1、null Z v (1 S )null LudongUniversity Journal(N aturalScienceEdition) 2009, 25( 3): 267null 270nullnull null l : 2008null08null20; : 2008null12null10null null T e :f (1981null ), 3 , H E b = , V , Z _ u 6 j h ? Z bEnullmai:l zhanglei424 126. comb8 - S U L 8 张null 磊1,冯开禹1,李伟涛2(1. null “ ,L 561000; 2.!
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3、* 18 W = , B t 7 S X U L ; M , y “ - ,S = y UL S 1.U L T 1 s , U L bW s ? 3 aM ? p ,i L C U L bW e T K “ , y ! “ i l .3 = E M S = ? V U L M 1 D x ,? C = 1 # v Z , U L a u U L + a g ? 5 M 1 # / 5 . ,g ? 5 M 1 X t ,7 A .1null U L null null U L V ) U LC W 1 “ . - S 1 U L T 1 n ,3 s - $ ? C : S U L 1 “
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5、u U L + null null u U L + 4 u U L C + , ) u ? Z U L 1 “ , bW u U L ?u s .3 G u | s v S = U L + a S = U L + # l g U L + .2. 1null v u (S = )U L + null null 5 ? r S E ? Z S E U LC , ) S E ? Z U L 1 “ , 20 W 90 M ,? r S E U L q 9 8 t 6 ,? Z S E “ , . U L g bW ? o ) J. g , 2006, (5): 62null 64. 17null .
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7、 U L bW 5 “ d ! 9 J. , 2006, ( 5): 939null 947.SummaryofCriminalGeographyinChinaZHANGnull Lei1, FENGnull Kainullyu1, LInull Weinulltao2( 1. DepartmentofEnvironmentand Resource, Anshun College, Anshun 050016, China; 2. Department ofCountry Informationand Engineering, Chuzhou College, Chuzhou 239000,
8、China)Abstract:Based on themethod of literature analysis, the research achievements of criminal geography in curnullrentyears in Chinawere listed and summarized systematically, and its present situation of research was repornullted. It# s believed that there exist four fields in criminalgeography, w
9、hich are: (1) theories of crim inal geogranullphy, ( 2) characteristic of regional crime, ( 3) interrelated studies in city planning, (4) interrelated studies inapplication technology. Among the four fields, researches on theories and interrelated studies in applicationtechnology arequiteweak and th
10、e interrelated studies in city planninghavebecome ahotspotof research now.Keywords: criminalgeography; characteristic of regional crime; city planning; application technology(责任编辑null 王昌留)( 266: )AbstractID:1673null8020( 2009) 03null0263nullEAChemicalFertilizerOutflowandItsInfluenceonWaterEnvironmen
11、talPollutioninShandongProvinceWANGnull Yunullmei1, RENnull Linulljun2, HUOnull Tainullying3, CHENnull Meinulljun4( 1. SchoolofGeography and Planning, LudongUniversity, Yantai264025, China; 2. SchoolofEnvironmentalScience and Engineering,ShandongUniversity, Jinan 250100, China; 3. Shandong Provincial
12、EnvironmentProtection Bureau, Jinan 250012, China;4. Zhejiang Institute ofGeologicalSurvey, Hangzhou 311203, China)Abstract:The changing trend w ith time and space of chemical fertilizernulls amount and intensity, the loss anullmount and development trend ofN /P pollutants flow ing intowaterwere ana
13、lyazed. furthmore, taking pointpollution and the pollution caused by agricultural life or raising poultry as the comparativeobjec,t contributionrate towater eutrophication from the chem ical fertilizernulls loss pollutionwas discussed. The result shows tha:t the coasting areas in the east ofShandong
14、 Peninsula are high chemical fertilizernulls intensity; % taking thepollunulltion caused by agricultural life or raising poultry as the comparative objec,t the pollution caused by chemicalfertilizer loss such asNH3nullN, TN and TP ismost seriously, which is themost important agriculturalnonnullpointsource pollution; chemical fertilizer loss; water eutrophication; ShandongProvince(责任编辑null 李少兰)