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1、第1章 绪论,1.3 汉英翻译的标准 1.4 汉英翻译的过程 1.5 汉英翻译对译者素养的要求,1.3 汉英翻译的标准(criteria),1.3.Criteria for translationCriteria of translation is the plumb-line for measuring the quality of a translation and the goal for a translator to strive for. 1) Source-languageoriented principle(以译出语为取向的原则).Characteristics: pay ex

2、treme attention to the form of the source text, always adopts a word-for-word / line-for-line translation or transliteration.e.g. 他是只纸老虎He is a paper tiger.这事让他丢脸This makes him lose face.,it rains cats and dogs (?) the Milky Way (?)the apple of ones eye (?) 2) Target-language-oriented principle (以译入

3、语为取向的原则)Liberal / free translation:e.g.: What is done is done.木已成舟Kicking a man when he is down.打落水狗/落井下石Literal translation: using large number of domestication / adaptation for the readers sake. This is done at the cost of the loss or damage of the original image sometimes.三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮 Two heads

4、are better than one.,3) Author- and reader-oriented principle (以作者和读者为取向的原则)Characteristics: take both the author and the reader into consideration, and strive to be faithful and smooth at the same time.18世纪英国爱丁堡大学教授,翻译理论家泰特勒(Alexander F. Tytler)提出的三条翻译基本原理:1. A translation should give a complete tr

5、anscript of the ideas of the original work.2. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original. 3. A translation should have all the ease of the original composition.玄奘: 既须求真又须喻俗严复: (天演论卷首的译例言) “信、达、雅” ( faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance ),Yan Fus “fait

6、hfulness” means the full and complete conveying or transmission of the original content or thought. His “expressiveness” demands that the version must be clear and flowing without any grammatical mistakes or confused logic and sense. So the first two words as translation criteria are acceptable. But

7、 his “elegance” is unadoptable because it refers to the use of classical Chinese before that Han Dynasty. Yan Fu held that only the language before the Han Dynasty could be considered elegant and old vocabulary, old structure of Chinese must be used in order to represent the original fully and adequ

8、ately.Therefore he can be said to object to the use of the vernacular or popular language of the people. As a matter of fact, the vernacular began to be in fashion when Yan Fu lived. Facts prove the vernacular or the popular language of the people can be used to translate any foreign language in the

9、 world.,So many people criticized his “elegance.” Furthermore, His “elegance” can only be regarded as one style. Its opposite is the style of “boldness”. “Elegance” and “boldness ” constitute two different styles. Of course there are many other styles in translation. 鲁迅 (题未定草)“凡是翻译,必须兼顾两面,一当然力求其易解,一

10、则保存着原作的丰姿” 4) Aesthetics-oriented principle (以美学为取向的原则)Chiefly advocated by literary translators, represented by Ezra Pound: (Cathy华夏集)e.g. :十六君远行,瞿塘滟预堆。五月不可触,猿鸣天上哀。(李白长干行) (.you have been gone ) five months傅雷 :(高老头重译本序) 神似(similarity in spirit)钱钟书:化境 (sublimation / reincarnation)许渊冲:“三美”(音美,意美,形美 t

11、he phonetic beauty, the semantic beauty, the formal beauty)“三化”(深化法,等化法,浅化法),许渊冲译毛泽东诗词昆仑而今我谓昆仑,不要这么高,不要这多雪,安得倚天抽宝剑,将汝裁为三节:一节赠欧,一节赠美,一节还东国。I would give to Europe your crestAnd to America your breastAnd leave the orient the rest. 许渊冲贺杨振宁新婚振宁不老松,杨帆为小翁多寒情更热,花好驻春风The ageless wont grow oldYou sail with yo

12、ur young bridelove will warm winter coldspring will ever abide.Autumn-spring romance, a December-May couple 老夫少妻 中华儿女多奇志,不爱红装爱武装(毛泽东为女民兵题照) Most Chinese daughters have a desire strongTo be battle-dressed and not rosy-gowned.To face the powder and not powder the face.,5) Sociosemiotics-oriented princ

13、iple (以社会符号学为取向的原则)Characteristics: the translator should take into consideration the meaning and function conveyed by all kinds of language symbols included.A) Designative / conceptual meaning (指称意义)The relationship between the language symbol and the objective world it refers to e.g.: flower(花)He

14、can play football. (他会踢球)B) Linguistic meaning (言内意义): the relationship between language symbols in the level of phonetics, word syntactic and discourse.The senator picked up his hat and courage. 参议员捡起了帽子,鼓起了勇气(一语双叙)Two ghosts walked into a bar and asked the bar tender, “Do you serve spirits”? (双关)

15、C) Pragmatic meaning (语用意义),It refers to the relationship between language symbols and its user, including indexical meaning(表征意义), expressive meaning(表达意义), social meaning(社会意义), imperative meaning(祈使意义), associative meaning(联想意义). 对语言具备的功能,翻译家和语言学家的看法基本一致,只是划分的类别出有粗细之分,综合各家之见,(陈宏薇将之)分为:1. 信息功能 (in

16、formative function)e.g. Gold melts at 300 degrees Fahrenheit.2. 表情功能 (expressive function)e.g. Im extremely sorry about3. 人际 /寒暄功能 (interpersonal / phatic function) e.g. How are you? Thank you for being with us! Good night!4. 呼唤/祈使功能 (vocative function)e.g. Come here!,5. 美感功能 (aesthetic function)e.g

17、. My loves a red red rose6. 认知功能 (cognitive function) *man has to use language to think , during the process, the language is performing the 7. 元语言功能 (metalingual function)e.g. Chinese is a tonal language 西方最流行的标准是等值(equivalent value),等效(equivalent effect),功能对等(functional equivalence)。 陈宏薇:“功能相似,语意相

18、符”(similarity in function and correspondence in meaning),1.4 翻译的过程 (以E-C为例),ProcedurePreparation -Working()-Checkingunderstanding, representation Understanding1) Mr. Wang is my man Friday.小王是我的得力干将和助手2) Happy marriages are made in the kitchen, not in the heaven. 美好的婚姻不是上天决定的,而是妈妈在厨房里撮合而成的.3) John is

19、 now with his parents in New York City; it is already three years since he was a bandmaster.约翰同父母住在纽约市;他不担任乐队指挥已三年了.4) John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.约翰为人可靠,他既忠诚又正直. Representation / reproductionLiteral translation1) But I hated Sakamoto, and I had a feeling hed surely lea

20、d us both to our ancestors.但是我恨坂本,并预感到他肯定会领着咱们去见祖先(去送死).,2) Hitler was armed to the teeth when he launched the Second World War, but in a few years, he was completely defeated.希特勒发动第二次世界大战时是武装到牙齿(全副武装)的,可是不过几年,就被彻底击败了。 Liberal translation3) Dont cross the bridge till you get to it.不必担心太早不必自寻烦恼4) Do

21、you see any green in my eye?你以为我是好欺骗的吗? Combination of literal and liberal translation5) I want a man who will throw his hat over the Chindwin and then lead his troops after it.我要的是这样一个人,他决心在钦敦江破釜沉舟,然后率领部队前进。6)She didnt like him much, but if she went out with him, itd be one in the eye for Kate.她并不怎

22、么喜欢他,可是如果她跟他一起出去玩,那倒可以让凯特心中感到不是滋味.,Checking在校核阶段一般应特别注意以下几点:1) 校核译文在人名,地名,日期,方位,数字等方面有无错漏.2) 段,句或重要的词3) 译错的和不妥的句子,词组和词.4) 力求译文没有生僻罕见的词汇或陈词滥调,力求译文段落,标点符号正确无误。5)通常必须校核两遍。第一遍着重校核内容,第二遍重润饰文字(有无翻译腔)如果时间允许,再把已校核两遍的译文对照原文通读一遍,再做一次检查和修改,1.5汉英翻译对译者素养的要求,Prerequisites for a translator: 1) Sound knowledge of t

23、he languages involved.eg: 十万火急重蹈覆辙失之交臂错失良机自高自大目空一切难兄难弟换汤不换药- 你吃了多少苦?- 一言难尽,老头儿说.没有丑到配不上一个盖子的罐子罐儿再丑,丑恶配个盖子不发愁,十万火急 Extremely urgent 重蹈覆辙 Commit the same errors 失之交臂错失良机 Miss a good chance 自高自大目空一切 Full of conceit 难兄难弟 fellow sufferers 换汤不换药 Make a superficial change. - 你吃了多少苦?- 一言难尽,老头儿说. - How much

24、did you suffer?- Plenty, the old man said. 没有丑到配不上一个盖子的罐子罐儿再丑,丑恶配个盖子不发愁Theres no pots so ugly it cant find a lid.,(一天,邻居王二婶不小心把钥匙锁在了家里,)很多热心的人前来帮忙,但都无济于事.人们找到了他,但被他拒绝了.a. Many warm-hearted people came to help, but without any result. People wanted him to help, however, he refused them.b. Many warm-h

25、earted neighbors came, but they could do nothing for her. So they turned to him for help, yet met with his refusal. 2) Rich cultural knowledge.布衣蔬食a. wear clothes of cotton and eat vegetables.b. wear coarse clothes and eat simple food.毛主席问陈妻 “你们俩感情好不好?” 陈妻答: “好.” 主席听了感到非常高兴.Then Chairman Mao talked

26、with Chens wife. He was pleased to know that they had a happy home life.(包惠南文化语境地与语言翻译)Robin Hood and his merry men hated the rich and loved and protected the poor.罗宾汉和他的伙伴/下属(欢乐的战士)们痛恨阔人,热爱和保护穷人.,3) Familiar with translation skills and methods.We are enemies of all wars, but above all of dynastic w

27、ars.我们反对一切战争,特别是反对王朝战争. (名词转换为动词)Wet paint!油漆未干! (正说反译)Theory is something but practice is everything.理论固然重要,实践尤其重要。(增译法)4) Morality awareness.在一篇暴露二战期间德国纳粹分子在波兰一集中营里用毒气残杀犹太人和战俘的材料中,有这样一句话: SS guards then shoved each prisoner in the direction the doctor had indicated.希特勒的党卫军按医生所指的方向把犯人(被监禁者)推过去,1.Pl

28、ayer killing 用在网络游戏里,指玩家与玩家之间的杀戮行为。 2.网络游戏语言:早期网络游戏不支持组队,通常都是单个玩家杀机器人,或者两个玩家之间的单挑。为了将玩家杀机器人区别于玩家杀玩家,故将两个玩家之间的对决称为PK(Personal Killing),后引申变化为任何比赛中的单对单的对决,即单挑。 3. P代表用拳打(PAD) K代表用脚题(KICK) PK即“拳打脚踢”引申为游戏玩家间的武力争斗,并不是简单意义上的两个单词的简化。 如果是老玩家应该有印象:早在80年代,街机刚引进的时候,格斗游戏的上的“拳”和“踢”按纽上头分别刻有“P”和“K” 难不成这是两个单词的简写?当然不是. 4. PK全称是(PLAYER KILLING) 这是原意,但现在被广大的游戏玩家误解成各种各样的 的意思了,如(单打,拳打脚踢)相信以后会有更多种想法。,


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