1、极致的动画PPT,苹果产品观,if,everyone,is,busy,making,everything,how,can,anyone,perfect,anything?,we start to confuse convenience,we start to confuse convenience,with joy,abundance,with,choice.,designing something requires,the first thing we ask is,what do we want people to feel?,what do we want people to,feel?
2、,feel?,版式2,delight,surprise,connection,love,then we begin to craft around our intention,then we begin to craft around our,intention,i,n,t,e,n,t,i,o,n,it takes time,.,.,.,there are a thousand nos,for every eyes,we simplify,we simplify,we perfect,we start over,we start over,until every thing we touch,
3、enhances each life,it touches.,only then,do we sign our work.,Designed by Apple in California,Carried the copy with PPT by Hi_wenping,enhances each life,enhances each life,it takes time,.,.,.,there are a thousand nos,it takes time,.,.,.,delight,surprise,connection,love,delight,surprise,connection,lo
4、ve,what do we want people to feel?,what do we want people to,feel?,feel?,版式2,connection,love,版式B,delight,connection,love,版式A,love,connection,love,connection,love,what do we want people to feel?,what do we want people to,feel?,feel?,版式1,PPT By Hi_wenping,we start to confuse convenience,we start to confuse convenience,designing something requires,designing something requires,what do we want people to feel?,what do we want people to,feel?,feel?,feel?,feel?,feel?,love,