1、1,同济MBA考前培训总论 Tongji MBA Interview Training: Overview,Dr. Xu, DanFor Tongji MBA Candidates XuDan2011,2,Introduction of myself,Associate Prof. Assistant Prof. in School of Economics & Management, Tongji University Assistant Prof. of Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo Japan Ph.D. & Master of Commerce and
2、Management from Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo Japan B. Acc., The College of Estate Management, London, British UK B.Sc., Tongji University,3,Having been interviewer of Tongji MBA Entrance interview for 3 years. In charge of English interview in MBA interview group.In selection, 2 points are critica
3、l: Resume correlated with your interview performance. Interviewees performance (attitude, answer, posture, clothes),Introduction of myself contd,4,About the Interviewers,4 questioners, 1 of them ask English questions.1 Professor (50) leader 1 Associate Professor (40)1 Assistant Professor (30)1 Entre
4、preneur (may be 40 or 50)1 secretary do not ask questions.,5,Tongji MBA Interview Process,Stage 1: Panel (individual) Interview Around 10min. each 6 interviewees for 1 interview group. The applicant is interviewed by a panel, rather than one interviewer. Stage 2: Group (team) Interview around 30min
5、Same group as before 6 or more candidates are interviewed together by 4 interviewers. Discussion 1 issue (case),6,Procedure of Tongji MBA interview details,Panel (individual) Interview 6 interviewees in turn (10min. Each); Chinese + EnglishCurrent Affairs (时事政治)Chinese English Interview (英语面试) Asks
6、& answers with the interviewers. May be only 1 question, may be English conversation !Self-introductionwithin 3min. Chinese Asks & answers with the interviewers Evaluation: The panel (3 professors + 1 entrepreneur) will decide the selection together.,7,Procedure of Tongji MBA interview details,Group
7、 (team) Interview Chinese Around 30min. Interviewed by the same panel (3 professors + 1 entrepreneur) 6 or more candidates are interviewed together. This method is used to compare the applicants face-to-face and see who will exert a leadership role over the others, and who will be silent. Candidates
8、 will be required to discuss on one case or problem.,8,Panel Interview: Current Affairs (Chinese, but possible appear in Eng. Interview),Notice the recent newsS&P (Rating agency) served the Obama administration with notice 5th. Aug. that it planned to downgrade the U.S. governments AAA credit rating
9、 but was reconsidering after the administration challenged its analysis.http:/www.usdebtclock.org/,9,Panel Interview: Current Affairs (contd),GDP vs. per-capita GDP 人均GDP By Feb. 2011, China GDP Total around ¥40,000Billion(约40万亿人民币). $6,000Billion (约6万亿美元). Exceed Japan, 2nd. place in GDP total amou
10、nt, only after U.S. However, per-capita 95th. in 2010 at around $4200/capita, the average $10,725.(1st. Luxembourg $104,000/cap.; 9th. U.S. $47,000/cap.),10,English Interview (英语面试),Self-introduction Can you briefly introduce yourself in English? Name Position right now Last education What can you t
11、ell me about yourself? Can you introduce your career briefly? What working experience do you have? Which company do you work at now? How long have you engaged in this profession?,11,What will be your strengths (advantages) in MBA course? What will be your strengths in your future career? Why do you
12、want to enroll in MBA course? Why did you choose Tongji MBA? Avoid family registration in Shanghai. Heard from graduates of Tongji MBA.,12,Personal Achievements What accomplishment have you fulfilled? What is your biggest accomplishment on your job (career)? Please tell me something about you achiev
13、ements in your working experience (or study experience). What accomplishment are you most proud of?,13,Language Abilities How is your language ability? I think my English reading & writing ability is quite good. And also I can communicate with foreigners in English. Besides English I studied a littl
14、e French. I got 600 in TOEFL (IELTS, GMAT, GRE, SAT). Do you think you can make yourself understood in English? Yes, I think I can in ordinary circumstances. Can you manage English conversation? Yes, I am sure I can,14,Interests & Hobbies Would you tell me something about your hobbies? What would yo
15、ur like to do in your leisure (spare) time? I often attend some English classes. I enjoy sports, music, films and books.,15,English Interviewcontd,Expectations What do you expect to study in MBA course? What do you expect to do after you graduate from MBA? Is there anything youd like to ask about To
16、ngji MBA?Opinions high level question! NPC & NPPC Post EXPO effect U.S. debt crisis 2008 Financial crisis,16,Simple sentence to answer English questions,Certainly! Pardon? Sorry? Sure. Maybe. Well. I think Right. Nothing. Its my pleasure.,17,Simple sentence to answer English questions contd,Better l
17、ate than never. 晚了总比不做好 Easy come, easy go.来得快,去得也快 No pains, no gains. 不劳无获 Tomorrow must be bright. 明天会更好,18,Practice:English Interview 练习个人英语面试:,Can you briefly introduce yourself? What can you tell me about yourself? Can you introduce your career briefly? What working experience do you have? Whi
18、ch company do you work at now? How long have you engaged in this profession? Opinions NPC & NPPC Post EXPO effect U.S. debt crisis: U.S. has borrowed too much money from other countries. Its high risk for Chinas $ credit. Financial crisis,19,Practice:English Interviewcontd,What will be your strength
19、s (advantages) in MBA course? What will be your strengths in your future career? Why do you want to enroll in MBA course? Why did you choose Tongji MBA? What accomplishment have you fulfilled? What is your biggest accomplishment on your job (career)? Please tell me something about you achievements i
20、n your working experience (or study experience). What accomplishment are you most proud of?,20,Practice:English Interviewcontd,How is your language ability? Do you think you can make yourself understood in English? Can you manage English conversation? Would you tell me something about your hobbies?
21、What would your like to do in your leisure (spare) time?,21,自我介绍 & 中文面试 管理学知识,自我介绍重点: 教育背景 职场经历 成绩 和 优势,22,注意! 你的经历和自我介绍决定你被问什么!,如果你是高级管理层 企业战略管理方面 组织理论方面 如果你在营销部门 营销方面 如果你在人力资源部门 人力资源方面 如果你在财务部门 会计和财务管理方面 如果你来自同济以上的高校 会被问更难的问题!但,23,考官提问和回答通常结合管理学知识,战略组织管理 基本概念:p.29/p.42 一个新成立的企业在参入、渗透一个相对成熟的市场时,它可采
22、取哪些方式? 哈佛大学Micheal E. Porter教授 Low cost strategy 低价战略 Differentiation strategy 差异化战略 Focus strategy 集中化战略 你知道有关管理方面的著名人物吗?他主张什么? 美国泰勒(Frederick Taylor)“科学管理之父”,24,考官提问和回答 续,谈谈你对吉利收购沃尔沃的看法? 你认为联想收购IBM后成功吗? 你知道海尔吗?说说你所知道的海尔? 你听说百思买关闭门店,推出中国市场吗?你的看法? 你对温州民营企业,江浙民营企业有何看法? 最近温州外经贸局出文件鼓励温州民营资本对海外投资。你知道吗?你
23、的看法?,25,考官提问和回答 续,市场营销 4Ps: Product, Price, Place, Promotion + Strategy 4C: Consumers need, consumers cost, consumers convenience, communication. 达芬奇家具假身份事件、味千拉面假汤底事件曝光,但在其欺诈行为曝光之前却通过虚假宣传获得大量利润并迅速抢占市场。你认为企业诚信重要吗?如果你是达芬奇或味千的营销经理,你认为该如何摆脱困境? 日产汽车被雷诺收购后,雷诺派出出生于巴西的法国人卡洛斯戈恩掌管日产,带领日产走出低谷。卡洛斯戈恩现升任雷诺-日产总裁兼C
24、EO。你认为中国企业需要洋参谋吗?为什么?,26,考官提问和回答 续,市场营销(续) 以家乐福、沃尔玛为例,淡淡你认为为什么我国大型连锁经营被外资占领?你对最近商务部罚款家乐福、沃尔玛价格欺诈事件有何看法? 以KFC、麦当劳为例谈谈你对品牌的认识。你认为品牌特许经营,对该品牌来说有何优缺点? 例如美特斯邦威、森马采取了品牌加盟店的形式扩大市场,而优衣库、ESPRIT等采取直营店经营的形式扩大市场。你认为两种方式的优缺点是什么?为什么?,27,考官提问和回答 续,领导力:p.30 淡淡你作为一名企业管理者对企业管理的看法。 在企业环境下,对组织拥有的资源进行有效计划、组织、领导、控制,增加企业的
25、附加价值,以达到企业赢利目的。参考 P.16 需结合你自己的经验。 你最成功的经验是什么? 你最失败的经验是什么?,28,考官提问和回答 续,人力资源: p.34 从你的经验谈谈你在企业中如何调动员工积极性? 薪酬不是全部 愿景 为什么人力资源管理越来越重要了? 尤其是我国的民营企业越来越重视人力资源,为什么?你认为什么样的机制有利于开发和激励人力资源? 我国民营企业必须摆脱低价竞争,提高附加价值 结合工作经验谈,29,考官提问和回答 续,财务和会计 你认为企业财务部门在企业中重要吗?为什么? 是企业经营的基础 你知道企业的财务和会计领域分成哪几个重要的部分? 财务会计:日常交易记录、编制财务
26、报表 管理会计:企业内部成本管理、战略管理、业绩评价 财务管理:企业资金运作。,30,考官提问和回答 续,你知道安然事件吗?原是世界五大会计师事务所之一的安达信为什么倒闭? 为什么在中国很多上市公司热衷于粉饰财务数据? 你觉得对企业来说“现金”重要吗?现金越多越好吗? 谈谈你对丰田汽车全球召回事件的看法。企业在控制成本的过程中应该注意什么? 2009年末到年初的两周内,丰田召回超346万辆。由于油门踏板和脚垫等原因,丰田在美国召回109万辆汽车,国内将召回大约7.5万辆RAV4,在欧洲约200万辆汽车。丰田总裁丰田章男甚至不得不到美国国会答辩。外界认为这与丰田2000年起实行的低成本战略有关。
27、,31,Practice 练习小组面试:,What do you think about Toyotas recall around the world? Analyzing the reason Conclude them to interviewers.If you are top manager team in Toyota and were assigned duty to settle the recall crisis, what will you do to calm down the crisis? Discuss your situation and solution plan Conclude your ideas and report it to interviewers.,