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1、生物专业英语词汇Biological-English Vocabulary 2016,Questions,No1. what is the subject /course ?No2.why we study it ?,No3. what is the content of the course and how to get it well ?No4.what is the characteristic of the course ?,To study, to publish,to communication,二.为什么学习专业英语 For what to learn the specializ

2、ed English,To study: 科研信息获取 ,发现科学真理,解决技术问题 专业英语阅读能力,当前大部分资料都可以通过互联网传播,而这些资料中90以上都是英语。,世界上科技情报资料的交流主要靠使用英语,对于发展前沿的生物、计算机等专业来说,绝大部分专业资料和信息都是以英语形式出观。,To publish: 研究成果展示 合适的文字形式,合适的发表载体 英语:学术界通用性最强的语言 申报国家奖项 申请专利 发表学术论文:,85以上的科技资料都是以英语形式出版的,专业英语写作能力,专业英语的特殊性 约定俗成的规范性,八股性,To communication 国际交流合作 专业领域交流 I

3、nter-disciplinary talents 随着社会与科学技术的不断发展, 要求我们在今后工作中需要经常了解国外科技和生产发展的动态, 需要经常查阅国外专业文献及资料, 所以专业英语的学习已成为提高自身素质及能力的一项重要内容 与国外专家无障碍交流一口流利的,专业词汇把握准确的英语,则会给对方留下深刻的印象,从而加深交流,真正达到交流的目的从容面对毕业科研深造:追踪了解生物领域的国际最新动态,需要经常查阅文献、写科研论文、参加学术会议 就业:外企 -进口设备,英文订单,外商考察、洽谈等专业英语表达、听说、应变能力,三、课程学习内容及方法,课程学习内容 参考教材蒋悟生第3版 生物专业英语

4、高等教育出版社. 选取了目前国际上重要文献数据库的资料 web of science;编选了7-8个单元 涉及了生物学的主要分支:细胞生物学、遗传学、动物学 植物学、物种的起源与进化等. 主要内容: 基础知识:语体特点,词汇特点,语法特点,常用符号公式表达 阅读翻译,专业词汇 安排专题讲座,有关学术论文(本科毕业论文写作) (1)掌握构词法,扩大词汇量 (2)阅读英文原始文献资料,扩大知识面On-Line Biology Book,考查形式,总共48学时 3学分 5-18周 闭卷考试 总成绩100分,平时成绩占20 考试成绩80 平时:出勤+测试+作业完成,学习方法,(1)识记专业词汇,扩大阅

5、读范围; (2)巩固英语语法基础,掌握科技英语的语言特点; (3)针对应用文体加强翻译、写作练习,“Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.” “没有语法,能表达的内容甚少; 没有词汇,则什么内容也表达不了。”-David Wilkins,1.词汇特点 Vocabulary Features (1)词汇意义比较专一、稳定特别是大量的专业名词其词义很固定、专一即使是象do, take等多意义普通动词,在科技英语中它们的词义亦比较固定,其表达方式也比较容易理解 c

6、hromosome 染色体 double helix 双螺旋gene 基因 Okazaki fragment 冈崎片段,do,1.做(工作),干(活),办(事);进行: 2. 完成,做完,完毕,结束: 3. 履行(职责);执行,把付诸实现: 4. 用出,尽力,尽力而为: 5. 造成,引起;使遭受;导致, 6. 使整洁,收拾,整理, 7. 料理,处理,修理 8. (作为职业去)工作,劳动: 9. 演出(戏剧等),演(戏): 10.扮演(角色),饰,充当 11. 犯(罪): 12. 创作,写作,写(书等);出版: 13.翻译;改编(into): 14. 走过,行过(路程),走(完): 15.口语旅

7、游,游览,游历,在观光,.,溶解氧 dissolved oxygen(DO) was (7.950.56)mg/L. 溶解氧 (DO)为 (7.95 0 .5 6 )mg/L。 做(研究、实验) corn straw separate to do the raw material to proceed the deep industrialization to process. 将玉米秸秆皮穰分离做原料进行精、深产业化加工。,take v.,1.抓紧,抓住;抱住;握住: 2.抓,捕;诱捕;捉住(鸟等): 3.攻取,攻克;夺得,占领: 4.迷住;吸引:Lets take a walk.咱们散散步

8、。to take a rest休息一下 5.取得,获得,得到,拿到: 6.使死亡,夺去的生命: 7.(道路、通道等)通往(某地); 8.运送,运输: 9.吃,喝,服(药等): 10.吸入,呼吸(空气);晒(太阳): 11.享有、享受(娱乐、假期等): 12.租用,租得;定(座);订阅: 13.忍受;经受,承受,承担;遭受: 14.选择,挑选,选取;采取: 15.使用;利用;用对付: 16.了解;领会,领悟,理解:.,Take the . as an Example以.为例子Take the cell induced for 3 d、5 d、7 d、14 d to identification

9、by immunocytochemistry stain. 取诱导后3、5、7、14 d的细胞进行免疫细胞化学染色鉴定Take effective measures handle farming and side-linne production well. 采取有效措施抓好农副业生产,四、专业英语的特点 Features of Specialized English,语言精练,逻辑性强,描述客观它主要是一种书面语言,要求严谨、简洁,不要求在文中堆积华丽的词藻,也不要求考虑朗读和吟诵 不像普通英语那样具有感性形象思维,不具感情色彩,其目的是使读者容易理解而不产生太多的想象,也不经常运用比喻、排

10、比、夸张等修辞手段,而是要准确表达客观规律,按逻辑思维清晰地描述问题,(2)具有国际性据有关统计,70%以上的科技英语词汇来自拉丁语、希腊语。绝大多数医学、生物学词汇源于拉丁语、希腊语。,eg.protista 原生生物界 monera 原生动物门 eukayote 真核生物prokaryote 原核生物,(3)多使用正式规范的书面动词来替代具有同样意义的口语化的动词或动词短语For example, 用observe来代替look at,用examine代替check,用discover代替find out等 e.g. PCR amplicons were examined by agaro

11、se gel electrophoresis,2.语法特点:Grammar Features,1. 在语法结构上,大量使用被动语态科技英语使用被动语态可以使描述减少主观色彩,增强客观性,而且通过隐去人称主语而使句子尽可能简洁。 It has been found experimentally that the ratio of the amounts of adenine(腺嘌呤) to thymine(胸腺嘧啶), and the ratio of guanine(鸟嘌呤) to cytosine(胞嘧啶), are always very close to unity for deoxyr

12、ibose nucleic acid (DNA) 2. 大量使用名词或名词短语 e.g. a comparison of Type A with Type B shows that Type A has more advantages for our purposes. 3. 大量使用非谓语动词短语及分词短语 Combining chinese traditional medicine with west medicine, the veterinary workers have scored another success in the field of anaesthesiology(麻醉

13、学).,4. 用It作形式主语,替代后面that所引导的作为主句真正主语的从句It is the people that are really powerful. 5. 常用It作形式主语替代句子后面作真正主语的动词不定式短语 It requires heat to change water into gas. 6. 多用介词词组来表示用什么方法、数据、资料、什么材料、根据什么标准等These cases are grouped by the severity of the disease. 7. 常见包含两个及两个以上从句的长句However great the joy with which

14、 he welcomed a new discovery in some theoretical science whose practical application perhaps it was as yet quite impossible to envisage, he experienced quite another kind of joy when the discovery involved immediate revolutionary changes in industry, and in historical development in general.,3. 语体的特

15、点 Stylistic Characteristics,专业英语一般是开门见山、平铺直叙, 条理分明、结构紧凑, 逻辑性强的论述、记述、解说文体, 它既不追求华丽, 也不幽默风趣, 更不夸张渲染, 它要求有说服力, 而不着眼于艺术感染力. 一方面可有可无的词语尽量删去, 使句子化繁为简; 另一方面尽可能把有关概念集中, 合若干短句为一长句.例如:“If it is mixed with oxygen, this sort of fuel can be burned and release a series of gases.”这样的句子, 一般被简化为 “With oxygen, this f

16、uel can be burned, releasing gases.”(这种燃料能与氧混合而燃烧并释放气体),生物英语构词法概述 Formation of Scientific Terms in bio-English,英语构词主要有四种: 派生法(derivation)-派生词 最多 合成法(compounding) 其次 转化法(conversion) 一定量 缩略法 (shorting) 少量,派生法(derivation),通过对词根加上各种前缀或后缀来构成新词 即在 前缀+词根+(后缀)构成另一个与原意略有变化或截然相反的词。产生的新词称之为派生词(derivations). 专业

17、英语词汇大部分都是用派生法构成的,前缀(prefix):词义变化,词类不变 后缀(suffix):词义可能变化可能不变,词类一定会变,(1)前缀 -前缀通常只改变词义,不改变词性,使延伸出来的 派生词变成反义词 前缀(prefixes)- a.肯定,否定b. 方向c. 数字2-Butanone 丁酮 常见: un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, non-, dis-, mis-, mal semi-构成的词有230个以上: semiconservative 等, thermo-130 个以上:thermo-chemical, micro- 300个以上: auto- 260个以上:

18、,eg. re+gress 后退,退步 pro+gress 进展,进步加前缀 re + uniterenuite(再联合) dis + honest- dishonest(不诚实的) 加后缀 tract + or tractor(拖拉机) flu + entfluent (流利的) 加前后缀 un + friend + ly unfriendly(不友好的) pro + gress +iveprogressive(进步的),skillful,useless,专业词汇前缀: 表示摄食的词素: 1 -vore 食动物,-vorous 食动物的 algivore 食藻动物 carnivore 食肉动

19、物herbivore 食草动物 omnivore 杂食动物 2-phage 吃(食)食生物(体)-phagous 吃(食)的 phage 噬菌体phagocyte 吞噬细胞 zoophage 食肉动物,3. tri : 三,丙 triangle 三角triacylglycerol 三酰甘油 tricarboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸循环 triplet 三胞胎 4.quadri,quadru,quart,tetr,tetra: 四 quadrilateral 四边的 quadrivalent 四价的 quadruped 四足动物tetracycline 四环素,5. pent,p

20、enta,quique 五 pentose 戊糖pentane 戊烷quintuple 五倍的 pentomer 五邻粒 6. hex,hexa,sex 六 hexose 已糖 hexapod 六足动物hexapoda 昆虫纲hexamer 六聚体 7. hepta,sept(i) 七heptane 庚烷 heptose 庚糖 heptoglobin 七珠蛋白,8. Oct 八octpus 章鱼 octane 辛烷 octase 辛糖 9. enne,nona 九nonapeptide 九肽 enneahedron 九面体 10.deca,deka 十 :decapod 十足目动物 decah

21、edron 十面体decagram 十克 11.hecto, 百 hectometer 百米 hectoliter 百升 hectowatt 百瓦,17. Nano 十亿分之一,毫微,纳nanosecond 十亿分之一秒nanometer 纳米 18. demi,hemi,semi 半 demibariel 半桶hemicerebrum 大脑半球semiopaque 半透明 semi-allel 半等位基因 19. holo 全,整体,完全 holoenzyme 全酶holoprotein 全蛋白holocrine 全(质分)泌,20. mega 巨大,兆,百万Megaspore 大孢子,Me

22、gabasse 兆碱基Megakaryocyte 巨核细胞Megavolt 兆伏 Megalopolitan 特大城市 21. macro 大,巨大,多macrophage 巨噬细胞macrogamete 大配子macroelement 常量元素 macromolecular 大分子,22. poly,multi,mult 多,复合polyacrylate 聚丙烯酸酯polymerase 聚合酶multichain 多链的multinucleate 多核的multicistronic mRNA mRNA 多顺反子multicopy 多拷贝,(2)后缀 suffix:词性 -后缀通常改变词性,构

23、成意思相近的其它词性的词;少数后缀同时会改变词义 1.-able表示可能的,可以的,uncomfortable不舒的. 2.-al表示有.的属性regional 局部的 3.-ant有些是从动词派生来的,persistant持久的,坚持的(从动词persist来的) 4.-ar表示.特征的,.形状的regular规则的,muscular肌肉的,circular环形的,圆的,5.-ary 表示与.有关的ordinary平常的,通常的, voluntary自愿的,随意的. 6.-ed 用于名词加ed,转化为形容词,或动词过去分词作形容词. surrounded围住的,10.-ic加在外来词根的名词

24、上,构成形容词specific特异的,magnetic磁性的,aerobic需氧的,pubic耻骨的,oxytocic催产的,催产剂,therapeutic治疗的,dramatic戏剧性的,11,-ish加在颜色的形容词上,表示略带.色reddish带红色的,微红的,yellowish带黄色的,12,-ive由动词构成形容词relative有关的,相关的 congestive充血性 13,-less表示没有.的useless无用的,lifeless无生命的,hopeless绝望的,医治不好的,fruitless无效的,无益的. 14,-ory表示.性质的,属于.的.sensory感觉的,acc

25、essory附属的,附加的,circulatory循环的,urinary泌尿的,尿的.,7.-ent与-ant同类consistent坚定的,different不同的,sufficient足够的, 8.-ful由名词构成形容词useful有用的,successful成功的,plentiful丰富的,helpful有帮助的.9.-ible与-able相同.Visible可见的,irreversible 不可逆的,inaudible听不见的.,15,-ous表示具有.的,有.特性的.dangerous有危险的,continuous在连续性的,连续的,serious严重的,various各种的,vi

26、gorous强有力的,apueous水的,generous大量的,丰盛的,tremendous可怕的,惊人的, pervious能通过的,能穿过的.,Example of Food chain,pain-killer,止痛药,color- blind,色盲,sleep-walk,梦游,sleep-walker,合成法(compounding),把两个或以上的词组成一个新词叫合成法合成名词 notebook(笔记本) classroom (教室) 合成形容词 life-long(终生的) wide-open(张大的,展开的) 合成动词 underline (在下面划线) whitewash(粉刷

27、),1. 合成名词(1) n+nblood pressure 血压photo-synthesis 光合作用(2) adj + n micro+tubule 微管micro+filament 微丝,solar systemremote control(3) v-ing +另一词washing machine driving license (4) 其他方式 by-product editor-in-chief,太阳系 遥控洗衣机驾驶执照副产品 主编,2. 合成形容词(1) 过去分词或带ed词尾的词构成absent-mindedgrey-haired(2) 动词的ing 或另一词构成long-su

28、fferingfar-reaching,心不在焉的 头发灰白的长期受苦的 深远的(影响),3. 合成动词及合成副词,合成动词副词+动词 例:overthrow 推翻,understand 理解形容词+动词 例:broadcast 广播,whitewash 粉刷名词+动词 例:typewrite 打字,sleepwalk 梦游合成副词介词+名词 例:underfoot 脚下,beforehand 事先形容词+名词 例:hotfoot 匆忙地,someday 有朝一日形容词+副词 例:anywhere 任何地方,outwards 向外,转化法(conversion),不添加任何成分,不改变词型,把

29、一个单词由一种词类转用为另一种词类的方法。名词动词,形容词动词,动词名词,形容词名词,副词名词 button(纽扣) -to button (扣纽扣) 名词动词(n-v) correct(正确的) - to correct(改正) 形容词动词(adj-v) to feed (喂)-feed(一顿,一餐) 动词名词(v-n) native(本地的)-native(本地人) 形容词名词(adj-n) up(在上)-to up(举起,抬高) 副词名词(adv-v),缩略法 (shorting),把一个词缩短,不增减意义,也不改变意义 略去后部,保留前部 exam(examination 考试) Fr

30、i(friday 星期五) 略去前部,保留后部 plane (aeroplane 飞机) phone(telephone 电话) 略去两头,保留中部 flu(influenza 流感) AIDS = Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid PCR=Polymerase Chain Reaction,略去中部,保留两头字母 ft(foot,feet英尺) hr(hour小时) 保留某些字母,加以合并 gove(government 政府) 保留开头一个字母 P(page 页) U.N(United States

31、 联合国)VOA(Voice of of America 美国之音),1. He was one of the best _ in yesterdays football match. (play) 2. Look! How _ Kate is laughing! (happy) 3. It snowed _ last night and now the streets are covered with snow. (heavy) 4. Edison was a great _. During his life he had many _. (invent),构词法精练,Use the app

32、ropriate form of the words tofill in the blanks.,5. More and more _ have come to visit China over these years. (foreign) 6. We want _ reasons for your failure to help. (satisfy) 7. Please give me some reference work. It will _ my task. (simple) 8. The boy had the _ of being half starved. (appear) 9.

33、 The police have _ a plot against the President. (cover) 10. The doctor said that Marys mother needed an _.(operate),11. She hoped that her son would become a _. (music) 12. Few _ words made us excited. (speak) 13. The days on the moon get hotter than _ water. (boil) 14. Thank you for your _. (kind)

34、 15. Many college students work while they are studying because they want to make some money for their college _ .(expensive) 16. Most international _ letters are written in English, too. (busy),17. The boy noticed an _ mistake on his paper, but he decided not to say anything about it. (correct) 18.

35、 When in Rome, do as the _ do. (Rome) 19. The teacher was pleased with her _. (honest) 20. The mother didnt know why her daughter was crying _. (noise),1. He was one of the best _ in yesterdays football match. (play) 2. Look! How _ Kate is laughing! (happy) 3. It snowed _ last night and now the stre

36、ets are covered with snow. (heavy) 4. Edison was a great _. During his life he had many _. (invent),players,happily,heavily,inventor,inventions,构词法精练,Use the appropriate form of the words tofill in the blanks.,5. More and more _ have come to visit China over these years. (foreign) 6. We want _ reaso

37、ns for your failure to help. (satisfy) 7. Please give me some reference work. It will _ my task. (simple) 8. The boy had the _ of being half starved. (appear) 9. The police have _ a plot against the President. (cover) 10. The doctor said that Marys mother needed an _.(operate),foreigners,satisfactor

38、y,simplify,appearance,uncovered,operation,11. She hoped that her son would become a _. (music) 12. Few _ words made us excited. (speak) 13. The days on the moon get hotter than _ water. (boil) 14. Thank you for your _. (kind) 15. Many college students work while they are studying because they want t

39、o make some money for their college _ .(expensive) 16. Most international _ letters are written in English, too. (busy),musician,spoken,boiling,kindness,expenses,business,17. The boy noticed an _ mistake on his paper, but he decided not to say anything about it. (correct) 18. When in Rome, do as the _ do. (Rome) 19. The teacher was pleased with her _. (honest) 20. The mother didnt know why her daughter was crying _. (noise),uncorrected,Romans,honesty,noisily,


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