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1、一针疗法的临床应用,Clinical Application of the One-needle Therapy 山东中医药大学 针灸推拿学院 高树中 Prof. Gao Shuzhong School of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Shandong University of TCM 2009.07,一、头痛 (Headache),1. 头维 点刺出血 Touwei (ST8) prick the point 治疗经前头痛 (to treat headache before menstruation) 2. 肓俞 Huangshu (KI16), 治疗用脑过度

2、等所致肾虚冲逆引起的血管性头痛,喜欢重按者 (to treat kidney-deficiency vascular headache caused by brain overstrain, and the pain can get relieved by pressing).,二、眉棱骨痛 (Pain in the Supraorbital Region),1昆仑 Kunlun (SJ17) 风邪所致for treating pain in the supraorbital region caused by pathogenic wind 2解溪 Jiexi (ST41) 胃经浊热上攻所致f

3、or treating pain in the supraorbital region caused by ascending of turbid heat of stomach meridian,三、麦粒肿 (Stye),1. 肩胛区红点放血 上眼睑 (upper eyelid: bleed red spots in scapular region) 2. 足中趾点刺出血 下眼睑 (lower eyelid: bleed the middle toe)若足大、次、中趾刺血,疗效更佳 (Better curative results can be achieved if pricking th

4、e big, second and middle toes at the same time),四、牙痛 (Toothache ),1. 翳风 风火牙痛Yi Feng (SJ17) for treating wind-fire toothache 2. 内庭 胃火牙痛Nei Ting(ST44) for treating stomach-fire tootheache 3. 太溪 肾虚牙痛,入暮发作或加重者Taixi (KI3) (to treat toothache, caused by kidney-deficiency, attacking or aggravating at dusk)

5、 4. 大杼 龋齿和虚火牙痛 Dazhu (LI5) for treating decayed teeth and toothache due to deficiency type 5. 偏历 尤其龋齿牙痛Pianli (LI6 ) especially fro treating decayed toothache,五、落枕 (Stiff neck),1后溪 Houxi (SI3) 或束骨Shugu (BL65) 太阳经 (Tai-yang meridian) 2悬钟 Xuanzhong (GB39) 少阳经(Shao-yang meridian),六、颈椎病 (Cervical spondy

6、losis ),1.束骨 Shugu (BL65) 2.昆仑 Kunlun(BL60) 3.后溪 Houxi(SI3) 4.腕骨 Wangu(SI4) 5.太溪 Taixi(KI3) 6.大钟 Dazhong(KI4) 7.足跟腱中点 Achilles tendon,七、肩周炎 (Peripheral shoulder arthritis),1对侧阳陵泉下半寸左右压痛点 (tenderness about 0.5 cun inferior to the contralateral Yanglingquan GB37) 2条口透承山 (from Tiaokou ST38 penetrating

7、to Chengshan BL57) 3鱼肩Yujian 我发现、命名的新穴( It is the new point that I found and named.) 4. 三间 Sanjian (LI3) 5后溪 Houxi (SI3) 6束骨 Shugu (BL65) 经筋病“肩不举”(The meridian tendon and muscle diseases, eg: failure to raise the hand),八、中风手指拘挛 (Fingers Constriction due to Apoplexy ),腕骨Wangu (SI4),九、乳腺增生病 (Breast lu

8、mp ),人迎(Renying ST9),十、急性腰扭伤 (Acute lumbar muscle sprain ),1人中 Renzhong (DU26 )“人中除腰脊之强痛” 腰部正中(腰椎)扭伤(“Renzhong DU26 can alleviate serious lumbago, especially lumbago in the middle of the back ”) 2后溪 Houxi (SI3) 督脉扭伤 (Du-meridian sprain) 3. 龈交异点 Yinjiao (DU28) 督脉扭伤 例 门诊女病人 (Du-meridian sprain),十、急性腰扭

9、伤 (Acute lumbar muscle sprain ),4手三里 Shousanli (LI10) 针灸甲乙经:“腰痛不得卧,手三里主之。”原因:手阳明经筋挟脊内。(A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion:“Shousanli LI10 is used to treat serious lumbago.” Reason: the tendon and muscle region of Hand-Yangming distributes on spinal column) 5太冲穴处压痛点 (the pressure pain point o

10、f Taichong LR3)马丹阳天星十二穴主治杂病歌:“亦能疗腰痛,针下有神功”。(Tianxing twelve acupoints main indications by Ma Danyang: “Taichong LR3 can be used for lumbago and achieve good results”.),十、急性腰扭伤 (Acute lumbar muscle sprain ),6 腰痛穴的用法 (the application of acupoints for lumbago) 腰1 (the L1 region) (第五掌骨全息腰穴)(holographic

11、lumbar acupoints at 5th metacarpal)腰2 (the L2 region) (第四、五掌骨之间全息腰穴)( holographic lumbar acupoints between 4th and 5th metacarpals)腰3 (the L3 region) (第三、四掌骨之间全息腰穴)( holographic lumbar acupoints between 3th and 4thmetacarpals)腰4 (the L4 region) (第二、三掌骨之间全息腰穴)( holographic lumbar acupoints between 2t

12、h and 3th metacarpals),十一、膝骨关节炎 (Knee osteoarthritis ),1大杼 Dazhu (BL11) 2对侧尺泽穴处压痛点 the tenderness around Chize (LU5) on the contralateral side,十二、腓肠肌痉挛 (Systremma),承山Chengshan(BL57),十三、癔病性失语 (Hysterical anepia),涌泉Yong quan(KI1),十四、胃脘痛 (stomachache),1.至阳 Zhiyang(DU9)或灵台 Lingtai(DU10) 2.中脘 Zhongwan(RN

13、12) 3.内关 Neiguan(PC7) 4.足三里Zusanli(ST36) 5.公孙 Gongsun(SP4) 6.尺胃(孔最下1寸)Chiwei ( one cun below Kongzui (LU6) 7.脐胃(肚脐左上方0.51寸压痛点)Qiwei (tenderness point on the leftupper corner of navel about 0.5 to 1 cun),十五、腹痛 (Abdominal pain),1. 足三里Zusanli(ST36)或中脘Zhongwan(RN12)2. 上巨虚 Shangjuxu(ST37)3. 下巨虚 Xiajuxu(S

14、T39)4. 曲泉Ququan(LR6),十六、膈肌痉挛 (Convulsion of diaphragm muscles ),1 攒竹 Cuanzhu (BL2 ) 2 翳风 Yifeng (SJ17) 3 太渊 Taiyuan (LU9 ) 4. 乳中 Ruzhong (ST17 ) 5. 中魁 Zhongkui(EX-UE4) 6. 太溪 Taixi(KI3) 7. 脐疗 umbilicus treatment :神阙 Shenque (RN8) 麝香放脐内 put She-xiang (musk) into umbilicus,十七、急性胰腺炎 (Acute Pancreatitis

15、),地机 Diji (SP8),十八、支气管哮喘 (Bronchial asthma ),1鱼际 Yuji (LU10)2孔最 Kongzui (LU6),十九、心绞痛 (Angina Pectoris ),1 内关 Neiguan (PC6) 2 至阳 Zhiyang (DU9),二十、喜笑不休 (Compulsive Laughter),神门 Shenmen (HT7),二十一、脏躁 (Hysteria),少海 Shaohai (HT3),二十二、慢性胆囊炎 (Chronic Cholecystitis),1 阳陵泉(GB34)或胆囊穴 Dannang Point (EX-LE6 ) 2.

16、 丘墟透照海(from Qiuxu GB40 penetrating to Zhaohai KI6 ),二十三、痛经 (Dysmenorrhea),1十七椎 Shiqizhui (EX-B7) 2脐疗:神阙用药 Shenque (RN8)umbilicus treatment,二十四、急性扁桃体炎 (Acute Tonsillitis ),1. 少商Shaoshang(LU11) 实热证for treating excess-heat syndrome 2. 商阳Shangyang(LI1) 胃热火毒上攻for treating adverse riding of stomach-heat a

17、nd fire-toxin,二十五、美容 (Cosmetology ),1.足三里 Zusanli (ST36)2.人迎 Renying (ST9),二十六、养生保健 (Health care),1. 足三里Zusanli(ST36) 2. 涌泉 指揉 Yongquan(KI1) finger kneading 3. 太溪Taixi(KI3) 4. 气海 Qihai(RN6) 5. 关元 Guanyuan(RN4)灸法moxibustion 6. 神阙Shenque(CV8)灸法moxibustion,时间病症的一针疗法,1. 太冲治疗丑时病症1. Taichong(LR3) for the

18、diseases occurring at the second twelve Earthly Branches hour(1 am to 3 a.m) (1)丑时失眠insomnia occurring at the second twelve Earthly Branches hour (2)丑时肩痛shoulder pain occurring at the second twelve Earthly Branches hour (3)丑时腰腿疼痛lumbar and leg pain occurring at the second twelve Earthly Branches hou

19、r (4)丑时烦躁dysphoria occurring at the second twelve Earthly Branches hour,时间病症的一针疗法,2. 太渊 治疗寅时病症2.Taiyuan(LU 9)for diseases and symptoms occurring at the third twelve Earthly Branches hour (3 a.m. to 5 a.m.) (1)寅时哮喘asthma occurring at the third twelve Earthly Branches hour (2)寅时胃痛stomachache occurring

20、 at the third twelve Earthly Branches hour (3)寅时下肢木胀不适numbness and distending of lower extremities occuring at the third twelve Earthly Branches hour (4)变异性心绞痛variability of angina occurring at the third twelve Earthly Branches hour,时间病症的一针疗法,3. 三间 治疗卯时病症3. Sanjian (LI 3) for diseases occurring at t

21、he fourth twelve Earthly Branches hour (5 a.m.7 a.m.) (1)卯时肩痛shoulder arthralgia occurring at the fourth twelve Earthly Branches hour (2)卯时腹痛腹泻无效病例an ineffective case of abdominal pain and diarrhea occuring at the fourth twelve Earthly Branches hour,时间病症的一针疗法,4. 陷谷 治疗辰时病症4. Xiangu (ST 43) for diseas

22、es occuring at the fifth twelve Earthly Branches hour (7 a.m. to 9 a.m.) 辰时双下肢疼痛both lower limbs pain occuring at the fifth twelve Earthly Branches hour,时间病症的一针疗法,5. 太白治疗巳时病症Taibai (SP3) for diseases occuring at the sixth twelve Earthly Branches hour(9 a.m. to 11 a.m.) 巳时头痛headache occuring at the s

23、ixth twelve Earthly Branches hour,时间病症的一针疗法,6. 神门治疗午时病症Shenmen (HT 7) for the diseases occurring at the seventh twelve Earthly Branches hour (11 a.m. to 1 p.m.) 午时心悸palpitation occurring at the seventh twelve Earthly Branches hour,时间病症的一针疗法,7. 太溪 治疗酉时病症7.Taixi (KI 3) for disorders occurring at the t

24、enth twelve Earthly Branches hour(5 p.m. to 7 p.m.) (1)酉时四肢疼痛麻木加重numbness and pain aggravation of four limbs at the tenth twelve Earthly Branches hour (2)酉时腹痛abdominal pain (Fu Tong) occuring at the tenth twelve Earthly Branches hour,时间病症的一针疗法,(3)酉时头痛headache ( Tou Tong) at the time of the tenth of

25、the twelve Earthly Branches hour (4)酉时齿痛gum-ache and toothache (Chi Tong) occurring at the time of the tenth of the twelve Earthly Branches hour (5)酉时双目上窜感无效病例Ineffective case of feeling of going upward of binoculus occurring at the tenth twelve Earthly Branches,时间病症的一针疗法,8. 中渚 治疗亥时病症Zhong zhu (TE 3

26、) for the diseases occurring at the last twelve Earthly Branches hour (1)亥时坐骨神经痛sciatica occurring at the last of the twelve Earthly Branches hour (2)亥时上肢疼痛upper limb pain occurring at the last twelve Earthly Branches hour,其他病症的一针疗法,1. 踝关节扭伤(Strain of ankle joint) (1)对侧养老穴Yanglao(SI6) of contralater

27、al side (2)对侧阳池穴Yangchi(SJ4) of contralateral side,其他病症的一针疗法,2. 膝关节扭伤 (Strain of knee joint)对侧尺泽穴处压痛点。tenderness around Chize(LU5) ofcontralateral side,其他病症的一针疗法,3. 下肢肌肉拉伤(Lower limb muscle strain )对侧上臂对应部位压痛点。Lower limb muscle strain,其他病症的一针疗法,4. 肱骨外上髁炎(网球肘)External Humeral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) 肘灵穴 Zhou ling point对侧腓骨小头压痛点 the tenderness on the contralateralfibular head,其他病症的一针疗法,5. 足跟痛 (Talalgia )对侧大陵穴处压痛点 the tenderness around Daling ( PC7) on the contralateral side,Thanks a lot!,谢谢!,


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