
经济学原理经济学原理 总目录总目录第一篇第一篇 导论导论第一章第一章 导论导论第第 二篇二篇 微观经济理论微观经济理论第二第二 章章 需需 求求 、供供 给给 与与 均均 衡衡第三第三 章章 消消 费费 者者 行行 为为 理理 论论第四章第四章 生生 产产 者者 行行 为为 理理 论论第五章第五章


1、 经济学原理经济学原理 总目录总目录第一篇第一篇 导论导论第一章第一章 导论导论第第 二篇二篇 微观经济理论微观经济理论第二第二 章章 需需 求求 、供供 给给 与与 均均 衡衡第三第三 章章 消消 费费 者者 行行 为为 理理 论论第四章第四章 生生 产产 者者 行行 为为 理理 论论第五章第五章 产产 品品 市市 场场 理理 论论第六章第六章 生生 产产 要要 素素 理理 论论第七章第七章 微微 观观 经经 济济 政政 策策第第 三篇三篇 宏宏 观观 经经 济济 理论理论第八章第八章 国民国民 收收 入入 的的 核核 算算 与与 决决 定理定理 论论第。


3、第一章 绪论 经济学的关怀1. 经济学主要研究是研究:( )。A.自由市场的价格 B.政府对私人部门的影响C.把收入分配给个人 D.面对稀缺性而做出的资源分配决定 答题: A. B. C. D. 2. 西方经济学认为,所有社会都要解决( )。A.生产什么、生产多少 B.如何生产、何时生产C.为谁生产 D.以上答案都对 答题: A. B. C. D. 3. 作为经济学的两个组成部分,微观经济学与宏观经济学是:( )。A.互相对立的 B.没有任何联系的C.相互补充的 D.完全相同的 答题: A. B. C. D. 4. 微观经济学理论是根据( )假设提出来的。A.经济人 B.社会人C.自我实现人 。

4、 1关键概念:1 竞争市场:指有许多买者和卖者,以致于每个人对市场价格的影响都微不足道的市场具备四个条件:市场上有大量的买者和卖者市场上每个厂商提供的商品都是同质的;所有资源具有完全的流动性;信息是完全的或充分的2 需求量:指买者愿意而且能够购买的一种物品数量3 需求定理:在其他条件不变的情况下,某种商品的需求量与其价格之间成反向变动,即需求量随着商品价格上升而减少,随着商品价格下降而增加4 正常商品:指在其他条件相同时,收入增加引起需求量增加的商品5 低档商品:指在其他条件不变的情况下,收入增加引起需求减。

5、第一章 绪论 经济学的关怀 402881382bf1c31. 经济学主要研究是研究:( D )。A.自由市场的价格 B.政府对私人部门的影响C.把收入分配给个人 D.面对稀缺性而做出的资源分配决定 2. 西方经济学认为,所有社会都要解决( D )。A.生产什么、生产多少 B.如何生产、何时生产C.为谁生产 D.以上答案都对 3. 作为经济学的两个组成部分,微观经济学与宏观经济学是:( C )。A.互相对立的 B.没有任何联系的C.相互补充的 D.完全相同的 4. 微观经济学理论是根据( A )假设提出来的。A.经济人 B.社会人C.自我实现人 D.复杂人 5. 现代西方宏观经济学的研。

6、西方经济学讲解: 刘元兵教材:西方经济学第四版 高鸿业主编,辅助教材:微观经济学十八讲 平新乔著微观经济分析 黎诣远 李明志著经济学原理 曼昆著 梁小民译经济学 斯蒂格利斯辅助读物:经济增长理论 阿瑟刘易斯国富论 亚当。斯密经济解释 张五常资本论 马克思通往奴役之路 哈耶克社会契约论 卢梭,经济学家与政治哲学家的思想,无论对与错,都比我们通常所理解的要强大得多。的确,世界掌握在少数人手中。那些深信自己不受任何空谈家影响的务实主义者,往往俯首成为一些已故经济学家的奴隶。那些当权狂人信奉的其实也不过是若干年前某些未。

7、微观经济学习题第二章 需求和供给曲线概述以及有关的基本概念一 、解释概念 均衡价格 需求 需求价格弹性 需求收入弹性 供给二、选择题 1. 微观经济学的基本假设前提是A 完全信息的假设 B 完全竞争的假设C 合乎理性的人的假设 D 边际效用递减的假设6. 粮食市场的需求是缺乏弹性的,当粮食产量因灾害而减少时A 粮食生产者的收入减少,因粮食产量下降B 粮食生产者的收入增加,因粮食价格会更大幅度上升C 粮食生产者的收入减少,因粮食需求量会大幅度减少D 粮食生产者的收入不变,因粮食价格上升与需求量减少的比率相同7. 下列商品中,需求价格。

8、第一章 绪论 经济学的关怀 1. 经济学主要研究是研究:( ) 。A.自由市场的价格 B.政府对私人部门的影响 C.把收入分配给个人 D.面对稀缺性而做出的资源分配决定 参考答案:D2. 西方经济学认为,所有社会都要解决( ) 。A.生产什么、生产多少 B.如何生产、何时生产 C.为谁生产 D.以上答案都对 参考答案:D3. 作为经济学的两个组成部分,微观经济学与宏观经济学是:( ) 。A.互相对立的 B.没有任何联系的 C.相互补充的 D.完全相同的 参考答案:C4. 微观经济学理论是根据( )假设提出来的。A.经济人 B.社会人 C.自我实现人 D.复杂人 参考答。

9、1247Chapter 30 Money Growth and InflationMultiple Choice1. Inflation can be measured by thea. change in the consumer price index.b. percentage change in the consumer price index.c. percentage change in the price of a specific commodity.d. change in the price of a specific commodity.ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 1 REF: 30-1TOP: Inflation MSC: Definitional2. Over the last 70 years the average annual U.S. inflation rate was abouta. 2 percent.b. 4 percent.c. 6 percent.d. 8 percent.ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 1 REF: 30-。

10、Chapter 3 Interdependence and the Gains from Tradev115 Chapter 3 Interdependence and the Gains from Trade Multiple Choice 1 People who provide you with goods and services a are acting out of generosit。

11、769Chapter 18The Markets for the Factors of ProductionMultiple Choice1. Most of the total income earned in the U.S. economy is ultimately paid to households in the form ofa. profit.b. rent.c. interest.d. wages.ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 1 REF: 18-0TOP: Factor markets MSC: Definitional2. In the United States economy, which of the following factors of production is considered to be the most important in terms of the magnitude of income earned by that factor of production?a. landb. laborc. profitd. capital。

12、217Chapter 6Supply, Demand, and Government PoliciesMultiple Choice1. Price controls are usually enacted a. as a means of raising revenue for public purposes.b. when policymakers believe that the market price of a good or service is unfair to buyers or sellers.c. when policymakers detect inefficiencies in a market.d. All of the above are correct.ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 1 REF: 6-0TOP: Price ceilings | Price floors MSC: Interpretive2. The presence of price controls in a market usually is an indication t。

13、1432Chapter 35 The Short-Run Trade-off between Inflation and UnemploymentMultiple Choice1. Closely watched indicators such as the inflation rate and unemployment are released each month by thea. Bureau of the Budget.b. Bureau of Labor Statistics.c. Department of the Treasury.d. Presidents Council of Economic Advisors.ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 1 REF: 35-1TOP: Bureau of Labor Statistics MSC: Definitional2. The misery index is calculated as thea. inflation rate plus the unemployment rate.b. unemploym。

14、1395Chapter 34The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate DemandMultiple Choice1. Fiscal policy affects the economya. only in the short run.b. only in the long run.c. in both the short and long run.d. in neither the short nor long run.ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: 1 REF: 34-1TOP: Fiscal policy MSC: Analytical2. Which of the following is not a reason the aggregate demand curve slopes downward? As the price level increasesa. firms may believe the relative price of their output has risen.b. real 。

15、1280Chapter 31 Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Basic ConceptsMultiple Choice1. International tradea. raises the standard of living in all trading countries.b. lowers the standard of living in all trading countries.c. leaves the standard of living unchanged.d. raises the standard of living for importing countries and lowers it for exporting countries.ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: 1 REF: 31-1TOP: International trade MSC: Definitional2. Foreign-produced goods and services that are sold domestically are calleda. 。

16、435Chapter 11Public Goods and Common ResourcesMultiple Choice1. For most goods in an economy, the signal that guides the decisions of buyers and sellers isa. greed.b. consumer surplus.c. prices.d. profits.ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: 1 REF: 11-0TOP: Private goods MSC: Applicative2. When goods do not have a price, which of the following primarily ensures that the good is produced?a. entrepreneursb. the governmentc. charitiesd. the marketANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 1 REF: 11-0TOP: Public goods MSC: Applicative3. Whe。

17、117Chapter 4The Market Forces of Supply and DemandMultiple Choice1. The forces that make market economies work area. work and leisure.b. demand and supply.c. regulation and restraint.d. taxes and government spending.ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 1 REF: 4-0TOP: Market economy MSC: Interpretive2. Which of the following are the words most commonly used by economists?a. surplus and shortageb. resources and allocationc. supply and demandd. theory and practiceANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: 1 REF: 4-0TOP: EconomistsMSC: Inte。

18、01. The word that comes from the Greek word for “one who manages a household“ isa. market.b. consumer.c. producer.d. economy.2. The word “economy” comes from the Greek word oikonomos, which means a. “environment.”b. “production.”c. “one who manages a household.”d. “one who makes decisions.”3. Resources are a. scarce for households but plentiful for economies.b. plentiful for households but scarce for economies.c. scarce for households and scarce for economies.d. plentiful for househo。

19、389Chapter 10ExternalitiesMultiple Choice1. In a market economy, government intervention a. will always improve market outcomes.b. reduces efficiency in the presence of externalities.c. may improve market outcomes in the presence of externalities.d. is necessary to control individual greed.ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: 1 REF: 10-0TOP: Externalities MSC: Applicative2. In the absence of externalities, the “invisible hand“ leads a market to maximizea. producer profit from that market.b. total benefit to soc。

20、621Chapter 15MonopolyMultiple Choice1. Which of the following statements is correct?a. A competitive firm is a price maker and a monopoly is a price taker.b. A competitive firm is a price taker and a monopoly is a price maker.c. Both competitive firms and monopolies are price takers.d. Both competitive firms and monopolies are price makers.ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 1 REF: 15-1TOP: Monopoly MSC: Interpretive2. Angelo is a wholesale meatball distributor. He sells his meatballs to all the finest Italian r。

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