日 月 读后感 听读课文 初步感知文章内容 喷薄着热情和希望 飞蛾 夸父 嫦娥奔月的理由 阅读欣赏 与此前动辄几万人参加的 十大文化偶像评选 相比 最近 某些媒体主办的说出您心目中的巴金 大型网络调查 却显得有些冷清 参加评选的网民只有10,把你的感受写出来 读后感写作指导,概念,读后感,就是读了一
1、日 月 读后感 听读课文 初步感知文章内容 喷薄着热情和希望 飞蛾 夸父 嫦娥奔月的理由 阅读欣赏 与此前动辄几万人参加的 十大文化偶像评选 相比 最近 某些媒体主办的说出您心目中的巴金 大型网络调查 却显得有些冷清 参加评选的网民只有10。
2、把你的感受写出来 读后感写作指导,概念,读后感,就是读了一本书或一篇文章,或读了一段话,或读了几句名言后,把具体感受和得到的启示写成的文章。 所谓“感”,可以是从书中领悟出来的道理或精湛的思想,可以是受书中的内容启发而引起的思考与联想,可以是因读书而激发的决心和理想,也可以是因读书而引起的对社会上某些丑恶现象的抨击。,读后感的一般写法,其一,确定正副标题,正标题一般标明文章的中心内容,有的正标题就是文章的中心论点。副标题标明题材,一般为“读有感”。副题比正题低两格。 其二,掌握读后感的一般套路:“引议。
3、读后感专题什么是读后感顾名思义,先来读,再有感受和想法。 读后感就是在读过一篇文章或一本书之后,把获得的感受、体会以及受到的教育、启迪等写下来 ,写成的文章就叫 “读后感 ”。一、紧扣原文,这个 “感 ”必须从原文中引出来的感想和体会。二、不要全面,抓住其中的 一两个点 。三、一定要联系 自己的生活实际 ,实事求是地写出自己的真实 感受四、针对原文中的一些问题可以 提出自己不同的看法。五、引用 资料 或 名人名言 。读后感该怎么写?读后感的基本框架(一)标题 总 结 感受, 升华感点点介议联结(二)正文结构 点 明篇。
4、Arnold Bennet詹姆士戈登贝内特,Stories from the Five towns(五镇故事),LOGO,Page 2,图示_03,作者简介,詹姆士戈登贝内特( 1795 1872 )原系英格兰人, 24 岁移居美国。 1835 年创办纽约先驱报,是太阳报主要的竞争对手。纽约先驱报后来一度成为美国发行量最大的报纸。,Page 3,主要内容:,伯斯利、汉桥、克尼普、朗肖、特恩希尔这就是五镇故事所说的五镇。,这些人既不是名人,也不是什么大人物。他们在商店和工厂工作;他们恋爱又失恋;他们会拌嘴,会争吵。他们有时头脑聪明而且事业成功,他们有时的所作所为又极其愚蠢。菲利普有个重。
5、评讲,本次作文存在的问题: (1)复述原文。就是大量地复述原文的内容,使得“读”成了重点,而“感”成了次要内容。 (2)感想杂多。所写感想内容多而零碎,没抓住自己印象最深的内容来写。 (3)感想空洞。说大话,空话,不切合实际,甚至还有说假话,无病呻吟。 (4)感想内容与所读文章关系不大。,可选择的书籍或文章,1、寓言故事、童话故事或者富有哲理的文章。 2、选择学过的课文。 3、选择一部名著来写,习作,什么是读后感?,读了文章、书籍,把自己的体会、感想写下来,就是读后感。,如何才能写好读后感?,、“读”是基础,只有仔。
6、,读后感,作者简介,稻盛和夫,日本四大“经营之圣”之一。1932年生于鹿儿岛,鹿儿岛大学工业部毕业。一生创办两个世界500强企业, 1959年创立京都陶瓷株式会社(现在的京瓷公司),1984年创立第二电电株式会社(现在的KDDI公司)。1984年创立“稻盛集团”,同时设立“京都奖”以表彰为人类社会发展具有卓越贡献的人士。创办“盛和塾”向年轻经营者讲授经营理论,为培养经营者倾注心血。65岁出家,皈依佛门,潜心修行。,章节内容,让梦想成真,依原理原则思考,磨砺并提高心志,以利他之心生活,与宇宙相和谐,第一章 实现理想,第一章理想实现,1、。
7、读后感作文教学,天润实验学校 邹春华 20090913,让感想之花处处绽放,天润实验学校 邹春华 20090913,走进书里,天润实验学校 邹春华 20090913,窃读,林海音,记,3,7,这是一个多么 的小姑娘啊!,读书切戒在慌忙 涵泳工夫兴味长,转过街角,看见饭店的招牌,闻见炒菜的香味,听见锅勺敲打的声音,我放慢了脚步。放学后急匆匆地从学校赶到这里,目的地可不是饭店,而是紧邻它的一家书店。我边走边想:“昨天读到什么地方了?那本书放在哪里?左边第三排,不错”走到门口,便看见书店里仍像往日一样挤满了顾客。我可以安心了。但我又担忧那本书会不。
8、武侠,剧情简介,1,语言分析,2,人物分析,3,目 录,CONTENTS,清朝末年,刘金喜(甄子丹饰)是一个与两个儿子在偏远小镇安度日子的造纸工人,平静的生活即将被一个闯入的侦探给打破。徐百九(金城武饰)为了调查两个强盗之死而来到小镇,看似意外死于刘金喜的自卫反应的两人,居然竟是武功高强的十大逃犯,一个手无寸铁的村民如何能够打死他们呢?对武术颇有研究的徐百九认定这绝不是意外,刘金喜必然是身怀绝技才能如此杀人于无形。随着追查的深入,徐百九发现他与72地煞江湖中最为残暴邪恶、杀人不眨眼的组织联系紧密。而72地煞的教主,武艺。
9、小学读后感集,目 录,1.读飞夺泸定桥有感2.读失去的一天有感3.猫武士系列丛书读后感4.爱的教育读后感,读飞夺泸定桥有感,飞夺泸定桥是小学里的一篇课文,讲述了红军英勇奋战,夺取泸定桥的故事。1935年5月28日,红军接到命令,要在20小时之内夺下120公里外的泸定桥。红军与敌人的增援部队赛跑,在29日清晨赶到泸定桥。泸定桥是由13根铁链组成的铁索桥。桥下,大渡河水像瀑布一样倾泻着,还有两个团的敌人抽走了木板,早已筑好工事。22位红军英雄带着武器,攀着铁链向对岸冲去,奋不顾身地穿过敌人放起的熊熊大火,和城里的敌人搏斗,最终取。
10、A Rose For Emily The short story “A Rose For Emily” draws a vivid picture of the southern town Jefferson of the United States. Though the plot is not complicated, yet it can be regarded as a panorama。
11、A Dill PickleIve read this novel four times altogether. Every time I finished, a grave feeling hided in my heart, like a big stone.To be honest, I dislike the man in the novel, of course, not out of gender discrimination. In my comprehention, the purpose of his recalling of their beautiful time when they were in love six years ago is mainly to allure the woman, then to afflict her, finally to mock her. Undoubtedly, it is six years ago that he fell in love with her and regarded themselves as “mo。
12、A Little Princess - Frances Hodgson Burnett A Little Princess is talking about an India girl,who called Sara Crewe. She is a intelligent, polite, creative ,confident, brave, optimistic and kind girl,Her father was a prosperous businessman. He was very rich. He hoped that his daughter could have a good education, so he sent her to London and made her join a very famous school. The headmaster of the school-Miss Minchin, love Sara very much. Because she love the girls with rich fathers, beca。
13、A Lesson We Can Learn from TO BUILD A FIRESong TianyeRecently, I have read a story named to build a fire, which is the most wonderful collection of Jack Londons short stories.In this story, a man traveled in the Yukon on an exceedingly cold and grey morning, a big native husky wolf-dog following. He was a newcomer to the Yukon, who planned to meet his friends by six oclock at an old claim. At the beginning, he didnt pay much attention to the freezing weather. With time passing, the man re。
14、A Brief Introduce of the BookA Christmas Carol is a novel written by Charles Dickens in 1843.We can see from the name that its talking about Christmas,and in 18th century,Christmas wasnt so popular as now.But after the publish of this book,Western people know more about the festival,some of its plots even become the traditional customs in Christmas,such as family getting together and exchanging gifts.So,Dickens himself is called the one who invented Christmas”.From the starting,Scrooge is des。
16、08110 Sun JieThe Funeral of Love “A Rose for Emily“, written by William Faulkner, is a short story about the life and death of Miss Emily Grierson. William Faulkner once said, “A Rose for Emily was an allegorical title; the meaning was, here was a woman who had had a tragedy, an irrevocable tragedy and nothing could be done about it, and I pitied her and this was a salute . . . to a woman you would hand a rose.” After I read the short but attractive story, the love tragedy impressed me very 。
17、The Portrait of a LadyLike all great works of literature, The Portrait of a Lady demands careful reading in order to get the full taste of its delights. However, unlike other works, its not a novel of exciting action, nor does it have thrilling adventure. Many times, I just wanted to scan it and then knew the result, but its not a work that can be hastily read and appreciated, but a work rich in detail, meaning, significance and creation . After finishing the book, I sat there for minutes, I w。
18、What Should We Do?Thinking After Reading A Hanging by George OwellThis essay can be roughly separated into three parts, the first part is from paragraph 1 to 5, talking about before the warders and the prisoner went to the gallows, then from 6th paragraph to 14th, coming the dog and it went through the whole process of death penalty, the last is from paragraph 15 to the end, focus on the feelings and doings of those warders and onlookers. After reading this essay I think a lot about the curren。
19、读后感,什么叫读后感?,读后感就是读了一本书,一篇文章,一段话,或几句名言后,把具体感受和得到的启示写成的文章,读后感也可以叫做读书笔记,是一种常用的应用文体,也是应用写作研究的文体之一,你读过哪些书?,如何写读后感?,1精读原文,抓住重点 (读熟,读懂),例:滥竽充数,齐宣王让人吹竽,一定要三百人一起吹。南郭处士请求给齐宣王吹竽,宣王很高兴。官府给他的待遇和那几百人一样。齐宣王死后,他的儿子齐湣王继位。齐湣王也喜欢听吹竽,但他喜欢让他们一个一个地吹听独奏,南郭处士只好灰溜溜地逃走了。,2 确定感点,选择材。