
雅思阅读第四次课-判断题,雅思阅读判断题简写,雅思阅读判断题技巧,雅思阅读判断题,轻松搞定雅思阅读判断题,雅思阅读判断题缩写,雅思阅读判断题f ng,雅思阅读判断题可以简写吗,雅思阅读判断题可以缩写吗,雅思阅读判断题绝对词,2017雅思IELTS考试试题及答案,As a seasoned young


1、雅思阅读第四次课-判断题,雅思阅读判断题简写,雅思阅读判断题技巧,雅思阅读判断题,轻松搞定雅思阅读判断题,雅思阅读判断题缩写,雅思阅读判断题f ng,雅思阅读判断题可以简写吗,雅思阅读判断题可以缩写吗,雅思阅读判断题绝对词。

2、2017雅思IELTS考试试题及答案,As a seasoned young magician from Taiwan,Liu is popular worldwide for his magic shows.Countries he has performed in include the United States,Japan,South Korea and the UK.Witnessing something impossible happen right before your eyes is the root of peoples love for magic.Liu is known for his interaction with his audiences.He has a unique understanding of showmanship. “Its actually thinking rather than ones manipulation skills,that is more important to achieving a 。

3、 accelerate controversialaccumulate conventionaddictive correlationadversity courtshipaggression credibilityarray criteriaassess criticismassociation dampbeneficial dazzleblight deficiencybudget democraticcalamity demographiccalculate depressioncapacity derivecharacteristic designatechronic detaincivic detectcognitive determinecommunal devastatecompensate disastercomplicate disparatecomponent disruptconceal distinguishconcur distractconfer distributeconfidential diversityconscious domainconserva。

4、READING,-SUMMARY(填空题),一 题型特点,Fossil evidences show that about 5 million years ago mammoths originated from 1_. Then some mammoths split off and migrated to 2_.In order to cope with the climate change that occurred around 2.5 million years ago,mammoths evolved into a new species, called the 3_. About 1.7millions years ago, these animals gradually spread out from China across the Northern Hemisphere, and travelled via land bridge into 4_.Some of them went further south to。

5、雅思阅读答题技巧 (六大类),Reading with purpose,带着目的阅读,也就是先看题(定位词)在阅读。 每篇文章2-4种题型,大概13道题,3篇文章共40题。 两种顺序: 1. 顺序出题(概率小于50%) 2. 乱序出题(headings/段落信息匹配题/匹配题等),评分标准 (A类),定位词(keyword),定位词:每道题目中能代表题目的单词,通过它们帮助考生快速定位题目原文出处。 三类: 1. 特殊词汇:人名,数字,大写,符号,奇怪的单词。 2. 具体词汇: 简单,有意义,同义词少的单词。 3. 逻辑词汇:并列结构,因果关系,转折对比等。,注意,1. 文章标题。

6、雅思阅读真经 5使用说明,补丁,难题解析-刘 洪波This book is underpinned by a scientific methodology, integrating reading skills and vocabulary building, and unveilling the real tests.雅思阅读真经 5超越了真经 234中采用的三篇文章一套题的安排模式,所以它不仅是一本真题机经的预测,更重要的价值是它包含了一种培训体系和理念,引导读者在做题时暗合真经派的教学法。所以我在封面写了这段英语。【使用流程】我心中最理想的雅思考生是这样准备雅思阅读的:1.先拿剑桥雅思 4-9随便一本,比如 4,模考四套题。现在我知道了雅思。

7、智课网IELTS备考资料刘洪刚雅思阅读真经和总纲好不好摘要: 刘洪刚雅思阅读真经和总纲好不好?让使用过这两本书的考生来告诉你吧 !这两本书都是阅读备考的精华资料,但是不同基础的考生要区别选择哦!详情请看下文 !备考 雅思 的同学,都听说过刘洪波老师,他的 雅思阅读 真经和雅思阅读真经总纲都是经典教材,那么这两本书是怎么帮助考生提分的,适合什么样的考生使用呢?本文就为大家介绍刘洪刚雅思阅读真经和总纲好不好的问题!很多人认为阅读难度不太,不太受重视,认为6分以上的考生实力也差不多,那么高分考生到底强在哪里呢?我用了刘老。

8、剑桥雅思阅读考点词真经(剑 9 版)考点核心词:agreeable adj.愉快的,和蔼可亲的,欣然同意的,一致的burden n.负担,重载v.使负重,装载,烦扰approve vt.批准,核准,证实vi.赞同alternative adj.两者择一的;供选择的;非主流的n.替换物,取舍confer vi.商讨vt.赠予,授予comprehend vt.充分理解(综合,包含)chronic adj.长期的,慢性的,惯常的adjust vt.调整,使.适于vi.适应authority n.权威;权力;当局conservative adj.保守的,守旧的n.保守派(党),保守的人abandon n.放纵vt.放弃,遗弃,沉溺accumulate vt.积聚,累加,堆积vi.累积be consistent wi。

9、雅思词汇表(From Reading Section 1)1. n 便利;方便2. n 创新;革新(adj 新奇的;n 小说)(n 小说家)( n 新手)3, adj 专注的;献身的3. 认为理所当然4. v 进化;发展(n 进化;演变)(v 旋转;考虑)(n 革命)5. v 保存(同义词: )6. n 肺炎7. n 制冷;冷藏8. v 融化;熔化;溶解(同义词: )9. n 酿造10. n 水汽;水蒸气(v 蒸发;挥发)11. n 压缩12. adj 有毒的;中毒的(n 毒物;毒药)(v 解毒)(毒物学家)(心中中毒使陶醉)13. v 泄漏;漏出(同义词: )14. adj 可行的(同义词: )15. v 安装;安置16. n 版本17. 。

10、考点核心词abandon abstract accelerate * access *acknowledge * adapt to * addictive adjust *admit adversity aggression agreeableaid allergic alter * alternativealtitude analyse * ancient * applicationapply to * appreciate * approach * approvearray artificial * assess * assignassociation attitude authority avoid *bacteria based on * be consistent with be liable tobe subject to bear beneficial * blightboundary budget burden calamitycalculate capacity catastrophic catercertify characteristic chronic。

11、考点核心词abandon abstract accelerate * access *acknowledge * adapt to * addictive adjust *admit adversity aggression agreeableaid allergic alter * alternativealtitude analyse * ancient * application apply to * appreciate * approach * approvearray artificial * assess * assignassociation attitude authority avoid * bacteria based on * be consistent with be liable to be subject to bear beneficial * blightboundary budget burden calamitycalculate capacity catastrophic catercertify characteristic chro。

12、1序号 单词 音标 解释1 abandon bnd()n n. 狂热;放任 vt. 遗弃;放弃2 abstract bstrktn. 摘要;抽象;抽象的概念 adj. 抽象的;深奥的 vt. 摘要;提取;使抽象化;转移(注意力、兴趣等) ;使心不在焉 vi. 做摘要;写梗概3 accelerate kselret vt. 使加快;使增速 vi. 加速;促进;增加4 access kses vt. 使用;存取;接近 n. 进入;使用权;通路5 acknowledge knld vt. 承认;答谢;报偿;告知已收到6 adapt to 使自己适应于7 addictive dktv adj. 上瘾的8 adjust dst vt. 调整,使适合;校准 vi. 调整,校准;适应9 admit dmt vt. 承认。

13、雅思听力口语大道真经,大道之前,大道之前,混沌初开众生启智如是我闻,wo我,木,目,木目,xiang木目,boysoytoy,statistics sophisticated philosophy characteristic,贵学词汇大道法则之I. 音=义形,A Weye bird swim,drop reshuffle spring,star astr aster,Muses music museum,. 近期阅读总结Vulcan Volcano,家,雅思,贵学词汇大道法则之II. 反复多遍 III. 理解记忆定量记忆 X逻辑记忆,贵学词汇大道法则之II. 反复多遍 III. 理解记忆定量记忆 X逻辑记忆,学英语的天赋Whats up?Its OK!,兴趣的来源 Pronunciation,ship vs. sheep,雅思问什么这样。

14、雅思阅读真经 5使用说明,补丁,难题解析 -刘洪波This book is underpinned by a scientific methodology, integrating reading skills and vocabulary building, and unveilling the real tests. 雅思阅读真经 5超越了真经 234中采用的三篇文章一套题的安排模式,所以它不仅是一本真题机经的预测,更重要的价值是它包含了一种培训体系和理念,引导读者在做题时暗合真经派的教学法。所以我在封面写了这段英语。 【使用流程】 我心中最理想的雅思考生是这样准备雅思阅读的: 1.先拿剑桥雅思 4-9随便一本,比如 4,模考四套题。现在我知道了。

15、INTERNALTIONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE TESTING SYSTEMACADEMIC READINGTEST 1TIME ALLOWED: 1 hourNUMBER OF QUESTIONS: 40INSTRUCTIONSWRITE ALL YOUR ANSWERS ON THE ANSWER SHEETThe test is in 3 sections: Reading Passage 1Reading Passage 2Reading Passage 3Questions 1 13Questions 14 26Questions 27 40Remember to answer all the questions. If you are having trouble with a question, skip it and return to it later.READING PASSAGE 1You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1 13 which are based on Rea。

16、雅思阅读真经,主讲嘉宾:刘洪波 贵学教育总裁 北京雅思学校总校校长 建国60年推动中国教育培训功勋人物 网易2009中国教育年度大选教育产业十大领军人物,阅读要7+ 如何读得快 如何读的懂 TFNG和Heading秘诀 近期热点总结 最近考什么,I. Mean band score for the most frequent countries or regions of origin,II. How to read faster 1. 物理疗法 NO SOUNDWhat a nice car!,II. How to read faster 2. 正确浏览 Skim,II. How to read faster 3. 最快速雅思阅读法 剑7.1.2,II. How to read faster 剑7.1.2 1. Paragraph A xi A description。

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