PEC 电气工程专业英语证书考试-Basic Electrical engineering terms and definitionsAccess Fitting. A fitting that permits access to conductors in concealedor enclosed
1、PEC 电气工程专业英语证书考试-Basic Electrical engineering terms and definitionsAccess Fitting. A fitting that permits access to conductors in concealedor enclosed wiring, elsewhere than at an outlet.Active Electrical Network. A network that contains one or moresources of electrical energy.Admittance. The reciprocal of impedance.Air-Blast Transformer. A transformer cooled by forced circulationof air through its core and coils.Air Circuit Breaker. A circuit breaker in which the interruption occurs。
2、PEC 电气工程专业英语证书考试-Glossary of Electrical Engineering and Automation100BaseT - A synonym for the Fast Ethernet network standard. The “100“ refers to a maximum data-transfer rate of 100 megabits per second over twisted pair, copper wire.10BaseT - A synonym for the Fast Ethernet network standard. The “10“ refers to a maximum data-transfer rate of 10 megabits per second over twisted pair, copper wire.10K - A grade level Box or Cover rating. See “Incidental Light Traffic“.1A - 1 Norm。
3、PEC 电气工程专业英语证书考试-Glossary and Definitions of Basic Electrical and electronics TermsElectronics is the branch of science that deals with the study of flow and control of electrons (electricity) and the study of their behavior and effects in vacuums, gases, and semiconductors, and with devices using such electrons. This control of electrons is accomplished by devices that resist, carry, select, steer, switch, store, manipulate, and exploit the electron.Here are the Most Commonly Terms 。
4、 Mechanical Engineering English CertificationMechanical Terms Glossary A A-Arm - A suspension linkage formed in the shape of an “A“ or “V“ found commonly on the front suspension. The sides of the two legs of the A-arm are connected to the chassis by rubber bushings and the peak of the A-arm is attached to the wheel assembly. In this way, the wheel can freely move up and down. Sometimes there is an upper A-arm, a lower A-arm, or both upper and lower A-arms. The British call it a “wishbone.“。
5、环境英语证书考试(PEC)-空气质量名词术语1 抑制 abatement 在污染物、排放物排出之前,降低或减少其排出量。 2 气溶胶 aerosol 固体颗粒、液体颗粒或二者在气体介质中的悬浮体系。这些颗粒物在该体系中的降落速度很小。3 空气污染物 air pollutant 由于人类活动或自然过程,排放到大气中的物质,这些物质以人或环境产生不利影响,统称空气污染物。4 空气污染 air pollution 由于人类活动或自然过程,使得排放到大气中的物质的浓度及持续时间足以及以对人的舒适感,健康,对设施或环境产生不利影响时,即称空气污染。5 除尘器 arrester 。
6、环境英语证书考试(PEC)-实用术语解释Solid WasteMostly the solid debris from households, industries and construction. It does contain some liquids, some gases, and some infectious materials from house bound ill persons.Sanitary LandfillA disposal technique resulting in burial of the waste using an engineered method intended to protect the environment, typically employing plastic liners and drains on the bottom to collect liquids and covers on the “top“ to keep rain water out and to keep methane。
7、土木工程英语证书(PEC)考试-道路勘测设计专业术语道路 road公路 highway城市道路 city road;urban road厂矿道路 factories and mines road林区道路 forest road乡村道路 country road车辆换算系数 vehicle conversion factor城间道路 interurban road城市出入口公路 city approach highway道路工程 road engineering丝绸之路 the silk road道路网 road metwork道路(网) 密度 density of road network道路技术标准 technical standard of road设计车辆 design vehicle特种车辆 special vehicle计算行车速度(设计车速) design speed道路。
8、环境英语证书 考试(PEC)常用术语A/O 厌氧好氧法 anaerobic / Aerobic (Oxic)A2/O 厌氧厌氧好氧法 AB (Acid-formation bacteria ) 产酸菌 ABR 厌氧折流板反应器 Acid step 产酸步骤 Acinetobacter 不动杆菌属 Activated sludge 活性污泥 Activated sludge plant 活性污泥系统 Active bionmass 活性生物量 Adsorption 吸附 Aeration 曝气 Aeration tank 曝气池 Aerobic sludge age 好养泥龄 Aerobic zone 好氧区 AF 厌氧滤池 AFBR 厌氧流化床反应器 Alkalinity 碱度 Alternating process 交替工艺 Ammonia 氨 Ammonium 铵盐(氨氮) Ana。
9、土木工程英语证书考试(PEC)-施工专业术语大全试件sample;test coupon;test piece试件材料material for test试件个数number of test-pieces试块coupon;test block试孔prospect hole;test well龄期age;instar;stadium 龄期强度关系age strength relation混凝土坝concrete dam;concrete weir混凝土拌和设备concrete mixing plant混凝土保护层concrete cover混凝土板桩concrete sheet-piling混凝土拌合料concrete mix混凝土泵concrete pump;pumpcrete machine混凝土泵送concrete pumping混凝土标号concrete grade混凝土标准立方体stan。
10、土木工程英语证书(PEC)考试-建筑专业术语建筑安装工程量 construction work quantity 建筑板材 building board 建筑材料表 list of building materials 建筑材料检验 building material testing 建筑材料行 building material dealer 建筑材料运输列车 construction train 建筑草图 architectural sketch 建筑朝向 building orientation 建筑成本预算 construction cost estimate 建筑承包商 building contractor 建筑尺度 architectural scale 建筑处理 architectural treatment 建筑创作 architectural creation 建筑大五金 architectur。
11、PEC 电子工程英语证书考试-无线电专业术语13622GB/T 13622-1992 无 线 电 管 理 术 语 Terminology for radio regulation 本标准参照采用国际电联世界无线电行政大会最后法案(1979 年,日内瓦)中的无线电规则第一章第一条款和国际无线电咨询委员会的有关文件内容。 1 主题内容与适用范围 本标准规定了无线电管理的术语及其定义,包括一般术语;有关频率管理的专用术语;无线电业务、 各种无线电台与系统、操作术语、发射与无线电设备的特性、频率共用、空间技术术语。 本标准适用于无线电管理领域。 2 引用标准 GB 10112 3 术语 3.1 3.1。
12、土木工程英语证书(PEC)考试-隧道专业术语隧道工程 tunnel engineering,隧道 tunnel,铁路隧道 ;铁道隧道 railway tunnel,公路隧道 highway tunnel,地铁隧道 subway tunnel;underground railway tunnel;metro tunnel,人行隧道 pedestrian tunnel,水工隧洞 ;输水隧道 hydraulic tunnel,山岭隧道 mountain tunnel,水下隧道 subaqueous tunnel,海底隧道 ;水下隧道 submarine tunnel;underwater tunnel,土质隧道 earth tunnel,岩石隧道 rock tunnel,浅埋隧道 shallow tunnel;shallow-depth tunnel;shallow burying tunnel,深埋隧道 deep tunnel;。
13、电气英语证书考试(PEC)-常用的电气专业术语induction machine 感应式电机 horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁 magnetic field 磁场 eddy current 涡流 right-hand rule 右手定则 left-hand rule 左手定则 slip 转差率 induction motor 感应电动机 rotating magnetic field 旋转磁场 winding 绕组 stator 定子 rotor 转子 induced current 感生电流 time-phase 时间相位 exciting voltage 励磁电压 solt 槽 lamination 叠片 laminated core 叠片铁芯 short-circuiting ring 短路环 squirrel cage 鼠笼 rotor core 转子铁芯 cast-aluminum rotor 。
14、PEC 航空英语证书考试-民航专业术语解释复飞:GA(Go Around): 由于机场障碍或飞机本身发生故障(常见的是起落架放不下来),以及其他不宜降落的条件存在时,飞机中止着陆重新拉起转入爬升的过程,称为复飞。飞机在着陆前有一个决断高度,在飞机下降到这一高度时,仍不具备着陆条件时,就应加大油门复飞,然后再次进行着陆,这一过程同起飞、着陆的全过程是一样的,一般经过一转弯、二转弯、三转弯、四转弯,然后对准跑道延长线再次着陆。如果着陆条件仍不具备,则可能再次复飞或飞到备用机场降落。需要明确指出的是,复飞并不可怕,按。
15、 Mechanical Engineering English CertificationMechanical Terms Glossary A A-Arm - A suspension linkage formed in the shape of an “A“ or “V“ found commonly on the front suspension. The sides of the two legs of the A-arm are connected to the chassis by rubber bushings and the peak of the A-arm is attached to the wheel assembly. In this way, the wheel can freely move up and down. Sometimes there is an upper A-arm, a lower A-arm, or both upper and lower A-arms. The British call it a “wishbone.“。
16、航空英语证书考试(PEC)-飞机专业术语1、the airframe 机身,结构 2、The front (fore) part 前部 3、The rear (aft) part 后部 4、port 左旋(舵) 5、starboard 右旋(舵) 6、the inboard engine or inboards 内侧发动机 7、the outboard engine or outboards 外侧发动机 8、the nose 机头 9、the belly 腹部 10、the skin 蒙皮 11、the windscreen or windshield 风挡 12、the wing 机翼 13、the trailing edge 机翼后缘 14、the leading edge 机翼前缘 15、the wing tip 翼尖 16、the control surface 操纵面 17、ailerons 副翼 18、flaps 。
17、PEC 航空英语证书考试-飞行专业术语1、On Up Wind leg.一边2、On Cross Wind leg.二边3、On Down Wind leg.三边4、On Base leg.四边5、On final.五边6、On long final(short final).长五边(短五边)7、Turning base(Turn to base).三转弯(转向四边)8、Turning final(Turn to final).四转弯(转向五边)9、Right traffic pattern(circuit).Right hand pattern(circuit).右起落航线10、Left traffic pattern(circuit).Left hand pattern(circuit).左起落航线11、Straight-in approachNDB approachGCA approachVisual approachILS approac。
18、航空英语证书考试(PEC)-飞行专业术语1、On Up Wind leg.一边2、On Cross Wind leg.二边3、On Down Wind leg.三边4、On Base leg.四边5、On final.五边6、On long final(short final).长五边(短五边)7、Turning base(Turn to base).三转弯(转向四边)8、Turning final(Turn to final).四转弯(转向五边)9、Right traffic pattern(circuit).Right hand pattern(circuit).右起落航线10、Left traffic pattern(circuit).Left hand pattern(circuit).左起落航线11、Straight-in approachNDB approachGCA approachVisual approachILS approa。
19、环境英语证书 考试(PEC)专业术语Aabsolute pressure(绝对压力):以真空压力为零作为参比点测得的压力。 absorption(吸收 ):一种物质被另一种物质捕获的过程,其过程可以是溶解,也可以是反应。absorption field(吸收场) acid(酸) :能够增加溶液氢离子浓度或者能够与碱性物质进行中和反应的物质。acid rain(酸雨):高于正常酸度值的降水,其酸性主要由硫和氮氧化物空气污染所致。acoustic material(隔音材料):能够吸收和反射声能的材料,用于噪声控制。 acre-foot(英亩-英尺):表示大水量的数量单位,等于一英亩面积乘一英尺深度。