1、浅析喜福会中母女关系折射出的中美文化差异摘要:本文通过对谭恩美喜福会中母女关系的分析,分别从语言差异、主客礼仪差异、思维差异和孝道文化差异四个方面来阐述母女间冲突产生的原因。小说中母女间的矛盾、冲突一直存在,直到女儿们到了为人母的年纪,母女间的关系才慢慢走向缓和融洽。所谓文化有国界但爱无国界。理解、真诚和爱是化解文化差异最好的良方。关键词:母女关系 文化差异 冲突 融洽Analysis of The Joy Luck Club in the mother-daughter relationships reflects the Sino-US cultural differencesTANG Xian(School of for。
2、The cultural differences between Chinese and American,Greeting and Parting,In American, people often employ the following expressions to greet each other “Good morning/evening/afternoon. “Fine day, isnt it? ”How is everything going?”,etc.,In China, When people meet acquaintances or friends, we always say ,“Have you eaten yet?” What are you going to do?”,In China, when people meet ,In order to express friendly they will shake hands with each other,In American,embrace instead of shaking ha。
4、中美文化差异与碰撞,美国国旗,美国地图,美国首都:Washington D.C. 美国国歌:The Star Spangled Banner,Kung-10/20/08,导入:点滴生活中的差异,一、从动物形象说起,二、从吹牛看文化差异,三、从电影看文化碰撞,思考:我们的文化使命和责任,小图片展示点滴生活中的差异,Opinion意见,Way of Life生活方式,Punctuality准时,Contacts人际关系,Anger对待愤怒,Queue when Waiting排队,Sundays on the Road周日的街景,Party聚会,In the restaurant在餐厅,Traveling旅游,Handling of Problems处理问题,Three meals a day三餐,Whats Trendy时尚,Tr。
5、;The differences between Anerican and China in education and valueBy Dinglan(15070121)Abstract:Key words:Values are the core in the intercultural communication. Values are intangible. People speak of the same values in marriage but seldom express what their values are. The word value comes fromtheLatin valere, which means “to be worth”. Values tell us what is good, what is bad, what is right, what is wrong, what is true, what is false and how we will behave and evaluate behavior. Values are ta。
6、DIFFERENCES IN EDUCATION BETWEEN CHINA AND AMERICA,2008133214Tan Honghui,DIFFERENCES IN EDUCATION BETWEEN CHINA AND AMERICA,2008133214,In the US,children are more independentThey know what to be at an early ageAnd plan carefully to achieve the goals,In China,Parents usually prepare everything for usWhat we should dois to accept without any doubtWhich means respect,The ways of taking care of children are different,How To React If Children Are Wrong ?,By Telling them stories and playing with them 。
7、中美文化差异与碰撞,谢旭光2010.5.1,美国国旗,美国地图,美国首都:Washington D.C. 美国国歌:The Star Spangled Banner,Kung-10/20/08,导入:点滴生活中的差异,一、从动物形象说起,二、从吹牛看文化差异,三、从电影看文化碰撞,四、中美教育方面差异,小图片展示点滴生活中的差异,Opinion意见,Way of Life生活方式,Punctuality准时,Contacts人际关系,Anger对待愤怒,Queue when Waiting排队,学校图书馆前一大早就会排起占座的长队,日本海啸期间:灾民排队取水,Sundays on the Road周日的街景,Party聚会,In the restaurant在餐厅,Traveling旅。
9、1高一()班小组组长:小组成员:指导老师:2一、提出问题随着时间的流逝,美国的文化逐渐渗透我国,许多年轻人只知道追求时尚文化,忽视了传统文化,这是不应该的。本文将通过中美文化来认识中美文化的差异,让更多的年轻人全面地认识中美文化,了解中美文化的差异。二、研究目的三、研究方法1.通过查找书面资料,上网,收集有关题材资料。2.总结资料,撰写论文。四、研究的时间2012 年 4 月-2012 年 6 月五、研究过程中国的节日中国的传统节日,基本都是封建社会时期形成并流传下来的,不可避免的打着封建的烙印:等级制、封闭式、家族。
10、DIFFERENCES IN EDUCATION BETWEEN CHINA AND AMERICA,2008133214Tan Honghui,DIFFERENCES IN EDUCATION BETWEEN CHINA AND AMERICA,2008133214,In the US,children are more independentThey know what to be at an early ageAnd plan carefully to achieve the goals,In China,Parents usually prepare everything for usWhat we should dois to accept without any doubtWhich means respect,The ways of taking care of children are different,How To React If Children Are Wrong ?,By Telling them stories and playing with them 。
11、Welcome to China-US cultural differences into,中美文化差异,文化,是人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,她包含一个民族长期积累形成的深层的心理积淀。说到两个民族思想与行为的不同,如果透过现象看本质,实际上就是两种文化的不同。由于文化的不同,会产生思维模式的不同;由于思维模式的不同,又会产生行为方式和社会关系的不同。就像两个不同的根系,会生长出两棵不同的大树一样。中国与美国无论在哪一方面,中美文化的差异,都存在着巨大的差异,要理解这些差异,首先要理解中美两国文化方面的差异。中。
12、Differences Between Chinese Culture and American Culture I have been living in China for twenty years. I was born in JiangSu province, and also grew up in there. My family members were from different parts of China. My moms hometown is at the Huabei plain which is the north side of The Yellow River. However, my father grew up in Nanjing, the famous city which locates beside the Yangzi River.Most of people in southern China are used to have rice as their daily main food resource, but northern Ch。
13、中美文化差异,英语作文篇一:中西文化差异比较(英文)The difference between chinese and western cultureWith the rapidly challging word, people throughout the world have found it increasingly necessary to minimize the rate of misunderstanding due to miscommunication in their contacts with another. In the oast most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geoographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. It might be said that technological advances have been 。
14、1The different food culture in China and AmericaKelina Kuang(Kuang Liqun)Abstract: With the development of economic level, more and more people are strict on foods quality. So the food culture gradually becomes popular in our daily life. In the modern time, many people begin to taste different food from other countries with strong curiosity, but the person who knows the different food culture is not a lot. Key words: China, America, food, differentAs an old saying goes, “there are three importa。
15、中美文化差异作文篇一:中西文化差异英文作文Communication Ways of Chinese and AmericansHuman communication is the foundation of building a harmonious society, and the emotions that people expressed are the most important part of communication. Emotions, include friendship, family affections and love, are reflected in how you treat others and what the others think of you. Chinese and Americans both have a wealth of emotions, but there are different ways to express the same emotion, which isthe diff。
17、中美文化差异电 影 片 名 : 刮 痧 英 文 片 名 : Gua Sha Treatment剧 情 介 绍 :故 事 发 生 在 美 国 中 部 密 西 西 比 河 畔 的 城 市 圣 路 易 斯 。 许 大 同 来 美 八 年 , 事 业 有 成 、家 庭 幸 福 。 在 年 度 行 业 颁 奖 大 会 上 , 他 激 动 地 告 诉 大 家 : 我 爱 美 国 , 我 的 美 国 梦 终 于 实现 !但 是 随 后 降 临 的 一 件 意 外 却 使 许 大 同 梦 中 惊 醒 。 五 岁 的 丹 尼 斯 闹 肚 发 烧 , 在 家 的 爷爷 因 为 看 不 懂 药 品 上 的 英 文 说 明 , 便 用 中 国 民 间 流 传 的 刮 痧 疗 法 给 丹 。
19、1 / 10中美文化差异论文:浅析中美文化差异不同的国家和不同的民族在其历史发展过程中,不可避免地会出现因为生产力水平的高低而引起的经济、技术乃至政治、法律制度等文化领域参差不齐。虽然说经济全球化让各国之间的差距不断拉小,但每个国家和民族所拥有的那些因为长期共同生活而逐步形成并世代保持的传统,仍旧以最纯粹的形式保留下来。中国文化是东方文化的一个典型代表,美国是西方文化的一个融合体,近年来两国在文化上的交流越来越密切,将这两个具有典型代表性的国家进行对比,能够让我们更加全面的了解美国的文化,并重新审视中。