More and more Chinese middle school students have gone abroad to study in recent years. As many language learners say, spending a time abroad is the b
1、More and more Chinese middle school students have gone abroad to study in recent years. As many language learners say, spending a time abroad is the best way to study a language. Students usually become fluent in the language and can make friends with people from different backgrounds and have a good knowledge of another culture. They can also broaden their horizons and improve their understanding of their own culture while studying abroad. Besides, they have to learn to depend on themselves.,Of。
2、,The law of America,American political system,三权分立,行政,司法,立法,政府,法院,国会,国会,白宫(政府 行政),最高法院(法院 司法),国会大厦(国会 立法),州政府殖民地独立之前,都是由英国君主管辖。在美国成立之后、宪法确立之前这段时间,各州实际上处在自治的状态。所以在当时“费城制宪会议”上,各州的代表一边决定成立一个强有力的联邦机构,一边又强调维护各州的权利。 总体上来讲,完全限定在某一州境内的事务应完全由该州政府决定如何处理,包括州内传媒、财产、工商业和公共基础设施的管理、州刑。
3、,关于江苏省泰州市姜堰区大伦镇响堂村柏桥组新公路建设对村民的影响的调查报告,班级: 机自1204 姓名: 戚成峰 学号:1040112417,背景介绍,江苏省泰州市姜堰区东部干线公路工程(328国道至蒋垛段)江苏省泰州姜堰区城东区,由姜堰区交通运输局投资建设,大大加强了白米镇、大伦镇、蒋垛镇与姜堰市区的联系,是姜堰东部沿途各乡镇利用高速公路、328国道的重要道路。,自新公路建成后,公路两边出现了部分商店和维修站,从前弯弯曲曲的小路也没有多少人走了。虽然有少部分村民需要拆迁,但是他们都支持政府并且积极响应,没有出现闹事或者“。
4、从近三年高考写作题来看,都在课标或考试说明中列的 24个话题之内。根据广东高考写作题的命题特点,我们将这 24个话题整合成 16个话题,进行分类辅导。每一个话题都包括 “课标解读 ”“命题预测 ”“必备语汇 ”和 “专题练析 ”四个部分。指本人、家人、邻居、同学、老师、朋友和其他人的情况介绍。包括姓名、年龄、生日、出生地、地址、电话号码、 QQ号、电子邮箱、职业、品格、性格、习惯、毅力、责任、个性心理、意志品质、业绩或成就;所在学校、年级、班级,等等。球星影星、同时代的出现在各领域的名人(contemporary famous peopl。
5、Flowers in spring rose 玫瑰 lily 百合花 lilac 丁香花 tulip 郁金香 peony 牡丹花 China rose 月季花 peach blossom 桃花 cherry blossom 樱花 Chinese flowering apple 海棠花Fruits in spring plum 李子 lemon 柠檬 cherry 樱桃 pawpaw 木瓜 strawberry 草莓 green plum 青梅seed seedinggrowIn bloombear fruit The weather is getting warmer and warmer. The grass and leaves are turning green. Flowers are in bloom(开花 ). It is an attractive season, a good season for traveling and sightseeing (观光、游览 ). In sprin。
6、Food and Eating,饮食,appetizer开胃食品 / fry / oven / sour bake / GM food / pan / spicy barbecue / grill烤架 / pork / steak bitter / hot / pot / steam boil / Kebab烤肉串 / poultry / stir-fry calorie / lamb / protein / supplements carbohydrate碳水化合物 / menu / recipe / sweet cuisine / microwave / rice cooker / taste dairy / minerals / roast / treat delicious / mutton / salad / vegetables dessert / nutritious / salty / vegetarian dish / order / seafood / vitamins,Diet drinks低热量饮品, such as D。
7、,Feel,EMOTIONS,FEELINGS,Express,Show the feelings,Part 1,JOY,Best Friends of Feelings,Brainstorm,Can you say the words about feelings?,We should know: happy surprised interested excited proud relaxed moved,We can learn more: joyful cheerful pleased,Fast memory 20 seconds,Learn more words,We should know: sad lonely unhappy upset,We can learn more:hopeless heart- broken gloomy,Fast memory 15 seconds,Learn more words,We should know: angry mad crazy。
8、基于英语学科核心素养培养 -话题教学设计的再思考,南区竹秀园中心小学蓝韶英2016年11月18日,一、英语学科的核心素养,1.道德情感 (做人的品德)立德树人(民族精神、 社会公德 职业道德 家庭美德)理智感 (兴趣 求知欲 热情 发现 意志)美感 (识别真、善、美、高雅与假、恶、庸俗) 2.文化素养文化知识、文化理解、跨文化交际、 国际视野 3.思维品质观察、注意、记忆、分析、综合、概括、判断、推理、联想、解题思辨、创新(创新意识 批判性思维或评判性思维) 4.语言能力 (做事的能力)知识 (语音、词汇、语法、语篇、功能、话题)技。
9、DISCUSSION,Shouid the media cover the private lives of the public people?,support,At first,that the media public the private lives of public people can not only give people a gossip for talking about after supper but also can supervise celebrities and politicians.,Example,We are familiar with Yang dacai,who is the chief of Work Safety Burea of Shanxi province,When a heavy traffic accident happened ,he smiled on his face.Then people found that he has worn ten more brand watches,If salary 。
10、中小学在线一对一,主谓宾 英语话题介绍,Review,中小学在线一对一,知识点回顾,阅读技巧,中小学在线一对一,先看问题,再读原文先看问题,带着问题去原文里找答案,有目的性,节省时间,Reading,中小学在线一对一,通读全文,抓住重点略过生词,通读全文,抓住重点做记号题目往往和关键词有关,Reading,中小学在线一对一,大胆猜词,掌握意思happy careful small quickly unhappy care smaller quick,Reading,中小学在线一对一,反复阅读,深刻理解 读两至三遍,做完题后再读一遍确认答案,Reading,中小学在线一对一,The Spring Festival was on Fe。
11、Action,PART 01,Guess,What are they doing ?,stand,The boy is standing.,sit,The man is sitting on the chair.,Just for today I will try to live this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at Just for today I will try to live this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at,jump They are jumping.,kick The monkey is kicking.,play The are playing games.,ADD YOUR TITTLE HERE,pee The monkey is peeing.,shit The cat is shitting.,catch Tom wants to catch Jack.,shake hands They are sha。
12、英语作文模板,话题作文,Nowadays, there are more and more (某种现象) in (某种场合). It is estimated that (相关数据). Why have there been so many (某种现象)? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is (原因一). Besides, (原因二). The third one is (原因三). To sum up, the main cause of (某种现象) is due to (最主要原因).,It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing, (解决办法一). On the other hand, (解决办法二). All these measures will certainly reduce the number 。
13、,Environmental Problem,air pollution 空气污染,water pollution 水污染,land desertification 土地沙漠化,white pollution 白色污染,Why the environmental pollution is so serious ?,First, human deforestation destroys the ecosystem, so that the automatic regulation ability of the ecological system greatly reduced Second, Industrial development ,arbitrary emissions of harmful substances caused serious environmental pollution Third, the population is too concentrated caused a series of problems,such as a。
14、Unit 2 Keeping Healthy,Topic 1 Youd should see a dentist .,Section A,Whats wrong with her?,She has a cold.,Whats wrong with her?,She has a headache.,Whats wrong with him?,He has a backache.,Whats wrong with her ?,She has a stomachache.,Whats wrong with him?,He has a toothache.,Whats wrong with him?,He has a fever.,Whats wrong with him?,He has a cough.,Whats wrong with her ?,She has a sore eyes,发烧 咳嗽 头痛 眼睛痛 牙痛 背痛 胃痛 流感,have a fever,have a cough,have a headache,Have sore eyes,have。
15、What is culture? Standard 10.1,The word culture, from the Latin colo, -ere, with its root meaning “to cultivate“.,Culture refers to the universal human capacity to classify, and communicate their experiences symbolically.,What is culture? Standard 10.1,Culture - has been called “the way of life for an entire society.“ As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, norms of behaviors and systems of belief.,What is culture? Standard 10.1,A common way of understandin。
16、Topics for English Corner,Pressure2.Worries3.Your Favorite Pastime(消遣)4.Whats your ideal job? Why?,Topics for English Corner,5.Do you believe in love at the first sight? Can it be a lasting relationship? 6.The most embarrassing thing I have experienced7.How to improve our study habits? 8.Traditional Chinese festivals,Topics for English Corner,9. Music/Film10. Do You Like Reading? 11. Fashion and Shopping 12. My family,Topics for English Corner,13.Losing Weight14.A Famous Person15. The last 。
17、话题解读,toys,Toys话题解读,教学目标,课标解读,挂图解读,学情分析,教材解析,知识网络,迷津指点,练习巩固,新授操练,热身复习,学法点拨,脉络分析,作业设计,板书设计,跨文化交际,Unit 6 Happy birthday 是小学PEP英语三年级起步第一册的内容。这个单元以Birthday为线索,已经学习了数字1-10的单词,还学习了祝贺生日以及询问年龄等简单对话。在第四课时中重点学习了How many?的表达,而toys话题是在第五课时出现的,这是一个学生喜欢和熟知的玩具内容,因此通过激发学生的兴趣,在玩中学,达到易学、易掌握的目的。,课标解读,英语课程标准要。
18、每年的6月26日为国际禁毒日。假如你是李明。请你围绕“珍爱生命,远离毒品”这一主题,根据下面所给的要点提示,用英语给全省的中学生们写一封倡议书。 要点提示: 1. 吸毒有害健康:有可能导致心脏病、高血压等; 2. 吸毒极易成瘾,且戒毒很难; 3. 吸毒耗资巨大,吸毒者为了获取毒资,有可能犯罪; 4. 如果发现周围有人吸毒,你应该报警;远离吸毒者,不与之交往。 注意: 1. 词数:120词左右。倡议书的开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 2. 生词提示: International Day Against Drug Abuse 国际禁毒日 commit a crime 犯罪,A Letter 。