1、意見表 Comment Form有關獸醫註冊條例(第 529 章)附表 2 的修訂建議公眾諮詢Public Consultation on the Proposals to Amend Schedule 2 of the Veterinary Surgeons Registration Ordinance (Cap. 529)歡迎您的意見及建議。We welcome your views and suggestions.機構名稱 Name of Organization (如適用 if applicable) :姓名 Name: 電話 Telephone:電郵地址 E-mail: 傳真 Fax
2、:郵遞地址 Postal Address:日期 Date:Comments 意見內容:請將填妥後的意見表於二零一一年十月三十一日或之前交回漁農自然護理署或於公眾諮詢會時投進收集箱。Please return the completed comment form to Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department on or before 31 October 2011 or deposit in the collection box at the consultation forum.Telephone 電話號碼 : 2150 6904
3、Fax 傳真號碼 : 2156 0215 Email 電郵地址 : tsdiqafcd.gov.hk 備註: 市民就本諮詢文件提出意見時,是否提供其個人資料,純屬自願性質。我們尊重提交意見者把姓名名稱及或其全部或部分意見保密的意願,不過,如無事先說明,我們將假定可以公開其姓名名稱,以及把其意見發表,供公眾參閱。Note: It is voluntary for any member of the public to supply his / her personal data upon providing views on the consultation document. We will
4、respect the wish of senders to remain anonymous and / or keep the views confidential in relation to all or part of a submission; but if no such wish is indicated, it will be assumed that the sender can be named and his / her views be published for public information.郵遞地址 : Postal Address :九龍長沙灣道三三號長沙灣政府合署五樓(信封註明: 有關獸醫註冊條例 附表2的修訂建議公眾諮詢)Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, 5th floor, Kowloon, Hong Kong(Mark on envelope: Public Consultation on the Proposals to Amend Schedule 2 of the Veterinary Surgeons Registration Ordinance)