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1、 = “; 1R2Z R introR dataR admin9 1 contributed documents 1Capital Of Statistics ) 5b “ Bd9R q4B y MR q T FN V ? VriPb d9ZE yN 5 V ?Wd9 MbR B v8“CRANTask Views V b# A= wa sa a bWd9ard9ZE b7tZEYVMR Packages Z V R Bq h Y fbT F 5 * B1R !9 Bp4 7h hebz37: F MaR pb +!1June 25, 2008abel,cran,rtist,Xie Yihui

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11、5 plot (x, y, type = l)104. wL$TXStf V Pcurve(expr, from , to, add = T)f bQ P Z wLf spline(x , y , n= ) 1 x 1:5y c(1 ,3 ,4 , 2.5 ,2)3 plot (x, y)sp spline (x, y, n = 50)5 lines (sp)105.(lattice)m Ym I uY$ latticem L= S-plusTrellismR LC V jZEbmM Ym B% T“mZ T M 4b T s Y1|t Y/ 1 m p41 library ( lattice

12、 )histogram(height j voice . part , data = singer )latticemf 24latticemf f xyplot(yx)M mdotplot(yx) Clevelandm( Fm)barchart(yx) yxHmstripplot(yx)BmxA y V y0bwplot(yx)QLmhistogram(x)Zm106. m$ Ipersp()contour()f b 1i m US Tb I15:outer()f b107.XB B Z I f $ Iimage()fllled.contour()f x y seq(10, 10, leng

13、th=50)2 f function (x,y)fr sqrt (x2 + y2)4 10sin (r)/rg6 z outer(x , y , f )image(x , y , z )8 filled . contour(x ,y ,z )108. m vlyM 1 $RS meyRm V PM x 1:102 y runif (10)symbols(x,y, circles = y/2 , inches = F,bg = x)109.XB B SQQm$Papply()f T O ?E RA T1 table data . frame(x1 = rnorm(100) ,x2 = rnorm

14、(100 ,1 ,1)par(ask=TRUE) # wait f o r c h a n g i n g3 results = apply(table , 2, qqnorm)par(ask=FALSE)110. BZm FBlQLm$25Zm bF 6lm m B“ P par()x rnorm(100)2 hist (x)op par( fig=c (.02 ,.5 ,.5 ,.98) , new=TRUE)4 boxplot(x)111. RmF T 3$ I?plotmath LATEX?C=Ed bx 1:10 ; plot (x, type = “n“)2 text (3 ,2

15、, expression (paste(“Temperature (“, degree , “C) in 2003“)text (4 ,4 , expression (bar(x) = sum( frac (x i , n) , i=1, n)4 text (6 ,6 , expression (hat(beta) = (Xt X)f.1g Xt y)text (8 ,8 , expression (z i = sqrt (x i 2 + y i 2)112. Hm A U bar $T barplot()f L )m 7rect()f / */ 09 4 1 x 1:10 ; names(x

16、) letters 1:10b barplot (x, col = rev(heat . colors (10)3 text (b , x , labels = x ,pos = 3)113. wL$ f TmbUS“/ V P Z(xa)2 +(yb)2 = 1 =) x = asin ;y = bcos ;0 21 t seq (0 ,2pi , length = 100)x sin (t) # a=13 y 2cos(t) # b=2plot (x,y, type = l)114.word PR 3 m$O mrT Kz1 epsapdf7 m pngajpgatifibword V P

17、eps A U zurT pbxId9 115. 9 f $26 1-B9n HWbFBasics4 skewness ()2 kurtosis ()V9 b116. S V$table()f btable(x)x V table(x,y) Vbx with( airquality , table (cut(Temp, quantile (Temp) , Month)2 prop . table (x,1)117. SLB $L Kd9ZE O W Cd9ZE N$ ?Z bKeLB yi = fi+flxi +ifi fl | qblm()f 4 LB9 ZEblm. swiss lm( F

18、ertility . , data = swiss )lm()T BcB V c/coecientsB“ residualsR fltted.values E.V P / 7 V :1 names(lm. swiss )summary()anova()sYRB 1ZsVb1 summary(lm. swiss ) # the same as summary . lm ( )anova(lm. swiss )4 | f V IR-introStatistical models in RBbT) v V Pbiglmbiglm()f bf VZ “ B Eb118. $ Iupdate()f 27

19、summary( f0 lm( Fertility . , data = swiss )2 f1 update(f0 ,. . Examination)summary( f1 )119. PB$R V P9 Bstep()f b 9 AICd9 5 |KlAICd9 rB “b1 utils : example(lm)step(lm.D9)stepf V Pboth,forward,backward“ ZE backward“b F V Iadd1drop1f b120. R LCs B(Quantile Regression) IquantregquantregForestdata( eng

20、el )2 taus c(.15 , .25 , .50 , .75 , .95 , .99)rqs as . list (taus)4 for ( i in seq(along = taus ) frqs i rq(log10(foodexp) log10(income) ,6 tau = taus i , data = engel )lines (log10( engel$income) , fitted (rqs i ) , col = i+1) g8 legend(“bottomright“, paste(“tau = “, taus ) , inset = .04 ,col = 2:

21、( length (taus)+1), lty=1)121. B 98 ( uW9$et.test()f 1 x rnorm(100)t . test (x)122. S s$K ( (kmeans() )x rbind(matrix(rnorm(100 , sd = 0.3) , ncol = 2) ,2 matrix(rnorm(100 , mean = 1, sd = 0.3) , ncol = 2)cl kmeans(x, 2, 20)4 plot (x, col = cl$cluster , pch=3, lwd=1)points ( cl$centers , col = 1:2 ,

22、 pch = 7, lwd=3)6 segments( x cl$cluster =1 , ,1 , x cl$cluster =1 , ,2 ,28cl$centers 1 ,1 , cl$centers 1 ,2)8 segments( x cl$cluster =2 , ,1 , x cl$cluster =2 , ,2 ,cl$centers 2 ,1 , cl$centers 2 ,2 ,10 col=2)Q (hclust() )n seq (1 ,50 ,by = 4)2 (x USArrests n ,) # p r i n t ( )hc1 hclust ( dist (x)

23、 , method = “complete“)4 hc2 hclust ( dist ( scale (x) ,method = “complete“)hc3 hclust ( dist (x) , method = “ave“)6 layout(matrix(c(1 ,1 ,2 ,3) ,nrow = 2,byrow = T)plot (hc1 ); plot (hc2 ); plot (hc3)V V ?1s * Pcutree()f 9 p41 cutree (hc , k = 1:3) S cluster1 library ( cluster )clusplot ( x, pam(x,

24、 2)$clustering )123. Sss$statsprincompf b(pc. cr princomp(USArrests , cor = TRUE)2 plot (pc. cr , type = “lines“ # or “ b a r p l o t “) # or s c r e e p l o t4 loadings (pc. cr)princomp() cor = TRUEV U P“M1 TssQ P“xZ bloadings()Ry0bscreeplot() Fmb124.8“Sy0s$R Pfactanal()f v y0sbexample( factanal )1

25、25. “ _$1 nZEshapiro.test()ks.test()(Kolmogorov-Smirnov_)jarque.bera.test() (1tseries)b I T _normtestfBasicsM1f b+ $v4 E+_f b29126. S t_$ It.test()paired b1 require ( stats )# Student s p a i r e d t t e s t3 t . test ( extra group , data = sleep , paired = TRUE) 1i c T 1 uYSPSSY L T F d9_ F V P1 ap

26、ropos(“test“)R 1_“b1 Bt_extra group0.7 1-0.6 1 4.6 23.4 2bartlett.testZ Q_binom.test=_chisq.test 2_cor.testM1_flsher.test Fisher _friedman.test Friedman_kruskal.test Kruskal-Wallis_mcnemar.test McNemar_pairwise.t.test (1 PP.test Phillips-Perron_var.testZ1_wilcox.test Wilcoxon_ fZ127. R SZ $ Isemb128. TB P I f $PI() 1 lm(y x + I(x2) + I(x3)129. PZs ANOVA$ZsLB 8 L bKe LCZsf aov()YV?f = T T Zs Zsaov(x a)y Zsaov(x a + b) Ty Zsaov(x a + b +a:b)Ty Zsaov(x a*b) 30


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