DNA吗,教授说这种大花基本不进行光合作用,没法提取一般植物能提取到的DNA。在DN

17、A分析技术成熟之前根本无法将他们并为同类,由于他们的特征差异太大。教授还提到这种植物的交配不易,其一气味难闻致使传蜜的动物不易接近,其二它每年只开一次花,且花分雌雄。所以要这么多先天条件凑齐不易,所以很少有人有机会看到开花的全过程。(考题)所以,结论,不可以貌取人。后来又讲了这种花很有可能灭绝,原因是要fly帮忙运花粉,要同种的花在一起,要。要这些条件同时发生,是小概率事件。浪漫主义诗歌 literature 主要讲了18-19 世纪英国浪漫主义(Romanticism)诗歌的代表人Wardsworth的诗。他是浪漫主义的鼻祖,但浪漫主义这个称谓是后人加上的,不是他们本身这样称呼自己的(此处出

18、题)。Romanticism不是我们平时理解的romance,和男女之间的爱情无关。Romanticism针对的是common people而不是少数educated people,用的是simple language,描述的是日常生活中常见的事物,孩子,人类情感,以及自然和人类之间的互动。教授以自己为例,说自己在散步时感受到了这种互动(此处出题)与romanticism针锋相对的一种风格是neoclassicism新古典主义,也是那位romanticism的鼻祖很反对的。neoclassicism使用太多的elaboration,如sky不叫sky,而叫blue什么的;bird不叫bird,

19、而叫feathered person。教授把该诗人的作品分为三个阶段。早期的浪漫主义作品,主要描述植物的(花与草)诗歌。 中期时是对一些社会现象的评论。后期时对早期的作品进行修改。目前文学界还是认为它早期的作品是最好的。(教授还说,他的诗越写到后来越糟糕,反而早期的比较好,本文重点讲了他第一阶段的诗)。wordsworth, as we have said, is the chief representative典型的 of some of the most important principles原则 in the romantic movement, but he is far more

20、a member of any movement, through his supreme poetic expression of some of the greatest spiritual ideals he belongs among the five or six greatest English poets. first, he is the profoundest interpreter of nature in all poetry. his feeling for nature has two aspects. he is keenly sensitive, and in a

21、 more delicately discriminating way than any of his predecessors, to all the external beauty and glory of nature, especially inanimate nature of mountains, woods and fields, streams and flowers, in all their infinitely varied aspects. a wonderful joyous and intimate sympathy with them is one of his

22、controlling impulses. In the second place, wordswoth is the most consistent of all the great English poets of democracy, though here as elsewhere his interest is mainly not in the external but in the spiritual aspect of things. the obstinacy and these poems are only the most conspicuous result of ws

23、 chief temperamental defect, which was an almost total lack of the sense of humor. regarding himself as the prophet of a supremely important new gospel, he never admitted the possibility of error in his own point of view and was never able to stand aside from his poetry and criticize it dispassionat

24、ely. ID Problem 来源: 时间: 2008年07月04日 女学生丢了钱包(里面有她的student id & meal card& key等东西.),无法回dorm。于是去student service办id card,遇到staff(口音像是一位黑人大叔)把守,说没有id card 不能进去,要么出示dirving license,要么是有头像照片的本本,比如passport什么的。但是女生说,我的wallet丢了,id card没了,passport也在dorm里面,而没有id card,dorm不让进(有题目,问她为什么拿不到passport?)。后来女说这个问题她和dor

25、m负责人说过,有email 到这里做说明,staff查了查,果然如此,然后staff又说如果你能正确说出passport 的number,就让她进去,女学生从容的说出了number,他说OK,你可以进去了,但是你会受到监视.MM说, who cares! MM又说了:她的meal card也掉了.管理员说:你在里面办ID的时候也可以顺便办了meal card. MM说:你真的是帮了我很大的忙啊! 管理员:if you have some other problems, I am glad to help you. MM, you help! (降调的)有考到态度题,问MM为什么这么说?(记得两

26、选项:1.MM怀疑这个管理员是不是能帮他. 2.MM在解决了所有的问题之后如释重负.) 加试-lecture来源: 时间: 2008年07月04日 大概是讲咖啡怎样被decaffeinated(脱去咖啡因)而不破坏原来味道,然后包装。 有一个图。讲gas怎样在高温高压下XX(忘了这个物理名词)。decaffeinate就是这个原理。咖啡豆经过这个过程到一个罐,然后又经过另一物理过程,就crystalize(明确)了,可以包装了。 Questions 1Main topic 2What is the theory the process uses3Describe the process in

27、the order of happening 加试-conversationThe student is complaining the noise and dust made by the construction out of the library since they have to take some classes during this summer break. The housing officer says that she cannot help this situation, she cannot change the schedule of the construct

28、ion as the man suggests, since the construction is decided by a special committee and funded several months ago. Then the man suggests the construction team to move to another side of the building. But it is too difficult to move anything. Later the officer suggests that maybe they can apply for ano

29、ther dormitory, but she needs contact with housing first. Questions: 1Why the man go to the office? 2What can be inferred from what the woman talks? Ragtime musicRagtime介绍了一种流行于美国十九世纪左右名为ragtime的音乐,能够表现年青人的活力(spirit of youth)之类的,此乐流行是由于piano的关系,因为两者真是太搭配了。在那个年代,在各种场合都用钢琴。此乐当时流行程度,(like Rock & Roll在某

30、一时期一样)。这里出现考点,女学生说了一堆后,来了一句 I just dont get it,意思是要教授explain,还说piano 之所以当时那么受欢迎,一是因为它能与音律产生和谐,另一是因为当时它算一种财富地位的象征什么的symbol of wealth and status。再加上,那个年代,大家都没钱,就去public concert or restaurant什么的听音乐,而piano声音够响亮,又和ragtime music rhythm搭配的天衣无缝,所以,两者相得益彰这个音乐年轻人很喜欢,因为很有激情。除了到处演出啊,park演出等不用钢琴,因为难搬(出现考点)becaus

31、e of transportation problem。 同时,此乐也是 jazz的前身,因为演奏者不按牌理出牌,一首曲七个人弹,弹出七种调。 这种regtime音乐影响很远啊,例如现在的jazz就是从那发展来的。 Ragtime 拉格泰姆音乐(1890-1915期间在美国流行的一种音乐)Ragtime is an American musical genre which enjoyed its peak popularity between 1899 and 1918. It has had several periods of revival since then and is still

32、 being composed today. Ragtime was the first truly American musical genre, predating jazz. It began as dance music in popular music settings years before being published as popular sheet music for piano. Being a modification of the then popular march, it was usually written in 2/4 or 4/4 time (meter

33、) with a predominant left hand pattern of bass notes on odd-numbered beats and chords on even-numbered beats accompanying a syncopated melody in the right hand. A composition in this style is called a rag. A rag written in 3/4 time is a ragtime waltz.Ragtime is not a time (meter) in the same sense t

34、hat march time is 2/4 meter and waltz time is 3/4 meter; it is rather a musical genre that uses an effect that can be applied to any meter. The defining characteristic of ragtime music is a specific type of syncopation in which melodic accents fall between metrical beats. This results in a melody th

35、at seems to be avoiding some metrical beats of the accompaniment by emphasizing notes that either anticipate or follow the beat. The ultimate (and intended) effect on the listener is actually to accentuate the beat, thereby inducing the listener to move to the music. Scott Joplin, the composer/piani

36、st known as the King of Ragtime, called the effect weird and intoxicating. He also used the term swing in describing how to play ragtime music: Play slowly until you catch the swing.1 The name swing later came to be applied to an early genre of jazz that developed from ragtime. Converting a non-ragt

37、ime piece of music into ragtime by changing the time values of melody notes is known as ragging the piece. Original ragtime pieces usually contain several distinct themes, four being the most common number. 鸟类迁徙bird migration来源: 时间: 2008年07月04日 一个学生找老师因为他要写的bird migration的报告,但找不到足够多的材料,老师认为不可能材料不够(出

38、现考点:问教授这话什么意思,答案是她认为找resource应该easy),男生说因为他要写得paper是关于古代鸟类迁徙的,所以资料不够。教授的说:“哦你确实找到了一个好的题目,但是你要知道我的要求是你们的论文要反映你们这学期学了什么。”后来他说想写关于Aristotle关于这个题目的看法之类的,老师说她的要求是希望他们运用所学知识研究来完成paper 不要做summarization,希望他换一种想法,可以写以前的old theory, 然后现在的这些新研究如何支持或者驳斥这些theory,接着他想到可以写bird migrate at night,人们大多只看到大鸟,所以认为小鸟在大鸟的翅

39、膀下迁徙什么的,其实新发现是因为小鸟晚上飞(通过说这个topic来验证自己理解了老师的意图change the topic from ancient to recent)。后来他又想写一种不迁徙而是冬眠的鸟,又被老师拒绝了,老师说才15页的报告就不要那么折腾成这样,但是想法挺不错。最后老师希望他一周后再来一下,看一看他确定的方向。People think small birds do not migrate. But birds migrate at night and the small birds are under the wing of big wings. So they are i

40、nvisible to people. Then the student wants to write a bird that not migrate but hibernate, but the teacher denies his idea. At last, the teacher hopes that he can come a week later and see his new topic. He can not find sufficient material for the bird migration. But the teacher thinks it is impossi

41、ble. They he wants to write some ideas from Aristotle. But the teacher says that her request is to apply their knowledge to accomplish the paper. So he should change the topic. 绿色产品绿色产品一开始他们就做过市调,针对环保意识程度分组,找出目标族群。产值仍然不高,可能因素一为愿意掏腰包的人是小众,产值不高,二是价格太贵,想买也买不下手。老师建议推广绿色产品可以从环保以外的方向着手,例如环保冰箱既环保又省钱,这样买的人就

42、多了。 动物中的阶级动物中的阶级,当王的那个有好处,譬如优先进食、休息区比较大。male有王, female也有王。若打架打输了,就会被同族看不起,失去王的地位。有的动物上级管下级,下级管再下级,有的就一只是首领,管全部的。举了一种狼做例子。但是统治地位不是固定的,比如鹿要是没了鹿角,就失去了统治地位。有时候动物会用些方法巩固地位,比如猴子但是当 leader也有缺点,外族来犯他可就忙了。 16th 的艺术家常听到人形容艺术的人很有天分, 16th 的艺术家,很多都是为了糊口去沙龙上班,所谓的创作只是模仿当时流行的画风。工作室中养了许多艺术家,共同完成一件艺品。另外有一种艺术家是从技师出身,制

43、作颜料或雕刻工具,转行做艺术品。举例一双好靴子要兼具好看跟好穿就是这个道理。 money media market messageSize of population and the rank of the city 长期看都是有规律可寻的。如一个什么定律,一个语言学家发现的,字母的出现频率其实是有规律的。人们通过虚拟城市等的设计发现,这条规律确实存在,不仅是失业率,还是人口,还是整个社会的发展。营销里面的4M (money media market message) market 注重定位 抓住潜在 顾客和市场media 包括TV 和杂志 EG:针对年轻老师的产品就应该在年轻老师喜欢看的杂志

44、上做告,举了一个和teach有关的杂志名,还有又说了另一个和teach 相关的杂志,老师不喜欢就算了money 和健康有关的产品 在假期之前做广告实惠message soup的例子 北美加考 1 对话:某女生不明白教授对其论文评语,称自己随便挑了个社会学家理论写论文,许多内容不赞同,因此写得牵强;教授要求女生不应只罗列事实,应写出因果关系;可以博采众家理论,易于理解。 2 讲座:北美墨西哥地区一古代文化雕塑特征:大,3 米高;头像带头盔,即可解释为盔甲,也可解释为足球帽;嘴像美洲豹的嘴,像征统治者。要求学生要通晓考古、人类等多门学科,才能更全面了解古代地区文化。 3 讲座:撒哈拉沙漠成因,不是

45、因为人类活动,而是因为地球公转轨道,季风吹走降雨,地下水等造成。人们发现沙漠严重,迁往埃及,造成埃及文明繁荣。 师生讨论论文场景对话:师生讨论论文场景。一个女生上了语言课,老师布置写论文,她就去找老师讨论说要写有关方言的问题(有题),因为她在和同宿舍的同学相处的时候发现,大家虽然 来自不同的地方,但是会根据对方说话的模式不同调节自己说话的方式(有题),她认为自己学校有很多外来的学生,就决定做这个研究探讨这个模式是怎样的,教授说要她 注意研究范围(有题),还说好,等她做完了计划告诉他一声(有题)。这个做得好,但看来属于不算分的了。 美国黑人编的东西演讲:美国黑人编的东西(quill 还是什么,忘了)。说有个展览,都是这种东西,每个都有自己的特点,但是还是有一定共性的。比如有图案会用大量的几何图形,像长方形, 还有用亮色。还有的这个冬冬上面还有画,图案是某个事件,看图就好像在看故事。举 了一个棒球手的例子,好像是这个棒球手上了衣服上。一般重要的人或者事。还有就是过去人穷,没什么材料,只好把别的衣服拆拆做成这个(一说随手取材)。


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