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1、 1 1.1. 原子核、核子及相关术语 质子 proton 中子 neutron 电子 electron 核子 nucleon 核 nucleus ( pl.) nuclei 原子 atom 光子 photon 正电子 positron 量子 quantum, quanta (pl.) 电子伏特 electron-volt (eV) 兆电子伏特 mega electron-volt (MeV) 同位素 isotope 原子序数 atomic number 质量数 mass number 超铀元素 transuranium element 元素周期表 periodic table 热中子 the

2、rmal neutron 快中子 fast neutron 复合核 compound nucleus 1.2. 相关元素与材料 1.2.1. 核燃料与增殖材料 铀 uranium( U) 钚 plutonium( Pu) 氘,重氢 deuterium, heavy hydrogen 氚 tritium 混合氧化物燃料( MOX 燃料) Mixed (Uranium and Plutonium) OXide fuel 二氧化铀 uranium dioxide 浓缩铀 enriched uranium 贫铀 depleted uranium 碳化铀 uranium carbide 钍 thoriu

3、m 锂 lithium 锕系元素 actinide element 易裂变的 fissile 可裂变的、可裂变物质 fissionable 增殖同位素 fertile isotope 核嬗变 nuclear transmutation 转化 conversion 1.2.2. 其它核材料及核电厂用材料 慢化剂 moderator 轻水 light water 重水 heavy water 石墨 graphite 冷却剂 coolant 氦 helium 液态金属 liquid metal 钠 sodium 包壳 cladding 铝 aluminium 镁 magnesium 锆 zircon

4、ium 锆 2/4 合金 zircaloy-2/4 不锈钢 stainless steel 控制材料 control material 通量展平 flux-shaping 银 silver 铟 indium 镉 cadmium 可燃毒物 burnable poison 硼 boron 硼酸 boric acid 锂 lithium 铍 beryllium 2 乏燃料 spent fuel 因科镍,因康 INCONEL 不锈钢 stainless steel 1.3. 核反应及相关术语 decay 衰变 fission 裂变 fusion 聚变 nuclear reaction 核反应 chai

5、n reaction 链式反应 cross section 截面 microscopic cross section 微观截面 macroscopic cross section 宏观截面 absorbing cross section 吸收 截面 scattering cross section 散射截面 barn 靶恩 delayed neutron 缓发中子 prompt neutron 瞬发中子 prompt criticality 瞬发临界 fissile 易裂变的 fissionab 可裂变的 le morderate / slow down 慢化 breeding ratio 增

6、殖比 burnup 燃耗 reactivity 反应性 neutron cycle 中子循环 fission product 裂变产物 criticality 临界 prompt critical 瞬发临界 flux 通量 xenon 氙 iodine 碘 actinide 锕系(元素) reactivity worth 反应性价值 慢化剂温度系数 moderator temperature coefficient 反应性系数 reactivity coefficient 剩余反应性 excess reactivity 燃料比功率 fuel specific power 倍增因子 multip

7、lication factor 有 效 增 殖 系 数 effective multiplication factor; effective multiplication constant 无限介质增殖系数 infinite multiplication factor; infinite multiplication constant 快中子增殖系数 fast fission factor 热 中 子 利 用 系 数 thermal utilization factor 不泄漏几率 nonleakage probability 逃脱共振俘获几率 resonance escape probabi

8、lity 四因子公式 four-factor formula 多普勒增宽 Doppler broadening *总集成中子通量 /总积分中子通量 Total Integrated Neutron Flux = Integrated Flux or Fluence (注量 ) = Neutron density Velocity Time 单位: n/m3 m/s s = n/m2 1.4. 反应堆 压水堆 Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) 沸水堆 Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) 加拿大重水铀反应堆(坎杜堆) CANadian Deuter

9、ium and Uranium reactor (CANDU) / pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) 英国气冷堆(美诺克斯堆) British gas-cooled Magnox reactor 3 高温气冷堆 high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) 快中子增殖反应堆 fast breeder reactor (FBR) 轻水堆 Light Water Reactor (LWR) 先进反应堆 advanced reactor 超临界水反应堆 supercritical water reactor 欧洲压水

10、堆(第三代反应堆之一) European Pressurized water Reactor (EPR) (美国)先进压水堆 600/1000(第三代 (+)反应堆之一) AP(WR)600 / 1000 1.5. 核电厂部件、设备与系统 燃料芯块 fuel pellet 燃料元件 fuel element 燃料棒 fuel rod 燃料组 件 fuel assembly 定位格架 spacer grid 法兰 flange 密封环 seal ring 阻力塞 plug (上 /下 )腔室 (upper / lower ) plenum 堆芯,活性区 core 反应堆压力容器 Reactor

11、Pressure Vessel (RPV) 上封头 upper closure head 液压螺栓拉伸机 (张紧机 ) hydraulic stud tensioner 包覆层 clad (碳钢表面的防腐蚀堆焊层 ) 控制棒 control rod 控制棒组件 Control Element Assembly (CEA) 可燃吸收棒 burnable absorber rod 控制棒驱动机构 Control Element Drive Mechanism (CEDM) 变送器 transmitter 信号调理 signal regulation 吊篮 barrel 进 /出口接管 inlet

12、/ outlet nozzle 冷 /热端,冷 /热腿,冷 /热管段 cold / hot leg 反应堆堆内构件 reactor vessel internals 肿胀 swelling 腐蚀 corrode, corrosion 侵蚀 erode, erosion 氧化 oxidation, oxidize 完整性 integrity 反应堆冷却剂泵(主泵) Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) 屏蔽泵 canned (motor) pump 轴封泵 shaft seal pump 反应堆冷却剂系统(一回路系统) Reactor Coolant System (RCS) 核

13、蒸汽供应系统 Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) 一回路 primary loop/circuit 一回路系统 /主回路系统 primary system 二回路 secondary loop 稳压器 pressurizer (PRZ) 波动管 surge line 汽水分离器 moisture separator 干燥器(二 /三级汽水分离器) steam dryer 安全阀 safety valve 卸压阀 relief valve 溢流阀 overflow valve 主蒸汽隔离阀 main steam isolation valve 单向阀 check

14、 valve 止回阀 non-return valve 主蒸汽联箱 main steam header 给水调节阀 feed regulating valve 蒸汽发生器 Steam Generator (SG) 主蒸汽管 Main Steam Line (MSL) 4 汽轮机 steam turbine 汽 水 分 离 再 热 器 Moisture Separator Reheater (MSR) 给水泵 feed (water) pump 上充泵 charging pump 凝汽器 condenser 发电机 (electric) generator 安全壳 containment 地基,

15、基础 foundation 烟道 stack 贯穿件 penetration 核岛 nuclear island 常规岛 conventional island 核电厂配套子项 Balance of Plant (BOP) 一 回 路 辅 助 系 统 auxiliary system for primary loop 化学与容积控制系统(化容系统) Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS) 专设安全设施 Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) 余 热 排 出 系 统 Residual Heat-Removal System (R

16、HRS) 应急堆芯冷却系统 Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS), 安注系统 Safety Injection (SI) System 直接注射系统 direct vessel injection (DVI) 换料水箱 Refueling Water Storage Tank (IRWST) (乏 )燃料贮存 水池 (spent) fuel storage pool 燃料装卸系统 fuel handling system 蓄压箱 accumulator 机组 unit 辅助喷淋 auxiliary spray 柴油发电机 Diesel generator 自

17、动保护系统 Automatic Protective System (APS) 自动降压系统 automatic depressurization system (ADS) 仪控系统 Instrumentation and Control System (I B. positive temperature and positive power coefficients; C. negative temperature and negative power coefficients; D. passive safety system and positive power coefficients

18、. 2. The best title of the passage may probably be . ( D) 10 A. fail-safe control system; B. thermal reactor safety and operation; C. automatic protective system; D. inherent safety design of reactors. 2.2. Passage II The biological shield should contain some hydrogen compound to slow down fast neut

19、rons, and be dense enough to attenuate gamma radiation effectively. Concrete satisfies both these requirements fairly well and is suitable for landbase reactors. Barytes (重晶石 ) concrete, containing the heavy element barium, and steel-shot concrete have been used for biological shields. They are more

20、 dense than ordinary concrete, with improved shielding properties, however their higher cost offsets this advantage. The biological shield for a marine reactor, which is usually a fairly compact pressurized water reactor, must satisfy a minimum space and weight requirement. This leads to a shield de

21、sign which consists typically of alternate layers of water (for fast neutron slowing) and steel (for gamma ray attenuation). 3. According to the above passage, is not possible for constructing biological shield? ( C) A. steel; B. concrete; C. graphite; D. paraffin wax. 4. Which of the following sent

22、ences is not true? ( D) A. The biological shield is designed mainly to slow down fast neutrons and attenuate gamma radiation. B. The marine reactor uses alternative steel and water layers as its biological shield. C. The combination of heavy element concrete and steel bars could improve the shieldin

23、g properties. D. The biological shield should use hydrogen element to slow down fast neutron and attenuate gamma radiations. 2.3. Passage III In order to mitigate the effects of large release of steam (an potentially of radioactivity) in the containment, two full capacity independent safety systems

24、11 are provided; the reactor building spray system and the reactor building emergency coolers. The systems are designed to provide cool water to condense discharge steam and to prevent containment pressure from reaching its design limit. Individual systems differ considerably but a typical system ma

25、y be described as follows; The initial capacity of the systems in removing heat from the containment atmosphere is typically 253GJ/hr. When a containment pressure of 4psig is reached, the emergency coolers of the reactor building are actuated. In their post accident mode, the system consists of thre

26、e units each with a fan and an emergency cooler. As the reactor building air is circulated across a tubular heat exchanger, a portion of steam is condensed. These coolers alone would be capable of returning the containment pressure to near atmospheric within 24 hr after an accident. When the pressur

27、e reaches a level of 10 psig, the second safety system, the reactor building spray system, is automatically actuated. It consists of a pump, piping, headers, and spray nozzles arranged uniformly under the containment dome. It can spray borated water into the reactor building at a rate of 11.35m3/min

28、. A sodium hydroxide additive is also provided in the spray water to increase the retention of iodine, and hence, to reduce its concentration in the containment atmosphere in the event of a sizable breach of fuel cladding. 5. Two full capacity independent safety systems are provided for the design p

29、urpose of . ( A) A. condensing the steam released into the containment when pressure exceeds design limit. B. maintaining the high pressure in the containment C. discharging large amount of steam D. mitigating the effect of radiation hazard to the containment. 6. The reactor building spray system wi

30、ll be actuated automatically . ( C) A. after 24 hours after the accident; B. immediately after the accident; C. when the containment pressure reaches a level of design limit; D. when the air in the containment is circulated through the heat exchanger. 7. Which of the following statements is INCORREC

31、T? ( B) A. The emergency cooler consists of fans and heat exchangers. B. The emergency cooler system can spray borated water into containment. C. All the two system are applied for returning the containment pressure to 12 be blow atmospheric after the accident. D. Sodium hydroxide additive is provid

32、ed in the spray water to reduce the amount of radioactive fission produces. 2.4. Passage IV Many reactor-years of operating experience have shown that it is not the fission chain reaction in the reactor core that is the most likely source of malfunction and accidents, but the “conventional” componen

33、ts of the power plant such as pumps, valves, switches, relays and parts under stress such as pressure vessel or pipework. Human error on the part of operating and maintenance staff has also proved to be a rather frequent source of trouble in nuclear power plant. These factors are not peculiar to nuc

34、lear power plant, but they assume great importance because of the hazardous nature of nuclear reactors. Designers have to ensure that all systems should as far as possible be fail-safe and redundant, i.e. if one system fails to function correctly, another is available to fulfill the same function. A

35、s stated above, nuclear reactors cannot explode like nuclear bombs. This primarily because of the fast acting negative thermal feedback due to Doppler broadening of the 238U absorption resonances. In addition in thermal reactors where neutrons are moderated, the prompt neutron lifetime Lp is the ord

36、er of 10-4 second; in a bomb, since the neutrons are unmoderated, the prompt neuron lifetime is of the order of 10-8 seconds. Finally, reactor fuel consists typically of 2 to 3 percent 235U, where as nuclear weapons contain almost pure 239Pu. The net effect of these difference is that, even in a rea

37、ctor which is totally out of control and gone prompt critical, the reactor period will not be much less than a second or so. In a nuclear bomb, the period is of the order of nanoseconds. (1) According to the text, the most likely source of troubles in a nuclear comes from A. Core of the reactor B. C

38、onventional components C. Parts under stress D. Human error (2) The first sentence of second paragraph “These factors are not peculiar to ” , what does “These factors” mean? A. Human error B. Malfunction of conventional components C. Fission chain reaction in the core D. All of the above 13 (3) What

39、 make the pressurized water reactors can not explode like a nuclear bomb? A. Doppler broadening of the 238U absorption resonances B. The neutrons are moderated C. PWR fuel contains much less fissile isotopes than nuclear bomb D. All of the above (4) The last two sentences “The net effect of is of th

40、e order of nanoseconds.” Give a comparison about the reactor period, what does the author most likely to express? A. The reactor period is too short comparing with a nuclear bomb B. The 239Pu in a nuclear bomb is more easily to go prompt criticality C. The nuclear reactor can not generate large amou

41、nt of heat as a nuclear bomb does within very short time, therefore nuclear reactor can not explode. D. The author wants to give us a reference about the data of the reactor period time. 2.5. Passage V The primary functions of the control rod drive mechanisms (CRDM) are to insert or withdraw rod clu

42、ster control assemblies and gray rod control assembles into or from the core to control average core temperature at a designed speed. A schematic diagram of CRDM is given in Fig 1. Control rod withdrawal one step involves six actions. 1) Moveable Gripper Coil B-on. The latch-locking plunger rises an

43、d swings the movable gripper latches into the drive rod assembly groove. A small axial clearance exists between the latch teeth and the drive rod. 2) Stationary Gripper Coil A-off. The force of gravity, acting upon the drive rod assembly and attached control rod, causes the stationary gripper and pl

44、unger to move downward 1/16 inch, transferring the load of the drive rod assembly and attached control rod to the movable gripper latches. The plunger continues to move downward and swings the stationary gripper latches out of the drive rod assembly groove. Fig 1. Control rod drive mechanism 14 3) L

45、ift Coil C-on. The 5/8-inch gap between the movable gripper pole and the lift pole closes, and the drive rod assembly rises one step length. 4) Stationary Gripper Coil A-on. The plunger rises and rises the gap below the stationary gripper pole. The three links, pinned to the plunger, swing the stati

46、onary gripper latches into a drive rod assembly groove. The latches contact the drive rod assembly and lift it a small fraction of an inch. The small vertical drive rod assembly movement transfers the drive rod assembly load from the movable gripper latches to the stationary gripper latches. 5) Mova

47、ble Gripper Coil off. The latch-locking plunger separates from the movable gripper pole under the force of a spring and gravity. Three links, pinned to the plunger, swing the three movable gripper latches out of the drive rod assembly groove. 6) Lift Coil C off. The gap between the movable gripper p

48、ole and the life pole opens. The movable gripper latches drop 5/8 inch to a position adjacent to a drive rod assemble groove. Repetition of the above six actions will make another step of withdrawal movement of control rod. (1) According to the text, the most likely source of troubles in a nuclear c

49、omes from A. Core of the reactor B. Conventional components C. Parts under stress D. Human error (2) According to the text, the most likely source of troubles in a nuclear comes from A. Core of the reactor B. Conventional components C. Parts under stress D. Human error 第 3章 句子翻译举例 3.1. Which 从句 (1) The atoms of all elements, which at one time were thought to be the fundamental particles of nature, consist of numbers of three more fundamental particles-protons, neutrons and electrons. 曾经被认为是自然15 界中基础粒子的原子是由多个更基础的粒子组成质子、中子和电子


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