中文题目:会计电算化实施中的问题及策略分析以洛阳龙门煤业有限公司为例外文题目:Luoyang coal Co., LTD about theaccounting computerizationimplementation of the problems and policy analysis毕业论
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关键词:会计电算化;问题;对策 The Problems and Countermeasures in the development of Our Computerized AISAbstract: With the rapid development of Chinas economy and the rapid rise of e-commerce, The problems existing in our computerized AIS are the lack knowledge of computerized AIS, weak management on it, short of the professional staff,defect of the accounting software. Therefore,the code matched with the computerized AIS should be perfected, accounting information system should be promoted,the intern。
4、 1、单位的会计电算化管理制度沿用的是原来手工会计管理制度 2、会计电算化管理制度的制订不够全面、严格 3、制订的会计电算化管理制度中存在不符合会计电算化规范之处 4、在使用电算化会计中存在的普遍问题 三阐述完善会计电算化的对策 1、提高对会计电算化的认识普及行业规范,加强对行业信息的认识,及时了解行业信息提高传播的速度 2、规范会计电算化财务软件,应当购买符合自身规模和经营特点的财务软件3、培养会计电算化综合性人才,进行在职人员的岗位培训和技术指导,组。
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作者签名: 指导教师签名: 日期: 日期: 注 意 事 项1.设计(论文)的内容包括:1)封面(按教务处制定的标准封面格式制作)2)原创性声明3)中文摘要(300 字左右) 、关键词4)外文摘要、关键词 5)目次页(附件不统一编入)6)论文主体部分:引言(或绪论) 、正文、结论7)参考文献8)致谢9)附录(对论文支持必要时)2.论文字数要求:理工类设计(论文)正文字数不少于 1 万字(不包括图纸、程序清单等) ,文科类论文正文字数不少于 1.2 万字。
6、 computerization application problems and the cause of the problem is analyzed, and the existing problems puts forward the solving measures and suggestions, in order to promote the accounting computerization work faster and better development.Keywords: Accounting computerization, problems, solutions3目 录前 言51会计电算化在实际应用中存在的问题51.1 会计软件存在的问题51.2 缺乏复合型会计电算化人才61.3 会计电算化下的统一数据接口问题61.4。
关键词:会计电算化,存在的问题,解决对策ABSTRACTThis article through to our country accountant the computerization application problems and the cause of the problem is analyzed, and the existing problems puts forward the solving measures and suggestions, in order to promote the accounting computerization work faster and better development.Through the understanding of the importance of accounting computerization, find out the deficiencies, at the same time, strengthen the understanding of the accounting comput。
关键词:会计电算化,存在的问题,解决对策ABSTRACTThis article through to our country accountant the computerization application problems and the cause of the problem is analyzed, and the existing problems puts forward the solving measures and suggestions, in order to promote the accounting computerization work faster and better development.Keywords: Accounting computerization, problems, solutions3目 录前 言51会计电算化在实际应用中存在的问题51.1 会计软件存在的问题。