1、examnation of orthopedics,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,video,order: visual examination palpation percuss dynamic diagnosis special test ;,体格检查,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,principles of Physical examination,Full exposure Bilateral contrast uninjured side first, uninjured side secondActive first, passive second comprehensive、re
2、peatedly、soft,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,visual examination,gait and gesture There is no skin redness, cyanosis, pigmentation or venous engorgement Soft tissue swelling and mass Muscle contraction or muscle fiber fibrillation Scar, wound, sinus secretions, and its properties Wound shape and depth, there is no f
3、oreign body residual and active bleeding abnormalities, such as scoliosis, limb shortening and so on.,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,palpation,tenderness:position、depth、scope、level and qualityabnormal activity and bone rub feeling, play ring Local temperature and sensation, bilateral c
4、ontrast,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,percussion,percussion pain percussion pain of Limb axial Indirect spinal pain Tinel,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,dynamic diagnosis,Check the range of motion of the joint and the contraction of the muscle. active movement passive exercise,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,量 诊,Limb length measurement Measuremen
5、t of limb circumference active movement; free exercise,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,Three planes of human joint motion,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,关节测量方法 中立位零度法,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,Related nervous system examination,Muscle volume, muscle tension, muscle strength, ataxiaMuscle strength rating criteria0:Muscle strength completely di
6、sappeared, no muscle contractionI:Mild muscle contraction, joints can not be activeII:Muscle contraction, joint movement, but not against the gravity of the bodyIII:Can resist the gravity of the body to make joint activities, but can not resist the resistanceIV:Resistance to external resistance, but
7、 weak muscle strengthV:Normal muscle strength,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,upper limb joint,Shoulder joint examination Elbow joint inspection Wrist and hand,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,Shoulder joint examination,Visual examination,winged scapula :costoscapularis paralysation,Square shoulder deformity,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,Shoulder j
8、oint examination,palpation,Emptiness of the shoulder,Dugas征,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,Special inspection,杜加斯(Dugas)征:When a ormal person put his/her hands on the side of the shoulder,his/her elbow can be attached to the chest,with the shoulder has anterior dislocation,when we put the hand of injured side to th
9、e oppsite shoulder,the elbow can not be attached to the chest.This is a positive sign of Dugas.,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,video,Elbow joint inspection,Visual examination,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,posterior cubital triangle,肘关节检查,视 诊,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,肘关节检查,网球肘 肱骨外上髁炎,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,肘关节检查,Mills sign: when extent the elbow,fl
10、ex the wrist,pronate the forearm ,if there is pain on the external condyle of humerus ,there is positive sign of Mills,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,video,Wrist and hand,wrist drop ape hand Claw hand,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,杵状指(acropachy) respiratory disease heart disease Nutritional disorders,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,匙状甲(koilonych)
11、iron-deficiency anemia ;High altitude diseaserheumatic fever,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,wrist and hand,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,crushing test of wrist triangular cartilage,Wrist joint in neutral position,And then make the wrist joint passive to the ulnar deviation and longitudinal extrusion,If there is pain in the lower
12、ulnar joint,it shows the positive sign injury of triangular fibrocartilaginous disc、 fracture of processus styloideus ulnae,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,video,Joint of lower extremity,Joint of lower extremity Knee joint examination Examination of ankle joint and foot,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,Anatomy of hip joint,Maximum we
13、ight bearing joint of human body,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,video,Joint motion degree examination,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,髋关节正常活动度,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,髋关节正常活动度,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,Anatomy of knee joint,前交叉韧带,后交叉韧带,半月板韧带,半月板,胫骨,髌骨,股骨,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,膝关节正常活动度,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,Knee joint force line examnation,Under normal circumstances
14、 the knee can be together Normal double ankle distance The knee can not be together The ankle joint distance is too large,bow leg,cross-knee,4-6cm,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,Knee joint force line,In the knee with medial pain, the knee is accompanied by lateral pain, suggesting that the medial or lateral tibial
15、femoral joint is osteoarthritis of the knee.The pain of the knee joint outside the knee joint is often indicated by the injury of the lateral meniscus of the knee joint and vice versa. Severe knee joint force line abnormalities under arthroscopic debridement and cartilage treatment can relieve pain,
16、 but the main treatment is high tibial osteotomy,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,Patella related examination,浮髌试验( floating patella test) Check the joint effusion, generally moderate effusion (50ml), floating patella test was positive。,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,video,Examination of ankle joint and foot,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,Examination of ankle joint and foot,最全骨科查体 来自互联网分享,video1,video2,summary,