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1、 使 用 说 明 书 OPERATIONAL MANUAL 版本:A Edition:A 速关组合件 Trip block SSB-5-A-220VDC-0-T 5-7310-5703-77 嘉兴爱克斯机械技术有限公司 JIAXING EXPERT MACHINE TECHNIQUE CO., LTD 速关组合件 目录 1/18 1. 基本介绍 1.1 说明书的使用 1.2 开箱检查 1.3型号说明 1.4技术参数 1.5结构功能 2. 安装规范 2.1速关组合件的就位 2.2管道的安装 2.3结构图和外形图 3. 操作规范 3.1打开速关阀和自动挂闸 3.2速关阀在线试验 3.3遥控停机 3

2、.4就地停机 3.5危急保安器在线试验 3.6原理图 4.维护指南 速关组合件 基本介绍 2/18 1基本介绍 1.1说明书的使用 在安装和使用本产品前请仔细阅读此安装运行说明书, 以免给您造成不必要的损失。 1.2 开箱检查 用户在开箱后,首先应检查文件资料、产品标牌、合格证上所列型号、规格及技术 参数是否与订货合同一致,名称、数量与实物是否相符。 检查外观表面有无磕碰、划痕,所配零部件有无损伤。 1.3 型号说明 SSB-5- A - 220VDC-0-T 速关组合件代号 M:就地启动 A:远程启动 表示电磁阀电源 220VDC 表示电磁阀不带电运行 T:带危急保安器在线试验 1.4技术参

3、数 介 质:矿物油 介质精度:30m 介质压力:0.51.2MPa 介质温度: -1070 电磁阀电源: 220VDC 本体外形尺寸:250250360 1.5 结构功能 速关组合件主要由集块本体,停机电磁阀 2222、2223,电磁阀1839,液动阀1830,就 地停机阀 2250,速关阀试验手动阀 2309,危急保安器在线试验阀 2070、2080,梭阀 2025, 组合阀 2023、2033,DG40、DG25 两通插装阀,在线测压接头 P11-P16,支架等组成(详 见结构图及原理图)。其主要用于打开和关闭汽轮机的主汽阀、就地启动、冗余遥控停机、 手动停机,速关阀在线试验、危急保安器在

4、线试验、压力表在线测压、自动挂闸等。具有 结构紧凑、操作便捷、安全可靠等特点。速关组合件 安装规范 3/18 2.安装规范 2.1速关组合件的就位 本速关组合件应水平放置平台上,四周应留有一定的空间,以方便操作和维修。 速关组合件固定应牢固,在汽轮机工作时不能出现明显的抖动和摇晃。 2.2管道的安装 油路系统的清洁度是保证速关组合件是否能正常运行的关键,所以在与速关组合件 接管前,应确认所有管件均已清洗合格。 本速关组合件在出厂时内部已作油循环清洁处理, 不建议用户在现场接入本速关组 合件进行系统油循环。 速关组合件底部的回油口应高于回油总管。 各管接头应在调试前充分拧紧,不得有任何滴漏和渗漏

5、现象出现。 2.3结构图和外形图速关组合件 结构图 4/18 速关组合件 外形图 5/18 速关组合件 操作规范 6/18 3.操作规范 3.1 打开速关阀和自动挂闸 检查电磁阀 1839 是否在原理图图示初始状态(即 处于不带电状态 )和手动阀 2080 是否也在图示初始状态 (即将上下手柄均退至底) 。 原理图所示停机电磁阀 2222、 2223、 状态为不带电状态. 首先使电磁阀 2222、2223 失电,然后将电磁阀1839带电,则换向阀 1839的 P 口与 B 口导通,建立启动油 F。同时,在油压作用下液动换向阀 1830 的P 口和B口导通,建立开 关油 M(使危急保安装置自动挂

6、闸)。另一路油,在梭阀 2025 作用下,压力油 P 口通过组合阀 2023 与 G 口导通,G 口油经过危急保安装置到 E1 口,压力油从 E1 口再过组合阀 2011 与 E2 口导通,建立速关油 E2。当速关油 E2 达到 6.5bar 以上时,使电磁阀1839失电,则启动油 与回油 T 口接通。因为换向阀 1839 回油口装有节流孔板,启动油回油缓慢,逐渐打开速关 阀。 注意: .启动之前应确认 DG40插装阀上腔有压力油(见就地压力表 P12、P13)。 .速关阀开启后,启动油 F 应为零。 3.2 速关阀在线试验 当速关阀打开后,操作手动阀 2309 的手柄,使 H1 或 H2 与

7、压力油 P 导通,对速关 阀进行在线试验。停止试验,只需释放手柄即可。因为有节流孔板,速关阀部分位移和复位 动作缓慢,不会出现速关阀关闭现象。 因为手动阀 2309 是三位四通结构,因此可以分别对两个速关阀进行在线试验,作 另一个速关阀试验时,只需将手动阀 2309 的操作手柄往相反动作即可。 3.3 遥控停机 当需要遥控关闭速关阀时,只要使电磁阀 2222、 2223 同时带电,使插装阀DG40 上腔 失压, 这时弹簧力的作用, 插装阀 DG40 开启,速关油 E2 与回油导通, 速关油迅速泄掉,使 速关阀关闭。 3.4 就地停机 当需要就地关闭速关阀时,打开手动阀 2250 上的保险挡块,

8、向前按动手柄,手动 阀2250的A口与回油T口导通, 使插装阀DG40上腔失压, 这时弹簧力的作用, 插装阀DG40 开启,速关油 E2 与回油导通, 速关油迅速泄掉,使速关阀关闭。手动停机阀 2250 动作原理 与停机电磁阀基本相同。速关组合件 操作规范 7/18 3.5 危急保安器在线试验 操作手动阀 2070,使 P 口与 B 口导通,在该压力油作用下,压力油 P 经过组合阀 2023,2033 与速关油 E2 导通,同时, 插装阀 2011 关闭,E1 与 E2 油路被切断。然后, 另一手 旋转手动阀 2080 的下手柄(注:此时不能释放手动阀 2070 的操作手柄),使 P 口与 B

9、 口导 通,建立试验油 H,进行危急遮断器在线试验。 试验完毕后, 将手动阀 2080 下手柄旋回至初始状态。 然后再操作手动阀 2080 另一端 上手柄(注:此时仍不能释放手动阀 2070 的操作手柄), 使 P 口 A 口导通,通过换向阀 1830重新建立开关油M,使危急保安装置重新挂闸,G口与E1口导通,最后,依次操作手动阀 2070,2080 回复到原始状态,试验结束。 3.6 原理图 速关组合件 原理图 8/18 速关组合件 维护指南 9/18 4.维护指南 4.1 在汽轮机正常运行时,必须将手动停机阀 2250 的保险装置放到位。以免出现不必 要的停机事故。 4.2 必须在油质检验

10、合格的条件下,方能开车。 4.3 建议用户运行两、三年后,对速关组合件进行一次全面的清洗和更换密封件。 4.4 如果您需要我们进行帮助处理故障,请提供下列情况: 速关组合件的型号、物号(见铭牌) 汽轮机机组号 故障的情况 已经采取的措施和初步原因分析 4.5 下表列出了用户在调试过程中出现的常见故障。可以看出除了操作不当外,油质 的不干净是造成故障的主要原因。所以在管道清洗和安装中应引起高度重视 故障内容 可能的原因 处理办法 无法建立 启动油 电磁阀1839或电磁阀2222、 2223 初始状态不正确 检查是否严格按说明书中3.1打开速关阀的步骤和程序 进行操作 无法建立 速关油或 速关油低

11、 1.紧急停机电磁阀 2222、 2223 带电状态不正确。 2.油质脏,紧急停机电磁阀 2222、2223卡死 3.插装阀DG40 卡死 1.确认紧急停机电磁阀 2222、2223 带电 2.检查危急遮断器有无挂闸。 3.检查是否严格按说明书中3.1打开速关阀的步骤和程 序进行操作 4. 检查两个DG40 插装阀阀芯滑动是否顺畅。 5.拆洗或更新电磁阀 2222、2223 Tr ip b lo ck C ata lo g 10/18 1. Basic introduction 1.1 Specifications use 1.2 Box check-up 1.3 Type descripti

12、on 1.4 Technical parameter 1.5 Structure function 2. Install criterion 2.1 Trip blocks place 2.2 Pipelines install 2.3 Structure diagram and outline diagram 3. Operate regulations 3.1 Open trip valve and automatic pothook 3.2 Trip valve test online 3.3 Remote control emergency trip 3.4 Local emergen

13、cy trip 3.5 Endanger protector test online 3.6 Principle diagram 4. Maintenance manual Tr ip b lo ck Ba sic i ntr o du cti o n 11/18 1Basic introduction 1.1 Specifications use Before use and install this product,please carefully read the specification,otherwise it will lead unnecessary losing. 1.2 B

14、ox check-up After open the packing box,first please check out document、 product scutcheon、 type、 spec、technical parameters whether are accord to product order or not,Name and quantity whether are accord to product or not. Inspect the appearance whether have knock or nick or not, all the parts wether

15、 have damnify or not. 1.3 Type description SSB-5- A - 220VDC-0-T Code of trip block M:local start A:long-distance start power supply of solenoid vavle:220VDC solenoid valves running with dis-electriferous T:with endanger protector test online 1.4 Technical parameter Medium:mineral oil Medium precisi

16、on:30 m Medium pressure:0.51.2MPa Medium temperature: -1070 Power supply of solenoid valve: 220VDC Outline of noumenon:250250360 1 .5 Structure function The trip block consists of conglomerate, trip solenoid valves 2222、2223, solenoid vavle 1839,oil control valve 1830,manual trip valve 2250,trial ma

17、nual valve 2309,endanger protector test online valves 2070、2080, shuttle valve 2025,combined valves 2023、 2033,two-way cartridge valves DG40、DG25,test online pressure tie-in P11-P16,bracket and so on.(detail please see structure diagram and principle diagram).it is mainly used for open and close mai

18、n steam valve of steam turbine,local start, remote control trip,manual trip,quick-close valve test online,endanger protector test online, pressure meter test online,automatic pothook and so on.its character is structure compact,operation Tr ip b lo ck I nstal l cr iter i on 12/18 convenient,safe,rel

19、iable and so on 2. Install criterion 2.1 Trip blocks place Trip block should placed on a horizontal platform,all around should leave some space to operate and maintain. Trip blocks fastness should firm,should not appear obvious dithering and wobble during steam turbine working. 2.2 Pipelines install

20、 Cleanly extent of oil path system is a key which can assure trip blocks normally running,So before trip block connect pipe,make sure all pipe already clean cleanness. When leave factory,the trip block already treated with oil cycle,advise user do not locally connect trip block to carry out system o

21、il cycle. Return oil gob which at the trip blocks bottom should higher than general pipe of return oil. Before debugging,all pipe tie-in should fully screw down,should have no drip leak and leakage 2.3 Structure diagram and Outline diagram Tr ip b lo ck S tr u ctur e di agr am 13/18 Tr ip b lo ck O

22、utl ine d iagr am 14/18 Tr ip b lo ck O per ate r e gu lat io n s 16/18 3. Operate regulations 3.1 Open trip valve and automatic pothook Check solenoid valve 1839s state is as principle diagram express at original position(at dis-electriferous state), and manual valve 2080s state is as principle dia

23、gram express at original position(namely up and down handle all move back to end),trip solenoid valves 2222、2223 s state are as principle diagram express without electriferous. First make solenoid vales 2222、 2223 at dis-electriferous state.then make solenoid vales 1839 at electriferous then the gob

24、 P of 1839 communicate with gob B, start oil F is created,at the same time,in the infection of oil pressure, the gob P of oil control valve 1830 communicate with gob B,on-off oil M is created(make emergency ensure device pothook automatically) .the other path oil, in the infection of thuttle valve 2

25、025,pressure oil gob P communicate with gob G by combined valve 2023, gob G oil pass through E1 by emergency ensure device,then communicate with gob E2 by combined valve 2011,trip oil E2 is created.When preaaure of trip oil E2 exceed to 6.5bar,make solenoid valve 1839 at dis-electriferous state , at

26、 this time start oil communicate with return oil T,For there is a throttle hole board at the return oil gob T of 1839,start oil return slowly,then open trip valve gradually. Note: Before open valve,make sure cartridge valve DG40s up antrum have pressure(see local pressure meter P12、P13) After trip v

27、alve open. start oil Fs pressure is zero. 3.2 Trip valve test online trip valve open later,turn the handle of manual valve 2309,make H1 or H2 communicate with pressure oil p,test trip vale online.Release handle can stop trial.because of throttle hole board,trip valves part of displacement and reposi

28、tion tardily, trip valve will not close. because manual valve 2309 is three position four-way type,so two trip valve can test online respectively,when test the other trip valve,only reverse turn operate handle of manual valve 2309. 3.3 Remote control emergency trip If need to long-distance control t

29、rip vavle,as long as make solenoid valves 2222、 2223 all at electriferous state at the same time,make upper antrum of cartridge valve DG40 lose pressure,At Tr ip b lo ck P r inci ple d iagr a m 20/21 this time two-way cartridge valve DG40 opened at the function of spring force,trip oil E2 communicat

30、e with return oil, trip oil release quickly,then trip valve closed. 3.4 local emergency trip If need to local close trip valve,open insurance device of manual trip valve 2250, forward push handle,the gob A of manual trip valve 2250 communicate with return oil T,it make upper antrum of cartridge valv

31、e DG40 lose pressure,at this time cartridge valve DG40 opened at the function of spring force,trip oil E2 communicate with return oil, trip oil release quickly and trip valve closed.Manual trip valve 2250s work principle is the same as trip solenoid valves. 3.5 Endanger protector test online Operate

32、 manual valve 2070,make gob P communicate with gob B, in the infection of oil pressure,pressure oil P of communicate with trip oil E2 by combined valve 2023、2033, cartridge valve 2011 closed,oil path of E2 to E1 is cut off.And then another hand rotate manual valve 2080s down-handle(note:at this time

33、 can not release manual valve 2070s handle), make gob P communicate with gob B,set up test oil H,then emergency break test online. After trial finished,rotate manual valve 2070s down-handle to original position, then rotate manual valve 2080s up-handle(note:at this time can not release manual valve

34、2070s handle yet), make gob P communicate with gob A, rebuild on-off oil M by diverting valve 1830.Make endanger protet device pothook renewedly,gob G communicate with gob E1.At last revert manual valve 2070、2080 to original position in turn,then trial is over. 3.6 Principle diagram Tr ip b lo ck P

35、r inci ple d iagr a m 17/18 Tr ip b lo ck M ai nte nan ce m anual 18/18 4. Maintenance manual 4.1 When steam turbine normally running,make sure put manual trip valve 2250s insurance agraffe at place,otherwise it may lead unnecessary trip accident. 4.2 Oiliness should eligible,then can drive. 4.3 Aft

36、er running two or three years,advice user all sided cleanout trip block and exchange airproof parts. 4.4 if need help to treat with malfunction,please supply element: Trip block type、material number(see nameplate) Turbine number of steam turbine Malfunction describe Take measures and primary cause a

37、nalyse 4.5 The sheet below list any frequently malfunction which user always fall across during debugging.Un-pureness oil is the main cause of malfunction except for operation improper.So should pay high attention to install and pipe clean. Malfunction Cause Treat measure Can not set up start oil Th

38、e orginal position of solenoid vavle 1839 or solenoid valves 2222、2223 are not right Check open trip valves operate process is fully according to specification 3.1 Can not set up trip oil or trip oil pressure too low 1.The electriferous or dis-electriferous state of emergency trip valves 2222、 2223

39、are not right 2. Oil unpureness,emergency trip valves 2222、2223 block down 3.Cartridge valve DG40 block down 1. Check emergency trip valves 2222、2223 are electriferous or not 2. Check emergency breaker is pothook or not. 3. Check open trip valvess operate process are fully according to specification 3.1 4. Check two cartridge valves DG40s valve plug are glide fluent or not. 5. Unpick and wash or replace new solenoid valves 2222、2223


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