专业八级试题(word 版) Test for English Majors (2007)Grade EightTime limit: 195MINPART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN)Section A Mini-lectureIn this section
1、专业八级试题(word 版) Test for English Majors (2007)Grade EightTime limit: 195MINPART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN)Section A Mini-lectureIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture once only. While listening, take notes on the important points. You notes wil not be market, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task for after the mini- lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to comp。
2、 专 业 八 级 考 试 大 纲国 家 教 委 高 等 学 校 英 语 专 业 基 础 阶 段 英 语 教 学 大 纲 规 定 , 高 等 学校 英 语 专 业 高 年 级 英 语 的 教 学 任 务 是 “继 续 打 好 语 言 基 本 功 , 进 一 步 扩 大知 识 面 , 重 点 应 放 在 培 养 英 语 综 合 技 能 , 充 实 文 化 知 识 , 提 高 交 际 能 力 上 。”同 时 , 大 纲 也 指 出 , “大 纲 的 执 行 情 况 主 要 通 过 统 一 测 试 进 行 检 查 。”“测 试 和 评 分 应 力 求 尽 快 达 到 标 准 化 和 电 脑 化 , 使 具 有 科 学 性 、 客 观 性 和可 行 性 ”。 。
3、日语专业八级词汇-行 (形)天真可爱的。天真烂漫的。顔:天真的面容。(副)(与后面的否定词相呼应)不一定。不见得。未必。君悪:也不全是你的错。偶然:未必偶然。侮(他五)侮辱。轻视。瞧不起人。人:别瞧不起人。暴(他五)揭发。揭露他人的缺点、秘密。人秘密:揭穿别人的秘密。痘痕(名)麻子。麻脸。天花痊愈后在脸上留下的坑。笑窪:情人眼里出西施。雨間(名)雨停的间隙。出:趁雨停的时候,咱们出发吧。雨足(名)雨脚。雨势。強:雨势很大。甘口(名形动)1:(酒等)甜的。带甜味的。酒:甜酒。2:甜言蜜语。人乗:听信花。
4、Section B interviewIn this section you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your colored answer sheet.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the following five questions.Now listen to the interview1. According to Nigel, most problems of air travel are caused by A. Unfavorable w。
5、如何备考专业八级.txt 爱空空情空空,自己流浪在街中;人空空钱空空,单身苦命在打工;事空空业空空,想来想去就发疯;碗空空盆空空,生活所迫不轻松。总之,四大皆空! 本文由 289063093 贡献doc 文档可能在 WAP 端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择 TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。如何备考 英语专业八级 在 09 年 5 月 27 日这天终于知道了自己专八的过了, 说实话成绩出来的时候 挺诧异的,没想到能考到 76 分(本人是一个二本类院校,但本校的英语专业实 力并不强,从软件到硬件) ,之前自己估分的时候也就是 55-63 之间,真没想到 能拿。
6、英语专业八级考试模拟试题(一)来源:http:/www.24en.com/tem 日期:2008-02-19 阅读 1944 次 作者:24EN_TEMPART I LISTENING COMPREHENSIONPART II PROOFREADING some who did sent too many: 50,000 words instead of 500 is a record, according Dr Nicholls. There remains the dinner-party game of whos out. That is a game that the reviewers have played and will continue to play. Criminals were my initial worry. After all, the original edition of the DNB boasted: Malefactors whose crimes excite a permanent inte。
7、www.topsage.com by highmore99 年英语专业八级考试真题Part Listening Comprehension (40 min) In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct response to each question on your Coloured Answer Sheet. SECTION A TALK Questions 1 to 5 refer to the talk in this section. At the end of the talk you w ill be given 15 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now list en to the talk. 1. The technology to mak。
8、乐学教育 繁星纵变 智慧永存1The senior partner, Oliver Lambert, studied the resume for the hundredth time and again found nothing he disliked about Mitchell Y. McDeere, at least not on paper. He had the brains, the ambition, the goodlooks. And he was hungry; with his background, he had to be. He was married, and that was mandatory. The firm had never hired an unmarriedlawyer, and it frowned heavily on divorce, as well as womanizing and drinking. Drug testing was in the contract. He had a degr。
9、英语专业八级词汇专项自测题第一套I. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best complete the sentence:1. The _ is used by astrologers to help calculate the influence of the planets on peoples lives.A. zephyr B.zodiac C.zyme D.zest2. Its a _ timetable. Sometime lessons happen, sometimes they dont.A. haphazard B.odious C.haughty D.handicapped3. No men was allowed to _ on the livelihood of his neighbour.A. wade B.invoke C.muffle D.infrin。
10、www.topsage.com by highmore2002 年英语专业八级考试全真试卷 PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (40 MIN)In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheetSECTION A TALKQuestions I to 5 refer to the talk in this section. At the end of the talk you will be given 15 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the talk.1. Which of the following。
11、Passage 1 追忆往事The old lady had always been proud of the great rose-tree in her garden, and was fond of telling how it had grown from a cutting she had brought years before from Italy, when she was first married. She and her husband had been travelling back in their carriage from Rome ( it was before the time of railways ) and on a bad piece of road south of Siena they had broken down, and had been forced to pass the night in a little house by the road-side. The accommodation was wretched of 。
12、(1)break the stalemate 打破僵局(2)be bound up with 与联系在一起(3)be analogous to 与.相似(4)on as daily basis 每天(5)be validated by 被验证(6)it stands to reason that .理所当然(7)be at peace with 与.和睦相处 (8)on the sly 偷偷地(9)in accordance with 根据.(10)to the purpose 中肯地 (11)of no avail 不起作用 (12)boast of 吹嘘(13)be confronted with 面临( 14)to sbs credit 使某人感到光荣(15)to the effect that 大意是主要内容是(16)around the clock 昼夜不停地 (17)at ones wi。
13、专业八级核心词汇abhor vt 憎恶 痛恨 abjure vt 发誓放弃 避免 公开放弃abortive adj 早产的 流产的 失败的 adj 夭折的 异常终止的 中断的abound vi 多 大量存在 富于 充满abrogate vt 废除 取abstemious adj 有节制的 节约的absurd adj 荒谬的 可笑的access n 通路 访问 入门 vt 存取 接近accommodate vt 供应 供给 使适应 调节 和解 向 提供 容纳 调和 vi 适应accomplice n 同谋者 帮凶accost vt 对 说话 搭话acknowledge vt 承认 答谢 报偿acme n 顶点 极致acrimonious adj 严厉的 辛辣的acute adj 敏锐的 急性的 剧烈adamant adj 坚硬。
14、 八级听力对策 首先是Mini lecture部分 这是个确实让人挠头的部分 刚开始练习的时候正确率比较低 所以大家一定要耐心 多做练习 反复听 其中做mini的小窍门就是答案大多是名词居多 然后是形容词 最后才是动词 所以大家听的时候一定要对文章中的名词和形容词多留个心眼儿 还有就是一定要把握文章的结构 参考书大家可以选用 英语听力快速突破 英语专业八级 点此查看 刚开始用这本书来练习 因为书中。
15、1第一课 新闻两则一、素质教育目标1、掌握新闻常识。 2、了解解放战争概况。3、能写作简单的新闻。 4、感受解放战争中我军的英勇气势。二、教学设想重点:掌握新闻知识。 难点:体会作者遣词造句的语言美。三、教学思路:既从文体上抓住新闻的特点,又从题材上抓住战争的主题。四、课时安排 三课时五、教学步骤第 一 课 时一、本课目标学习人民解放军百万大军横渡长江 。掌握新闻常识,感受解放战争中我军的英勇气势,体会作者遣词造句的语言美。二、教学过程1、导入:以介绍人民解放军百万大军横渡长江时的背境导入。2、课前热身:a、给。
16、In 2011, many shoppers chose to avoid the frantic crowds and do their holiday shopping from the comfort of their computer. Sales at online retailers gained by more than 15%, making it the biggest season ever. But people are also returning those purchases at record rates, up 8% from last year.What went wrong? Is the lingering shadow of the global financial crisis making it harder to accept extravagant indulgences? Or that people shop more impulsively - and therefore make bad decisions - when onli。
17、专业八级写作:关于准备和语言质量的问题(2011-02-23 13:27:51) 转载 标签: tem-82011专业八级写作高分新东方王兆飞教育分类: 专四专八 作者:王兆飞高校英语专业八级考试大纲写作部分规定:写作部分设一题,20 分,要求能根据所给题目及要求撰写各类体裁文章,文章长度约 400 个单词,能做到内容充实、语言通顺、用词恰当、表达得体。真题在 Directions 的最后会告知考生:“Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks。
18、ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWxabandonabideabilityabolishabruptabsenceabsentabsoluteabsolutelyabsorbabsorption abstractabsurdabundanceabundantabuseacademicaccent accept acceptableNo.001ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWxvt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃vt.(by)坚持,遵守 vt.忍受n.能力;能耐,本领vt.废除,取消adj. 突然的,意外的;(举止、言谈等)唐突的,鲁莽的n.缺席,不在场缺乏a.(from)不在场的;缺乏的漫不经心的a.绝对的;纯粹的ad.完全地;绝对地vt.吸收;使专心n.吸收;专注adj.抽象/深奥的n.摘要提要v.提(抽取)a.不合理的,荒唐的n.丰富,充裕。
19、在 09 年 5 月 27 日这天终于知道了自己专八的过了,说实话成绩出来的时候挺诧异的,没想到能考到 76 分(本人是一个二本类院校,但本校的英语专业实力并不强,从软件到硬件),之前自己估分的时候也就是 55-63 之间,真没想到能拿到这样的高分。虽然是二战(一战考了 54,一个不上不下的分数) ,专八的重要性不言而喻,它关系到你的就业,关系到你能找到一个什么样的工作,他还可能关系到你的一生。这话说得虽然有点危言耸听,但大家仔细想想,难道不是么?英语专业的没有过八级,和非英语专业没有过四级有区别吗?一战之所以没有考过,。
20、www.topsage.com by highmore2000 年英语专业八级考试试卷真题听力 Part Listening Comprehension (40 min) In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each ques tion on your Coloured Answer Sheet. SECTION A TALK Questions 1 to 5 refer to the talk in this section .At the end of the talk you w ill be given 15 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now list en to the talk. 1. The rules f。