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13、search on dihydromyricetin LI Cuinullp ing,CAO Shunullw en* , YU Yannullying ( Department of Chem istry,NanchangUniversity, Nanchang 330031, China), Huaxue Shinullj,i 2010, 32(7), 608 612Abstract: D ihydromyricetin, which is the main effectivechem ical constituent of Ampelopsis grossedentata, has aw iderange of biological activities, such as antinulltumor, antinulloxidanulltion, antinullbacterial properties. The study on biological activinullties and chem ical modification of dihydromyricetin was renullviewed.K ey words: dihydromyricetin; biological activities; chem icalmodification612