1、 l :2005-12-21Te:(1976-), 3, i ,Z 2v 3 S j q,p V.24 2 Z 2v1 SVo.l 24No. 22006 M6NATURAL SCIENCE JOURNALOF HAINAN UNIVERSITY Jun. 2006cI|:1004-1729(2006)02-0194-07ACC yZ陈银华1, 2,黄 伟3,王 海1(1.Z 2v 3 S j,Z 2Z g570228;2. j #sE8y 0yI NVr,?C3 5- u13- uT L VE8yVr1, YQ1 u-2181 -1088 u, s?CQ uE4y 0 YQ u(-193 -
2、86)i 11.VhM1yPRB-16 0 ukTAAGAGCCGCC + ysYqs12.PT LACSy 0 uI NPGy、E8y、T L+syM3763, TT LACOy、PGy# %PGy 0 M1 , M 21. 9%25. 0%. 0 ?CI NE4、E8#YsqMB , ?VrV ,y5 0 ?,yPT L+s c.196Z 2v1 S 2006 M 3 ACOyVrZ3. 1 ACOyVry0 ACOyVr s 、 、 3V. ,ACOy Y、ABAIAA. 41ACC、 =、Cu2 +、LiCl、CHI、CHX、NaCl.Y) E 2、 、C(、5 N、 ACOyVr;A
3、BA5 ACCOX1ACCOX2Vr13 ;NaCl) ? ACO1Vr;7IAA V(ACOyVr.KV , IAA ?Y9F,1 YVY1 HACOy 、2 、h8 S 、;、l s. O3ACCOX1ACCOX2、I NACO1、C(ACO1、%ACOyVr 15 ;) I N= V y ACOyVr;h8 S VC(CmACO1CmACO3yVr16. 6,1 Hq/ 7、.x、T L 、 V ( VACOyVr, 、P F 7、.x、 V,ACOy ($Vr;I N、PMT LT L HACO9rVr. MBts0 3V ,ACOyEB+sVr, T L 2?V, ! 2 3?V,Y
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6、% WY db s v, c 9,ACOymRNA c vs, ACOyVr Jr , V ? Y 3Fs1yB,ACOyVr V ?Jr x y0 e 20.4 eY 3yY 3?、 Fh、 F I1T,y7 pYV eY 3 1 3 EE.Qly/ B“1 , Qly/ , |+yDNA Q_ B 0 , , P y,y ? 3ymRNARNA -QlRNA, T PMmRNA vv, PyT ss .Qly/ yVr# ? e4 rZE, H9 7B B y r、B o.|pTOM13 (cDNA)Qly T I N,yY s, s = T LsY 68%87%,YV1 0B T LY9
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25、kou570228;2. College ofHorticulture Forestry HuazhongAgricultural University, W uhan 430070;3. Division of Teaching Adm inistration, Hainan University, Haikou570228, China)Abstract:Being one of five phytohormones for plants, ethylene plays an important role in plantgrowth. Theprocessofethylenebiosyn
26、thesis inplantswascontrolledbyACC compoundandACC oxi-dase. Composeamountsofethylenewereeffectively coordinated throughcoordinating theirexpressionof these two speed-controlledenzymes. Thispapermakesa review focusedon theprogress incloningofACC oxidasegenes and theirexpressioncontrol, and theiruse in the future.Keywords:ethylene;ACC oxidase;genecloning;promoter200Z 2v1 S 2006 M