1、陕西建工安装集团有限公司 SCEGC Installation Group Co., Ltd1陕西有色天宏瑞科硅材料有限责任公司Shaanxi Nonferrous Tianhong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd 电子及光伏新材料产业化项目 Silane 硅烷区机电安装工程M part of the equipment is small, can the overall arrival. For larger, in does not affect the hoisting of the premise, as far as possible to comple
2、te the work protection installation, anti-corrosion, insulation and subsidiary pipeline installation. Part of the equipment size is not big, can the overall arrival. The volume is large, without affecting the lifting the premise, as far as possible to complete the labor protection, anti-corrosion, i
3、nsulation and subsidiary pipeline installation.有些大型超限(超高、超重)设备需单独编制专项施工方案。Some large scale (super high, overweight) equipment requires preparing special construction program.3.1 设备安装前应具备的条件3.1. Conditions prior to the installation works3.1.1 设备验收必须具备下述技术文件:3.1.1. Related document and specification f
4、or equipment acceptance 3.1.1 Equipment acceptance must have the following technical documents:(1)设备出厂合格证、说明书;(1).Equipment factory certificate, specification;(2)质量证明书;(2).Certificate of quality;陕西建工安装集团有限公司 SCEGC Installation Group Co., Ltd6(3)需要热处理的设备,要检查设备内外垫板、固定件的位置、数量、规格是否符合设计文件的规定。(3).The need
5、 for heat treatment equipment, to check the equipment inside and outside the plate, fixed position, quantity, specifications are in line with the provisions of the design documents.3.1.2 设备按以下内容进行检查:3.1.2. Equipment Inspection methods(1)箱号、箱数及包装情况;(2)设备名称、规格、型号、特性;(3)设备的外形尺寸和管口方位应符合设计文件要求;(3).Equipm
6、ent size and nozzle orientation should meet the requirements of design documents;(4)设备表面不得有变形和超过规范允许的划痕、锈蚀;(4) .The surface of the equipment shall not be deformed and exceed the allowable marks, corrosion;(5)设备内件及附件的规格、尺寸、数量应符合图纸要求;(5) Specifications, dimensions and quantities of equipment and acces
7、sories shall conform to the requirements of the drawing;(6)设备存放时,应合理支垫、敞口部位应加盖临时盲板。(6). when the equipment is stored, should be reasonable support pad, open mouth parts should be stamped with a temporary blind plate.3.1.3 基础验收3.1.3. Foundation acceptance (1)设备安装前必须办理基础移交手续,土建专业应向安装专业提交基础交接证书及测量记录,并应
8、在基础上明显地画出标高基准线及基础纵横中心线,在相应建、构筑物上应标有坐标轴线。交付安装的设备基础其强度必须达到设计要求,周围土方应回填、夯实、整平,地脚螺栓的螺纹部分应无损坏及锈蚀。(1) before installing the equipment, you must apply the basis of transfer procedures, the civil engineering should be submitted to professional installation based handover certificate and measurement record,
9、and should be based on clearly draw elevation datum line and 陕西建工安装集团有限公司 SCEGC Installation Group Co., Ltd7vertical and horizontal center line, in the corresponding construction, building material shall be marked with the coordinate axis.(2)对基础进行外观检查,不得有裂纹、蜂窝、空洞、露筋缺陷。按土建施工图检查重要设备的基础沉降观测点,应符合设计要求。(2
10、).Visual inspection should be no cracks, honeycomb, voids, and reinforced defects. According to the construction plan of the important equipment to check the foundation settlement observation points, should meet the design requirements.(3)按土建交接记录及设备制造图和设备布置图对基础的尺寸及位置进行复测检查。允许偏差应符合下表要求。(3).On the bas
11、is of the inspection, the civil engineering transfer records and equipment manufacturing drawings and equipment layout drawings, the base size and position shall be re tested.(4)对查出的问题,应以书面形式报告给业主单位主管工程师,由其研究确定处理意见,施工单位不得擅自处理。(4).To identify the problem, should be reported in writing to the owner of
12、 the unit in charge of the engineer, to determine the treatment of their views, the construction unit shall not be handled without authorization.基础尺寸及位置的允许偏差Allowable deviation for base dimension location项次SN偏差名称Deviation items允许偏差值Deviation allowable(mm)1 基础坐标位置(纵、横轴线)Base coordinate location ( L a
13、nd A direction ) 202 基础各不同平面的标高Elevation of different level +0 -203基础上平面外形尺寸 Based on the plane shape size凸台上平面外形尺寸 Plane dimension of convex table凹穴尺寸 / recess dimension30-20+204 基础上平面的水平度(包括地平上需安装设备的部分)Based on the level of the plane (including the part of the device to be installed on the ground)
14、每米/M 5陕西建工安装集团有限公司 SCEGC Installation Group Co., Ltd8全长/ total length 10每米/ per meter 55 坚向偏差:Vertical deviation 全高/ total height 10标高(顶端)EL ( top)+20 06预埋地脚螺栓Anchor bolts embedded 中心距(在根部和顶部两处测量)center distance ( survey from bottom and top )2中心位置Center 10深度Depth +20 07 预留地脚螺栓孔:Reserved holes for an
15、chor bolts孔壁的铅垂度(全长)Verticality of holes (total length)+10标高Elevation +20 -0中心位置Center position 55水平度(带槽的锚板)Leveling ( anchor plate )58带锚板的预埋活动地脚螺栓With anchor plate pre buried bolt activities水平度(带螺纹孔的锚板)Leveling ( anchor plate with screw holes)23.2 施工要点3.2. Construction focus3.2.1 设备进入现场的顺序应按吊装顺序进行。
16、3.2.1.Equipment into the field of the order should be carried out in accordance with the lifting sequence.3.2.2 设备安装前,应首先确定其标高、方位,然后根据基础验收情况按照规范要求准备垫铁,并在设备就位前把垫铁摆放好且找水平。3.2.2.Equipment, to be installed before, should first determine the elevation, azimuth, 陕西建工安装集团有限公司 SCEGC Installation Group Co.,
17、Ltd9and then according to the basic acceptance of the situation in accordance with the requirements of the specification to prepare the pad iron, and the equipment in place to put the pad iron placed well and look for the level.3.2.3 立式设备就位后找正采用经纬仪进行测量,其垂直度误差必须控制在有关标准规范的要求之内;卧式设备就位后找正采用水平玻璃管进行测量,其水平
18、度必须控制在有关标准规范的要求之内。3.2.3.Vertical positioning equipment for the use of theodolite measuring, the verticality error must be controlled within the requirements of relevant standards; horizontal equipment in place to find is the level of glass tubes were measured and the level of degree must be controll
19、ed within the requirements of relevant standards.3.2.4 需要吊耳进行吊装的设备其吊耳应在设备制造厂焊完,吊耳的规格、吊耳的位置及方位应符合吊装要求。经过热处理的设备,施工过程中应特别注意保护,严禁电焊二次打火。3.2.4.Lifting lugs shall be in equipment manufacturing factory by welding if need to. Lug specifications, hanging ear position and orientation should meet the lifting r
20、equirement. After heat treatment equipment, in the construction process should pay special attention to the protection of, it is strictly prohibited to welding the two ignition.3.2.5 设备在中交前其内部均应清扫清洁,并作好封孔隐蔽记录。3.2.5.Equipment should be cleaned and clean, and make the sealing holes hidden records befo
21、re intermediate inspection. 3.3 静设备施工要点3.3. Static Equipment Construction procedures 3.3.1 静止设备安装程序3.3.1. Static equipment Installation Procedures (1)、安装前的准备: 、 设备安装前按设计图纸或技术文件要求,画定安装基准线及定位基准标记,找出设备垂直或水平找正基准点。对相互间有关连或衔接的设备,还应按关连或衔接的要求确定共同的基准。、检查设备的底座螺栓孔相对位置尺寸与实际预埋地脚螺栓位置偏差是否满足安装要求,如有问题要会同有关部门提出处理意见。陕
22、西建工安装集团有限公司 SCEGC Installation Group Co., Ltd10、设备安装前应对管口方位进行检查,并做好安装标记(1)换热器冷却器类设备施工程序:(1). Heat exchanger, cooling equipment installation procedures 设备到货验收 抽芯检查 清洗、干燥 换密封垫 管、壳程试压 基础处理、划线 确定管口方位 吊具准备吊装前检查 吊装 设备就位 找正。找平 地脚螺栓二次抹面 系统试压 防腐隔热 中间交接The equipment site inspection-to check the core - clean a
23、nd drying- changing the sealing pad-Tube shell pressure test -based processing line- to define the nozzle position- ready to sling -Inspection before hoisting- hoisting- equipment alignment and leveling-Anchor bolt second precautions -Pressure test-intermediate handover.(2)容器类设备施工程序(2). Vessels inst
24、allation procedures设备到货验收 基础处理、划线 确定管口方位 吊具准备 吊装前检查 吊装 设备就位 找正,找平 基础沉降观测 地脚螺栓二次抹面 中间交接Equipment site inspection and acceptance-foundation preparation and surveyallocate pipe end position-inspection prior to hoist- hoist-alignment and leveling-settlement monitor-anchor bolts precaution-intermediate h
25、andover.3.3.2 安装方法及技术要求3.3.2. Installation process and technology 设备找正后的安装偏差Deviation after alignment允许偏差( mm)Allowable deviation检查项目Check Point 立式 Stand 卧式 SeatD2000 5中心线位置Center line D2000 105标高 EL 5 5陕西建工安装集团有限公司 SCEGC Installation Group Co., Ltd11轴向 L/1000水平度Horizontal degree径向 D/1000垂直度Vertical
26、ityH/1000 且30 方位Position 沿底座环圆周测量Survey along the base circleD2000 ,10mmD2000 ,15mm注:D设备外径, L卧式设备两支座间距 H立式设备两端部测点间距Note: D - equipment outside diameter, L - horizontal equipment two bearing spacing H - vertical equipment at both ends of the measuring point spacing(1)设备找正的基准如下(1) Equipment alignment
27、positive basis is as follows设备裙座底面标高的调整以基础上的标高基准线为准;设备的位置及方位以基础上的中心划线为准;Adjustment of the height of the bottom surface of the equipment apron shall be based on the elevation datum line; the position and orientation of the equipment shall be based on the center of the line;设备的垂直度以设备上的 0、90 、180、270母线
28、为准;The equipment to equipment on the verticality of 0 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, 270 degrees for bus;设备找正长度以设备上下封头切线部位之间距离为准;Equipment to find the right length to the device on the lower end of the head and the distance between the tangent;找正应从同一平面内互成直角的两个方向进行;采用一平两斜或两平两斜垫铁组进行,垫铁组高度 3060mm。Al
29、ignmentshould be adjusted at the same plane in two directions; the use of a flat two or two flat two oblique cushion iron group, the pad group height 30 60mm.各种设备安装允许偏差应符合下表要求。陕西建工安装集团有限公司 SCEGC Installation Group Co., Ltd12设备安装允许偏差允 许 偏 差(mm)一 般 设 备 与机械设备连接的设备检查项目立式 卧式 立式 卧式中心线位置D20005D200010 5 3 5
30、标高 5 5 相对标高3 相对标高3水平度 轴向 L/1000径向 2D/1000轴向 0.6L/1000径向 D/1000铅垂度 H/1000 但不超过 30mm h/1000 方位沿底座环圆周测量D2000 10D2000 15沿底座环圆周测量 5注:D:设备外径;L:卧式设备两支座间距离;h:立式设备两端测点间距离。带有搅拌的设备安装时。吊装时应注意保护搅拌轴表面,以免划伤。使用密封胶时,应将结合面上的油污、水分、铁锈及其他污物清除干净;压装填料密封件时,应将填料圈的切口切成度的剖口,相邻两圈的接口,应错开并大于 90 度。填料圈不宜压的过紧,压盖的压力应沿圆周均匀分布。减速机安装:减速
31、机吊装时应注意保持重心,避免磕碰,有外冷油泵管路时以拆下吊装为宜,因条件限制需将部件拆分组装的,组装后应注意保持原联接精度。换热设备找平、找正时;设备支架 (支座) 的底面标高, 应以基础的标高基准线为基准;设备的中心线位置及管口方位。应以基础平面座标及中心线为基准 。立式设备的垂直度,应以设备表面上 0.90 “ 或 180、270” 的母线为基准,卧式设备的水平度, 应以设备两侧的中心线为基准。换热设备安装允许偏差允许偏差(mm)检查项目立式 卧式陕西建工安装集团有限公司 SCEGC Installation Group Co., Ltd13标高 5 5中心线位置 5 5垂直度 H/100
32、0 水平度 轴向 L/1000;径向 2D0/1000L 为卧式设备壳体两端测点间距离;H 立式设备壳体两端测点间距离;D0 为测点设备的外径。换热器抽芯检查时,抽芯机械应有足够的抽力和推力,能自动对中,且重心稳定,运转灵活,安全可靠。抽芯时,应将拆卸下来的零部件做好标记,妥善保管。塔类设备内件安装前应清除表面油污、焊渣、铁锈、泥沙、毛刺等杂物。安装质量和要求必须符合设备技术文件的要求。塔盘的安装质量项次 检查项目(mm)允许偏差值(mm)每层最少测量点数量检验方法塔盘板1受液盘300 范围内的平面度 2 任意D11600mm 4 101600mmD14000mm 6 104000mmD160
33、00mm 9 106000mmD18000mm 12 108000mmD110000mm 15 62 塔盘上表面水平度D110000mm 17 10D13000mm 1.5 6堰高D130000mm 3 6水准仪、钢尺、拉线检查D11500mm 3 41500mmD2500mm 4.5 63 溢流堰上表面水平度D12500mm 6 84 浮动喷 梯形孔底面的水平度 2D1/1000 4陕西建工安装集团有限公司 SCEGC Installation Group Co., Ltd14射塔盘 托板、浮动板平面度 1 4与升气管同心度 3 105 圆形条形泡罩 齿根到塔盘上表面距离 1.5 1注 1:
34、塔盘板包括筛板塔盘、浮阀塔盘、泡罩塔盘、蛇形塔盘等。2:D1 为塔内直径(2)设备找正合格、垫铁点焊牢固后,灌浆隐蔽,灌浆采用比基础混凝土标号高一级的细石混凝土,灌浆处应洗净并润透,吹净积水;每台设备的灌浆层应一次灌完,并振捣密实;设备外缘的灌浆层抹面应平整美观,并略有向外的坡度,高度应略低于设备底座环上表面。(2).Once the equipment is adjusted to its proper position, solid iron pad welding,grouting to fix andconcealed.Foundation filling concrete ratio
35、 should be higherthan the foundation concrete.Grouting should wash and run thoroughly, blowing the net water; every equipment grouting layer should fill is finished, and the vibration compacting; grouting device on the outer edge of the plastering layer should be smooth and beautiful, and slightly o
36、utward slope, height should be slightly lower than that of the equipment base on the ring surface.(3)所有设备支座地脚螺栓应采用双螺母锁定,其中卧式设备一端的第一个螺母不拧紧,与支座间的间隙为 13mm,用第二个螺母锁紧。(3).All support anchor bolts should be double screw locking, which do not tighten the horizontal equipment the first nut, and the clearance
37、 between bearing for 1 3mm, with the second nut locking.设备找平后,地脚螺栓紧固后,应在地脚螺栓露出的丝扣上涂抹二硫化钼。防止地脚螺栓生锈。3.3.3 设备安装质量控制3.3.3.Equipment installation quality control对关键、重要设备的安装应成立质量保证体系,按照质量现任管理标准行使质量管理权,使设备安装各阶段的质量得到控制和保证。坚决做到上道工序不合格不得进入下道工序施工。坚持质量大检查。对查出的质量问题,限期整改。The key and important equipment installati
38、on should be the establishment of quality assurance system, exercise of the right to the quality of the management in accordance with 陕西建工安装集团有限公司 SCEGC Installation Group Co., Ltd15the quality of the current management standard, the equipment installed at various stages of quality control and assur
39、ance. Determined the procedure unqualified shall not enter the next procedure construction. Adhere to quality inspection. The quality problems found rectification.3.3.4 大型塔器设备安装3.3.4.Large scale tower equipment installation(1)卸车(1). Unloading 找到合适的场地,用满足要求的吊车卸车。场地要求车辆出入方便;方便对设备表面检查,尺寸测量,设备必要的清理。便于二次
40、搬运,进行安装。Find suitable venues to meet the requirements of the crane truck. Venues should be easy accessible, convenient to check the equipment surface, size measurement, equipment necessary cleanup. It should be easy for second time transfer and installation.(2)塔器分段到货、分段吊装(2). Arrival of the tower se
41、ction and the sectional hoist and installation 对于分段到货的塔类设备, 在施工现场应许的情况下,可以按设备组装顺序,根据实际情况,把设备各个分段放到平台各层,检查清理完成后,然后再进行组对吊装,安装各个部件。最后完成设备安装。For piecewise arrival of tower equipment,under the promise of the construction site, according to the equipment assembly sequence, according to the actual situatio
42、n, the equipment for each of the segments onto the platform layers, check after cleanup is complete, and then group the hoisting and installation components.(3)塔器分段到货、整体吊装(3). Tower equipment approachingseparatelywhile installed as a whole. 对于分段到货,需要现场组装,然后整体吊装的塔类设备。可以在设备到货卸车后,对设备进行检查验收。然后分段组装,在整体组装
43、完成后,把设备的梯子、平台等附件进行安装。最后进行整体吊装就位。(3). For piecewise arrival, require on-site assembly and integral hoisting of tower equipment. After unloading the delivery of equipment and the equipment for inspection and acceptance, and sub assembly, after the completion of the whole assembly, the equipment of the
44、 ladder, platform and other accessories installed. Finally, the whole crane installed in place.陕西建工安装集团有限公司 SCEGC Installation Group Co., Ltd163.4 动设备施工要点3.4. Key points of construction of motivate equipment3.4.1 动设备安装程序3.4.1. Installation Procedures The equipment site inspection-base inspection and
45、 acceptanceiron pad adjustequipment positioning and alignment- grouting of anchor bolts- second alignment- equipment second alignment and survey-second grouting -piping pressure test clean-Shaft coupling disassembly motor test run-Coupling reset motor and pump pairUnit testing.3.4.2 泵安装方法及技术要求3.4.2.
46、 Installation method and technical requirement of pump(1)施工准备(1) Construction preparation熟悉图纸,编写施工技术措施,对施工人员进行技术交底。做好施工机具、量具、手段用料及消耗材料的准备工作。To be Familiar with the drawings, preparation of construction technical measures, the construction personnel technical clarification. Do a good job in the const
47、ruction machines and tools, measuring tools, tools and materials and material consumption of the preparatory work.(2)设备到货验收基础处理垫铁放置设备就位及初找正、找平预留地脚螺栓孔灌浆设备二次找正、找平联轴器复位电机与泵对中联轴器拆卸电机试运转配管及试压吹扫设备二次灌浆单体试车检查、清点随机文件基础质量检查、验收机组各部分间隙测量,精找正陕西建工安装集团有限公司 SCEGC Installation Group Co., Ltd17(2).Site acceptance of
48、equipment泵到货后,由物资供应部门组织业主、承包方、监理及其他有关人员共同进行开箱检验。泵的开箱检查应检查以下内容:After the arrival of the pump, the material supply department calls for owners, the contractor, supervision and other relevant personnel together to open package for inspection. Pump check out of the box should check for the following:a、泵
49、的出厂合格证明书a. Manufacturers certificate for pumpsb、制造厂提供的有关重要零件和部件的制造、装配等质量检验证书及泵的试运转记录;b. Manufacturing, assembly and other quality inspection certificates and pump test run records of important parts and components;c、按设备技术文件的规定清点泵的零件、部件和备件,检查有无缺件、损坏和锈蚀等现象,并检查管口保护和堵盖是否完好;c. As specified in the technical documentation of the equipment inventory pump parts, components and spare parts,