1、 cI|:1004- 6011(2001) 03- 00012- 04 T # *赵静野1 孙厚钧1 高 军2 (11y“, 100044) (21r !“, 100044)K 1:本文通过介绍引射器的基本工作原理及其特性,归纳了人们对于引射器建立模型的分析方法,指出虽然对引射流场已有较精细的分析,但由于流动的复杂,目前仍是以一元均匀流为主b本文从三个方面介绍了工程中人们感兴趣的几个重要理论研究a工程应用及现状b1oM:射流技术;引射器;混合激波ms |:TP6,O358 DS M :A1 #+ T, P “ 8M,i? ? 8Q !b 1T Ia sia i# iqF(m1)b -, 8ST
2、 8, V I , s i, T, 87? 3 ,$ #b 6,9 y q7b1)T I;2) s i;3) i;4) im1 T em2 s #Z 8, M, AM, 8aA8%8,yN, “ - BdBs ZE,7 O B, : a a , , MTy16 4 JOURNAL OF BEIJING INSTITUTE OF Vol.16 No.42000 M12CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARC Dec. 2000* l :2001- 03- 07 “: 5 g1 S “(069800602)Te:u7(1961 M- ), 3, p V, 8 i qb s bB Vs /
3、 :(1)T “ M b(2)T )“ , V“ 9M b(3)“ ? 3M b ,T 8, -)M,MBM ,V B8M ? 3Mb , 8 , B V / p b1) ? o p, -T 8 ? 8 ?Y 9bip + uiH = (1+ u) ic (1)Tip ) ) -T 8biH ) - 8bic ) 8bu= MH/Mp “ , 8 T 8 1b2) o pMC = Mp + MH (2)TMP ) )T 8 bMH ) ) 8 bMC ) 8 b3) ,L ! ( , * i i VMPWp1+ MHWH1 - ( Mp + MH) W3= p3f 3- (pp1f p1+ p
4、H1fH1) -f1f3pdf (3)Wp1 ) ) i g T 8 bWH1 ) i g 8 bW3 ) i g 8 bpp1) ) i g T 8 ,yNB r q b 1 p “ v H,r q|v/,s+,7 O 9 9vv LTb 4 r q, v “ H, 1B1 5b) Z T BzZE,B) 5F ) , P -B) TB)TQ (m3)b H 1r “ c 6, ) 8 l91Hq/, Pr qV Y 3 5%415) 20%, ?M2/3 b ) !99 ,A =)B)+Y,yNA| Q V “B 9 b Ia ga5 a 5g 1Yb, LsKD Fb) B )R,y L
5、?C9F) H 3 , m)bm3 ) Tr “ emN,9 V I , a ZE 4 r qb I V PT$ 8 5 =z,E Q_ ,h 5 E , 5 g s,V7h b Y T T, 5 =A w$ 8b I M 9v , PT 8zb?Z ZE , m “Sb“ % 1 p, V T vM1b , B6eLZE, “d? v,1 p 2) 3) i;4)$ gm4 V T T m 7,9F B A 99F E , eT 8 I=b F !9 d1, m4 !97 V T B1, T 8Z_B V P E l, P z8+,V7 a pb8 , # / B dW -o Ssb e V
6、 L! 1, V |v86rmb 7? # / 1 t S ,4 r q | B1 5b ID:1 S 1 M1 S, 1977 M2 d1 ,/ #M1 ,19893 R.K. Weighardt. Kompressibitatseffekte inWasser mit Freiem Luftge-haltC. Schiffstechnik 14 Band, 19674 Hinze J. O. . MixingShock Liquid- Gas PumpC. Euromech Collo-quium No. 7, Grenoble, 19685 *, 1 81 e 89t 0 C1S / Z
7、1Z, 19996 H 1 ) Tr “ J1 ,1980, (4)7 Fx1 V T ,J1 u ,2000, (2)Basic Principles and Applications of EjectorZhao Jingye1 Sun Houjun1 Gao Jun2 (11Dept. ofUrban Construction Engineering, Beijing 100044) (21Dept. of Civil Engineering, Beijing 100044)Abstract:The basic principles and characters of ejection
8、are presented in this paper. Analytical method for establishingphysical- mathematicalmodel has been deduced. Owing tothe complexityof flow, computation of the flow parameters ismainly based on the theory of one- dimensional uniform flow, not withstanding the research results already got. Newtrends in theoretical investigation and advances of technical applications are quoted.Key words: fluidics; ejector; mixing shock#15#3 u7 *: T #