1、DOCUMENTING SOURCES In-text Citation,By Roy and Elvira,The Importance of Documenting Sources,A research paper must include documentation of the sources the student has cited. No matter how the material is used in the paper,the student is required to tell the reader that it is other peoples ideas, da
2、ta, findings, opinions or conclusions, not his. Otherwise it will be considered as plagiarism.,Documenting Styles 1.MLA,2.APA,MLA(Modern Language Association),作者在正文中用括号夹注的形式注明参考文献的简要出处,即(作者姓名+页码)。 eg: Ancient writers attributed the invention of the monochord to Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth cen
3、tury BC(Marcuse 197). 而在论文末尾的参考文献部分(按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列),则可根据作者姓氏很容易的找出该引用文献的详细信息。包括作者信息,书名信息和出版信息(出版地,出版社,出版年)三个部分。三个部分之间用“.”分开。 eg: Marcuse, Sibyl. A Survey of Musical Instruments. New York: Harper,1975.,The MLA style is used in such fields as literature, history, art and others. And it attaches more imp
4、ortance to page numbers. Three methods: in-text citation; full documentation in the Works Cited page(s); content notes,APA(American Psychological Association),The APA style is mostly used in social sciences. And it attaches more importance to the published time of the cited works. APA格式使用哈佛大学文章引用格式,
5、通常来说,一个引用包含了作者名和发表日期,以括号夹注(有时会再加上页数),放在引用文字或句子之后。 详细的引用或参考资料则放在位于文章最后的“参考文献”或“Works Cited”部分。APA格式明确的定义“参考文献”只放入文章内容引用的来源,所以有些文章才会有“参考文献(Reference)”和“Bibliography”的分别。(Bibliography另外包含了作者背景知识的来源,不一定是直接被引用的文献。),格式应为“(作者姓氏(非首字母),发表年份)”。若作者姓名在文章中已被提及,只需标出年份就好(若需要可加上页数),仍需使用括号。多位作者以上同理。 eg: Are cent stu
6、dy found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism(Pauling,2005). Pauling(2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.,Dos and Donts, No citation is needed when an authors entire work rather than a part of it is referred to. 当作者的整个作品而不是其中的一部分被提及时,不需要引证。 Whatever cited in the text must also
7、have its correspondence in the Works Cited pages. 文本中引用的任何东西,也必须在参考文献中提及。,Citing Two or More Authors,1.If the authors are introduced in the text, just place the page numbers in the parenthesis.2.If the citation contains two authors,cite both authors by their last names.,3.If there are two or more au
8、thors with the same last name, include the initials of the first names.,4.It a book or an essay is written by two or three authors,write their last names and then the page numbers.,5.If there are more than three authors,either give the first authors last name followed by et al. or give all the last names and then the page number(s).,It must be pointed out that in citing more than three authors,“et al.” is more popular and preferred.,Thats all.,Thank you!,