Big Green Monster has two big yellow eyes,a long bluish-greenish nose,a big red mouth with sharp white teeth,two little squiggly ears,scraggly purple
1、Big Green Monster has two big yellow eyes,a long bluish-greenish nose,a big red mouth with sharp white teeth,two little squiggly ears,scraggly purple hair,and a big scary green face! But,YOU DONT SCARE ME! So GO AWAY, scraggly purple hair!,GO AWAY, two little squiggly ears!,GO AWAY, long bluish-greenish nose!,GO AWAY, big green face!,GO AWAY, big red mouth!,GO AWAY, sharp white teeth!,GO AWAY, two big yellow eyes!,GO AWAY, Big Green Monster!,and DONT COME BACK!UntilIsayso.,。
2、请开启声音全屏观看,超炫小绿人动画简历,PPT动画版,曾经少不更事,迷茫无知,只喜欢写写画画,一日顿悟,营销广告界,,于是我有了梦想,学,大,大学里受恩师指点,从此脱胎换骨,功力大增,曾痴迷于电脑平面设计和视频编辑,纠结于是做策划还是做设计,最终选择成为一名Planner,校外工作, 负责某汽车品牌在当地的宣传活动,并组织发起“江南车城联盟”, 将当地汽车4S店由竞争转为更多的合作,毕业后, 在上海一家知名网络广告公司任职策划,见客户、写提案,终日与PPT相伴,虽然累,但很开心能和一群睿智的伙伴共事,于是从乙方来到甲方,为了可以更好。