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1、 l 2003-01-06 2003-09-05 SE$?Z? “(G1999011700)b* YT(E-mail:, Tel:0531-6182568)b= # ail孙明霞 王宝增 范 海 赵可夫* ( =Sv 3 S, 3/ ,6 2250014)Anthocyanins of Leaves andTheir Enviromental Significance in PlantStress Re-sponsesSUN Ming-Xia, WANG Bao-Zeng, FAN Hai, ZHAO Ke-Fu* (Instituteof Plant Stress, Life Science

2、School, ShandongNor-mal University, Jinan 250014)41 简要介绍了花色素苷的化学组成a生物合成过程和其生物合成的诱导因子,以及花色素苷对植物适应环境的意义b1oM 花色素苷; 诱导; UV-B= l1M ,ZB4, b= I l1M?M$ I ?= MHq I ?M 3il I?t5*80 M - 3Ei,ilM8UV-Bv ? b 6,v UV-B L, Krizek10?C=7 c AbAmbashtA-grawal13,vB 3 v UV-B bMQ,BeggsWellman 14?C;aUV-B . ;Hq/ 9? b Mol 154,;

3、 3, H 6B; s891b B4i asY e obK L V ? : UV-B 3By0,7 Mc s; ebL ? X?Vv b 6, V ? ( )1b2.2 5= l1M 4 , 7 ; *“ ibX L, VBt8 = , E 216a 17a 11ai ( Cotinus)18a = 19# L CF(ray parenchyma)% 20bChristie17 o ( cor, cold-regula-tion)y1,V bMcKown 21 3 FBt ,4NoM,oMb , Vn;UV-Bv Hq/, “s, ;W1“ k b,BbMol 15 = V ? V, BMFQ

4、Vb2.3 1i ?C 1i 9 V b% !?C:B i $a ? 1i ( V 22; 1i ?c d 3 b8 L9 T, a = # ! / / V b E2a a=,) /,9 ?= b689 3 Y 39 6 , 2003 M12m3 3o7A ,9F 1i4 i V% , 3lbl ? A9F a i= c 23b 6,$ Ta = c 99F24b V ? ? s,= 3 Tb2.4 y0 “ y0, Bt =y09 a 1 15b a = H ( V 9F 25;pHaJ ah8 # )M9 T 26b 7,Gl gen 27?C )M4 3b“4) CT,J) V9F c

5、,7 2 H) ( 28b“ -1 34 TdB Mb% !8 L?C 3 %s ? 24,7 6Bt L?690 3 Y 39 6 , 2003 M12C 1 15b 7,Ronchi 29 ? b ABA 15,7Fambrini 305 CABAE b3 ail3.1 4; ? 1984 M, Drumm-Her-rel 314 ?h ; ,+Y h ? ;?= s b 4, 31= ( Pinusbanksiana) a+ =# s Ev ( Mahonia)aG ( Viburnum) ( Rododendron), 9 T 32b ,L lM8VCUV-B 37bGitz384 b

6、K,) 3#UV-B H, ? Tb UV-B 3, -8 3 ,7 V 43bKrol 19 ? = F s;b ?9 F ? b#bBL 4= rT 44, s ,BbB d 0 ?4 1iTTbA V Vb,V %A VV % s, V=V b,V7 = s* l b* lY %i1 !1 3 H 5b%iV Mb V ?9BV,y B“+) 45b 1i F4691 3 Y 39 6 , 2003 M12 +Y l W 3 Fb, Fd1, V = F M 3 ! ! L C% sb? 5bb“ ? P= Fb, ? b ,UV-B ,y $UV-B1 46b1/ H i,9F V ?

7、bV ?, VUV-B/W 5b3.3 4 Fl ? 1i V 3,y7c F ? Fl bY,B5 H, B Fl c “ ,DC B, :, 1 s 0 s 47bBW L iV , H l 1; W1 s H 3 4 ,y7A U 0 ? 23; = Brachystegia1 -2c =1=,=0 d11 s=048;t M 3M ,c 9 0l ? 31bUV-B9 V Fl(cross-re-sistance to drought)bNogus 49 ,UV-Bv V( Pisum sativum)l/ sbPetropoulou50, UV-BVd l Pinus pineaaP

8、inushalepensis b5 L c ,UV-Bv / ? 3 X bUV-Bv ,d UV-B , H ?4 Flbi , F9 VQZ_? 3(occurin the reverse)b9 ,lHq/, ,4 Fl ? , Hd UV-B b s /,v= F lUVc 9F23% 33,E UV-B bSullivanTeramura 514l ?c,7 UV-B FM1bd F ,= Bx bB f /,El VVC= 1i, s-rKb ?= 1i bBeeson52;4, Brachystegiaspiciformis = Fl F ! (redtop)= , 1i d9b3

9、.4 4 F ? Bt1 F ? , Grace53i, Ev , F SODc 6/; 3 “b9 ? 3, 4i H F ?bIshii54?C, 8i 1A- 3p(A-tocopherol) F ?vbTsuda55 LK b 8a 8 “dTV , “d 3 ( ? b“1,Vb3.5 4 F ) ? ColeyAide 56 F )TbTuohyChoinski 48,c Brachystegia=1= ? F )bBongue-BartelemanPhillips57 I N F Tbt ,BtN inb4 , $ jBr7 y0b : (1) Ti, ,i O A 45;(2)

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